romeo and juliet act ii quiz – review

30 Multiple Choice
20 True and False
10 Matching – Vocabulary
6 Quote Recognition
1 Short Answer
Things to know:
 Why the Friar agrees to perform the marriage
 Where Romeo and Juliet meet and marry
 How Romeo is acting now that he’s in love with Juliet
 How does the Friar react to Romeo’s news?
 Does the Friar believe that Romeo is deeply in love with Juliet?
 Can R & J meet in public before they’re married?
 Does FL’s knowledge of herbs foreshadow anything? What?
 What are the instances of comic relief in this Act?
 Does Juliet know Romeo is hiding in the bushes?
 How the Nurse is treated by Mercutio
 How the Nurse treats Juliet, and her relationship with Juliet
 Why did Tybalt send the letter to Romeo after the party? How does Mercutio feel about it?
 How R&J feel about names, and what they would give up to be together.
 How long it takes the Nurse to return to Juliet with the message.
 Who knows about Romeo and Juliet’s love and marriage?
 Which characters are FOILS of each other, and be able to give four reasons why.
 What happens in this Act
 Purpose of the prologue at the beginning of Act II
 What plan do the Nurse and Romeo come up with?
 Why does the Nurse delay in telling Juliet about the plan?
 What is Romeo’s servant going to give to the Nurse and why?
 What does Romeo compare Juliet to in his soliloquy?
 Why does Juliet ask Romeo not to swear by the moon?
 Why is Juliet embarrassed that Romeo has overheard her musing?
 What is the name of the Nurse’s servant?
 Rosemary – flower of remembrance
 Chide - scold
 Shrift – spiritual advice, absolution from sin, confession
 Holy Physic - marriage
 Comic Relief – humorous section in a tragedy
 Titan – Greek sun-god
 Haste – a theme of the play
 What’s in a name? – Juliet questions whether names are all important
 Venus – goddess of love
 Bescreened – hidden by
Literary Devices:
 Definition of soliloquy
 Definition of aside
 Definition of pun
 Definition of foreshadowing
 Definition of metaphor
 Definition of simile
 Definition of personification
 Definition of hyperbole
 Definition of oxymoron
 “These violent delights have violent ends”
 “The sun advance his burning eye”
 “That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet”
 Romeo compares Juliet to the sun
 “How silver-sweet sound lovers’”
 “The grey-eyed morn smiles on the frowning night”
 “My grave is like to be my wedding day”
QUOTE RECOGNITION: For SIX of the following quotes, be able to:
 Identify the speaker of each of the following quotes and who they’re talking to.
 Explain the situation in which they are occurring.
 Put the quote in your own words.
1. “Come, he hath hid himself among these trees / to be consorted with the humorous night. / Blind is his
love and best befits the dark.”
2. “But soft! What light through yonder window breaks? / It is the east, and Juliet is the sun!”
3. “’Tis but thy name that is my enemy. / Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.”
4. “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose / By any other name would smell as sweet.”
5. “Young men’s love then lies / Not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes.”
6. “Wisely, and slow. They stumble that run fast.”
7. “…Bid her devise / Some means to come to shrift this afternoon, / And there she shall at Friar
Laurence’ cell Be shrived and married…”
8. “Then hie you hence to Friar Laurence’ cell. / There stays a husband to make you a wife.”