
Bellwork #1:
SW set up and discuss their portfolio usage for
SW analyze and interpret meaning behind
Anglo-Saxon and Beowulf
• Create a circle map based on background
information you know based upon
Beowulf, Anglo-Saxons, and Vikings.
Bellwork #2:
SW analyze and interpret meaning behind
Anglo-Saxon and Beowulf with expert folders
individually and in groups.
SW share out information learned and apply it
to a group circle map.
• Beowulf was originally an
oral tale. How does telling a
story out loud keep it alive?
Bellwork #3:
SW discuss and interpret meaning of notes
through a gallery walk.
SW take and discuss guided notes on Beowulf.
• List three new learning you
discussed yesterday with your
Bellwork #4:
SW finish any notes based upon background
information on Beowulf.
SW apply their knowledge on a background
quiz on Beowulf.
SW SSR and create a flow map based on their
• SSR for 15-20 minutes, then create a
flow map with at least 3-5 main
events and 1-2 details with each
Bellwork #5:
SW set up a 4 square and critically read a passage
from Antigone.
SW T2T and apply what they know to a 4 square.
• Take a piece a paper and fold it hamburger
style, then label it:
• What does it say?
• How does it say it?
• What does it mean?
• So…what does it mean to you?
Bellwork #6:
SW critically read and listen to Beowulf: The Monster
SW look for examples of Literary devices within the
text and share out their findings..
• Create a flow map based upon the events
in this section. Give at least 5 events with
1-2 details to go with each event.
Bellwork #7:
SW critically read, analyze, and listen to Beowulf: The
Arrival of the hero and Unferth’s Challenge.
SW look for examples of Literary devices within the
text and share out their findings..
Who is Grendel?
How long has he terrorized the Danes?
How many people have they lost?
Why do they believe Beowulf can help them?
Bellwork #8:
SW critically read, analyze, and listen to The Battle with
SW create a flow map of events based upon this
SW SSR+ for 15-20 mins and apply it to the questions
Your Name:
Page you started on:
Page you ended on:
Rate it (1-10):
Highlights (2):
Lowlights (2):
Questions (2):
Bellwork #9:
SW critically read The Monster’s Mother and look for
examples of metaphor’s, alliteration, similes, and
SW discuss and work on part 1 questions in
preparation of their quiz.
• Create a double-bubble map on Beowulf
and Grendel. Don’t forget your frame of
reference and your question.
Bellwork #10:
SW recap and then apply their knowledge they already
learned on a Beowulf part 1 quiz.
SW create an epic hero poem in class.
• Create a Flow Map based on at least 15 main
events that happened on Part 1 of Beowulf
(remember the sections are: The Monster
Grendel, The Arrival of the Hero, Unferth’s
Challenge, The Battle with Grendel, and The
Monster’s Mother). Add at least 2 details
behind each event. Don’t forget your frame of
reference. Your question should be: What
happened in part one of Beowulf?
Bellwork #11:
SW discuss the qualities of an epic hero and
write/respond how Beowulf qualifies as one
with proof and three examples from the novel.
SW read and edit another student’s work.
• Beowulf exclaims, “Fate will
unwind as it must!” What can
you infer about Beowulf’s
beliefs from this statement?
Bellwork #12:
SW analyze a clip from a video on loyalty to discuss
loyalty to a family vs. loyalty to society.
SW gallery walk to discuss possible scenarios based
upon loyalty and share out their findings.
SW analyze a passage of Beowulf and discuss his
loyalties and who they lie with.
Watch the clip from the video.
What would you do if…
What do you think the father will do?
What does he do?
Explain how group loyalties may conflict with
individual ones or vice verse?
Bellwork #13:
SW read, analyze, and T2T on an AoW,
SW apply what they learned to SOAPSTone.
SW SSR+ for 20 mins and answer the questions below.
Your Name:
Page you started on:
Page you ended on:
Identify 2 golden lines and explain their significance to
your novel.
Bellwork 14:
SW critically read and analyze the final battle.
SW identify metaphor, similes, alliteration, and any
Kennings used throughout this section.
SW finish their questions on Part 2 of Beowulf.
Beowulf has successfully ruled and reigned for 50
years over the Geats. This is his final battle, what
do you predict will happen and why? Remember
he is an old man now…what would make him still
battle at this point, when he has other’s that can do
it for him?
