TASK 2. Answer the questions below.


Миколаївський будівельний коледж

Київського національного університету будівництва і архітектури


Методист коледжу Заступник директора

______ Н.М. Савченко з навчальної роботи

____________2015 р ________ О.В. Щербина

. ______________ 2015 р.


Методична розробка з англійської мови для студентів І курсів у з дисципліни «Іноземна мова».

Спеціальність -5.050204 «Експлуатація та ремонт підйомно-транспортних, будівельних і дорожніх машин і обладнання» Освітній-кваліфікаційний рівень - молодший спеціаліст

Спеціальність – 5.06010101 «Будівництво та експлуатація будівель та споруд» Освітнійкваліфікаційний рівень - молодший спеціаліст

Спеціальність – 5.05010301 «Розробка програмного забезпечення» Освітнійкваліфікаційний рівень - молодший спеціаліст

Розглянуто та затверджено Розробив викладач на засіданні циклової комісії перщої категорії філологічних дисциплін ______О.О. Боднар

Протокол № ___ від _______2015р.

Голова циклової комісії

________Т.В. Коновалова

Миколаїв 2014




Рецензія 3


Передмова 4


Music tastes 5


Television, radio and press 19


Cinema and films 26


Список використаних джерел 38



на методичну розробку з англійської мови для студентів І курсів у з дисципліни

«Іноземна мова» (Спеціальність -5.050204 «Експлуатація та ремонт підйомнотранспортних, будівельних і дорожніх машин і обладнання» Освітній-кваліфікаційний рівень - молодший спеціаліст, Спеціальність – 5.06010101 «Будівництво та експлуатація будівель та споруд» Освітній-кваліфікаційний рівень - молодший спеціаліст,

Спеціальність – 5.05010301 «Розробка програмного забезпечення» Освітнійкваліфікаційний рівень - молодший спеціаліст).

Методична розробка до виконання практичних занять складена викладачем

Миколаївського будівельного коледжу Боднар О.О. відповідає навчальній програмі нормативної дисципліни «Англійська мова», методичним рекомендаціям Міністерства

Освіти країни по складанню навчальних програм та вимогам до його складу, змісту, порядку розробки методичних вказівок з фундаментальних та професійно-орієнтованих дисциплін.

Серед позитивних моментів розробленої методичної розробки слід відмітити:

1. Вміле компонування завдань. Перші завдання спрямовані на всебічну перевірку лексичного мінімуму, передбаченого учбовою програмою, при виконанні якого студент повинен продемонструвати творчу розумову діяльність.

2. Акцент зроблено на те, що поряд із засвоєною лексикою необхідного лексичного мінімуму студент може показати вільне володіння цією лексикою у контексті заданої для висвітлення теми.

3. В роботі просліджується багатоваріантність можливих правильних відповідей, можливість показати більше, ніж передбачено програмою, творче інтегроване застосування тем і розділів нормативної дисципліни.

Варіанти завдань методичних вказівок відповідають програмним вимогам.

Принцип комплексності перевірки знань студентів витримано.

Різноманітність варіантів завдань за їх складністю є досить широкою.

В цілому робота відповідає вимогам до методичних розробок.


Викладач кафедри іноземних мов

Миколаївського національного університету ім. В.О. Сухомлинського

Пустовойченко Д.В.


«_______» ___________ 2015 р.



Начальник відділу кадрів

___________ / /.

«___» ____________ 20___р.



Навчальні завдання призначено для студентів І курсів у з дисципліни

«Іноземна мова» (Спеціальність -5.050204 «Експлуатація та ремонт підйомно-транспортних, будівельних і дорожніх машин і обладнання»

Освітній-кваліфікаційний рівень - молодший спеціаліст, Спеціальність –

5.06010101 «Будівництво та експлуатація будівель та споруд» Освітнійкваліфікаційний рівень - молодший спеціаліст, Спеціальність – 5.05010301

«Розробка програмного забезпечення» Освітній-кваліфікаційний рівень - молодший спеціаліст).

Навчальні завдання містять оригінальні тексти, які відображають комплекс основних понять, необхідних студентам даного напряму підготовки для оволодіння іншомовним спілкуванням. Вони готують студентів до читання і розуміння оригінальної англомовної літератури за фахом і мають за мету розвиток у студента навичок самостійної роботи, що включає: а) вивчаюче читання та завдання, спрямовані на засвоєння лексичного мінімуму та розвиток мовленнєвих навичок, б) перевірку якості засвоєних знань за допомогою міні-тестів, які виконуються студентами під час самостійної домашньої підготовки і перевіряються викладачем на практичних заняттях.

Матеріал навчальних завдань складається з трьох уроків. Кожен урок містить словник-мінімум, текст, вправи для перевірки розуміння тексту, закріплення лексичного матеріалу та розвитку мовленнєвої компетенції.



"TASK 1. Spot and correct the spelling mistakes in the sentences given below.

1. In big cities it is often impossible to escape from music coming from cafes, restaurants, pubs and apartment houses.

2. Resent research has shown that the appreciation of music does not only depend on individual tastes.

3. Classical music often helps people to feel relaxed and peaceful.

4. Soothing music can put you to sleep better than slipping pills.

5. Bach's music is believed to have exceptionally high energy.

6. Some kinds of modern music, like for example, heavy metal, may cause plants to dye.

7. Many people enjoy humming different tunes while doing some physical work like cleaning windows or watching clothes.

8. Prayer music is said to produce heeling effect by relieving pain.

"TASK 2. Choose the best option to complete each sentence.

1. John Jeavous, the________ , wrote the theme music to many films, a) conductor b) musician c) composer

2. Paul McCartney and John Lennon were superb ________ whose songs are still popular more than 40 years later. a) song writers b) musicians c) composed

3. The band sent their demo tape to a ________ to find out his opinion about their performance and perspectives of their new album. a) conductor b) record producer c) composer

4. There are always a lot of ________ on the streets of London, playing songs and begging for money. a) conductors b) musicians C) buskers

5. The only performer on the stage besides the orchestra was the ________

Luchano Pavarotti. a) lead singer b) soloist c) conductor

6. During the rehearsal, the ________ shouted at the orchestra because they were not following his lead properly. a) lead singer b) soloist c) conductor

7. The lead singers sing the main tune, while the ________ accompany them for the chorus. a) buskers b) soloists c) backing singers

8. I have always wanted to be a ________ and have learned to play several instruments. a) lead singer b) musician c) conductor

9. The band «Get This» broke up when their ________ left because none of the others had a good enough voice.


a) lead singer b) soloist c) conductor

"TASK 3. Watch the definitions with the words below and say when you would hear or see them. Follow the xample.


national anthem a) the accompanying music to a fi1m








soundtrack b) a short melodious piece of music c) the official song of a country d) people sing their favourite songs together

6.tune e) a play/film in which singing plays an important part f) a simple song/tune used for advertising purposes

You can hear a national anthem at the beginning of a sporting event such as a football match or athletic competition.

"TASK 4. FII in the table with the prompts given below.

Kinds of music

1. Classical music

Famous performers composers

2. Heavy Metal

3. Hip-Hop

4. Reggae

5. Rock'n'Roll

1. Mozart

2. Bob Marley

3. Elvis Presley

4. Public Enemy

6. Beethoven

7. Rolling Stones

8. Salt'n'Pepa

9. V1adimir Gorovits

10. Iron Maiden

5. Black Sabbath and

Kinds of Music. Characteristics.

Famous compeers and performers .

