Observing the Sky

Observing the Sky
The Birth of Astronomy
Pre-Historic Astronomers
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QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture.
Need for Astronomy
• Predicting seasons enables Survival
Store food (like squirrels)
Plant crops in spring (after last frost?)
Predict seasonal flooding
• Knowing time of day enables Survival
– Hide in cave at night (lions, tigers & bears!)
• What else is there to do at night without a
Astronomy tells time of year
• Which stars are up at night
– Star patterns = Constellations
• Orion high in winter
• Cygnus high in summer
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• Altitude of sun at noon
– High in summer
– Low in winter
• Location of sunrise/sunset
– NE/NW in summer
– SE/SW in winter
– E/W on 1st day of spring/fall
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Constellations and Star Maps
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• 88 Official Constellations
– Examples: Ursa Major, Taurus, ...
– Often drawn as “stick figures” (stick figures not
official; may vary)
– Official Constellations are regions of the sky (like
• Asterism
– a popular name for a group of stars that is not an
official constellation
– Examples: The Big Dipper, The Pleiades
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QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture.
The Celestial Sphere
Earth inside Celestial Sphere
Locations on Celestial Sphere
• Zenith
– straight up (overhead)
• Nadir
– straight down (beneath your feet)
• Horizon
– lowest place you see the sky
– Shape: a circle (you are at the center)
– Location: halfway between Zenith and Nadir
• North Celestial Pole
Directions in the Sky
• Azimuth = direction (N, S, SSW, etc) you face
– Measured in degrees along horizon turning eastward from N
– Examples: 45 º azimuth = NE; 90º = E; 270º = W
• Altitude = how high in sky
– Measured in degrees above horizon
Motion of Objects in the Sky
• What do you know about the motion of:
– the Sun?
– the Stars?
You observe a star rising due east. When this
star reaches its highest position above the
horizon, where will it be?
high in the northern sky
high in the eastern sky
high in the southern sky
high in the western sky
directly overhead
c) high in the southern sky
In-class exercise #1 - “Position”
Pages 1-2 in workbook
1) How much of the celestial sphere
can an Earth observer see at one time?
a) less than half
b) exactly half
c) more than half
b) exactly half
The Spinning Celestial Sphere
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QuickTime™ and a TI FF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this pict ure.
Looking North
Looking South
Why do the stars move?
• The Earth Rotates (from W to E)
– appears to us as if the sky (the Celestial Sphere)
rotates (from E to W)
• Path of Stars
– Stars “attached” to celestial sphere
– Path is a circle (like latitude circle)
– Called diurnal circle (diurnal = daily)
Earth inside Celestial Sphere
Locations on Celestial Sphere
• Projection of Earth’s rotation axis
– North Celestial Pole / South Celestial Pole
• Projection of Earth’s Equator
– Celestial Equator
– Shape: circle
– Location: halfway between the Celestial Poles
Rise / Set / Transit
Rise - move above horizon (appear)
Set - move below horizon (disappear)
Objects rise “in east” and set “in west”
Transit - moving past highest point in path
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• Some stars never rise or set
– These stars are circumpolar
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Rotation at Different Latitudes
•Altitude of Pole = Latitude of Observer
•Circumpolar zone depends on latitude
Imagine you are standing at the North Pole.
Of the stars that you can see, roughly how
many of these stars are circumpolar?
less than half
more than half
d) all
Imagine you are standing on the Equator. Of
the stars that you can see, roughly how many
of these stars are circumpolar?
less than half
more than half
a) None
In-class exercise #2 - “Motion”
Pages 3-6 in workbook
You are looking toward the north and see the Big Dipper to the right of Polaris. Fifteen
minutes later, the Big Dipper will appear to have moved in roughly what direction?
a) east (to your right)
b) west (to your left)
c) up (away from the horizon)
d) down (closer to the horizon)
At what time will star B appear highest in the sky?
a) early in the morning
b) around noon
c) in the afternoon
d) in the evening
e) around midnight
When star A is just above the eastern horizon, in what direction is star A moving?
