to the meeting minutes.

Lee’s Corner PTA Meeting Minutes
Jan. 10, 2012
The meeting was called to order by Liz Persell, PTA president, in the LCES library at 7:00 p.m. on Jan.
10, 2012.
Bob D’Amato
Martha Hellman
Teresa O’Callaghan
Kim Proppe
Tina Pivarnik
Rachel Dibartolo
Sheila Heffron
Vicky McGorty
Sarah Rothleder
Cecile Iglesias
Anne Appler
Amy Whiteman
Luz Wadden
Licheht Suderi
Cammise McInnis
Linda Andrews
PTA Chairs
Lori Walolwsky
Julie Chang
Michele Anderson
Billy Anderson
Renee Clark
Jennifer McKain-Dausch
Kevin Kramp
Teresa Fletcher
Keir Froberg
Mya Lwin
Denyse Congnetta
Beth Earle
Karen Connell
Approval of minutes
The minutes for the last meeting in November were presented by Liz Persell and up for approval since
the December meeting was cancelled. All present voted in favor of this motion. November Minutes were
Treasurer’s Report
Denyse Cognetta went over the Treasurer’s report. She talked about what we spent in the last 2 months.
There was a one for one exchange in dollars for the Book Fair. The total brought in for the 5 Dining Days,
including a $50 donation from Vocelli’s pizza, was $1,185.83 Kim Proppe indicated that teachers would
be submitting reimbursement for training.
PTA update/Goal review
Liz Persell then went over the PTA’s accomplishments over the last two months and highlighted some of
the key achievements, including the volunteer help for the Thanksgiving lunch and the Book Fair and the
final Dining Days. Other highlights included:
The Directory is completely on line now.
The 6th Grade Basketball Game will be on March 23 Lees Corner VS Oakhill at Chantilly High school.
We want to review the Goals for the PTA. Maybe have a blow-out fund raiser to get more technology
updated. A parent suggested that we reshow the Video shown in Oct. about the Technology. Tina
Pivarnik suggested we make our own video using our own children using the equipment.
A parent asked if we collect Campbell soup labels. Mrs. Proppe said in the past we had but it was not
We talked about trying to get more volunteers for the Giant Cards sign-up. We still need more people to
sign up there Giant cards.
We want to re-evaluate the process of fund raising based on the results of the audit.
Audit Committee report/Action Items
Amy Whiteman did a presentation of the audit reports. The audit reviewed the PTA books for the last 3
years, with the most significant review done for the past year. The audit was crucial as the LCES PTA
had lost it 501 ( c ) ( 3 ) designation as a non-profit. The audit committee used the National PTA’s Money
Matters as a guide for conducting the audit. There was no evidence of fraud for all three years. A motion
was made for each year to approve the findings of the audit. All present voted on and approved the
findings for each year. The audit committee recommends that the current Treasurer and the incoming
Treasurer (yet to be nominated) would be to set up a time at the end of the school year to do the 20112012 audit before the next year begins.
As a result of the audit, Liz Persell stated that we had one outcome and two action items. First outcome
was to set a finance committee to help the President and the Treasurer set financial goals and determine
how to best raise and spend money.
The first action item, as a result, would be to work with Mr. D’Amato on a survey in April to help measure
the LCES community’s overall assessment of the school and what the needs of the school are and where
the community would most be ready to assist.
The second action item is to review the LCES PTA charter, which is 5 years old.
A Recommendation was to set up a finance committee.
Principal’s Report
Looking forward to the Chinese Acrobats coming, which is paid for by the LCES PTA
The PBIS program is doing well. Almost every class is at 200 polar bears, which is the benchmark for
good behavior at this time of the year.
Tests are coming up. 5th grade SOLs Info will be coming in backpacks and KITs.
There have been significant social networking issues with the 6th graders. Parents are asked to monitor
what your kids are doing online. Please advise them of internet safety.
Assistant Principal, Monica Mohr, is on maternity leave.
We are having the 4th graders make “Thank You” cards for the Dining Days restaurants.
Mrs. Proppe-Math and Reading Ecart testing is going to be online for grades 3-6.
A motion to adjourn was made at 7:45 p.m. and was passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted.
Cassandra Takieddin