ESCOLA SECUNDÁRIA DE MEM MARTINS QUESTIONS RELATED TO CLIMATE CHANGE ISSUES CHOOSE THE MOST SUITABLE ANSWER: 1. Climate change is causing: a) the world to heat up b) the world to cool down c) the world spinning around d) the world get steady 2. What is Global Warming? a) It is the act of setting the classes´world globe by the heat register b) It is a rise in the temperature of the atmosphere caused by an increase in the greenhouse effect. c) It is the Summer season when everybody wants to go to the beach. d) It is turning your heater on when you´re cold. 3. What is permafrost? a) It is a refrigerator brand name. b) It is a layer of ground that is permanently frozen. c) It is a type of pizza made in Naples. d)It is the process of freezing fish. 4. “Non-renewable resources” refers to: a) a resource that will never run out b) resources that are finite which means that once they are used up there will be no more c) resources you can recycle d) resources you can´t recycle 5. What is the impact of climate change in the world? a) nobody knows exactly how climate change will effect the world b) be can be 100% sure of how climate change will affect different regions of the world. c) It´s nothing serious and to worry about. d) There´s no impact of climate change, it´s everything made up by scientists. 6. What is the effect of Greenhouse gases? a) They occur when you have too many beans to eat. b)They act like a blanket around the Earth and include carbon dioxide, methane and chlorofluorcarbons. c)They cool the atmosphere d) They occur when it´s raining. 7. Renewable energy is: a) energy that we can keep using over and over again. b) energy that we can use it and dump it into the garbage. c) energy we can use it for a while. d) the process of using it, washing it and then it´s new again. 8. How can you reduce greenhouse gas emissions? a) walking and riding your bike b) driving a fast car c) flying by plane d) riding your motorcycle 9. Solar heat refers to: a) Energy created by stars b) energy created by the moon c) energy created by elephants c) energy created by the sun 10. What are fossil fuels? a) includes oil, gasoline and coal b) includes beans, stones and grass c) includes metal, plastic and milk d) includes water, salt and pepperoni 11. Fossil fuels are: a) non-renewable resources that produce greenhouse gases when they are used b) renewable resources that produce greenhouse gases when they are used c) non-renewable resources that don´t produce greenhouse gases when they are used d) renewable resources that don´t produce greenhouse gases when they are used 12. The term atmosphere refers to: a) the thin layer of life on Earth b) the layer of invisible gases surrounding the Earth c) several layers that surround the Earth d) the thick layer of the Earth´s surface 13. The term Climate Change refer to: a) natural and human caused changes in climate that last less than a month b) natural and human caused changes in climate that last about a year c) natural and human caused changes that last at least an hour d) natural and human caused changes that lasts from decades to centuries. 14. What is Carbon dioxide? a) is a smelly gas that is not found naturally b) is a smelly gas that is found in potatoes c) is a colourless, odorless gas that is naturally present in the atmosphere d) is a smelly but colourless gas that is found in the trees 15. Biomass fuel is: a) a fuel source that is made up of biological matter b) a fuel source that is made up of chemical matter c) a fuel made up of plastic d) it´s something you use in your food to give a spicy taste 16.Places where many wind turbines use the free wind to make electricity are called: a) Wind farms b) Wind factories c) Wind hamlets d) Wind ranches 17. As a result of climate change, temperatures in the northern countries are predicted to increase by: a) 50 degrees Celsius b) 25 degrees Celsius c) 15 degrees Celsius d) 7 degrees Celsius 18. Other than the USA, which country per-capita produces the most greenhouse gas emissions? a) Australia b) Great Britain c) Canada d) Denmark 19. Some ocean species like otters and whales may actually benefit from climate change because: a) They like to bask in the sunlight b) There will be more open water so they can have access to more food c)Rising ocean levels will give them significantly more habitat d) It will be easier for them to find a mate 20. Climate change may cause the water levels of the ocean to rise because: a) Climate change causes tides to occur b) More people enjoy swimming in a warmer ocean. This will cause the water levels to rise( rather like someone else getting in your bathtub with you) c) Glacier and polar ice caps are melting which adds more water to the oceans d) All of the above