° very loud electric rock

° aggressive

° originated in the UK

° long-lasting appea1

° variety of instruments

° used in a number of different



° originated m Europe

Kinds of Music.


Famous compeers and performers .

° expresses a need for cultural and political identity

° originated in Jamaica

° marked a rebellious era after the 2nd World War

° revolutionised the music industry

° originated in the USA

''TASK 5. Fill in the gaps with one of the words given in the box and read about pop music.

° spoken words set to music

° commenting on social problems such as unemployment

° originated in New York last , generation, different, young, properly, rubbish, exciting, parents, whose, to, same, longer, of, popular, brief, black.

Pop Music

Most people agree that pop music started in the US in the 1950s and that it developed from ________ (1) American music. When it started, it was especially performed for ________ (2) people. In many countries they liked listening to it and dancing to it because it was ________ (3) and it was a way of rebelling against their parents' ________ (4). Many parents strongly I disapproved of it. They disliked the way many pop stars looked and acted. They thought the 111uslc was

________ (5) and the groups couldn't sing or play their instruments ________ (6).

They said that pop music wouldn't ________ (7) for long. Today, attitudes are

________ (8). Many of today's ________ (9) are people who loved pop music when they were young and still do love it. As a result of this, pop music is no

________ (10) only for the young. In addition, some of the stars ________ (11) careers began a long time ago and who are now middle-aged are just as ________

(12) today as they were then. Their original fans still like them, perhaps because


they remind them ________ (13) the time when they were young. At the ________

(14) time, new generations of young people buy their records and go ________

(15) their concerts. So pop music was not just a ________ (16) fashion. All these years later, it is more popular than ever. most famous music groups, 'The Beatles'.

''TASK 6. You are going to read an encyclopedia article about one of the

STEP 1. Work with your partner. Look at Text A while your partner will use Text B. Find out the missing information by asking and answering questions, Follow the example.

Partner 1 (for Text A): In what kind of music did the Beatles become the most popular group in music history?

Partner 2 (for Text A): Beatles became the most popular group in rock music history.

Text A (For Partner 1)

Beatles became the most popular group in ________ music history. The group consisted of four Englishmen: George Harrison, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, and Ringo Starr (born________). Lennon and McCartney wrote and sang most of the Beatles' songs. Harrison ________ played , Lennon played ________ guitar,

McCartney played bass, and ________ played drums.

All the Beatles were born in ________. Lennon and five other musicians formed a band called the ________, named after the high school which they attended. McCartney joined the group in ________, Harrison a year later and they performed together under several names. They finally called themselves the

Beatles in ________. Brian Epstein, who ran a Liverpool________ , became their manager in 1961. The Beatles gained nationwide fame in 1962 ________ and in


During the early 1960s, the Beatles' style was influenced by ________, especially Chuck Berry, Buddy Holly, and the Everly Brothers. The Beatles' first compositions were ________, such as «Love Me Do» (1962) and «Please, Please

Me» (1963). In 1964, the Beatles toured the ________ and created a sensation everywhere they performed. They starred in two popular movies, "A Hard Day's

Night" (1964) and ________ (1965). A full-length cartoon, 'Yellow Submarine'

(________), featured the music and characters of the Beatles.


Text A (For Partner 2)

Beatles became the most popular group in rock music history. The group consisted of four Englishmen: George Harrison, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, and Ringo Starr (born Richard Starkey). Lennon and McCartney wrote and sang most of the Beatles' songs, Harrison played lead guitar, Lennon played rhythm guitar, McCartney played bass, and Starr played drums.

AII the Beatles were born in Liverpool Lennon and five other musicians formed a band called the Quarrymen, named after the high school which they attended. McCartney joined the group in 1957, Harrison a year later and they performed together under several names. They finally called themselves the

Beatles in 1960. Brian Epstein, who ran a Liverpool record store, became their manager in 1961. The Beatles gained nationwide fame in 1962 and worldwide fame in 1964.

During the early 1960s, the Beatles' style was influenced by American rock artists, especially Chuck Berry, Buddy Holly, and the Everly Brothers. The

Beatles' first compositions were simple love songs, such as «Love Me Do» (1962) and «Please, Please Me» (1963). In 1964, the Beatles toured the United States and created a sensation everywhere they performed. They starred in two popular movies, 'A Hard Day's Night' (1964) and 'Help!' (1965), A full-length cartoon,

'Yellow Submarine' (1968), featured the music and characters of the Beatles,

"Text 8 (For Partner 2)

During ________, the Beatles helped to give rock music a new direction.

Most earlier rock music had been based primarily on a ________, but the Beatles' music contained a new sense of melody. Their chord progressions were also more complex, and the lyrics of their songs were ________.

The Beatles began to drift apart in the late 1960s for a number of

________reasons. The group broke up in ________, but by that time their records had outsold those of any other popular music or rock music performers in history.

After the breakup of the group, all the Beatles ________ or________. Lennon continued to compose and perform, both as a solo artist and with ________and the

Plastic Ono Band. Ono married Lennon in ________ and was his creative partner for the rest of his life, Lennon became known as one of rock's leading social critics through such songs of idealism as ________ (1969) and ________ (1971), In 1980,

Lennon was shot to death outside ________. A 25-year-old man ________named was convicted of the shooting.

McCartney has continued ________as a soloist. He formed 'Wings', a rock band that included ________. His most popular albums since 1970 include

________________. He also composed a classical work, 'Liverpool Oratorio'

(1991), with ________. In 1997, he released ________, an album that many critics


considered one of his best since his work with the Beatles. McCartney________in


Tert B (For Partner 1)

During the middle and late 1960s, the Beatles helped to give rock music a new direction. Most earlier rock music had been based primarily on a strong beat, but the Beatles' music contained a new sense of melody. Their chord progressions were also more complex, and the lyrics of their songs were more imaginative and meaningful.

The Beatles began to drift apart in the late 1960s for a number of artistic, business, and personal reasons. The group broke up in 1970, but by that time their records had outsold those of any other popular music or rock music performers in history.

After the breakup of the group, all the Beatles performed as soloists or led their own groups, Lennon continued to compose and perform, both as a solo artist and with Yoko Ono and the Plastic Ono Band. Ono married Lennon in 1969 and was his creative partner for the rest of his life. Lennon became known as one of rock's leading social critics through such songs of idealism as «Give Peace a

Chances (1969) and «Imagine» (1971). In 1980, Lennon was shot to death outside his apartment building in New York City. A 25-year-old man named Mark David

Chapman was convicted of the shooting,

McCartney has continued to perform as a soloist He formed "Wings", a rock band that included his wife, Linda Eastman McCartney. His most popular albums since 1970 include "Band on the Run" (1973), "Tug of War" (1982), and "Flowers in the Dirt" (1989). He also composed a classical work, "Liverpool Oratorio"

(1991), with the American composer Carl Davis. In 1997, he released "Flaming

Pie", an album that many critics considered one of his best since his work with the

Beatles, McCartney was knighted in 1997.

"'TASK 7. Read the magazine article below and correct the statements after it.

The American icons of Rock'n'Roll

Elvis Presley, Bob Dylan and Bruce Springsteen... Rock & Roll would be unimaginable without the passion and adventure they brought to the music. Elvis

Presley was the big bang. He was the most influential single figure in the history of

American pop culture. He changed the way we looked, thought, dressed, held a guitar. He didn't invent rock & roll, but he defined it in a way that everyone who followed him owes him a debt.


Elvis was inspired by the raw sensuality of country and blues. But he didn't limit himself to either genre.

