
14511 Sycamore Road
Laurel, Delaware 19956
Epworth Christian School Vision
Epworth Christian School (ECS) is an extension of the Christian home, designed to reinforce the faith and values
of Christian parents. We believe that policies and procedures governing the school should be consistent with the
standards of the Bible, which is God’s inspired Word. We believe that each child is unique, created in God’s image to
live a life of faith and service. We believe that faith in Christ must be applied to all areas of life, that God’s Word has the
answers to individual and world problems.
Epworth Christian School Mission
To partner with parents in equipping children academically and spiritually
to fulfill God’s purpose for their lives, while reflecting the character of Christ in all we do.
School History
Epworth Christian School began in the hearts of the members of Epworth Fellowship Church under the leadership
of Pastor Ron David. The church members voted in March of 1979 to begin construction of a school building which was
completed by September of the same year. Church members worked tirelessly over the summer to see their dreams
become reality.
On September 4, 1979 the school was opened with 62 students and 6 teachers. Over the years, many would
volunteer their time and effort in various ways. In ten years, the enrollment grew to 200 and a staff of 18.
The A.C.E. (Accelerated Christian Education) curriculum was taught for the first few years. Students worked in
paces at a pace they could tolerate by themselves with a supervisor and monitor in each room. Most rooms contained
two or three grades. Each student had their own cubicle (cubby or office). They each had two flags (1 Christian and 1
American) which they raised for help from a supervisor or monitor. Courtesy and respect were emphasized and red,
white, and blue was the attire for students and faculty alike.
Around 1986, the Abeka curriculum was introduced and each grade became separate.
Over the past 20 years, many changes have been made such as dress code and curriculum - all to meet the needs
of our students in our changing world, such as computer and foreign language.
Even though our society seems to have rejected our Christian heritage, Epworth Christian School is dedicated to
Christian education.
Our students are the hope and future of our church and nation.
Written by: Eleanor Pusey
Matthew 18 Principle
The procedure for handling complaints is patterned after Matthew 18:15-19
"If your brother sins against you go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you,
you have won your brother over. But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that 'every matter
may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.' If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the
church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, treat him as you would a pagan or a tax collector. "I tell
you the truth, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be
loosed in heaven."Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done
for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."
First attempts for resolving problems should be at the level they occur. The process beyond that would proceed
from teacher to administrator to the School Board. All students and parents are strongly admonished to refrain from
the sin of gossip and idle conversation. Not only is it WRONG, but it results in hurting the feelings of others.
Epworth Christian School offers academically and spiritually-enriching programs for students PreK-8. Our
instruction is Christ-centered, standards-based and student-focused. ECS also offers Art, Music, Technology, Physical
Education and more.
The curriculum used at ECS is biblically-integrated and academically-aggressive preparing students to
transition into high school after completion of 8th grade.
It is recognized that the ‘knowledge,’ ‘understanding,’ and ‘wisdom’ phases are being developed at all
ages. The capacity to gain these qualities is not confined to an unalterable timeline. They each pass through
successive periods of development until they catch up with one another and work together.
The following elements will be present in the successful development and delivery of the ECS curriculum:
 The Bible will be the primary ‘lens’ for viewing a subject.
 Academic and technical subjects are not viewed in isolation, but as part of an integrated whole, pointing to
God’s creation, grace, and mercy.
 Teachers will plan and work together to create mutually beneficial learning opportunities.
 Teachers will be responsive to the multiple learning styles and talents of his/her students and teach
 Students must be challenged individually and collectively to confront, deal with, and work to solve realworld problems.
 Students must be able to demonstrate mastery of a subject, concept, or principle through oral and written
 Execution of the curriculum must provide timely feedback and opportunity for the extra help needed to
meet high standards.
RenWeb is a student management software program that helps the ECS staff to effectively communicate with
our parents. Teachers utilize RenWeb in taking attendance, creating lesson plans, and correspond with parents. The
online grade book allows teachers to enter information from school or home, making grades and homework
assignments readily available to parents via ParentWeb. ParentWeb provides access for parents to attendance, daily
grades, progress reports, report cards, lesson plans, homework, lunch orders and more.
