Advances in Social Norms and Social Change U Penn-UNICEF Summer Programme Equity, Social Cohesion and Children with Disabilities 27th June 2014 Will Hall, U Penn Prepared by Malar San Presentations Content Country Profile Myanmar and Global Commitment Sector Reform Findings and recommendations for Inclusion ECD Situation Analysis Finding for Children with Disabilities FB,EP,NP and Social Norms Norms Creation and Norms Abandonment Schemata, Script for Norms Creation Schemata, Script for Norms Abandonment CHANGE: Intervention: Organized Diffusion of Deliberation (3 interventions) Harmonizing Norms Legal Norms/framework and Social Core group, Reference Network and Network Nodes Myanmar Country Profile New civilian government took office on 1 April 2011 Per capita GDP was US$ 1,093 in 2009 Population was 58.38 million in 2008 135 ethnic groups clustered into eight main groups Bamar are the largest - 69% of the total population Over 100 different languages and dialects 17 State and Regions Children with ECD experience(3-5 yrs) – 22.9%: 2009/10) Primary Net completion rate - 54.2% per cent Secondary school Enrollment rate (10-14 yrs) - 58.3% Religious- Buddhist- 89 %, Christians - 5%, Muslims - 4% Neighboring countries – Thai, China, India, Lao, Bangladesh Located in South East Asia Myanmar Government and Global Commitment on Children with Disabilities The rights of all children, including those with disabilities, to enjoy a quality education are enshrined in the Myanmar Constitution of 2008 International conventions ratified by Myanmar In Myanmar, the local launch of the State of the World’s Children in May 2013 particularly focused on children with disabilities. Recently, the United Nations General Assembly held a High-Level Meeting on Disability and Development (HLMDD) “The way forward: a disability inclusive development agenda towards 2015 and beyond” Convention on Right of Children (1991), Convention on Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (1997), Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), (2012) Myanmar Comprehensive Education Sector Review After a transition to civilian rule in 2011, Myanmar is embarking on a period of extensive political and social reform under the leadership of President Thein Sein. The Government has consistently prioritized education reform as a key element of its overall socio-economic development strategy. In February 2012, H.E. Union President endorsed a Ministry of Education (MoE) proposal to undertake a two-year Comprehensive Education Sector Review with three phases Phase 1: Rapid Assessment Phase 2: In-depth Analysis Phase 3: Development of an Education Sector Plan 5 CESR Phase One Recommendations Does not exclude, discriminate against, or stereotype on the basis of difference: Provides education that is free and compulsory, affordable and accessible Respects and welcomes diversity and sees as an opportunity (not a problem) Meets the differing needs of individual learners Situation Analysis Findings of Early Childhood Care and Development in Myanmar by MoE and UNICEF, 2012 Children with disabilities or chronic illnesses 2.32 per cent of the overall Myanmar population is living with disabilities, Urban area - 2.49 % ; Rural areas 2.24% Males - 2.55 %; Female - 2.10 % in most low- and middle-income countries, 10 to 12 % of the population have with one or more disabilities. Relationship Cycle (FB,PB,EE,NE and Social Norms) NE: we believe that parents and community should provide support not only for physical wellbeing but also psycho-social support and sustainable development provision such as education and vocational trainings for daily survival. FE: people believe that children with disabilities usually provide burden to others and they aren’t able to survive themselves and can’t contribute anything to society. Social Norms PE: we believe that parents and community should provide support not only for physical wellbeing but also psycho-social support and sustainable developmental provision such as education EE: , most of families with disable children only provide foods, clothes and shelter to the children and they believe that they fulfill their responsibilitie s to support disable children by doing so. Social Norms: : Every parents , teachers, community members and counterparts from UNICEF project areas should support to children with disabilities to get equal access to the Quality Basic Education and appropriate vocational technical trainings to be able to nurture their most potential as like other children in the world. Norm Creation: Everyone should support to children with disabilities to get equal access to the Quality Basic Education and appropriate vocational technical trainings to be able to grow all potential development as like other children in the world. Schemata: Parents, teacher, community and government will send children to the school to encourage their confidence level, education, having professional skills and knowledge to bale able to survive their lives without depending on others Script Parents send disable children to appropriate schools to learn not only literacy but also vocational trainings and Teachers and officials prepare everything for institution readies. Norm Abandonment: Children with disabilities are not capable to learn and work in society and they cannot survive without their families’ member support and they cannot provide any contribution to society.. Schemata: People always help and assist to disable children not only providing services but also planning strategically to deliver and facilitate based on requirement of long and short term survival. Script: People help and assist to disable children based on requirement of sustainable development for daily survival without depending on their family members and environment CHANGE : Intervention Norm Creation A Study on Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices towards Education of Children with Disabilities in Myanmar : To Develop Comprehensive Inclusive Education Policy together with all stakeholders and fostering private and public partnership for job creation To advocate Education. Development and participation rights for Children with Disabilities while developing Education Laws in Myanmar Norms abandonment Promoting awareness raising while developing In-service/Preservice Teacher Training manual, Story Books for ECD/NFE/EXCEL, Education Communication Strategy and Parents Teacher Training in Education sector in collaboration with social policy, communication for development and child protection sections Organized Diffusion of Deliberations Social Norms: Every parents , teachers, community members and counterparts from UNICEF project areas should support to children with disabilities to get equal access