He melded them into something real and electrifyingly new. His early

"Sun" records are the blueprints for the birth of rock. You could argue that

Elvis happened so big because he was white, handsome, young and managed by a master showman, but you can't deny his impact.

Bob Dylan enabled rock & roll to grow up and survive.

He injected the power of language and ideas into the music.

It was suddenly no longer just teen celebration and fantasy but an art form as vital as film and literature.

John Lennon once told me that he was inspired by Elvis but challenged by


Dylan. There's a good chance that without Dylan there'd be no "Rubber Soul" or

"Revolver". He became an icon because he had the talent and the courage to say things that inspired people like no one else ever had before. Dylan captured what was on a million minds and turned it into poetry. With «Blowin in the Wind» or

«The Times They Are A-Changin',» he set a whole new standard. The times were changing, and Dylan changed forever how much you could say in a song and the way you could say it.

Bruce Springsteen gave people faith in rock & roll and in themselves again. In

1975, when 'Born to Run' was released, American rock & roll fans were still reeling from the deaths of Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin and Jim Morrison, and coping with the national tragedy of the Vietnam War. There wasn't a lot of reason to believe in music or the future. I know, because I was twenty-two at the time. Bruce showed me and his audience and whoever would listen what an uncompromising will can achieve. To me, part of what Bruce brought to this world was a complete lack of compromise. You couldn't buy, rent or borrow Bruce Springsteen in any way. That's one of the most admirable, attractive and chilling qualities I've ever come across in a human being. And it came across in his music. Bruce brought together the poetry of Bob Dylan, innocence and sexuality of Elvis Presley and the live heat of James Brown. Twenty-five years later, he still reflects all that. After

September 11, Bruce and his music once again helped us through the darkness.

Elvis, Dylan and Bruce are all part of a story. They all had the gift. They all had the voice. And they all hit that big button that made millions of people say,


«That's me», The story of rock & roll is bigger than all of them, but it's unimaginable without any of them.

(Abridged from Jimmy Iovine, "Rolling Stone', May 15, 2003)


1. Elvis Presley is considered to be the inventor of rock & roll.

2. Before rock & roll Elvis Presley preferred to sing only country music and blues.

3. His early "Sun" records have nothing to do with rock & roll

4. Elvis Presley was successful because he was managed by a master showman.

5. Bob Dylan paid more attention to the music than to the lyrics of his songs.

6. John Lennon recollected that he was inspired by Bob Dylan but challenged by


7. Bob Dylan had the talent and the courage to write "Rubber Sold" and


8. Bruce Springsteen started to write songs when rock & roll was at the top of its popularity.

9. The only weak point Bruce Springsteen had in his songs was a complete lack of compromise.

10. Though Bruce Springsteen used to be very popular in his time, twenty-five years later very few people remember his name and songs.

11. Elvis Presley, Bob Dylan and Bruce Springsteen are the only performers whose names are connected with rock & roll

'TASK 8. You are going to read the lyrics of the most famous song by

Bob Blowing it the Wind".

STEP 1. Match the words on the left to their descriptions on the right.

1. a dove a) to make it look like something else

2. a cannon ball b) to live together

3. to ban

4. to exist

5. to coexist

6. to allow

7. to pretend c) to live d) to forbid, to claim something illegal e) to give permission, to let f) a massive round bullet for cannons g) a bird symbolizing peace

STEP 2. Match the beginnings and the ends of the song fines. Sear in mind that there are three verses and all the Ines Aside each verse should rhyme. The first line is done for you.

1. How many roads must a man walk down...

2. How many seas must a wild dove sail...


3. How many times must a cannon ball fly...

4. How many years can a mountain exist...

5. How many years can some people coexist...

6. How many times can a man turn his head…

7. How many times must a man look up...

8. How many ears must one man have...

9. How many deaths will it take died? free? sea? b) „.that too many people have c) „.before they are allowed to be d) ...before he can see the sky? e) ...and pretend that he just doesn't see? f) ...before you can call him a man? g) „.before it is forever banned? h) ...before it is washed to the till he knows... a) ...before she can sleep in the sand? cry? i) „,before he can hear people wind.

Refrain (after each verse).

The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind; the answer is blowing in the

STEP 3. The song "Slowing ii the wind' is a protest song. What do you think the author's protest is aghast!

"'TASK 9. Read the story below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space. Then answer the questions given after the story.

Is Music a Drug!

A musician friend of mine once went on an English course during his summer

________ (1). What he really wanted to do was to improve his ability to think and react quickly and correctly in ________ (2) English. He said speaking a foreign language always made him ________ (3), even after three years of study. It turned out that one of the teachers on the ________ (4) had very strong views on music, and was not afraid to express ________ (5) in the lessons. He claimed that music was a drug, just like alcohol or ________ (6), and people who could not live their lives without ________ (7) were to be pitied. Whatever was the subject of the lesson, the teacher always ________ (8) to include in it some reference to this idea.

You can imagine that my ________ (9) was not very impressed. In the end, he lost his temper, and spent most of the remaining ________ (10) arguing about music and its role in people's lives. When his course had ________ (11), he came home still angry about the experience. However, whether he has enjoyed the course or


________ (12), my friend had to admit that the teacher's technique had worked since his nervousness in ________ (13) had completely disappeared and he was speaking far more fluently than before.

1. Do you agree with that teacher's opinion that music is a drug? Give your arguments either in favour or against this idea.

2. Why do you think the teacher's technique worked?

3. Would you like your teacher to use this technique while teaching you?

4. Can the subject of music or criticism of your favourite performers make you speak English without nervousness?

5. Are there any other subjects besides music that will motivate you to speak freely? What are they?

"TASK 10. You are going to read about someone's impressions of a concert.

STEP 1. Answer the questions below.

1. Do you know anything about the singer Jake Cocker? Have you ever heard him sing? Do you like his songs? Do you understand what he is singing about?

2. Pop singers are often late for their own concerts and they make thousands of their fans wait for them Do you think they do it on purpose? If yes, what is the purpose?

3. Have you ever attended a concert in a stadium? Did you enjoy it? Could you see and hear the singer(s) clearly? Which would you like more; a concert in a huge stadium or in a small concert hall?

4. How long do these kinds of concerts usually last? How many singers appear in them? Are all of them well known?

5. What is the average age of people who go to pop concerts? How do these people usually react to the songs they know and like?

6. Have you ever been to a concert that went wrong due to some technical break down? How did the singer(s) behave in that situation?

7. How do you usually feel after a concert of your favourite singer(s)?

STEP 2. Read about Jake Cocker's concert and choose the correct explanations of the undersigned expressions given after the text.

The Concert

He was late, but that was no surprise. Twenty thousand people were cheering and clapping in the stadium that night; all of them, including me, were waiting for

Jake Cocker to appear. It was the first time that Cocker had appeared in our town and as soon as we heard he me coming we rushed to get tickets.

We had to queue for hours to get them, too. In fact we took it in turns, Jane slayed in the queue while I went to get something to eat, then I took over.


We'd been in the stadium for about an hour before the first singer, Annie

Carter, came on the stage. At first she had a few problems getting We audience

& appreciate her — we all wanted to see Cocker — but gradually, people started joining in and she left to loud applause and cheers.

During the interval, people went to get drinks or ice cream or just carried on dancing, Then, suddenly, there he was, Cocker! Live on stage! This was what we had been waiting for!

After doing some of his famous hits, he began to play some new stuff. It was different, much quieter and slower. He was in the middle of singing «Lazy Days» when suddenly the sound system went Disaster! We couldn't hear anything.

