Reading & Writing

The words flying off the pages
Every year there are at least two million adults that are considered
illiterate fill the ranks of adults who are unable to read. This can and
has been a critical problem that if it isn’t addressed sooner rather
then later we could see that society will pay the price.
Illiteracy Statistics
There are close to around 42 million adults that cannot read at all
and there are around 50 million who cannot read higher then a
fourth grade reading level.
There are increases of around two million adults who are illiterate
each and every year.
There are around 20 percent of all high school seniors who can be
considered illiterate at the time of their graduation day.
Reading Statistics
• Can Read: 80%
• Can’t Read: 20%
• Can Read: 65%
• Can’t Read: 35%
Choose a book on something that interests you. If you are into medieval times,
don’t get a book on football.
Commit to reading. Don’t daydream while scanning over the words, and if
you catch yourself go back to where you were before the daydream set in.
There are benefits to reading. Education puts you in a good college, being
able to go to college can help you to know more things and knowing can
help you earn more money.
Imagine what you are reading. Imaging what you are reading will help you
gain a better understanding of what is happening in the book and it sparks
Predictions anyone? Predicting what is going to happen next in the book will
always keep you interested, because who knew they could predict the
Slow down this isn’t the freeway. Focusing on the end results isn’t a bad thing
but with reading it’s different. When you focus on the end while reading and
hoping to mark another book off your list you won’t enjoy it as much. Focus on
the experience and just slow it down and take the time to imagine what is
happening and get excited with the characters as well as frustrated on what is
happening in the world around them.
While you read, do it with excitement. What makes anything better is being
excited about what is going on inside the book.
Relationship? Put yourself inside the book, which character are you most like?
Do you agree or disagree? Why and why not?
Worried? Life happens all around us, taking the time to relax and read even if
its for a few moments at a time. Worrying about other things in life while
reading will ruin the whole reading experience.
“The more that you
read, the more things
you will know. The
more that you learn,
the more places you'll
Dr. Seuss
Poem oh Poem
Remember that poem we memorized in school?
And over and over we practiced every word.
It took hours to practice and get it perfect.
And some say that it was easy. Because of their intellect.
Remember that poem you wrote for your true love?
Do they remember the place on the beach near the cove?
How about the times under the moonlight
Where you wrote her that poem after your little fight?
Remember all the songs that you listened to?
The songs that gave you memories of just you two.
The times you spent together and listened to music
Whenever you both were happy or even when one was sick?
Remember all the poems that have been written for you.
They tell of things that you have done and wish to do.
All of them show things of love and what you feel inside.
Poem oh Poem, it’s inside of you that memories collide.
M.A. Walstad
What do you recall?
What was the author trying to say in the poem?
What would the keyword for this poem be?
Could the poem “Poem oh Poem” be directed at more
then one person?
Do you remember any poems that have been written for
you? If yes, write it down to keep on remembering.
Can you relate to the poem in any way?