SCOE-SCOD, Walker, CO, TREX Project

Project Overview
Del Walker,T-REX Construction Oversight Manager
AASHTO SCOE/SCOD Meeting – June 9, 2004
Transportation Expansion Project
Project Map with Station Locations
Transportation Expansion Project
Light Rail Elements
Double track system (approximately 19 miles)
– West side alignment along I-25 (from Broadway to Lincoln
Avenue in Douglas County)
– Median alignment along I-225 (from I-25 to Parker Road)
13 Stations with parking at 12 stations
No at-grade crossings (trains will not interfere with traffic)
– High speed
– Operational efficiency
– Increased safety
Additional light rail vehicles
New maintenance facility
Transportation Expansion Project
Highway Elements
Four through lanes in each direction on I-25 (Logan
Street to I-225)
Five through lanes in each direction on I-25 (I-225 to
Three through lanes in each direction on I-225 (I-225 to
Parker Road in Aurora)
Safety/operational improvements:
– Acceleration/deceleration lanes
– Shoulders widened where feasible
Interchange reconstruction at 8 interchanges (not all
Complete reconstruction of I-25/I-225 Interchange
Complete reconstruction of “Narrows” (Broadway to
Steele Street in Denver)
Replace numerous bridges
Drainage upgrades
TransOptions and Intelligent Transportation System
(ITS) elements
Transportation Expansion Project
Corridor Development
Summer 1995 – Major Investment Study (MIS) began by
the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT)
Fall 1997 – Denver Regional Council of Governments
(DRCOG) adopted MIS recommendations
Spring 1998 – CDOT began Preliminary Engineering/
Environmental Impact Statement (PE/EIS)
Fall 1999 – Final EIS completed
Spring 2000 – Record of Decision (ROD) filed by the
Federal Transportation Administration (FTA) and Federal
Highway Administration (FHWA)
Transportation Expansion Project
CDOT and RTD Inter-Governmental Agreement
CDOT and RTD executed on September 9, 1999
– Establish the foundation for the new relationship
– Work cooperatively together to finance/construct the
Southeast Corridor Multi-Modal Project
– Implement the Project using a single Design-Build
Contract for the highway and light rail transit
– Agreement on the exclusions from the Design-Build
– Inter-Governmental Agreement (IGA) is unique
nationally for a state DOT and transit agency
Transportation Expansion Project
Project Goals
To minimize inconvenience to the public
To meet or beat the total program budget of $1.67 billion
To provide for a quality project
To meet or beat the schedule to be fully operational by
June 30, 2008*
* Southeast Corridor Constructors (SECC) committed to complete by Fall 2006
(22 months ahead of schedule)
Transportation Expansion Project
Project Budget and Funding Sources
Projected budget: $1.67 billion
– Light rail elements: $879 million
– Highway elements: $795 million
Voter approved bond proposals for highway and rail
elements (1999 election)
No new taxes or increases to existing taxes
Full Funding Grant Agreement (FFGA) of $525 million
through FTA signed on November 17, 2000
– Several municipalities and jurisdictions have committed $30
million in local matching funds
Transportation Expansion Project
Design-Build Concept
What is it?
– Designing and constructing a project simultaneously
Why are we doing it this way?
– The combination of design work and construction into one
Contract results in cost efficiency and more innovative and
fast-tracked solutions
The T-REX Team provided 30% complete design plans,
the Design-Build Contractor completes the design while
constructing the project
Allows for flexibility, creativity, and innovation by the
Design-Build Contractor
Transportation Expansion Project
Southeast Corridor Constructors Profile
Joint Venture Partnership of Kiewit Construction Company
and Parsons Transportation Group:
Mass. Electric Construction
Rocky Mountain Signing
GE Transportation Systems
American Civil Constructors
GE Harris Harmon
Sturgeon Electric
Elmore Pipe Jacking
Penhall Company
– DMJM-Harris
– Sverdrup Civil
– Turner Collie & Braden
– Terracon
– HNTB Corporation
– Kleinfelder
Transportation Expansion Project
Project Uniqueness
Multiple agency coordination
Multi-modal approach
Design-Build construction
Primary goal: minimizing inconvenience to the public
Transportation Expansion Project
Key Elements of EIS Environmental Process
Joint FHWA / FTA Lead Agencies
Extensive Public Involvement Program
Agency Involvement on Task Forces
•Air Quality
Transportation Expansion Project
Public and Agency Involvement During EIS
Policy Committee
Technical Committee
Public Open Houses
Neighborhood Meetings
Focus Groups
Transportation Expansion Project
Key Environmental Issues During EIS
Air Quality
•Corridor assessment
•Hot spot analysis
Historic Resources / Section 4(f)
Hazardous Materials
Wetlands (approx. 5 acres)
•6 houses, 1 duplex, 1 apartment building
•19 office buildings
T-REX Environmental Overview
T-REX Environmental Compliance Approach
– Place the responsibility for compliance on the Design/Build
– Provide FEIS and ROD documents as Contract requirements
– Evaluate Personnel and Environmental program plans as part of the
selection process
– Require Approval of Environmental documents prior to construction
– Require monthly reporting of compliance activities
– Partner with the Design/Build Contractor to facilitate speedy
resolution to issues
– Utilize Compliance Auditing techniques to ensure the Design/Build
Contractor is meeting Contract commitment obligations.
