A Brief CV of Dr


Resume of Dr. TIAN Song

(Mr.) Tian Song , born in 1965, Siping City, Jilin Province, China; PhD in history of science, PhD in philosophy of Science; associate professor of the College of Philosophy and Sociology, Beijing

Normal University; Academic interest in history of science, philosophy of science (fundamental theory, philosophy of physics), anthropology of science, study on science and art, science communication, etc.

1, Experiences:

May 2004-current, associate professor (From Jul., 2004), College of Philosophy and Sociology,

Beijing Normal University;

Oct. 2006-Oct. 2007, visiting scholar, Office for History of Science and Technology, University of California, Berkeley.

Apr. 2002-Apr. 2004, post-doctoral research, Department of Philosophy, Peking University;

Sept. 1998-Mar. 2002, PhD candidate, Institute of History of Science, China Academy of


Sept. 1998-Jun.2001, PhD candidate, Institute of Philosophy, China Academy of Social


Apr. 1994-Sept. 1998, editor, Chinese Mining News ;

Sept. 1988-Apr. 1994, teacher of physics, Department of Basic Courses; Beijing Printing


Sept. 1986-Jul. 1988, graduate student, Department of Physics, Nanjing University;

Sept. 1982-Jul. 1986, undergraduate student, Department of Physics, Jilin University.

Member of Chinese Society for the History of Science and Technology, from 2004

General secretary of the Committee of Science and Art, The Chinese Society for Dialectics of

Nature; from 2008

Vice director of the Committee of Science Communication and Science Education, The Chinese

Society for Dialectics of Nature; from 2007

Member of the Local Organizing Committee of 22 nd International Congress of History of Science,

Beijing 2005;

2 , Doctoral Dissertations:

1, A Constructional Scheme of Holism: Researching John A. Wheeler’s Thought on Philosophy of

Science, 2001

2, The View of Universe and Nature, the Technology and the lifestyle of Traditional Naxi People and Their Transition , 2002

3 , Publications:

1, Books

1, The Remains of the Spirits World: The Change of Naxi the Ancient Ethnic Group . Shanghai

Jiaotong University Press. 2008.

2, The Skepticism in the Age of Limited Earth: Will the Future World be Made of Garbage?

Science Press, Beijing, 2007

3, Perpetual Motion and Goeldbach Guess: a Study on Science Fans , Shanghai scientific &

Technical Publishers, Shanghai, 2003;

4, The Spear of Don Quixote: through the Mist of Context of Science , Shanghai scientific &

Technical Education Publishing House, Shanghai, 2002;

5, Blood and Earth , Lujiang Publishing House, Xiamen, 1998


1, At Home in the Universe (by John Archibald Wheeler), co-worker with Nangong Meifang,

Beijing Institute of Technology Press, 2006;

2, Between Understanding and Trust: Science, Technology and Society (edited by Meinolf

Dierkes), Beijing Institute of Technology Press, 2006;

3, Magic Mirror: the Impossible World of M. C. Escher ; co-worker with Wang Bei, Shanghai scientific & Technical Education Publishing House, Shanghai, 2002;

4, The Secret of Golden Flower (By Richard William and Carl Jung, from English version), published with a penname Tongshan. East Publishing House, Beijing, 1993


1 , To Promote GMO is not a Science Issue firstly, dushu , 2010(7), pp57-66

2 , Half Brothers: the Shu View of Nature of Traditional Naxi People and Its Value in Modern

Time, Our Science Culture , V.4, The Calculation of Science , East China Normal University

Press, 2009, pp3-39

3 , The Parallel Analysis of Science and Religion: Essentialism and Cultural Diversity, The

Ideological Front (Yunnan University's Journal of Social Sciences), 2009(2)

4 , Can Nature Law be Violated? (By LIU Huajie and TIAN Song), Our Science Culture , v.3, The

Other Territory of Science , East China Normal University Press, Shanghai, 2008

5 , Minor Tradition, Local Culture and Chinese Character, Green Leaf , 2008(8)