Bellwork #15:
SW review Beowulf for their test on Wednesday
and begin working on project ideas for their
Beowulf projects.
• In what way does Wiglaf resemble the
younger Beowulf? What makes him a
worthy successor to Beowulf?
SW take 5-10 mins to review for their test.
SW apply their knowledge to a Unit exam on
SW work on a culminating project on Beowulf.
No Bellwork-Take 5-10
mins to review.
Bellwork #16:
SW SSR+ after their exam and pick out 2
golden lines and explain how they connect.
SW work on their Beowulf projects that are due
on Friday.
Read for 10-15 mins.
Page started on:
Page ended on:
2 Golden Lines? How do they connect to
the novel?
Bellwork #17 & 18:
SW viewing Beowulf the movie.
SW identify similarities and differences they
see from the movie’s plot compared to the Epic
• Create a Double-Bubble Map. One side
based upon the poems plot points and
then one based upon the movie’s plot
points. Give 5 similarities and 5
differences on each side.
Bellwork #19:
SW finish Viewing Beowulf and looking at Plot
SW apply their knowledge to a Grammar Pretest.
SW begin discussing guidelines to the Beowulf
What aspect of grammar do you struggle
with the most? Explain why?
Bellwork #20:
SW begin setting up their Tree Map for their
paper and discussing important elements in an
intro paragraph.
SW critique other student’s intro paragraphs
and developing their own.
When responding to a prompt, 3 things need to be
present in your introduction:
1)Hook (Catchy Phrase or Situational)
Quotes from important people (cited)
Statistics from a source (cited)
Creative catchy phrases ( don’t use clichés!)
No questions or broad statements.
2)Claim: Essay Topic + Opinion + Three Reasons(If you
have 3 prongs)
3)Definition of Prompt: Some people say…other people say
Beowulf is an Epic poem; an
original, one of a kind, that all other
literature use as an example to base their
work on. Beowulf is an Epic hero. I am
about to talk to you about what makes
Beowulf an epic hero. Beowulf is an epic
hero because he uses his body and mind
well, he is well-know and of a high social
position, and he helps decide the fate of
a nation.
“A hero is no braver than an ordinary man,
but he is braver five minutes longer” (Ralph
Waldo Emerson). Beowulf is an ordinary
man, yet he takes on the challenge of
Grendel, refuses to back down, and has
confidence in his abilities. This is what
allows him to rise above the rest. We all
have qualities of a hero within us, we just
need the confidence (ego) to see any
obstacle through. Beowulf is an Epic hero
because he struggles to overcome a human
weakness, uses his body and mind well, and
alters the fate of a nation.
Bellwork #21:
SW review their Intro paragraphs and make any
necessary adjustments.
SW work on developing and supporting their body
paragraphs of their paper.
• What is the easiest part of the writing process for you? The hardest?
What strategy or strategies do you use that helps? Explain.
Remember: Your body paragraphs should follow your claim
points and in the order they are stated in your claim.
For Example: Beowulf is seen as an epic hero because he uses
his body and mind well, is well known and of high social
standing, and helps decide the fate of a nation.
So, in this way:1st body: Uses body/mind well
2nd body: Well known/high social position
3rd body: Decides fate of a nation
Bellwork #22:
SW continue to develop their body paragraphs
for their papers and make any necessary
revisions based upon yesterday’s feedback.
• List some good transition words used from
one body paragraph to the next.
• Create a well developed topic sentence for
your second and third body paragraph.
Bellwork #23:
SW create their conclusion to their essay and share out
with a partner.
SW conduct a final editing of another student’s essay
with the checklist.
SW write their final paper for homework or type it out.
Transition words:
• Essentially
• Ultimately
• In essence
• Restate the claim
• Final thoughts (3-5 sentences).
Bellwork #24:
SW demonstrate their understanding of Academic
vocabulary using the following terms in a sentence.
SW read and annotate an article about Chaucer and
apply characteristics about the author to a bubble map.
SW read and listen to the prologue of the CT and
discuss the meaning behind it orally.
Eminent (adj.): Great or high standing.
Guile (n.): Sly dealings; skill in deceiving.
Benign (adj.): Kind; gracious.
Obstinate (adj.): Unreasonably stubborn.
Frugal (adj.): Thrifty, careful with money.
Pilgrimage (n,): A journey to a holy place.
Bellwork #24: (Cont.)
SW demonstrate their understanding of Academic vocabulary
using the following terms in a sentence.