Grades at ECS will provide parents, students, and school staff with an accurate record of a student’s progress
through the curriculum and an indication of his/her performance against pre-determined standards. The vehicle for
recording and transmitting grades will be the Ren Web grading system.
Grading Guidance
Teachers will develop grading systems that adequately reflect the expectations of their learning objectives.
They are encouraged to employ a grading system that gives the benefit of the doubt to the student. That is, the grading
system should presume success, not failure. However, this does not mean that students will always receive a passing
grade. That is dependent upon the student’s performance against pre-established and known standards as determined
by the teacher.
Grading Formulas (Middle School)
Each middle school teacher will develop a grading formula that will provide a clear method for arriving at the
student’s grade. The formula will include, at a minimum, weights for the following areas of evaluation:
Interpersonal Skills (Class participation)
Oral Skills (Logic and Rhetoric)
Written Skills (Rhetoric)
Knowledge of Subject Area (Grammar)
Ability to Integrate Knowledge into Christian Worldview (Wisdom)
Grading Scale
Standard grading scale:
A 93-100
B 85-92
C 76-84
D 70-75
F below 70
Letter Grading Scale
Needs Improvement
Honor Roll
Grades 1-8: A Honor Roll (All A’s)
A/B Honor Roll (Combination of A’s and B’s)
Regular Classroom with Accommodations
Students in Grades 1-8 who are determined to be below grade level in a core subject area will receive
further testing to determine specific deficiencies. After testing is completed the student, parent, teacher and
Educational Therapist will meet to determine and agree upon accommodations that will be implemented within
the classroom. Students who receive accommodations will be monitored by the Educational Therapist to ensure
effectiveness of strategies.
Incomplete Grade
Incomplete grades (“I”) may be given at the teacher’s discretion in the event a student is unable to complete all
required assignments due to circumstances beyond his/her control. An “I” will not be a final grade and must be cleared
by the teacher no more than ten (10) working days after the end of a grading period or it will become a failing grade
(zero). Only the School Administrator may approve an extension beyond ten (10) days.
Differentiated Learning Program
Students who have been identified as having learning disabilities can qualify for the NILD Program. This program
involves one-on-one therapy designed to strengthen weak areas affecting education. A trained educational therapist
meets twice a week with the student, working on areas revealed as weak from the WISC testing. A trained psychologist
(outside of ECS) using the Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) will recommend students on the basis of this
test. Teacher recommendation is also part of the evaluation process. This program is interactive with the teachers,
parents, therapist, and student striving to strengthen deficit learning areas. An extra fee is required for this service.
Student Requirements:
1. Average or above-average intelligence
2. Unable to learn using traditional teaching methods
3. Manifests problems in visual or auditory perception
These students attend two eighty-minute sessions per week.
Progress Reports
Progress reports are sent home mid-term to parents of students. Parents are encouraged to call teachers if
there are concerns or questions about their child’s course work. Progress reports are accessible by RenWeb. Parents
not having Internet access can request hard copy progress reports.
Deficiency Notification
It is the responsibility of the teacher to keep parents and students informed as to the progress and performance
of the student. Letters, informal notes, phone calls, and email correspondence may be used, as well as RenWeb.
Report Cards
Report cards are issued every nine weeks with a number or letter grade issued for each course taken. Report
cards are accessible by RenWeb.
School wide Homework Policy
It is the goal of ECS, to facilitate parents, students and teachers in their efforts with homework by
establishing this school wide homework policy. Homework is a way to reinforce and extend learning. It may be
an additional drill of work taught in school, incomplete assignments, or supplementary. Homework provides
practice for skills and concepts that are taught in the classroom. Projects, short-term and long-term, are an
extension of the learning environment and are expected to be completed outside the classroom.
