Origins of U.S. Government

Section 3:
The First National Government
 IN YOUR OPINION,Which power given to the
Articles of Confederation was most necessary, why?;
Which limitation on power weakened the Articles of
Confederation the most, why?; Describe the 3
differences between the states; What did Shay’s
rebellion prove about the Articles of Confederation?
Section 3:
The First National Government
Powers of the national government under the
Articles of Confederation: (7)
Section 3:
The First National Government
Weaknesses of the national government under the
Articles: (7)
Section 3:
The First National Government
Obstacles to the states’ unity after independence:
 cultural differences- explain in 2 sentences
 economic differences- explain in 2 sentences
 geographic isolation- explain in 2 sentences
Section 3:
The First National Government
Shay’s revolution:
 What happened?
 Why did it Happen?
 It showed that the nation could win a difficult
______, but could not keep _______ in _________
 What does this show about the AoC ability to govern
the new nation?