SW read and annotate an article about Chaucer and apply
characteristics about the author to a bubble map.
SW read and listen to the prologue of the CT and discuss the
meaning behind it orally
A millionaire finds it difficult to be _____; he likes to be generous
with his money.
The tradition of _____ to Mecca is important in Islam.
The thief used his ____ to steal things before his victims could
An _____ man; my husband will never admit his stubborn nature.
Even when the family was late with their rent, the ____ landlord
didn’t harass them.
After a lifetime of glorious battle, he was the most _____ knight in
the kingdom.
Bellwork #25:
SW read a section of The Canterbury Tales that
is assigned to them with a partner.
SW demonstrate their understanding of their
pilgrim(s) assigned to them by applying the
information they read and discuss with their
partner in a chart paper presentation.
1) Who was Chaucer and what types of jobs did
he hold?
2) Why did he write poetry?
3) Why does Chaucer portray the character of
himself as dull and long winded?
Bellwork #26:
SW SSR+ for 15-20 mins on a novel of their
SW annotate (T2T) on and AoW and apply it to
the 4 square.
• After you read respond to one of the
following statements:
• While I was reading I felt…..
I was surprised by…..
Because of _____ I assumed….
I wonder if …..
Bellwork #27:
SW demonstrate their understanding of their
pilgrim(s) assigned to them by applying the
information they read and discuss with their
partner in a chart paper presentation for the
List at least two interesting facts that you
have learned about the pilgrims assigned
to you.
Bellwork #28:
SW present their pilgrim(s) to the class with
their partners base upon their chart paper
SW write notes based upon the pilgrims
presented to them by their other classmates
and discuss their importance to the pilgrimage.
Explain what/how your pilgrim can benefit
the group on this pilgrimage in your
opinion? What story may they tell and
Bellwork #29:
SW present their pilgrim(s) to the class with their
partners base upon their chart paper projects.
SW write notes based upon the pilgrims presented to
them by their other classmates and discuss their
importance to the pilgrimage
Based upon the pilgrims presented so far,
who do you think has the most to offer or
benefit the group with and why?
Bellwork #30:
SW present their pilgrim(s) to the class with their
partners base upon their chart paper projects.
SW write notes based upon the pilgrims presented to
them by their other classmates and discuss their
importance to the pilgrimage
1.During what time of year do people prefer to go
on pilgrimage?
2.What is the challenge proposed to the pilgrims
by the Host?
3. What is the reward for winning?
Bellwork #31:
SW present their pilgrim(s) to the class with their partners base
upon their chart paper projects.
SW write notes based upon the pilgrims presented to them by
their other classmates and discuss their importance to the
SW SSR+ and read/discuss an AoW.
• Take 15-20 minutes to read your novel,
then identify three examples on literary
devices (Simile, metaphor, alliteration,
assonance, personification, imagery, etc.).
Bellwork #32:
SW view the “Pardoner’s Tale,” and interpret
the meaning behind the tale.
SW discuss and interpret questions/academic
vocabulary in the “Pardoners Tale.”
What was Ironic about the monk?
What was he supposed to do as a monk? What did
he long to do?
Bellwork #33:
SW discuss and interpret meaning behind the
“Pardoner’s Tale.”
SW view the “Wife of Bath’s tale,” and interpret
meaning behind the tale.
SW discuss and interpret meaning of
questions/academic vocabulary in the “Wife of
 According to “The Pardoner’s Tale”, what is the “root of
all evil”? Explain why.
• Explain the plan of the youngest rioter.
• Explain the plan of the other two rioters who stayed to
guard the treasure.
 Explain how the three rioters in “The Pardoner’s Tale”
are similar to the Pardoner himself.
Bellwork #34:
SW discuss and interpret meaning of the “Wife
of Bath.”
SW create their own Pilgrim from the CT.
• What is the Knight’s crime in the “Wife of Bath?
• What must the Knight do in order to be free from
• What is the lesson learned from this tale?
Bellwork #35:
SW review the Canterbury Tales in preparation
for their test tomorrow.
• Describe the Doctor.
• What is Ironic about the doctor?
• Would you want this doctor to work on you?
Bellwork #36:
SW SSR + for 15-20 minutes and reflect on
their reading.
SW apply their knowledge of the Canterbury
Tales to a test.
• After reading today, pick out 3-5 Vocabulary
words and define them.