Some technicians came on and Cocker went off. Half an hour later he came back, apologized for the breakdown and said he would do an hour extra to make up for it. You can imagine the noise that greeted that announcement. We all went wild.

It was a fantastic evening; it wasn't until I got outside the stadium that I realized I had lost my voice. It must have been all that shouting and screaming.

1. … as soon as we heard he was coming we rushed out to gei tickets. a) We arranged for the tickets to be delivered. b) We discussed which of us would go to get tickets c) We ran to the box-office as fast as we could.

2. … Jane stayed in the queue while I went to get something to eat, then I took over. a) Then I stood in the queue instead of her. b) Then I ate some food that Jane had brought. c) Then I told Jane to go and get something to eat.

3. At first she had a few problems getting the appreciate her... a) Making the audience like her. b) Getting the audience to cheer. c) Getting the audience to applaud.

4. Then, suddenly, there he was. Cocker! Live on stage! a) The stage was the usual place for Cocker. b) All his life was stage. c) He was not on TV screen.

5. Suddenly the sound system went. a) The person who operated the sound system went away. b) There was something wrong with the sound system. c) There was electricity cut off.

STEP 3. Match the verbs with the expressions they go with in the text.

1. to do 5. to lose

2. to take smth

3. to make up

4. to go

6. to play

7. to leave

8. to queue


9. to get

10. to be in the middle of a) wild b) some new stuff c) singing a song d) to loud applause and cheers e) for hours f) a famous hit g) one's voice h) in turns i) for something j) the audience do something

'"TASK 11. You are going to read a magazine article about one of the modern music styles and its brightest representatives.

STEP 1. Match the words given below with their equivalents or explanations.

Part 1.


a contender

2. mainstream a) a metal object that is fired from a gun b) previous

3. raw

4. to baffle

5. drugs

6. violence

7. harsh

8. a bullet

9. to dodge

10. crack

11. to reflect

12. former c) an illegal drug d) to mirror e) a competitor f) to move quickly away g) strong and natural, but not fully developed h) to fight i) brutality j) the most accepted, wide- spread k) cruel

I) illegal stimulants

Part 2.

13. existence

14. a vest

15. to claim

16. a hustler

17. a consumer

18. amazing

19. to exceed

20. a bully

21. a target

22. broke

23. a dropout

24. a bud, buddy m) wonderful n) smb who leaves school without completing a course o) to go beyond p) a friend q) life r) bankrupt s) an aim t) a life jacket u) to state v) a minor criminal w) a buyer x) a torment


STEP 2. Read the article and decide which of the characters the statements below It are about. Choose between a) 50 Cent, b) Eminem; c) bath

Hip-Hop's Hottest

For years pop music ruled. Now there's talk about the return of rock. But the true contender for number one in the music industry is Hip-hop, With unstoppable force, artists like Eminem, 50 Cent and Missy Elliott have taken the form from the underground to the mainstream Rappers are no longer trying to gain respect from the music industry — they're fighting for control! With so much raw talent battling for a 5 billion dollar market, who will be on top? Meet some of the players.

50 CENT. His music is as truthful as it gets, For some, the topics of drugs and violence seem harsh, but 50 Cent just tells it like it is — or was — for him

"My music reflects my life", the Queens', NY'' native says, including both his current status as a wealthy rap star ('In Da Club') and his bullet-dodging, crackdealing former existence ('Heat').

Violence, a repeated theme in 50's lyrics, was very much a part of his life. His mother was killed when 50 Cent (born Curtis Jackson) was eight years old, leading him to become a crack dealer at 12. At 24, he was shot nine times. These days, 50

Cent wears a bullet-proof vest and travels with body-guards, 50's track "Many

Men" is about those out to get him ("Many men wish death on me"). But the rapper claims that he's not afraid. "I don't fear things that I have no control over," he explains. "You can't decide when your time comes. You believe in God. You believe in faith. You believe there's a plan."

Meanwhile, the current king of hip-hop is basking in the success of his debut album "Get Rich or Die Trying' which sold 2,1 million copies in its first three weeks. For 50, the fact that his six-year-old son Marquise won't be a hustler is the sweetest part of success. "That's the luxury that he has from me taking off as an artist," he says.

EMINEM (SLIM SHADY). If you're still not convinced Em's at the top of the hip-hop game, take a look at some recent accomplishments. He was number five on "Rolling Stone's" list of richest musicians in 2002, making him the top money-grossing rapper, Consumers spent more than $75 million on the "8 Mile"

DVD in the first week — the most ever for a movie. And he won an Oscar for Best

Original Song — the first time for a hip-hop artist. Beyond the public successes, the Detroit native invests his all in the art form he loves, looking for new talents and working behind the scenes.

Most recently, he's banked his money on 50 Cent, which has proven to be an amazing partnership. 50 Cent is quick to defend his boss from haters; "Eminem is comparative with any artist out there, period," he says. "You might sell more records, but his talent exceeds that and that is why he is number one right now."

How did a shy little guy become rap music's biggest voice'? Family and friends remembered Eminem as a sweet kid. When he was 5 years old his grandma


used to send his photos to her friend as Christmas cards. At school poor little Slim was a big bully target. "We were constantly moving, so I was always the new kid at school," Eminem recollects. "I really didn't start opening up until I was in 8 th grade," says Em. This was the period when he first got into rap. As a broke high school dropout, the future superstar had to pick hip-hop battles in order to make money. Now Em continues to make his mark in rap history by producing new staff with buds 50 Cent, D12 and Proof.

1. This singer had more money than the other one in the year 2002.

2. This musician had a very unhappy childhood.

3. This musician didn't get any higher education.

4, This singer's parents adored him when he was a child.

5. This musician was born in a very big American city.

6. This singer did something illegal when he was young.

7. This musician never travels alone.

8. This singer had to change many schools.

9. This musician was famous before the other one.

10. This singer was often offended when he was a child.

11. This musician's life used to be very dangerous.

12. This singer is very religious.

STEP 3. Tell the class (yow partner) about the music style/trend you like most. What representatives of this style/trend can you name! What do you know about their careers!



TASK 1. Decide to which kind of media: a) television; b) press; c) radio the words given below belong. Hate that one and the same word can belong to all the categories. The first one is done for you.

1. ________ an editorial 12. ________ a presenter

2. ________ a channel

3. ________ a listener

4. ________ a soap opera

5. ________ a tabloid

6. ________ a documentary

7. ________ a viewer

8. ________ an article

9. ________ a review

10. ________ a news program

11. ________ a showman

13. ________ a newsreader

14. ________ a gossip column

15. ________ coverage

16. ________ a quiz show

17. ________ a beauty contest

18. ________ an advertisement

19. ________ classified ads

20. ________ a cartoon

21. ________ a sitcom

TASK 2. Write down the words given below into the corresponding column of the table according to their stressed syllable. The first three words are done for you. Practice reading these words. television competition tabloid newspaper entertaining editorial important sentimental educational repetitive programme international publisher biased event serles superficial relaxation episodes comment weekend preference cartoon channels prejudice contestants participants presenter commercial worthwhile interviews documentary

First Syllable newspaper

Sekond Sullable event

Two Stresses television

'TASK 3. Below are some adjectives commonly used to describe viewers', readers' and listeners' feelings about the things they have watched, read or


heard on the media. Match them with their opposites. The first one is done for you.

