


Clinical Pathology Conference

August 24, 2015

Stella Lai MD

Ronald Hamilton MD


29 yo M w/ h/o ulcerative colitis, basal cell carcinoma and metastatic melanoma who presented to ED for diffuse HA, nausea, transient visual disturbance

(flashing lights in L upper visual field), transient L hand numbness + tingling, speech difficulty and acute onset confusion.

Other History




Ulcerative Colitis

Basal Cell Carcinoma s/p resection

Metastatic Melanoma w/ known brain, lung, chest wall, lymph node, thigh and gluteus involvement s/p numerous biopsies + resections and treatment w/ IL2, aflibercept, dendritic cell vaccine +/- interferon booster and pembrolizumab


Ativan (parodoxical agitation)


Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, MV,

Dexamethasone Taper, Keppra 1000mg BID,

Mesalamine 4800mg QHS, Zofran PRN, oxycodone PRN

Social Hx

Lives w/ wife. No smoking, alcohol or illicits.

Family Hx

Mother: Prothrombin Gene Variant w/ h/o DVT/PE

Maternal GM: Breast Cancer @ 55


VS: 37.2, BP 143/90, HR 98, RR 17, O2 Sat 97% RA

MS: Alert and oriented x 3, Agitated, Repetitive/slow/ labored speech, Follows simple commands

CN: VFs intact, PERRL, EOMI, No facial asymmetry

MOTOR: 5/5 strength throughout

SENSORY: Intact to light touch throughout

REFLEXES: 2+ biceps/triceps/patella/achilles, No ankle clonus, No Hoffmans



Clinical Localization

….of confusion, diffuse headache, nausea, speech difficulty (sounded like it was mostly expressive), L hand numbness/tingling and L upper VF flashing lights.

Hospital Course

Received 10mg IV Decadron and 25g IV mannitol in ED, and was admitted for further management. He was continued on Decadron 4mg IV 6 hours and returned back to baseline 24 hours after admission. He was d/ced on dexamethasone slow taper w/ instructions for repeat brain

MRI in 1 month.

Hospital Course

2 months later, he presents w/ acute abdominal pain. It was initially tolerable but progressed to stabbing, 10/10 pain that was not responsive to oxycodone. CT abdomen revealed L renal vein thrombosis and diffuse metastatic disease. He was initially placed on heparin gtt which was stopped b/c of his known hemorrhagic metastatic brain lesions. He underwent repeat neuroimaging.


Hospital Course

3 days after admission, abdominal pain acutely worsened. CT abdomen revealed free air and small bowl perforation. Not a surgical candidate b/c of hemodynamic status. The next day, he arrested (?2/2

PE) requiring 30 minutes of CPR for ROSC. He was intubated and maxed out on 3 pressors. Given poor prognosis, he was made CMO and expired.


Gross Pathology

Well-demarcated lesions

Variable amount of pigmentation

Could be hemorrhagic and necrotic

Micro Pathology

Pleomorphic Melanocytes



Staining + for S-100, HMB-45, Melan-A