T-REX Environmental Overview
Challenges of a project of this scale
•Vast space required
•Design Build
T-REX Environmental Overview
Contractor required to analyze and mitigate noise
impacts in accordance with Federal Guidelines
Noise mitigation measures were identified in the FEIS,
ROD, and RFP
– Noise Walls (Highway mitigation)
– Ballast mats, spring frogs (LRT mitigation)
– Public involvement in consideration of construction
mitigation measures
Denver noise ordinance adherence/variance
– Successfully secured CCD noise variance for construction
– Innovative noise mitigation during construction
– Continuous monitoring during nighttime Bridge Demolition
and other noise sensitive activities
– Provide hotel vouchers for affected residents
T-REX Environmental Overview
Noise Trailers along I-25
T-REX Environmental Overview
Air Quality
Contractor required to implement an air quality
monitoring and mitigation plan
– PM10 monitors throughout project
– Project installed meteorological station
– Dust suppression during construction
Report to CDPHE monthly
– Raw data and summary report
– Mitigation measures taken
Implement Traffic Demand Management strategies to
minimize air quality impacts
– HOV lane implementation
– Transit, Van Pool, subsidies
– Encourage carpool, telecommuting, and flextime with
T-REX Environmental Overview
Meteorological station
PM10 monitoring site
Transportation Expansion Project
Water Quality
Contractor required to develop strategies to ensure
water quality during and after construction
T-REX obtained permits:
– MS4 (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer)
Contractor obtained permits:
– CDPHE/CCD Construction discharge permit
– CDPHE/CCD Construction dewatering permit
– CDPHE General Construction NPDES permit
Report to CDPHE quarterly
– Raw monitoring data and summary report
– Stormwater Management Plan revisions
– Bi-weekly inspections
CDOT Erosion Control Advisory Team monthly review
Transportation Expansion Project
BMP placements and “Lake Logan”
Transportation Expansion Project
CDPHE Notice of Violation/Cease and Desist Order
• May 19, 2003 – Colorado Department of Health and Environment
issued NOV to the Southeast Corridor Constructor Contractors
• Citation alleged violations, of the Colorado Water Quality Control
Act and implementing control regulations associated with the
construction activities
• Citation made use of T-REX compliance auditing information as
basis for many of the violations
• The Contractor has effectively responded to all action items
identified within the NOV.
• Recent T-REX compliance audit activity suggests a significantly
improved stormwater quality program is in place to mitigate water
quality concerns.
Transportation Expansion Project
Hazardous Substances
Phase I and Phase II investigations to identify potential
contamination accomplished by T-REX prior to
construction. Info made available to the D/B Contractor
prior to bidding
Contractor required to manage, classify, treat, or dispose
of hazardous substances, both known and unknown
throughout project to prevent exposure to workers and
the public
Approve Health and Safety Plan, and Approve Materials
Management Plan
– Sampling and Analysis Plan to identify potential
contaminants prior to construction
– Incorporation of CDOT Standard Specifications for Health
and Safety Management
– All remediation plans are approved through T-REX
Transportation Expansion Project
Various Locations throughout project
Transportation Expansion Project
Protected Species
Contractor required to comply with SB 40, SB 99-111
and FEIS
Minimize impacts to wildlife and their habitat during
Survey of prairie dog, burrowing owl, and swallows nests
prior to construction activities (continuously)
Successfully relocated approximately 100 prairie dogs to
Cherry Creek State Park (across County lines)
Transportation Expansion Project
Protected Species
Burrowing Owl
Prairie dog
T-REX Environmental Overview
Cultural Resources
Contractor required to monitor excavations for
archaeological/paleontological materials
– Contractor commitment to halting construction operations
upon discoveries
– Communication with CDOT’s archaeological resources
– Contractor working in cooperation with Denver Museum of
Nature and Science on assessment and recording of
significant findings
T-REX, in coordination with the State Historic
Preservation Officer, has been recording historical
portions of the project for listing on the State Register of
Historic Places
– I-25/I-225 Overpass
– General Iron Works
– I-25 “Narrows”, between Logan St. and Evans Ave
T-REX Environmental Overview