1. boring — f a) sophisticated

2. modern

3. worthwhile b) dull c) relaxing

4. noisy

5. funny

6. truthful

7. naive

8. violent

9. stressful

10. depressing d) peaceful e) old-fashioned f) exciting g) worthless h) quiet i) biased j) gentle

11. superficial

12. tough

13. objective

14. thrilling

15. realistic k) falsified l) sad m) romantic n) elating o) deep

'TASK 4. Answer the questions given below.

1, How do you usually answer the question "What are your plans for tonight?"

Do your plans usually include: a) going to the theatre? b) entertaining your friends? c) watching TV? d) listening to the radio? e) reading a newspaper?

2. Which member of your family is most addicted to watching television?

3. Do you have one or several TV sets at home? Where do they stand?

4. Do you ever argue what TV program or channel to watch?

5. Do you usually watch TV for entertaining or educational purposes?

6. Tick the programs you watch most often and cross out those you never watch: a) feature films b) quiz shows c) talk shows d) news programs e) current affairs/analytical programs i) soap operas j) nature documentaries k) commercials l) political debates m) sports programs n) criminal coverage f) classical music concerts g) cartoons o) modern music programs p) beauty contests h) detective series

7. Are there any programs that all your family watch together?



8. Have you ever been accused of being lazy because you watch too much of

9. Do you think your life would be more or less interesting without television?

TASK S. You are going to read a story about how useful television can be at learning foreign languages.

STEP 1. Fill in the gaps with one word which best tits each space and read the story.

How TY Helped me Learn a Language

When I first came to live in Spain, I could not ________ (1) any Spanish. I had to learn to speak ________ (2) because of my job. Some friends suggested buying a television and this ________ (3) out to be really good advice. At first, I did not really understand ________ (4) at all, but little by little I began to pick up the ________ (5) ideas, I would read an English newspaper the ________ (6) day so I knew what was happening around the ________ (7) anyway and I could understand the news. But the best ________ (8) for learning Spanish were the game shows. I must have ________ (9) hundreds of them in the first few months after : came to live here. ________ (10) the same patterns are repeated again and again, you learn the rules of the language ________ (11) automatically. Despite the fact that they were not we ________ (12) of programs I would normally have watched, I began to quite ________ (13) them. Although I speak Spanish well now, I still watch them sometimes.

STEP 2. Answer the questions below.

1. Have you ever seen any language programs on TV? Did you like them?

Why? Why not?

2, Did you find them useful? Why? Why not?

3. Different people have different learning styles. The man in the story could learn Spanish with the help of TV. Do you think you could try this method too?

4. Do you think the same results can be achieved by watching video films or listening to radio programs?

5. What do you think one should do to learn a foreign language in this way successfully?

"TASK 6. Fill at the gaps with one of the words given in the box below and read the newspaper article about television news.

Events, century, period, report, understand, entertainment, fifty, short, accounts, battle, audiences, interviewing, done, service, world, news, commercial.

The News


Today we are accustomed to seeing the news whether it is a fire in a nearby supermarket, a speech by a president or an actual ________ (1) between two armies ten thousand miles away. It is important to ________ (2) that this experience has been possible only within the latest ________(3) years. Until well into the twentieth ________ (4) it took days or weeks before newspapers could

________ (5) on invasions or great natural disasters. We live, therefore, in a remarkable ________ (6) when we not only obtain instant ________ (7) on the radio but can watch dramatic ________ (8) just as they are taking place thousands of miles away.

Television news can be regarded as part of the ________ (9) provided by the broadcasting industry. We don't only see newsreaders providing. Detailed

________ (10) of events but we have a great deal of live footage. News items are generally ________ (11), rarely more than three minutes, and features are included that are attractive to local ________ (12), even though they are unimportant in terms of ________ (13), or national news.

In times of emergency, an excellent job is ________ (14) by the television networks which keep us up-to-date by ________ (15) world leaders and experts.

But most television newscasts are not simply a ________ (16) to the public. They attract large viewing audiences and so are very important for the companies, which compete to sell their ________ (17) time slots for higher prices.

"TASK7. You are going to read a newspaper article about television and children.

STEP 1. Read the article below and decide if the statements given after it are true or false.

Television Ration Box

Parents are soon to be offered the ultimate weapon to the war over how much

TV their children watch. Instead constantly fighting to ration viewing habits, they will have the job done for them by a coded electronic device.

It will switch off the set once an allotted period runs out leaving the child to turn to other activities such as reading or even playing in the fresh air.

The gadget, "TV Allowance", was invented by Miami photographer Randal

Levenson, a former engineer, who despaired of ever reducing his three children's screen time, "There was a lot of anger in the house about the TV and Nintendo usage," said Mr Levenson, 47. His response was to build the calculator-.sized box which plugs into the TV.


The Levensons now use a code to set the four hours that Moss, 13, Cormac,

11, and Geddes, 6, can watch each week. Each has his own code, and when his time is up, the screen goes blank. He can find out how much time is left by touching a button, The gadget, which will be sold in Britain for R49 this summer, also controls video games and the video. It can block out specific periods such as homework time and cannot be disconnected by frustrated youngsters.

"They've got their lives back," said Mr Levenson's wife, Rusty. "Not that they were total much potatoes, but they certainly spent too much time in front of the

TV. "The problem before was that we were giving up. We could only say "No" so many times. But the unemotional gadget can go on saying "No" for as long as necessary."

"I thought, "Oh, this is really going to be horrible," said Moss, recalling so the first time it was attached to the family set. "Then you get to live with it and get used to it. I think my vocabulary's ten times bigger now because I'm reading more."

But, being children and therefore devious, they have found ways of getting round the em, if not beating it. The set is switched off for advertisements and they barter with each ".ther for TV time. They also decide which programs more than one child wants to watch. Any e left over at the end of the week can be carried over into the next.

"It teaches kids time management and other business skills," said Mr

Levenson, who decided to market the gadget after neighbors asked him to make units for them. So far, 3,500 have been sold without advertising and he believes that is only the start.

"If I make money that will be fine. But it was worth it to cut back on the amount of TV my kids were watching. It takes about two weeks but then children accept the situation. They come to find that there are other things in life besides sitting and watching TV."

1. Television ration box is on sales in many shops of Britain.

2. This electronic device will tell the child when s/he must watch television and how much time s/he must play outside.

3. The gadget was invented by a frustrated parent.

4. The three children in the family are allowed to watch TV for different amounts of time.

5. "TV Allowance" works with any television set it is connected with.

6. Children will not be able to regulate the device.

7. "TV Allowance" can discipline the children better because it has no emotions.

8. One of the children has enlarged his vocabulary thanks to the "TV


9. The children can do nothing to outwit the "TV Allowance".

10. The author of the invention has never advertised his device.

11, Children never get used to TV limitation.


STEP 3. Agree or disagree with the statements given below.

1. Television kills conversation in families.

2. Television has led to an increase of violent crimes among young people.

3. Parents should not limit the amount of television their children watch.

4. Children have to learn to be selective in watching television.

5. There are more entertaining than informative programs on TV now.

"TASK 8. Read the composition below and write a 150-180 word essay reflecting the situation with television in your country. Pay attention to the underfined words and phrases. Guiding questions will help you to cope with your work.

A lot of people think that television in my country has improved over the last few years, On the other hand, there are people who think it ha3, got worse.

Only ten years ago the only television channels were the two state-opened stations. Nowadays, however in almost every part of the country you can receive as many as four more channels with your normal TV set. In addition you can buy a satellite dish or pay to receive cable television. l Nevertheless does this mean the quality of what is shown has improved?

There are a lot more movies, game shows, sports programmers and the socalled really shows in which real people I talk about dramatic things that have happened to them. So if you like a lot of choice and want to be entertained more than anything else, you would probably say that television has improved.

