Mr. Meehan 10th Grade Health DRUG CLASSIFICATIONS QUESTION OF THE DAY VOCABULARY Drug: Substances other than food that change the structure or function of the body or mind Medicine: substances that, when taken into or applied to the body as directed, help prevent or cure some disease, injuries, or medical problem Illegal Drug: dangerous substances that change the body or the mind and which are against the law to buy, sell, make, or use. 4 CLASSIFICATIONS OF DRUGS Stimulants Narcotics Depressants Hallucinogen/psychedelics CLASSIFY THESE DRUGS INTO THE 4 DIFFERENT CLASSIFICATIONS LSD OPIUM CODEINE XANAX CAFFEINE OXYCODONE MESCALINE AMPHETAMINES NICOTINE KETAMINE ALCOHOL PCP VICODIN EPHEDRINE MORPHINE HEROIN BARBITUATES GHB COCAINE METHAMPHETAMINES VALIUM ROHYPNOL STIMULANTS Definition - A drug that increases the action of the central nervous system (CNS), the heart, and other organs. LSD OPIUM CODEINE XANAX CAFFEINE OXYCODONE MESCALINE AMPHETAMINES NICOTINE KETAMINE ALCOHOL PCP VICODIN EPHEDRINE MORPHINE HEROIN BARBITUATES GHB COCAINE METHAMPHETAMINES VALIUM ROHYPNOL LSD OPIUM CODEINE XANAX CAFFEINE OXYCODONE MESCALINE AMPHETAMINES NICOTINE KETAMINE ALCOHOL PCP VICODIN EPHEDRINE MORPHINE HEROIN BARBITUATES GHB COCAINE METHAMPHETAMINES VALIUM ROHYPNOL EFFECT ON THE BODY Increase Heart Rate High Blood Pressure Dilated Pupils Offers Some Medicinal Uses ADHD HALLUCINOGENS Definition - Drugs that alter moods, thoughts, and sense perceptions, including vision, hearing, smell, and touch. LSD OPIUM CODEINE XANAX CAFFEINE OXYCODONE MESCALINE AMPHETAMINES NICOTINE KETAMINE ALCOHOL PCP VICODIN EPHEDRINE MORPHINE HEROIN BARBITUATES GHB COCAINE METHAMPHETAMINES VALIUM ROHYPNOL LSD OPIUM CODEINE XANAX CAFFEINE OXYCODONE MESCALINE AMPHETAMINES NICOTINE KETAMINE ALCOHOL PCP VICODIN EPHEDRINE MORPHINE HEROIN BARBITUATES GHB COCAINE METHAMPHETAMINES VALIUM ROHYPNOL EFFECT ON THE BODY Distorted perceptions Impaired muscle coordination Offers no medicinal purposes DEPRESSANTS Definition - Drugs that tend to slow down the central nervous system LSD OPIUM CODEINE XANAX CAFFEINE OXYCODONE MESCALINE AMPHETAMINES NICOTINE KETAMINE ALCOHOL PCP VICODIN EPHEDRINE MORPHINE HEROIN BARBITUATES GHB COCAINE METHAMPHETAMINES VALIUM ROHYPNOL LSD OPIUM CODEINE XANAX CAFFEINE OXYCODONE MESCALINE AMPHETAMINES NICOTINE KETAMINE ALCOHOL PCP VICODIN EPHEDRINE MORPHINE HEROIN BARBITUATES GHB COCAINE METHAMPHETAMINES VALIUM ROHYPNOL EFFECT ON THE BODY Relaxes Muscles Relieves tension Reduces your blood pressure Medicinal uses include Relieves anxiety, muscles spasms Helps insomnia NARCOTICS Definition - Drugs derived from the opium plant which have a sedative effect. LSD OPIUM CODEINE XANAX CAFFEINE OXYCODONE MESCALINE AMPHETAMINES NICOTINE KETAMINE ALCOHOL PCP VICODIN EPHEDRINE MORPHINE HEROIN BARBITUATES GHB COCAINE METHAMPHETAMINES VALIUM ROHYPNOL EFFECT ON THE BODY Drowsiness Depress respiration Used as a severe pain reliever in the medical world HOW DRUGS ENTER THE BODY I I S I HOW DRUGS ENTER THE BODY Inhalation I S I HOW DRUGS ENTER THE BODY Inhalation Injection S I HOW DRUGS ENTER THE BODY Inhalation Injection Snorting I HOW DRUGS ENTER THE BODY Inhalation Injection Snorting Ingestion What is the fastest way to reach the brain? CLASSIFY THESE DRUGS BASED ON THEIR EFFECTS Bath salts Causes rapid heart rate (which may lead to heart attacks and strokes) Chest pains, nosebleeds, sweating, nausea, and vomiting Stimulates the central nervous system CLASSIFY THESE DRUGS BASED ON THEIR EFFECTS MDMA or Ecstasy Increased motor activity, alertness, heart rate, and blood pressure Some unwanted physical effects include: muscle tension, tremors, involuntary teeth clenching, muscle cramps, nausea, faintness, chills, sweating, and blurred vision. Produces an energizing effect, distortions in time and perception