Name US I Mid-Term Study Guide Terms & Events – what they were

Name __________________________________________
US I Mid-Term Study Guide
Terms & Events – what they were, why were they significant
joint-stock company
royal colony
House of Burgesses
Bacon’s Rebellion
Indentured servant
headright system
proprietary colony
Salutary neglect
Triangular Trade
Middle Passage
French & Indian War
Albany Plan of the Union
Treaty of Paris (1763)
Proclamation of 1763
Cash crop
Stono Rebellion
New Netherlands
Ft. Duquesne
Stamp Act
Boston Massacre
1st Continental
Common Sense
2nd Continental Congress
Olive branch Petition
Declaration of Independence
Natural rights
Intolerable Acts
Tea Acts
Treaty of Paris (1783)
Articles of Confederation
Shays Rebellion
Electoral college
Land Ordinance of 1785
Gen. Gage
Paul Revere
John Hancock
Gen. Gates
Gen. Burgoyne
Gen. Howe
Gen. Cornwallis
Gen. Greene
Patrick henry
Richard Henry Lee
People – who were they, why are they significant
John Smith
John Winthrop
William Penn
William Pitt
George Washington
Samuel Adams
Alexander Hamilton
John Jay
Battles – Who fought? Where? Who won? Significance?
Lexington & Concord
Bunker Hill
Battle of Camden
Battle of Kings Mountain
Battle of Cowpens
Battle of Guilford Courthouse
Battle of Yorktown
Below are the three choices for the essay portion of the exam. You will choose ONE of the three essays and will
write it during the exam period. You are encouraged to decide ahead of time which essay you are going to write,
and plan an outline at home while you are studying. You cannot bring the outline with you to the exam.
1. The thirteen colonies were divided into three distinct regions. While there were some similarities, the Southern,
Middle, and New England colonial regions had many differences. Discuss the features of each region (Southern,
Middle, and New England) – your response can include the following features: political, economic, social,
geographic, educational, and religious.
2. During the 1760s and 1770s, Parliament passed many different laws to try and control the colonists. Choose
three (3) Acts that you think were most influential in causing the revolution (discuss what the act required of the
colonists, their reaction to it, and how it helped bring about the revolution)
3. The American Revolution was fought throughout the thirteen colonies from 1775 – 1781. Choose three important
battles and discuss, in detail, the location of the battle, who won, how, and the significance of the outcome. You
MUST CHOOSE one battle fought in a New England colony, one battle fought in a Middle colony, and one battle
fought in a Southern colony.
Concepts and Questions: These are big ideas’ that you should be familiar with and questions
that you should be able to answer thoroughly
Why the English wanted to colonize America
Jamestown – where it was located, why it was settled, challenges the settlers faced
Tobacco – how it affected Jamestown
Indentured servants – how/why they came to Virginia
Relationship that the English settlers had with the Native Americans (ALL COLONIAL REGIONS)
Bacon’s Rebellion – causes/effects
Where did the French settle and how were the able to establish successful colonies?
Plymouth Colony - who settled it? why? where was it?
Mayflower Compact- main idea of this document – why was it important?
Massachusetts Bay Colony – who settled it? why?
Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson – what happened to them? why?
Pequot War and King Philip’s War – causes/effects
The Dutch in New York – the English take over
New Jersey and Delaware – how/why they were formed
William Penn – Pennsylvania  rejection of Anglican beliefs, establishing a Quaker society (religious tolerance)
Maryland – religious affiliations, Toleration Acts – why were they important? Did they have limitations?
What was mercantilism and how did it influence England’s colonial laws and foreign policy? (Navigation Acts)
Be able to identify and explain the different economies of the three colonial regions.
How did the experience of slavery differ from colony to colony?
What were the causes of the French and Indian War?
What were the conditions outlined in the Treaty of Paris (1763)?
Why was the Proclamation of 1763 drafted? What did it create?
Why was Britain in such enormous debt after the F&I War? How did they try to solve this problem?
List and explain the various acts passed by England restricting the colonists
List and explain three ways the colonies organized to resist British taxation?
What were three events & what took place that increased tension before the outbreak of war?
Common Sense – who wrote it, what it was about, and why it was significant?
Declaration of Independence – written by a committee within the Second Continental Congress, 4 parts
(preamble, declaration of rights, complaints, resolution), why is it significant?
Strengths and Weaknesses of the British and Americans (chart)
The Treaty of Paris (1783) – formally separated the colonies and Britain; determined the physical boundaries of
the newly formed country
Strengths/Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation – weak national government; strong state governments
(constitutions) – Nationalists and their views
Shays’ Rebellion – what caused it? Expression of discontent with government under the AOC
Political – Economic – Foreign relation problems facing the Confederation
Economic problems facing the Confederation
The problems that led to the calling for a stronger national government
Problems with representation in the Constitution Convention
The Great Compromise – how/where did it come from
The issues solved and unsolved with slavery
How and why the electoral college was formed – how does it work
Why the Constitution was formed
Different Articles of the Constitution – rules and regulation spelled out in them