Homework Policy
Epworth Christian School is an institution which believes in homework. Homework is considered
necessary to complete all of the coursework that is required in each grade level. Parents are expected to
supervise their child’s progress each night and ensure that their child does what is required. It is considered
vital that a child does his/her homework completely and on time. When a child refuses to do so, he/she is in
danger of falling behind the rest of the class and may harm his/her academic progress
Student and Parent Responsibility
Students and parents should view homework as serious and make efforts to ensure it is completed on
time and to the best of the student’s ability. In addition, parents are responsible for supporting the homework
effort by active supervision. Other examples of support are signing agenda books and checking RenWeb’s
Parent Web. Parents should provide a setting conducive to student, encourage the student, and demonstrate a
genuine interest in his or her progress. This is just one way, but a very important way, where parents can
partner with the teacher. Every effort should be made to plan family vacations in accordance with the school
calendar. When plans are made to be absent from school, parents should give the teacher ample notice so that
students can take care of school responsibilities before leaving. All work is expected to be handed in within five
(5) days of returning from vacation.
Homework Standard
No more than 30 minutes per night-3 nights per week
No more than 45 minutes per night-3 nights per week
No more than 60 minutes per night-3 nights per week
No more than 90 minutes per night-3 nights per week
*Note, there may ever be exception, i.e., special projects, mid-terms and final or in the case where
remediation is required. The times given above are considered to be the amount of time student is “ontask”.
Make-up Work
Regular attendance is required as it is difficult for students to make-up missed instructional time. Work may be
made up for all absences except truancy. However, class learning applications, which occur during instructional time and
constitute daily grades, cannot be made up. Therefore, these absences will affect a student’s grade.
On the day a student returns from an absence, he/she must contact his/her teacher(s) to determine what needs
to be done for make-up work. The teacher will establish the time allowance for making up missed work.
Elementary grades K-5: Any student who fails two or more academic classes may be retained the following
school year.
Grades 6–8
1. Students making at least a “C” average in their required academic subjects will be promoted to the
next grade.
2. Students making one or two “D’s” in their required academic subjects will be promoted, but are
strongly recommended to participate in a tutorial program.
3. Students that fail in one or two required subjects must attend and successfully complete summer
school or participate in thirty hours of a pre-approved tutorial program with a qualified teacher or
repeat the grade. A maximum of two subjects may be made up during the summer.
4. Students making an “F” in three or more required courses will repeat the grade if re-enrollment is
granted. Re-enrollment in this case will strongly depend upon good conduct and good attitude and
whether the school feels it can meet the student’s academic needs.
5. Students making any combination of three “D’s” and “F’s” in required subjects will have their
academic record reviewed by the Administrator. The Administrator will determine whether the student
is eligible for summer school or a pre-approved tutorial program, or whether the student will be
6. Students making below “C” in summer school or in a pre-approved tutorial program will not receive
credit for those courses. In addition, upon successful completion of summer work, tutorial students may
also be required to pass a test made up by an ECS staff member who teaches the courses.
Academic Probation
Students must maintain a 76% grade point average to participate in extra-curricular activities. Should students
fall below a 76% average at mid-term or at the end of the term, they will be suspended from all extra-curricular
activities. The students will then be re-evaluated in two weeks. If the grade point average is 76% or higher, the student
may participate in the extra-curricular activities again. If the grade point average is below a 76%, the student will not be
re-evaluated until the next mid-term or end of term time period.
Achievement and Diagnostic Testing
ECS students grades 1,3,5,&7 will participate in annual standardized testing to determine their progress
measured against national norms and their peers. Testing will include the administration of the Stanford Achievement
Test in the spring of the year. Other assessments may be administered as required to give feedback to parents,
students, teachers, and the administration so they may monitor the school’s progress toward meeting its mission.