If, however, you think of television as an educational aM, you are probably very disappointed with what is on offer. Despite - the large number of channels, there are definitely fewer documentary programs. Furthermore the documentaries that are shown are of poorer equality than they were a few years ago, There are also fewer programs about art and classical music because advertisers have found that these programs attract only a small audience.

So television has improved in terms of the number of channels and the choice of programs, but, in my opinion, it does not provide as much information as it used to, which is its main purpose.

1. Has the national and local television in your country improved or got worse in your opinion?

2. How many TV channels can your TV set receive?

3. Are all these channels state-owned? How many state-owned channels are there on your television?

4. What difference can you notice between the state-owned and nongovernmental (private/ independent/ commercial) channels?

5. Have you or any of your friends got a satellite dish? Is it expensive in your country to install it?

6. Is cable television available in the area where you live? Do you have to pay much to use it?


7. What can you say about the quality of programs both on state-owned and commercial channels?

8. Where are more advertisements: on state-owned or commercial channels?

9. Are you more interested in entertaining or informative function of TV?

10. Have you ever used TV as an educational aim? What was the result?

11. What is the ratio between entertaining and educational/informative programs on your TV?

12. What conclusion can you make about the development of TV in your country in general and the role it plays in your life in particular?

"TASK 9. Imagine that your friend and you were offered to run a youth channel on local television and you agreed.

STEP 1. Decide on the following.

1. What would you call your channel?

2. How are you going to make it different from the existing adults' and children's channels?

3. What kind of programs do you want to have on your channel?

4. When will the programs on your channel begin and finish?

5. What programs are you going to show in prime time?

6. Will there be any commercials? If yes, what kind?

7. What kind of films (if any) would you show on your channel?



'TASK 1. Sort out the words given below into four groups under the right head ing. The first one is done for you.

Impressions of the film

Film makers Audience Film Genre

Part of the performance

1. banal

2. first-rate actors

3. a musical

4. a thriller

5. a producer

6. a screen version

7. entertaining

8. gory

9. a comedy

10. a stuntman

11. enjoyable

12. a cameraman

13. violent

14. a fairy-tale

15. a film director

16. western

17. adverts

18. a double

19. a film star

20. slushy

21. a trailer

22. scary

23. a whodunit

24. a tearjerker

25. animated cartoons

26. a flop

27. cute

28. cinema/movie- goers

29. documentary

30. funny

'TASK 2. Answer the questions below. l. Are you a frequent cinema-goer? Why? Why not?

2. How often do you go to the cinema?

3. Do you prefer to go to your local cinema or travel to the centre of the city?


4. Do you prefer to watch a film on TV at home or go to the cinema? Why?

5. What is your favourite film genre? Why?

6. Are there any genres you dislike? Why do you dislike them?

7. Have you got a favourite actor/actress? Who is it? Why do you like him/her?

8. Do you watch a film to see the acting or the events?

9. Do you like to watch one and the same film several times? Why? Why not?

What is your record film?

"TASK 3. Write down the words given below into the corresponding column of the table according to their stressed syllable. The first three words are done for you. Practise reading these words.


First syllable musical

Second syllable cartoon

Two stresses animation fantastic superb recorder animation detective thriller cartoon comedy western ingredient disappointing review terrific release documentary villain addict melodrama important intellectual princess attendance decline appropriate survival musical luxury entertaining adaptation video fabulous machine average frequent nightmare ambition

"TASK 4. Match the statements below with the three films.



B. The X-Files.

C. The Titanic.

1. In this film you'll enjoy the play of first-rate actors. ________

2. This film is great for kids. ________

3. This film is a tale of forbidden love and courage. ________

4. This film is defined as a brilliant movie. ________

5. This film is described as a true cinematic masterpiece. ________

6. This film is based on the TV series. ________

7. This film is scary and violent. ________

8. This film is spectacular. ________

9. This film is a new Steven Spielberg production. ________

10. This film is a computer animation. ________

11. This film has a plot which is far from being original. ________

12. This film is thought not to be appropriate for teenagers. ________

13. This film has won 11 Oscars. ________

14. This film is described as being very exciting. ________

15. This film has a believable plot. ________


16. This film is defined as a terrific story. ________

"TASK 5. Read through the information about some films and match them with the film genres given. Note that some films can be categorized by more than one genre. Then choose the film you would Ike to see and explain why.

1. a detective film

2. a horror film

3. a romance

4. a documentary Mm

5. a science fiction film

6. a thriller

7. a fairy-tale

8. an adventure film

________ Money. Roland is obsessed with money, He tries all kinds of ways to make it, but he's only interested if he can get it easily. When he and his girlfriend Lucy take a baby-sitting job for a wealthy lady he decides that a lot of money can be made by kidnapping. Roland holds the children to ransom and asks their father Richard Banks for $200,000 for the safe return of his children, Richard gets the money from his ex-wife, but has 4 other ideas for its use. It would appear that just about everybody has money on their mind and will do anything to get it.

An adventure film with a difference, it will keep you entertained — for three hours! Not a film for the restless.

________ Dynamite. Dynamite Johnny is a young boy who has suffered a serious injury to his legs. His only hope of returning to normality is to have an operation which will give him super human powers. His aunt is a government agent who is trying to find a mad man who wants to rule the world. Together they have several adventures, helped by Johnny's super powers, as they try to save the world from the evil madman.

________ Fillmore Rock Festival. This was one of the largest ever gatherings of rock bands. The festival lasted a week and this film gives the highlights of a truly memorable event. Elvis Bishop, Hot Fish, Subtana and many more bands who have earned their place in Rock and Roll history, play with all the emotion and style that the occasion deserves, Bishop's performance that week is thought by music critics to have been one of his best moments on stage.

________ The Man with the Plastic Brain. Dr Howard is normally an extremely honest doctor, but one day he takes the opportunity to test his new invention, an artificial brain. The opportunity arises when a soldier arrives at his surgery almost dead. The operation is a huge success and the soldier is very fit, but the doctor has created a modern day Frankenstein's monster. Terror and violence is his trade and he kills without a second thought. A film for those who enjoy unusual horror stories.

________ Dressed to Detect. A Holmes film starring Basil Backbone as

Holmes and Nigel Jackson as Watson. Holmes the private detective has been hired by the Bank of England, to find the whereabouts of two plates stolen and used to


print R30 notes. The mystery of their whereabouts is contained in three wooden music boxes which Holmes and Watson have to find before they can find the plates. A tale of suspense and intrigue as the detective unravels what appears to be an impossible mystery.

________ Space Trek — Shore Leave. Space Trek is a film set in the future and features the crew of a spaceship whose job it is to discover new places in the galaxy. In their travels many interesting things happen as they meet with friends and enemies alike. In this particular episode the captain falls in love with the ship's doctor. Then a holiday off the ship on a beautiful planet turns into a frightening experience as the crew meet people and images from their past.

"TASK 6. Work with your partner. Look at Text A while your partner will use Text L Find out the missing information by asking and answering questions. Follow the example.

Partner B: When did Thomas Edison make the first machine with moving pictures?

Partner A: An American, Thomas Edison, made the first machine with moving pictures in 1891.


The Beginning of Cinema

1. An American, Thomas Edison, made the first machine with moving pictures in 1891.

2. It was called a ________.

3. Then in 1895 a machine that projected pictures on to a screen was invented by two French brothers, Auguste and Louis Lumiere.

