Recapitulation I: Simpson’s paradox Principle: Collapsing a table over a variable can result in judgments that are in opposition to those based on all variables. 0.7 Recapitulation II: Simpson’s paradox 0.5 0.6 Exercise 2.4: 0.4 0.3 0.2 female 0.0 efficiency of the drug male A Drug B 0.9 Exercise 2.5: 1.0 Recapitulation III: Simpson’s paradox 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.3 weight >90 kg 0.0 percentage of normal blood pressure weight 90 kg high low weight at birth Recapitulation IV: Ecological fallacy Treatment of clustered (grouped) data Recapitulation V: Regression to the 110 120 130 mean x 100 y x 80 90 x y x 70 y y xy 80 90 100 x 110 120 y|x 200 Recapitulation VI: Lord’s paradox 100 Posttest 150 Grammar School (N = 250) 50 Secundary Schoole (N = 250) 50 100 150 Pretest 200 Memory Judgments Cognitive Mechanism: Encoding, retrieval, and forgetting of memory information Misleading information (Loftus) Misinformation: realistic examples Piaget Ingram Memory and psychological interventions Memory Judgments Cognitive Mechanism: Reality monitoring Cognitive Mechanism: Source monitoring Explanation of Loftus’ results by means of source monitoring and reality monitoring Memory Judgments: DRM paradigm Basic experimental result Explanation: IAR Reality monitoring Source monitoring Memory Judgments: Stability and Change Experiment: Marcus, 1982 Explanation: Anchoring and adjustment Mechanism Experiment Tversky & Kahneman, 1974 Experiment: Conway & Ross, 1982 Memory Judgments: Hindsight Bias Hindsight bias: Concept Experiment of Fishoff & Beyth, 1975 Memory Judgments: Retrospective Evaluation Basic Experiment Application Explanation: Snap-shot model Probability Judgments: Heuristics and Biases Heuristics & Bias program. Bounded rationality: Satisficing vs. optimizing. Heuristics: Availability. Representativeness. Anchoring and Adjustment Probability Judgments: Availability heuristic: Functioning. Examples. Imagination and Availability. Personal Experience and Availability. Exercices Exercise 2-6: Ecological fallacy Exercise 2-7: Lord’s paradox An Excel file comprising the data is on Gestens.