Life, Advanced, Unit 3 Test Grammar

Life, Advanced, Unit 3 Test
3 Complete the text with the words in the box.
1 Circle the correct intensifying adverb.
1 Paul is completely / absolutely / really strong.
2 They live in a so / an absolutely / an entirely
beautiful village.
Designing beautiful buildings is a wonderful
3 She would really / completely / very like to see the fi
profession, (1)_______it is not always easy. (2)
_______ some people might like your ideas, others
4 We’re entirely / totally / extremely sorry that it
will not. (3) _______ , they may hate them so much
that they ask you to start again, or invite another
5 It was so / completely / utterly kind of them to offer.
architect to present a design. (4) _______ you always
6 The answer he gave was so / very / totally wrong!
feel very relieved when they do accept your plans. (5)
7 It was entirely / extremely / very my fault.
_______, this may just be the start of another long
8 It wasn’t their best performance, but it was so
discussion about the inside of the building!
/incredibly / quite good.
(10 points)
(8 points)
2 Rewrite the sentences, using the word or words in
4 Match the words (1–8) to the definitions (a–h).
brackets to give emphasis.
1 brick
a a small country house
1 The colour of the flowers attracts you. (what)
2 concrete
b a strong alloy of iron
3 cottage
c wood
2 You notice the height of the trees first. (it’s)
4 shack
d a tall building, often part of a castle
5 steel
e small building blocks made of clay
3 You don’t see so many different plants together.
and sand
6 tower
4 Nobody has created a garden like this before.
7 warehouse
8 timber
5 He really likes exotic plants. (does)
(8 points)
6 The care he has taken is noticeable. (the thing)
(12 points)
g a strong building material made of
cement, sand and stones
f a large building used for storing
h a small wooden building
5 Put the words in the box into the correct gap in the
7 Complete the speech with these expressions.
what I mean is
also, the fact that
I have to say
it seems
I think this is important, given
This house has a lovely (1) _______ all along the side
of it, where you can sit in the shade in the summer
First of all, (1)____________ that I think this new
office block is great. (2) ___________ to have all of
and look out at the garden. In winter, you can sit
the features that our company wanted and much
inside the glass (2) _______ , which is full of lovely
more besides. (3) ___________ it is so centrally
plants. The property is built as a square, around a
located is a real bonus. As you may have heard, the
lovely (3) _______ , with a garden and a fountain in
design has been entered for the annual Stirling prize
the centre. Under the house, there is a fully equipped
for architecture, and (4) ___________ the prestigious
(4) _______ where you can work out and get fit, and
international nature of that prize. (5) ___________
next to it is a Swedish-style (5) _______ to relax in. I
that the publicity from this will give a very positive
think it would make an excellent home.
view of our company worldwide.
(10 points)
(10 points)
6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
these expression with wall.
bang your head against a brick wall
be off the wall
drive someone up the wall
go to the wall
the writing is on the wall
be a fly on the wall
1 With all the problems they’ve had, I’m afraid his
company will soon _______________________.
2 Robert keeps asking me such silly questions!
3 I just cannot solve this problem. I feel as if I’m
4 I’d love to know what happened in that meeting. I
wish I could have been_______________________ .
5 Julie has such strange ideas. Sometimes
6 The company profits were even worse than
expected. I think_______________________ .
(12 points)