4. They called their machine a ________.

5. The pictures from this machine were shown one after the other very quickly

6. The Lumiere brothers gave ________ in 1896.

7. In America the world's first cinema was built in Pittsburgh in 1905.

8. In the beginning films were made to show ________.

9. But by the 1902 film makers began to write stories for films and use actors,

10. These films were very popular in ________.

11. Hollywood became important in the film making industry.

12. The first ________ was shown in America in 1927.

13. It was called "The Jazz Singer".


The Beginning of Cinema


1. An American, Thomas Edison, made the first machine with moving pictures in ________.

2. It was called a kinetoscope.

3. Then in 1895 a machine that projected pictures on to a screen was invented by ________________________________.

4. They called their machine a cinematograph.

5. The pictures from this machine were shown ________.

6. The Lumiere brothers gave the world's first public film show in 1896.

7. In America the world's first cinema was built in ________ in 1905.

8. In the beginning films were made to show news,

9. But by the 1902 film makers began to ________.

10. These films were very popular in America.

11. ________ became important in the film making industry.

12. The first "talkie" (film and sound) was shown in America in 1927.

13. It was called ________.

"TASK 7. Read the text given below and decide which answer A, B, C or

D best fits each space. Then answer the questions given after the text.

Camera or Video?

I don't like going to the cinema very much myself, but my friends all love it, and so I often find myself sitting in the dark trying to ________ (1) the conversation on the screen while sweet papers and crisp packets are being opened enthusiastically all ________ (2) me. It is this sort of annoying disturbance at the cinema which makes me hire a video and ________ (3) it at home. Then there is no risk of getting cross because it's impossible to ________ (4) anything what is going on.

Another problem is that I always do my best to find a seat with a good

________ (5) of the screen during the advertisements. Then, two minutes before the main film is due to begin, the seat in front of me will be ________ (6) by a heavyweight boxer who blocks out most of the ________ (7) and by this time, it's too late to move. I know this isn't really the point. Cinema fans talk about the extra pleasure when their ________ (8) and feelings are shared with others, I must admit there's often a very good atmosphere in the cinema, and I'm probably too ________

(9) to these things: it only takes up one person making stupid comments to spoil the whole occasion. On balance, I think I'll stick to my video!

1. A, follow B. listen C, watch D. hear

2. A, over B. under C. around D. about

3, A. see B. look C. sight D. watch

4. A. listen B. hear C. watch D. look

5. A. vision B, look C. view D, sight

6, A. taken B. sat C set D. chosen

7. A. scene B. scenery C. display D. screen


8, A. expressions K impressions C. excitement D. experience

9. A. sensible B. sensitive C, insensible D, insensitive

"TASK 8. Fill in the gaps with one of the words given in the box below and read about shooting risky scenes in action films. careful themselves against stuntmen production action safely character hurt scenes athletes allow safety acting

Do you Want to Know How Thrillers me Made?

Modern cinema audiences, especially children and teenagers, like to see plenty of thrilling ________ (1) in action films. These scenes, which are known as stunts, are usually played by ________ (2) who are specially trained to do dangerous things ________ (3). You can crash a car, but if you're shooting a film, you have to be extremely ________ (4) — sometimes stopping just in front of the camera and film crew. At an early stage in the ________ (5), an expert stuntman is invited in to work out the ________ (6) scenes and form a team He is the only person who can go ________ (7) the wishes of the director, but he will usually only do this for safety reasons.

Many famous actors like to do the dangerous parts ________ (8) which, in their opinion produces a better ________ (9), since stuntmen can't replace the actors. Actors like to become involved in all the important aspects of the ________

(10) they are playing, but without the recent progress in ________ (11) equipment, insurance companies would never ________ (12) them to take the risk. To do their own stunts, actors need to be good ________ (13), but they must also be sensible and know their limits. If they were to be ________ (14), the film would come to a sudden halt.

TASK 9. You are going to read Jeff and Emma's conversation about their plans for the evening.

STEP t. Read the conversation and pay special attention to the undefined phrases. How would you translate them into your mother tongue!

An Evening Out

JEFF: What would you like to do then?

EMMA: Well, there's not much on TV, is there? Do you fancy a movie?


JEFF: Fine, but I don't feel like going all the way into town. What's on locally?

EMMA: Well, I rang the Criterion earlier and they've got 'Raw Deal' — you remember we saw something about it on TV last week.

JEFF: No, I don't fancy that.

Too much blood and guts.

EMMA: I agree. Oh, there's also 'A Room with a View'. Why don't we go and see that?

JEFF: We could but I've seen it.

EMMA: Well, so have I.

JEFF: Sorry, I'd forgotten.

EMMA: But it was so good I'd love to see it again.

JEFF: Oh I would too but not just yet I only saw it a short while ago.

EMMA: OK How about 'Crocodile Dundee II'?

JEFF: 'Crocodile Dundee'. Why didn't you say so? I loved the first one.

EMMA: It was all right. Still, I'd rather we went to that tban any of tbe others,

There's a. performance at eight.

JEFF: Eight! Well, then it's time we left.

EMMA: Don't panic. That's when the performance begins. There'll be adverts and trailers and things before the film actually starts. 'Crocodile Dundee' won't start till at least eight-thirty. We've easily got an hour.

JEFF: But I'm starving. I haven't eaten since lunchtime.

EMMA: I haven't either. Let's grab something on the way.

A hamburger or something.

JEFF: Right. I'll get my coat. Have you seen the keys to my car?

EMMA: Weren't they on the mantelpiece?

STEP 2. Answer the questions below choosing from the answers.

a) Jeff b) Emma c) both.

1. Which of the speakers offered to go to the cinema?

2. Which of them has no wish to go to the centre of the city?

3. Which of them doesn't like violence?

4. Which of them phoned the cinema?

5. Which of them refused to see 'A Room with a View' again so soon?

6. Which of them offered to see 'Crocodile Dundee II'?

7. Which of them was hungry?

8. Which of them offered a fast food snack? 9. Which of them was driving?

STEP 3. Work with a partner. Follow the instructions in the cards. Use the phrases from the dialogue.

Card 1 l. Invite your friend to the pictures.


2. Mention three most famous films that have been on in your city/town recently.

3. Tell your friend some information about each of the films you mentioned; genre, actors, producers, etc.

4. Tell which films are on in the centre and which is on locally.

5. You don't want to go far. Explain why.

6. Thank your friend for understanding.

7. Arrange the time and place where you will meet.

Card 2

1. Accept the invitation.

2. Ask what film your friend thinks about.

3. Ask what your friend knows about these three films.

4. Ask your friend which films are on in the centre and which is on locally.

5. Offer to go to the centre and explain why you want it.

6. Offer to meet half way and go not far.

7. Ask your friend not to be late as he/she usually does.

"TASK 10. You are going to read 7 films reviews.

STEP 1. One sentence has been removed from each of them. Put the sentences in their right place and read the reviews. Then choose one or two films you have seen or would Re to see and explain your choice.

1. No one takes her seriously as a coach until she decides to get tough with her handful of seven foot-tall millionaires and begins to win some games.

2. When his pupil, Prince Einon, becomes an even crueller king than his father, Bowen vows to destroy him.

3. But suddenly he disappears mysteriously and the judge has to postpone the trial for a few days.

4. The Medivac pilot in question, played by Meg Ryan, is the first woman to be considered for this highest award.

5. This is the storm that two rival groups of scientists have been waiting for to earn their place in meteorological history.