a) up and to the north
b) west
c) up and to the south
d) south
4) You are observing the sky from your southern
hemisphere location in Australia. You see a star
rising directly to the east. When this star reaches its
highest position above the horizon, where will it be?
a) high in the northern sky
b) high in the eastern sky
c) high in the southern sky
d) high in the western sky
e) directly overhead
a) high in the northern sky
Motion of the Sun
• Diurnal (daily) motion like stars
Sunrise “in east”
Transits “high” in south = Noon
Sunset “in west”
Altitude at noon depends on time of year
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Time of Day
• Meridian:
– circle halfway between east and west
– Stars, etc. are highest when they Transit the meridian
• Time of day = solar position w.r.t transit (Noon)
– am = ante meridian
– pm = post meridian
11 am
1 pm
2 pm
10 am
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(6am) E
W (6pm)
Motion of the Sun
• Annual (yearly) motion
– Earth orbits Sun once per year
– Sun seen in front of different constellations
throughout year
Annual Motion of Sun
Motion of the Sun
• Annual (yearly) motion
– From day to day, Sun “slips” a little bit on
Celestial Sphere
– Appears to shift all the way around the Celestial
Sphere once per year
– Appears to move “from W to E” relative to the
background of stars
– So from day to day, any given star rises earlier
SOHO Observes Solar Motion
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Annual Path of Sun
• Ecliptic
– path of sun around celestial sphere
– shape: circle
• Zodiac
– Set of 12 Constellations containing Ecliptic
– Sun in each constellation for about one month
• (solar) signs of the zodiac
For today, you should have done:
Homework: “Seasonal Stars”
Exercise in workbook (p. 7-10)
Let’s go over the workbook exercise…
One evening at midnight, you observe
Leo high in the southern sky at midnight.
Virgo is to the east of Leo and Cancer is
to the west. One month earlier, which of
these constellations was high in the
southern sky in at midnight?
a) Leo
b) Virgo
c) Cancer
You go out tonight and see the brightest star
in the constellation Orion just rising above
your eastern horizon at 10 PM. One week
later at 10 PM this same star will be
a) slightly higher in the sky.
b) at the same height as before.
c) below your horizon.
d) setting on your western horizon.
One night, you see the star Sirius rise at
exactly 7:36pm. The following night it will
a) slightly earlier.
b) at the same time.
c) slightly later.
The Day
• 1 day = time for object to return to same
point on sky (e.g. transit to transit)
• Solar (Sun) day
– Time from noon until next noon
• Sidereal (star) day
– Time for a star to return to same point.
• Solar day is ~4 min longer than Sidereal day
In-class exercise“Solar vs. Sidereal Day”
Pages 11-12 in workbook
What component of Earth’s motion
causes the stars to rise earlier on
successive nights?
a) its rotation about its axis
b) its orbit around the Sun
c) the tilt of its rotation axis
Which takes longer to complete?
a) one solar day
b) one sidereal day
c) Both take the same amount of time.
Solar Day = 24 hours
Sidereal Day = 23 hrs 56 min
Ecliptic on Celestial Sphere
•Earth’s axis tilted 23º with respect to orbit
Locations on Ecliptic
• Solstice: sun stops (moving N or S)
– Summer Solstice
• Jun 21=1st day of summer
• Sun farthest N (from celestial equator)
• Longest day of year
– Winter Solstice
• Dec 21=1st day of winter
• Sun farthest S (from celestial equator)
• Shortest day of year
Locations on Ecliptic
• Equinox: equal night and day
– Vernal Equinox
• ~March 21 = 1st day of spring
• Sun on equator (crossing from S to N)
– Autumnal Equinox
• ~Sept 21 = 1st day of fall (autumn)
• Sun on equator (crossing from N to S)
– Equinoxes are intersection points of Ecliptic
and Celestial Equator
Diurnal Path of Sun Revisited
• Summer: Sun above Celestial Equator
– Sun high in south at noon
– Days are long
• Winter: Sun below Celestial Equator
– Sun low in south at noon
– Days are short
For today, you should have done:
Homework: “Path of the Sun”
Exercise in workbook (p. 19-21)
Let’s go over the workbook exercise…