Getting Ready For High School

Watch out for the seniors!
Getting into colleges
Joining the military
Getting a job
Block Schedule
 4 classes per semester
 90 minutes long
The course catalog is on the White House
Heritage website on the main page and on the
school counseling page
The course catalog includes:
 Courses offered at White House Heritage
 Courses offered at Springfield High School
 Dual Enrollment Courses
Total of 26 credits to graduate
 4 – English
 (English 1, 2, 3, and 4)
 4 – Math
 (Algebra 1 and 2, Geometry, and 1 other math)
 3 – Science
 (Biology, Physical Science, and Chemistry or Physics)
 3 – Social Studies
 (U.S. History, Economics and Government, and 1 other
Social Studies)
 1 – Lifetime Wellness
 .5 – Physical Education
 2 – Foreign Language
 (Spanish 1 and
2 or Latin 1 and 2)
 1 – Fine Art
 (Art, Music, Drama)
 .5 – Personal Finance
 3 – Program of Study
 4 – Additional Electives
 Must earn a 70 or higher every 9 weeks to get
credit for the class
 Each 9 weeks you will get .5 or ½ of credit
 If you do not get at least a 70 in a 9 week period
you will have a few different options
 Retake the class
 Take a different class depending on which class you
 Credit Recovery
Only if you get a 63 – 69 in the class
 Summer School
Standards for Mathematics, English Language
Arts, Social Studies/History, Science, and
Technical Subjects
Helps students have a clear understanding of
what they are suppose to learn
Helps everyone get on the same page
Helps prepare students for college and careers
 Dual enrollment classes are either online or at
White House Heritage. These credits will most
likely count as college credits depending on
which college they plan to attend
 Student must have a 3.0 GPA as well as
acceptable PLAN, ACT, or SAT scores
 Students are allowed a total of $1200 in grant
money during their Junior/Senior year to go
towards dual enrollment. A max of $600 may be
used per semester
Classes offered
 Speech
 Psychology
 Pre-calculus 1 and 2
 American History 1 and 2
 Algebra
 French 1 and 2
 Sociology
 Spanish 1 and 2
AP Courses
 English 3 and 4
 Biology
 World Geography
Spanish 3
Latin 1 and 2
EOC (End of Course) Tests
 You must take an EOC for the following classes:
Algebra 1 and 2, English 1, 2, and 3, Biology 1, and
US History
 They will count as 25% or ¼ of your grade
PLAN Test
 This is given during your sophomore year and it
indicates how well you will do on the ACT
 This test will also be used to determine eligibility
for dual enrollment
 These are the most important tests in high school
 Everyone takes the ACT for free their junior year
 You can take it additional times at a cost
 The SAT is similar to the ACT
 These tests measure what you have learned from K-12
 The scores you receive on these test will determine
what scholarships you get and what colleges you are
accepted to
 Most colleges accept either test
Others Tests
 Common Assessments
 Writing Assessment
 Think Link
Tardies are defined as not being in the proper
classroom when the bell sounds to begin class
Unexcused absence-car trouble, cleaning house,
shopping, baby-sitting, “Personal Business”, hair
appointments, errands, re-lacing your shoes, etc..
8th unexcused absence = letter home
10th unexcused absence= reported to the
Robertson County Juvenile Court System
WHH has a 95% attendance goal each day!
Try to do things earlier rather than later
Try to communicate with your teachers
Try to stay organized
Try to plan out your time
Grading scale
 A (93 – 100) = 4.0
 B (84 – 92)= 3.0
 C (75 – 83)= 2.0
 D (70 – 74)= 1.0
Students must complete normal graduation
requirements along with 80 hours of
community service, overall “C” average, 95%
attendance, and no Out-of-School
Also there is an application students must
Scholarships are available only to TN Scholars
Tuition scholarships to any Technology Center
in Tennessee
Union University $2500 per year for 4 years
Additional scholarships
Easy money
 Hope Lottery Scholarship
 3.0 GPA, 21 on
ACT, 980 SAT
 $6000 a year for up to 5 years
 $30,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
More options for college
Scholarship money to help pay for tuition
MTSU pays Valedictorians and Salutatorians
$3000 per year for 4 years
MTSU pays students who have a good GPA
and ACT score
 $2000 for 3.5 GPA and 26 on ACT
 $3000 for 3.5 GPA and 27 on ACT
 $4000 for 3.5 GPA and 29 on ACT
 $5000 for 3.5 GPA and 32 on ACT
Additional Scholarships
College Options
Cross Country
Senior Beta Club
National Honor Society
White House Heritage FFA
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Spanish Club
Academic Team
Rewards are given to students with excellent
academics, attendance, and behavior
Rewards include: class parties, name
recognition, $5.00 Friday, Preferential parking
Sign up sheets are located in the back