6 , Why Human, a Mammal has to Drink Milk of Cow, another Mammal?, Our Science Culture , v.2, The Amateur Science Fans under the Sunshine, East China Normal University Press ,

7 , Amish and Naxi Ethnic Group, (by TIAN Song and LIU Huajie), Our Science Culture , v.2,

The Amateur Science Fans under the Sunshine , East China Normal University Press , 2008

8 , Anybody under the sky is able to Write a Poem, on Lihua Style, Art Review , 2007(7)

9 , Science Communication as Culture Criticism, News and Communication Research , 2007(2)

10 , The Future World will be Made of Garbage, the Human’s Dilemma on the Turning Point of

Civilization, Chinese Book Review Monthly , 2007(7)

11 , The Arena for Communication of Human and Gods, An Analysis on Traditional Creation

Mythology and Cosmos Structure of Naxi Ethnic Group, Research on Nature Science, 2007(2)

Vol.26, pp334-351

12 , Speak Power and the Value of Tradition, Our Science Culture , V.1, Does Superstition Defeat

Science? , East China Normal University Press , 2007

13 , A Story Teller for Quantum World---The Writing and Rewriting for History of Science,

Science Popularization , 2006(4)

14 , Why Chinese Traditional Medicine Be Required Scientific Evidence?, Teahouse for

Sociologists , 2006(1), pp63-68

15 , Science Anthropology: a Newly Developing Academic Field, Yunnan Social Science


16 , The Mysterious figure of “Science Community”: the “Academic Demon” and “the

Effect of the Fourth Wife”, (by LIU Huajie & TIAN Song), Science and Technology in China ,

2005(10), pp74-77

17 , The Ethnics problems in the Debate of “Reverence for Nature”, (by LIU Huajie, SU

Xiangui, TIAN Song & LIU Bing), Science and Technology in China , 2005(5), pp8-11

18 , Science and Reason, (by LIU Huajie, LIU Bing, TIAN Song & SU Xiangui), Nature magazine , 2005(2), PP114-116

19 , An Academic Debate of China in 2005, (by LIU Bing, SU Xiangui, TIAN Song, LIU

Huajie), Impact of Science on Society , Beijing, 2005(1)

20 , Is “Reverence for Nature” anti-science? (by TIAN Song, SU Xiangui, LIU Bing and

LIU Huajie), Sea Wind of South , 2005(2), pp47-52

21 , Science and Technology: the Engine of Globalization and the grinding wheel of

Diversity, Impact of Science on Society , Beijing, 2005(2), pp36-39

22 , Drawing is Deception: M. C. Escher’ prints and their relationship with Science, Art and

Science , vol. 1, Qinghua University Press, Beijing, 2005;

23 , Physics as a Path to Philosophy: An Introduction to Some Philosophically Physical

Thinking of John A. Wheeler, Journal of Dialectics of Nature , Beijing, 2004(5);

24 , Why “ Science Fans ” can not Succeed in Science?, Science Technology and Dialectics ,

Taiyuan, 2004(3);

25 , Delayed-choice Experiment and the Puzzle of Reality It Raised, Studies in Dialectics of

Nature , Beijing, 2004(5)

26 , What We See Is What We Can See : On the Isomorphism Between Science and Human's

Cognitive Pattern by Wheeler’s Diagram of Reality, Philosophical Researches , Beijing,


27 , An Analysis of the Behavior and Psychology of Science Fans, Journal of University and

Technology Beijing , Beijing, 2004(1)

28 , Chinese Version of the Preface of the Book Between Understanding and Trust , co-translated with Wang Bei. Impact of Science on Society , Beijing, 2003(4)

29 , Science Fans: A Basic Description and an Analysis of Their Emergence, Studies in

Dialectics of Nature , Beijing, 2003(7)

30 , Science Culture: Beyond and Back to C. P. Snow, Xinhua Digest , Beijing, 2004(7)

31 , On the Default of Evidence of That the Author of the Carved Stone in Baidi was not Mu