to the Quality Basic Education and appropriate vocational technical trainings to be able to nurture their most potential as like other children in the world. Inclusive Education Policy Development: to raise awareness and create norm expectation Study on Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices towards Education of Children with Disabilities: to find out current norms To advocate Education. Development and participation rights for Children with Disabilities while developing Education Laws in Myanmar Social Norms Promoting awareness raising while developing In-service/Preservice Teacher Training manual, Story Books for ECD/NFE/EXCEL, Education Communication Strategy and Parents Teacher Training in Education sector in collaboration with social policy, communication for development and child protection sections • Norm Creation • Norm Abandonment Policy Level Dialogue/Advocacy Package/Tool Kit for Policy Makers Dialogue while developing Education Laws in country Children/ ages of schooling target groups (Urban and Rural) by print key messages in students exercise books Promoting awareness raising while developing teaching guide, story books for ECD/NFE and education communication strategy • Norm Creation • Norm Abandonment Harmonization between Interventions and Norms and Abandonment • Methodology: Study design Community-based, cross-sectional comparative KAP (knowledge, Attitude and Practice) • study will be carried out by using quantitative and qualitative research methods to generate evidence on the realization of the rights of children with disabilities ◦ Sample Size: Will use same sample size applied by ECD Situation team ◦ snow ball approach A Study on Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices towards Education of Children with Disabilities in Myanmar : • Form technical team • Form coordination body and advisory group • Prepared Term of Reference • Develop work plan with time line • Organizing series of consultation meeting with inter ministries level as well as education key stakeholders • Organize public consultation to get pubic consensus • Summit to parliament To Develop Comprehensive Inclusive Education Policy together with all stakeholders and fostering private and public partnership for job creation Form technical team Form coordination body and advisory group Prepared Term of Reference Develop work plan with time line Organizing series of consultation meeting with inter ministries level as well as education key stakeholders • Organize public consultation to get pubic consensus • Summit to parliament • • • • • To advocate Education. Development and participation rights for Children with Disabilities while developing Education Laws in Myanmar Promoting Awareness Raising Promoting awareness raising while developing Inservice/Pre-service Teacher Training manual, Story Books for ECD/NFE/EXCEL,etc Education Communication Strategy and Parents Teacher Training in Education sector in collaboration with social policy, communication for development and child protection section. Promoting awareness raising while developing In-service/Pre-service Teacher Training manual, Story Books for ECD/NFE/EXCEL, Education Communication Strategy and Parents Teacher Training in Education sector in collaboration with social policy, communication for development and child protection sections Core Groups : Development Right Policy Level: Government policy makers, parliamentary, opposition group leaders, politicians, celebrities, civil society leaders Management Level: Central MoE officials and other related ministries’ officials Technician Level : State/District/Tow nship Education Officials, Education college officials, experts and technicians Policy Level: Government policy makers, parliamentary, opposition group leaders, politicians, celebrities, civil society leaders Awareness Raising Strategies Focused advocacy to inform about positive attitude toward children with disabilities for education process and seek support to accelerate the progress Broader mobilization ensuring numerous alliances with a shared interest and purpose A national campaign to engage everyone to voice and support the equality and quality education. Communication from an equity perspective to empower communities especially worst off population to take control of their own behavior and attitude on children with disabilities’ education by increasing community capacity to take action through dialogue and mutual understanding of issues and potential solutions. Lgeal Norms: Moral Norm Myanmar Constitution of 2008e Right of Children (1991), Convention on Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (1997), Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), (2012) -National Education Law -Basic Education Law • We should try to include children with disabilities in society • They are capable • Treated with respect full citizens Social Norms: Everyone should support to children with disabilities to get equal access to the Quality Basic Education and appropriate vocational technical trainings to be able to nurture their most potential as like other children in the world. Harmonizing Legal Norms/framework and Social Norms Reference Network Nodes Community State level and Regional/Middle level and National level National Level and UNICEF In-House Central: UN agencies, NGOs and civil society Bridges ETWG, JESWG, ECWG, DPCG High Minister of MoE and senior education officials from Central government Entire Network Nodes community volunteer, social workers, civil society teachers and head teachers UN, NGOS and civil society regional authority and regional ministries ETWG, JESWG, ECWG, DPCG UN agencies, NGOs and civil society authority, religious leaders and most powerful S o ci al Ministry of Education officials –SDE, SDSE Minister of MoE and senior education officials from Central government N or m s Completed study on A Study on Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices towards Education of Children with Disabilities in Myanmar – 2014 December Advocated Education Law developing teams such as National Education Law drafting Team, Basic Education Law drafting Team, etc to be able to development and dialogue education for children with disabilities concept and express appropriately in respective laws – 2014 December Promoted and lobbied to develop comprehensive inclusive education policy and provided and supported policy development process to be able to articulate well enough for education for children with disabilities – 2015 December (---%) Promoted awareness raising for education for children with disabilities to key counterparts, teachers, parents and community members through UNICEF education programme implementation EXPECTED OUTCOMES with time lines THANK YOU!