6. The young landlubber and salty seafarer take an immediate dislike to one another.

7. Andie MacDowell plays his long suffering wife, who must juggle with more husbands than she can possibly handle.

TWISTEE: The largest storm to hit Oklahoma in more than half a century is brewing, and it promises to drop multiple twisters (another word for tornado) into Tornado Alley. A __ Jo Harding (Helen Hunt) and her band of university scientists race corporate-sponsored Dr. Joseph Miller (Gary Elwes) through an unforgettable afternoon, night and morning marked by life-threatening exploits.


MULTIPLICITY: Too many commitments and not enough time is the problem for Doug Kinney (Michael Keaton) in "Multiplicity", a new fantasycomedy from director Harold Ramis. With his work, family, and personal needs all screaming for his attention. Doug becomes the ultimate split personality by having himself cloned, and that's when things really begin to go wrong. B__.

COURAGE UNDER FIRE: Denzel Washington is a US Army colonel undertaking the investigation of a candidate for the Medal of Honour. But nothing about his search is routine. C__ The White House and the Pentagon are pushing him to rubber-stamp the approval. As he uncovers the survivors' conflicting stories about Ryan's death in the line of duty, he becomes forced to confront the truth about his own past as a tank commander in the fury of the same Gulf War,

FLIPPER: In this family adventure, Elijah Wood stars as Sandy Ricks, a typically rebellious 14-year-old city boy, sentenced to spend a summer with his bachelor uncle, Porter (Paul Hogan), an island fisherman. Forced to give up concert tickets and backstage passes to see his favourite band, Sandy is at an alltime low upon arriving at the ramshackle mess that is to be his summer home. D__

All that changes once Sandy meets up with a feisty orphaned dolphin named


EDDIE: This high-spirited comedy stars Whoopi Goldberg as "Eddie"

Newton, a die — hard New York Knicks fan who offers a running monologue of advice for the team's coach from her seat in the rafters. When a promotion-minded eccentric takes over the losing NBA franchise, he overhears some of her advice, agrees with it, fires the coach and hires Eddie to take his place. E__

DRAGON HEART: Long ago, when majestic, legendary fire-breathers soared through the skies, there lived a knight who came face-to-face, heart-to heart, with the most remarkable creature that ever was, Dennis Quaid stars as Bowen, with Draco the Dragon (the voice of Sean Connery) in this story about a man of honour and a creature of legend. F_ On his quest for revenge, he meets Draco. The life-or-death struggle between the two rocks the kingdom until it exacts the highest price of all.

KEV WITNFSS: It is a gripping new film directed by Simon Steelberg, Paul

Briggs plays a courageous and honest defence lawyer who tries to prove that his client, Marie Lyness, is innocent. G__ Meanwhile, the prosecutor starts behaving in a very strange way. Although there is little evidence either way, he is determined to prove Marie guilty. Then, all of a sudden, a witness appears who claims he saw the crime being committed, Of course, no one suspects that he is actually the one who committed it! Will the junior defence lawyer believe his story? And what will happen when Paul Briggs returns? You must watch this film; you'll be guaranteed a few surprises.

STEP 2. Choose one of the phrases below to express yow opinion about the films desired above and their future success.

1. Sounds like people will be on the edge of their seats.


2. Sounds gross (= disgusting)

3. The plot sounds a bit predictable.

4. Excellent, it could be the top film of this year.

5. It doesn't grab me. (It doesn't hold my attention).

6. Sounds like it could be different.

7. Hmmm, I wouldn't pick it.

8. Sounds like a hit.

9. Not my cup of tea.

10. Sounds funny.

11. Sounds silly.

12. Sounds cool.

13. Think it will do well

14. Think it will be a flop.

'TASK 11. Agree or disagree with the statement below. Decide which of the points given after the box you will include in your arguments.

"Most people would rather stay at home and watch TV or video than go to the cinema"

° the cinema has become expensive

° leaving the house can be difficult

° you can choose when you watch TV

° video offers a wider choice

° not all TV programs are good

° going out for an evening is relaxing

° a cinema film is more impressive

° TV easily becomes a habit

° staying at home can be boring

° recent films are available on video

° you can eat and watch TV at the

° a cinema film is a public event same time

° video encourages people to watch too many

° good cinemas may be far away poor quality films

"TASK 12. Describe to a friend a film you saw recently which impressed you very much. Explain why you think your friend should see it. Make notes on ah the following points, then decide which ones to include, and which order to put them in.

° the type of film

° the main character(s) ' the best moment

° the photography ' an outline of the story


° the point of the film

° why you liked it

° why you think your friend should see it

° which cinema it is on at

° how long it lasts

° the name of the director

° who is m it

° the music ' who you were with when you saw it

° the ending

"TASK 13. Fill in the gaps with one word which best fits the space and read a story about a famous actor.

The Actor I Admire

The person I am going to write about is Charlie Chaplin. He has always been one of my favourite actors and I really ________ (1) his films.

I've read several books about Charlie so I (________ 2) quite a bit about his life. He was born in London in 1889. Both his ________ (3) were music hall performers. Unfortunately for the ________ (4) his father was a drunkard and his mother finished her days in a mental ________ (5). Life was hard and Charlie and his half-brother, Sidney, were ________ (6) to an orphanage for a time.

Charlie Chaplin first appeared on the ________ (7) when he was seven and by the time he was ten was a regular ________ (8). At the age of 17, he went on a tour of the USA where he was spotted and given a ________ (9) in a Hollywood film.

His early films were not particularly ________ (10) but in 1915 he made his masterpiece, "The Tramp", in which he first ________ (11) in his famous baggy trousers and with the hat and cane. Soon he had had his own ________ (12) built and was making his own films which ________ (13) "The Gold Rush". "Modern

Times" and "The Great Dictator".

In the 1940s his reputation in the USA ________ (14) to decline, Silent films were no longer so ________ (15). Chaplin went to Europe but was not allowed to

________ (16) to the USA because he was suspected of being a communist. The authorities finally let him ________ (17) in 1972 and he was awarded an Oscar, but by this ________ (18) he had made Switzerland his home. Chaplin did not have a very happy ________ (19) life and was married four times. He only found happiness with his fourth marriage in 1943. When he died on Christmas Day 1977, the world lost one of the ________ (20) ever comedians.

"TASK 14. Write about the actor you admire. The guiding questions given below can help you do it.

1. Is the actor/actress you admire a foreign or native one?

2. What films with him/her have you seen?

3. What do you think is the most attractive in this actor/actress?


4. Do you remember the first film you saw with this actor/actress?

5. What impressed you most of all that time? Why did you remember this particular actor/actress?

6. Have you read any books, newspaper and magazine articles about this actor/actress?

7. Were all those articles positive?

8. What information about this actor/actress's life did you find in the books and articles?

9. What facts about this actor/actress's life impressed you most of all?

10. What in your opinion was the best role of this actor/actress? not?

11. Were there any roles in which you disliked this actor/actress? Why?

12. Can you say that you model yourself on this actor/actress? Why? Why

13. Have you ever written letters to this actor/actress? Did you get answers?


Список використаних джерел


Гужва Т.М. Англійська мова: Розмовні теми: Навч. посібник. студентів фак. інозем. філології, університетів, лицеїв, гімназій та коледжів.- Харків: Фоліо, 2003.- 414с.


Парахина А.В., Базилевич В.Г. Познакомьтесь - Велибритания и

США.: Пособие по обучению чтению на агл. языке: Учеб. пособие для сред. спец. учеб заведений.- М.: Высш. шк., 1988 -144с.


Ятель Г.П. та ін. Англійська мова для студентів технічних вузів:

Підручник.- К.: Вища шк., 2003.- 382с.