Bible Integration
The Bible is the source of all knowledge and, its understanding, the goal of all who seek true wisdom. All
knowledge flows from the Bible and all instruction should point back to that source. Essentially, teachers will begin with
a set of biblically based presuppositions about the world and life (i.e. STP ‘Big Questions’). They will then take the
students to new knowledge, skills, attitudes, and then back to the larger whole. This will cause the student to build an
ever expanding, Christ-centered worldview. All academic curricula will be designed to point the student toward building
that Christian worldview. It is not just the responsibility of the ‘Bible teacher’ to impart the totality of God’s truth as
revealed in His creation and through the truth found in the various disciplines offered at ECS.
Bible Version for Classroom Use
There are a number of versions of the Holy Scriptures that have been accurately and faithfully translated to
provide man with God’s Word as revealed to the original authors. We encourage parents to prayerfully explore the
version of the Bible they want their children to use. The pre 1984 revision of the New International Version (NIV) of the
Bible is used in Bible classes, chapels and memory work. It is required that all students, beginning in Grade 2 have their
own Bible for school use. As the core to everything taught at ECS, students are expected to have their Bible with them
at school every day.
Theological Non-Issues in the Classroom
Epworth Christian School is a non-denominational, Christ-centered school seeking to help students discover and
act upon God’s will for their lives. We are an extension of the family and the mandate placed on parents to train up
their children. We will have many students from different expressions of Christ’s Body. These different denominations
may hold different views on various aspects of God’s revealed Word.
The central anchor for ECS staff is our faith in the risen Lord Jesus as expressed in our Statement of Faith. There
may be legitimate discussion about issues beyond what are expressed in that statement. These discussions are
encouraged as long as they remain civil and conducted in Christ’s love. Staff will have to have wisdom as how to handle
issues which arise out of a genuine desire to seek His truth. One tool to measure the appropriateness of the discussion
is whether those involved are being respectful of one another’s position and are they being built up and edified…is their
faith being made stronger. Additionally, are the learning objectives for the lesson/course supported by the discussion?
Pledge of Allegiance
The American flag is a proud symbol of the sacrifices that have been paid to establish our country and keep it
free. Students and staff will honor our country through the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance each morning during
the first five minutes of first period. Proper etiquette demands that all persons stand, turn toward the flag, and
respectively recite the Pledge. Additionally, the Pledge may play an appropriate part in various school gatherings and
Attendance Policy
Epworth Christian School administration and staff place the highest priority on instructional time. Instructional
time is that time in which a student is actively engaged in learning while in attendance in the classroom. All ECS
teachers incorporate grades for daily work completed while students are in class. Much emphasis is placed on these
learning applications during instructional time, as well as quizzes, tests, assignments, homework, and make-up work
grades. In essence, a student may be doing very well on these types of progress checks, but may be doing very poorly
on classroom learning applications; therefore, regular daily attendance is required of all students.
Punctual and regular attendance is a shared responsibility between the parent and the student. Punctuality and
regular attendance prepare the student for the world of work and adult responsibilities. It also honors those around the
student by acknowledging that everyone’s time is important and should not be interrupted by those who are habitually
late. Attendance will be taken every period.
Absence: The civil law instructs that a student must be in accordance with compulsory attendance laws.
Regular attendance is in the best interest of the student’s academic progress. Accordingly, the following policy
is enforced:
An accumulation of 20 days of absences may be grounds for retention of the student at grade level
pending a board review.
After each absence from school, the student will bring a note (a phone call is NOT sufficient) from the
parent or guardian stating the reason for the absence. This note should accompany the student on the first day
the student returns to school. When a note is received for absences due to an extended illness, a doctor’s note
should accompany the student upon return.
Exceptions: The following absences will not count towards these totals:
Activities that are a required part of a course (field trips, band, rehearsals, etc.) administrative removal,
testing, discipline, counseling, in school suspension, sponsored activity (sports dismissals, student government
meetings, etc.). Exceptions will also be made on an individual basis for an extended illness or hospitalization.