Gao, Social Science of Yunnan , Kunming, 2002(3)

32 , The Struggle and Strategy of the Power for Saying Science; Dushu , Beijing, 2001(9)

33 , From Construction to Birth: A Comparison between History and Science, Studies in

Dialectics of Nature , Beijing, 2001(6)

34 , Two kinds of Systems of Two kinds of Civilizations, Impact of Science on Society ,

Beijing, 2001(4)

35 , Scientism, Anti-science and Pseudoscience, Studies in Dialectics of Nature , Beijing,


36 , The Meaning of Einstein, Xinhua Digest , Beijing, 1999(6)

37 , The Realization and End of the Myth of Perfect Movie, Modern Movie , Beijing, 2000(3)

38 , On the Relationship Between Technology, Science and Experience, Taking the Building of Taihe Temple as an Example. Studies in Dialectics of Nature , Beijing, 1997(8)

Some academic articles:

39 , A Master of ‘SF Critical Realism”: A Memory on Michael Crichton, Chinese Reading Weekly .


40 , The Myth of Nutrition, Southern Weekend , 2008-1-30

41 , To Develop New Source, to Consume More Energy; To Cut down the Riverhead, to Reduce

Emission, Chinese Focus , 2008(8)

42 , Cautions Optimistic and Desperate Pessimistic: A Review on Diamond’s Collapse , Wenhui

Book Review , 2008-7-11

43 , Calling for Our Soft Heart String, Chinese Book Review Monthly , 2008(9)

44 , It is Whose Need that to be Satisfied by Scientific Technology, Chinese Book Review Monthly ,


45 , CAI Yuanpei and the Deficiency of Chinese Tradition Culture, Democracy and Science ,


46 , We Are Walking Plastic, Chinese Book Review Monthly , 2008(6)

47 , The Soul of One Generation’s Master Went back to Quantum World: A Memory on Physicist

John Wheeler, Southern Weekend , 2008-4-24.

48 , Too Fascinating to Die: A Memory on Historian of Science Mr. Gege, Teahouse for

Sociologists , 2009(2)

49 , What kind of Knowledge, Change who’s Fortune?

, Chinese Book Review Monthly , 2008(4)

50 , From Dust, Back to Dust, Chinese Book Review Monthly , 2008(3)

51 , Made by God, or Human?

, Chinese Book Review Monthly , 2008(2)

52 , The Dying Gaia, Chinese Book Review Monthly , 2008(1)

53 , The Third Class Perpetual Motion Machine, Chinese Book Review Monthly , 2007(9)

54 , By What Can I Say That I Am Right? Science And Democracy , 2007(1)

55 , The Firework In Wild Dream, An Introduction on John Wheeler’s Thought, Chinese

Book Review Monthly , 2006(11)

56 , The Tone Is Still High, But the Melody Is Obsolete, A Book Review on the

Revolutionary Wealth by Alvin Toffler, Southern Weekend , 2006-10-20

57 , Why Can You Drink a Bottle of Mineral Water at Any Street Corner of Any City: the

Transformation Chain of Matter and Energy of the Global in the Age of Limited Earth,

Chinese Book Review Monthly , 2006(1), pp18-21.

58 , A Debate on Scientism, (by LIU Huajie, Su Xiangui, TIAN Song & LIU Bing),

Teahouse for Sociologists , 2005(1)

59 , The Good Owing to Science, and the Bad to Evil, Culture Landscape , Shanghai,


60 , Shakespeare and the Second Law of Thermodynamics, Culture Landscape , Shanghai,


61 , I am Nonprofessional, but I am of Science, Teahouse for Sociologists , 2003(4),

Shandong Peoples Publishing House, Jinan, 2003.

Dr. TIAN Song

Associate Professor in the College of Philosophy and Sociology, Beijing Normal University

No.19 Xinjiekouwai Avenue, Beijing 100875, China

Home phone: 0086-10-58210261

Cell phone: 0086-13910740094 tiansong9@gmail.com

