Acrostic Rubric - Northwest ISD Moodle

3: Exceptional
Connects concepts to
appropriate content, and
demonstrates use of poetic
Word Choice
Choice of words shows clear
understanding of academic
vocabulary and advanced
language skills
Grammar, spelling,
A clear understanding of the
science behind the
academic vocabulary is
Communicates visual
information and ideas
clearly, and concisely
2: Average
1: Beginning
Each letter is followed by a
word/phrase/sentence that
describes the academic
vocabulary exceptionally.
Poem flows naturally,
without any chop.
Each letter followed by a
word/phrase/sentence that
describes the academic
vocabulary adequately.
Poem has some flow and
some chop.
No care is taken to select
a thoughtful
that describes the
academic vocabulary.
Poem has no flow, and
all chop.
Poem is extremely clear,
visual, and accurate.
Words are descriptive,
vivid, and thought
provoking. The
framework word/s is NOT
used within the poem
Words throughout most
of the poem are well
chosen, and clear,
though some may be
repetitive, mediocre
and overdone. Reader is
left wanting more
Many words/phrases
are vague and/or
misused. The words
fail to “paint” a
picture of the
academic vocabulary
Word Choice
Correct usage of ALL
spelling, grammar,
capitalization, and
Mostly correct. A few
errors may be present.
A number of
bothersome mistakes
that need cleaning up.
Care not taken in the
editing and revision.
Scientific knowledge is
exceptional, through use
of three or more
appropriate academic
vocabulary words in the
body of the poem.
Scientific knowledge is
good, through use of
two appropriate
academic vocabulary
words in the body of the
Poem thematically
connects academic
vocabulary to its meaning
through excellent use of
color and space in a
thoughtfully created
original illustration.
Illustration is original,
and relates in some
ways to the poem. Fairly
neat, but did not take
much creativity, and the
reader is left wondering
about the connection.
Scientific knowledge
is questionable, as no
academic vocabulary
words are used within
the body of the poem,
or if they are used,
they are
Illustration is either
NOT present, or does
not relate to the
poem topic in any
meaningful way.
2 words = +5
3 words = +10
One word per letter =
3: Exceptional
Connects concepts to
appropriate content, and
demonstrates use of poetic
Choice of words shows clear
understanding of academic
vocabulary and advanced
language skills
Grammar, spelling,
A clear understanding of the
science behind the academic
vocabulary is evident.
Communicates visual
information and ideas
clearly, and concisely
2: Average
1: Beginning
Each letter is followed by a
word/phrase/sentence that
describes the academic
vocabulary exceptionally.
Poem flows naturally,
without any chop.
Each letter followed by a
word/phrase/sentence that
describes the academic
vocabulary adequately.
Poem has some flow and
some chop.
No care is taken to select a
word/phrase/sentence that
describes the academic
vocabulary. Poem has no
flow, and all chop.
Poem is extremely clear,
visual, and accurate.
Words are descriptive,
vivid, and thought
provoking. The
framework word/s is NOT
used within the poem
Words throughout most
of the poem are well
chosen, and clear,
though some may be
repetitive, mediocre
and overdone. Reader is
left wanting more.
Many words/phrases are
vague and/or misused.
The words fail to “paint”
a picture of the academic
Correct usage of ALL
spelling, grammar,
capitalization, and
Mostly correct. A few
errors may be present.
A number of bothersome
mistakes that need
cleaning up. Care not
taken in the editing and
Scientific knowledge is
exceptional, through use
of three or more
appropriate academic
vocabulary words in the
body of the poem.
Scientific knowledge is
good, through use of
two appropriate
academic vocabulary
words in the body of
the poem.
Scientific knowledge is
questionable, as no
academic vocabulary
words are used within
the body of the poem, or
if they are used, they are
Poem thematically
connects academic
vocabulary to its meaning
through excellent use of
color and space in a
thoughtfully created
original illustration.
Illustration is original,
and relates in some
ways to the poem.
Fairly neat, but did not
take much creativity,
and the reader is left
wondering about the
Illustration is either NOT
present, or does not
relate to the poem topic
in any meaningful way.
2 words = +5
3 words = +10
One word per letter =