Domestic Violence Screening in
Adolescent Pregnancy
Anisha Abraham, Maj, MD, MPH
• To provide an
overview of
domestic violence
as a public health
• To review key
causes and risk
factors of domestic
violence during
Domestic Violence and Women
• Domestic violence is the leading cause of
injury to women between the ages of 15-44.
(CDC, 1999)
• Every 21 days, a woman is killed by
domestic violence. (U.S. Department of
Justice, 1998)
• More than 5 million females experience
some form of violence each year. Almost
two of every three of these females are
attacked by a relative or person known to
Domestic Violence and Women
• 34% of adults in the United States had
witnessed a man beating his wife or
girlfriend, and 14 % of women report that
they have experienced violence from a
husband or boyfriend. (U.S. Department of
Justice's National Crime Victimization
Survey, 1998)
• More than 1 million women seek medical
assistance each year for injuries caused by
Domestic Violence and Pregnancy
• The prevalence of violence during
pregnancy (all ages) ranges from 4-8%
(Gazamarian JA. Prevalence of violence
against women.. JAMA 1996)
• Higher rates are identified when screening
occurs more than once during the pregnancy
(Macfarlane J. Assessing for abuse during
pregnancy. JAMA. 1992.)
• The pattern of violence may escalate during
Violence and Teen Pregnancy
• Women < 18 yrs were twice as likely to
have experienced violence during and after
pregnancy then older women (Gessner BD.
Experience of violence in teenage mothers.
J Adolesc Health, 1999)
• 33.8% of births to unmarried teens younger
than 16yrs resulted from statutory
rape(Gessner BD, 1999)
• One-half of teens with rape histories
Violence and Teen Pregnancy
• The younger the partner the greater the
partner gap. Over one-half of infants born to
women younger than 18 yrs were fathered
by adult men .
• 40% of 15 year -olds had partners aged 20
yrs or older. (Landry DJ. How old are US
fathers? Fam Plann Perspect.1995)
• 74% girls who have had intercourse before
14yrs, reported having sex against their will
Violence and Teen Pregnancy
• Coercive sex is frequently perpetrated by
boyfriends. 53% of nonfamilial perpetrators
were adolescent girls’ boyfriends,
dates,friends (Gershenon HP.The prevalence
of coercive sex among teenage mothers. J
Interpers Viol.1989.
• 51% of girls had their first coercive act
between 13-16 yrs (Erickson PI. Unwanted
sexual experiences among high school
Domestic Violence and Children
• Children are involved in 60 percent of
domestic violence cases. More than three
million children witness acts of domestic
violence each year.
• Up to 50 percent of all homeless women
and children in this country are fleeing
domestic violence.
• More than 53 percent of male abusers beat
their children
Domestic Violence and Children
• One in ten calls made to alert police of
domestic violence is placed by a child in the
• One of every three abused children becomes
an adult abuser or victim.
• Nearly 1/3 of children who witness the
battering of their mothers demonstrate
significant behavioral and emotional
Definition- Domestic Violence/Abuse
• Domestic
Violence-Injury to
another within the
context of family or
• Domestic AbuseForceful controlling
behavior that
coerces the victim
Types of Abuse
• Physical-pushing, shoving
• Psychological-ignoring, controlling,
• Sexual-touching,calling with sexual names
sks Factors for Violence during Adolescence
Access to Firearms
Lack of Self-Esteem
Peer Group/School Influences
Lack of Family Support
Risk Factors for Domestic Violence In
Commitment to relationship
Fear of retaliation
No place to go
Fear of living alone
Economic dependence
Belief that they are responsible
Hope that perpetrator will change
Signs/Symptoms of Abuse among Pregnant
• Frequent somatic
• Anxiety,irritability,
• Repeated visits to
the ER
• Hx of being
Signs/Symptoms among Children
(in abusive homes)
• Infants- FTT,
• Toddlerseating/development
al disturbances,
• School ageincreased physical
Complications of Abuse during Pregnancy
Poor maternal weight gain
Increased second and third- trimester
• Miscarriage/Abortion
Barriers to Screening
Lack of provider recognition
Provider discomfort
Fear of offending patient
Time constraints
Feeling of powerlessness in the area of
Importance of Screening
• 90% of female patients feel their provider
can help!
• 78% favor universal inquiry about
physical/sexual assault
• 1 out of 4 women using ER’s revealed a
history of partner violence when questioned
• 10-40% of women disclose abuse when
screened by primary care providers
• 31% of mothers disclosed partner violence
Setting the Stage
Discuss confidentiality
Use clear language, avoid medical terms
Remain non-judgemental
Avoid talking down
Encourage discussion, use open-ended
• Listen to the patient!
Screening for Domestic Violence Risks
• Has anyone close to you ever threatened
to hurt you?
• Has anyone ever hit, kicked, punched or
hurt you physically?
• Has anyone, including your partner, ever
forced to have sex against your will?
• Are you ever afraid of your partner?
Domestic Violence Counseling
• Implement
universal screening
• Acknowledge
• Assess immediate
• Help establish a
safety plan
• Offer educational
• Screen: Adolescent mothers for domestic
violence risks (at prenatal visit, interval
checkups, postpartum visit, and well-baby
• Ask: Are you ever afraid of your partner?
Has anyone close to you threatened you?
Hit you ? Forced sex against your will?
• Discuss: Safety plan, legal