Russian Revolution Acrostic Poem Rubric

Name___________________________________________________________________________ Honors World History
Russian Revolution Acrostic Poem
GOAL – Create an acrostic poem that demonstrates knowledge of the Russian Revolution’s major causes, characteristics,
people, events, and effects
PROCESS – First, align your facts to meet all criteria (cause, characteristics, people, events, & effects). Then, make a
rough draft of your poem, starting with the letters of ‘Russian Revolution.’ Next, write your final copy of your poem.
FORMAT – This may be done by hand (neatness counts!) or in a Word or Publisher document.
Russian Revolution Acrostic Poem Rubric
Letters used – RUSSIAN
5 points
20 points
10 points
Full Credit
Poem highlights each letter
in the word(s) in order
Partial Credit
Poem does not use all
No Credit
Poem does not use any
Minimum of 10 accurate,
specific facts spanning each
category included in the
- Cause(s)
- Characteristics
- People
- Event(s)
- Effect(s)
No issues in spelling,
grammar, word usage, or
word choice
Either has 10 facts but does
not fulfill all categories OR
has fewer than 10 facts
Plagiarism or missing all
Few issues in spelling,
grammar, word usage, or
word choice
Excessive, distracting errors
in spelling, grammar, word
usage, or word choice
TOTAL _____/35