What are protists?



Notes 8.1

What are protists?

Date Class

Pages 264-273

A. What are protists?

1. A protists is a member of a group of eukaryotic organisms that have a membrane-bound _nucleus_.

2. Most protists reproduce asexually and produce genetically identical offspring. Some can reproduce sexually as well.


Protists are extremely diverse and have a variety of adaptations for movement and finding food.


Most are unicellualr , but some, like algae, are multicellular.


Protists share characteristics with plants, animals and fungi, but are not classified as any of these groups. They are classified by how they obtain _food .

B. Plantlike Protists

1. They produce food through a process called _photosynthesis_, which takes place in their

__chloroplasts_. Almost all live in _water__ or moist surroundings.


Algae are plant-like protists that perform photosynthesis. They can be either unicellular or multicellular. Algae come in many colors depending on their pigment.

3. A diatom is a microscopic plantlike protist that has a hard outer wall.

4. A dinoflagellate is a unicellular plantlike protist that has flagella_, which are whip-like parts that enable it to move.

5. A Euglenoid is a unicellular plant-like protist that has a _ flagellum at one end of its body for movement. It has no cell wall. Instead it has a rigid, rubbery coat called a pellicle__.

C. The Importance of Algae

1. Algae provide food for animals and animal-like protists. They also provide shelter for small organisms that become food for otters and seals.


Instead of roots, algae use _ holdfasts _ to attach themselves to rocks.

3. Algae can be toxic when they reproduce quickly in a Red Tide.


D. Animal-like Protists

1. Protozoans are protists that resemble tiny animals. They are usually microscopic, and all are unicellular .

2. Cilia are short, hair-like structures that some protists use to move & feed.

3. Protists with cilia are called _ Ciliates _. They reproduce asexually, but can use

_ conjugation _ to exchange genetic material.


4. A Paramecium is a protist with cilia and _ 2 _ nuclei. Paramecium use cilia to move & sweep food into their oral groove.

5. Flagellates are a type of protozoa that have flagella similar to those of dinoflagellates.

6. _ Sarcodines _ are animal-like protists with no specific shape.

An amoeba _ is a Sarcodine.

7. An amoeba moves and eats with pseudopods .

It pushes part of its body outward to form a fasle _ “foot.” Pseudopods are formed by pushing their cytoplasm against the flexible cell membrane.


Pseudopods wrap around and engulf food then forms a food vacuole.


Amoeba live in all types of water; some are even parasites. They

use a contractive vacuole to rids their cell of excess _ water _.

E. The Importance of Protozoans

1. Many protozoans decompose dead animals and plants.

2. Some protozoans are parasites that cause disease.

Malaria is a serious illness caused by protozoan plasmodia.

F. Fungus-like Protists

1. The body of a__ slime mold is composed of cell material and nuclei floating in a slimy mass.

2. Water molds are fungus-like protists that live as parasites , or feed on dead organisms.

G. Importance of Fungus-like Protists

1. Fungus-like protists play a valuable role in the ecosystem by breaking down dead plants and animals . They help make nutrients available for other living things.

2. Water mold destroyed more than half of Ireland’s potato crop.
