Multiple Intelligences

We’ve been lied to about our
We’ve been told that our
intelligence is fixed and
static at birth
We’ve been
told that our
intelligence is
equal to our
We’ve been told that there’s
nothing we can do about the
intelligence we showed
up with-- we’re stuck with it
and must learn to
So… what is the
The truth is that your
intelligence grows, expands
and changes throughout
your entire life.
At any age, and at almost
any ability level, you can
learn to be smarter than you
think you are!
What is Multiple
Meta-intelligence: thinking about and
studying the different ways people learn
and relate to themselves and others.
Multiple Intelligences: nine ways of
relating to ideas, to ourselves, and to
others; sometimes called the nine ways of
being smart
Multiple Intelligence
What do you think of when you hear the
word smart?
According to Howard Gardner, the
creator of the Theory of Multiple
Intelligence, we are “smart” in many
different ways!
Why study Multiple Intelligence?
Help communicate with those around you
Help understand yourself better
Help choose classes to take in high school
Help choose degree to major in
Help choose a career
• Verbal/Liguistic
• Logical/Mathematical
• Visual/Spacial
• Interpersonal
• Intrapersonal
• Bodily/Kinesthetic
• Existential
• Naturalist
• Musical/Rhythmic
(word smart)
Students are word smart when they:
Learn through reading, writing, discussing
Communicate effectively
Have a good vocabulary
Write clearly
Spell easily
Think in words
Career: Writer, Comedian, Poet
Famous People include William
Shakespeare, John Steinbeck, Jane
Austin, Emily Dickinson.
(math smart)
Students are Logic/Math
Smart when they:
– Think in numbers, patterns and algorithms
– Think clearly and analytically
– Learn by appeal to logic
– Use abstract symbols
– Solve logic problems easily
– Are good in Math
Careers: Mathematician, computer programmer, tax
Famous people include Albert Einstein, Bertrand
Russell, Marie Currie, Isaac Newton.
(picture smart)
Students are art/space smart when
Think in pictures and images
Are good with spatial relations
Have a good eye for detail and color
“See” solutions to problems
Learn through visuals
Like to draw and create
Careers: Artist, Architect, Landscape
Famous people include Georgia
O’Keefe, Pablo Picasso, Claude Monet,
M.C. Escher
Bodily-Kinesthetic (body
Students are Body Smart
when they:
– Are highly coordinated
– Use gestures and body
– Take things apart and fix
– Learn through “hands on”
– Enjoy acting and role-playing
– Enjoy dancing and athletics
Career: Athlete, Dancer,
Crafter, Carpenter, Sculptor
Famous people include
Mary Lou Retton, Michael
Jordan, Babe Ruth, Monica
Musical (music
Students are Music Smart when they:
Have a good sense of rhythm and melody
Like to sing, hum, chant and rap
Enjoy listening to music
Read and write music
Learn through music and lyrics
Enjoy creating music
Career: Composer, DJ, Singer
Famous people include Ludwig van
Beethoven, Madonna, Louis
Armstrong, Wolfgang Amadeus
(people smart)
Students are people smart when they:
Make and maintain friends easily
Understand and respect others
Lead and organize others
Resolve conflicts
Learn by interacting with others
Like to work and be with others
Careers: Business person, politician,
family counselor, teacher
Famous people include Mother Theresa,
Winston Churchhill, Martin Luther King
Jr., John F. Kennedy.
(self smart)
Students are Self smart when they:
Need time to process information
Think about their own thinking
Have strong opinions and beliefs
Are introspective
Know themselves well
Like quiet time alone
Career: Therapist, Researcher
Famous people are St. Thomas
Aquinas, Sigmund Freud, Confucious,
Mohandas Gandhi.
(nature smart)
Students are nature smart when they:
Are aware of their natural surroundings
Discriminate different flora and fauna
Are good at sorting and classifying
Have keen observational skills
Understand natural phenomena
Garden or care for pets or animals
Careers: Zoologist, Ecologist
Famous people include Charles Darwin,
Carl Sagan, Jane Goodall, Jacques
Cousteau, Henry David Thoreau.
Students are Existential Smart when they:
– Pose questions about life, death and ultimate realities
Questions may be…
– What was the world like before I was born?
– What life might be like on another planet
– Where do pets go after they have passed on?
– Where animals understand each other
– Is there really another Dimension?
– Is there the existence of ghosts and spirits?
Careers: Philosopher, Professor
Famous People include Aristotle, Confucius, Einstein,
Emerson, Plato, Socrates.
Key Points in Multiple
Intelligences Theory
Everyone has all 9 intelligences
Most can develop all 9 to competence
Intelligences usually work together
There are many ways to be intelligent
in each category.
Pair and share
Review/Discussion Questions
Which intelligence(s) did you score highest
in? Do you agree with the result?
Which intelligence(s) did you score lowest
in? Do you agree with the result?
Which classes might you excel in if you
used your top intelligence?
What type of career could you go into?
The End.
What does the brain do?
– Controls the body
– Makes your body work
– Learns, processes and stores ideas
What are 3 main functions of the brain?
– Understanding
– Regulate body functions
– Make decisions
What kinds of things will help your
brain stay healthy?
Eat right
Treat safely
What kinds of things will damage or
hurt your brain?
Drugs, alcohol, trauma, eating disorders