The school desires cooperation with the home in every way possible for the child’s benefit. If the parent
or guardian, in exercising parental responsibility, feels that it would be beneficial for the child to be absent from
school for a family vacation (excluding regularly scheduled holiday) the school must be notified a week in
advance in order to be excused. If written notification is not obtained prior to the absence, those days missed
will be considered unexcused absences. The Administration/Teachers may make a recommendation as to the
timeliness/appropriateness for the student.
Consecutive Absences: In the event of a death in the immediate family, transportation breakdown, or
other family emergencies which prevent attendance, communication needs to be given to the school office as
soon as possible.
Tardiness: Students who are often tardy not only hinder their own educational progress, but also
disrupt the rest of the class. Occasionally, though, tardiness for various reasons occurs. Parents of elementary
age students are expected to accompany their children to the office to sign them in. All students reporting to
school late should bring in a note from the parent explaining the reason for tardiness. No note, equals an
unexcused tardy.
Lateness due to an appointment with a doctor or dentist or a family emergency will be considered an
excused tardy. Lateness due to any other reason will be considered an unexcused tardy. The accumulation of
five unexcused tardies will be equal to one absence.
Early Dismissals: Students requesting an early dismissal are required to bring a note from home and give
it to their teacher first thing in the morning. Parents are to sign their children out in the school office.
Whenever possible, appointments should be scheduled after school hours. If students arrive after 10:30 a.m. or
leave before 1:00 p.m., they will be marked absent a half day.
Extra Curricular Attendance
All participants must be in attendance a minimum of half of the day of the event. Any participant absent on
these days will be ineligible to participate in the event of that program. To attend practice or game, a student must be
in attendance at least half of that school day. Exceptions may be made with a doctor’s note.
If a student becomes ill during a school day, the student will be sent or escorted to the Nurse’s Office. A school
official will contact the student’s parent or guardian.
Pre-arranged Absences
Parents are discouraged from taking students out of school for vacation or for non-school sponsored events.
absence is unavoidable, the following procedures must be taken:
A parent must call to verify the request.
A “Pre-Arranged Absence Form” must be picked up in the main office.
The form must be signed by all of the student’s teachers and a parent/guardian.
The form must be returned to the main office two days prior to the absence.
Students assume full responsibility for all missed classes and assignments. Days missed will be recorded as
excused absences counting toward the 7-day absence policy. All assignments given to the student during the prearranged absence are due on the day designated by his/her teachers. The time and place of any make-up sessions shall
be established at the initiative of the student and at the convenience of the teacher. Assignments not completed on
time will not be awarded credit.
Records of Attendance
Middle school teachers will take attendance every period at the beginning of the period so that attendance
information is available to ensure the proper whereabouts of our students.
A quality education is reinforced by punctuality. All students are expected to be at school and in their
classrooms on time. Students who arrive at ECS after 8:10 a.m. must sign-in at the Main Office. A middle school student
coming to class 15 minutes after it has begun is considered absent. Students must have a signed pass from the previous
teacher for the tardy to be excused. Unexcused tardies are accumulated by semester. Five (5) tardies equals one
Chapel services are scheduled each week. All students should come to chapel prepared to participate in an
orderly and respectful manner. Students are required to bring their Bibles to each chapel. Parents are encouraged to
attend as well. Check your child’s schedule for days and times.
Guest Speaker Requirement
Guest speakers will:
Ascribe to the Epworth Christian School Statement of Faith
Reinforce the school’s mission statement
Emphasize aspects of the Christian walk that edify and unify the Body
Not promote denominational distinctives that are divisive
Child Custody Notification
If parents are divorced or separated and one parent is not allowed to see or pick up the child, we must have a
letter, on file from the court, to that effect.
Child Abuse or Neglect Policy
Any person who knows or reasonably suspects child abuse or neglect (the “Observer”) shall immediately contact
and inform the principal who shall immediately contact and inform the pastor. If the principal is not available, the
observer shall contact and inform the pastor immediately. The observer, principal, and pastor collectively the
“Individuals”, if all are available, shall immediately investigate the suspected child abuse or neglect and if there is
knowledge or a reasonable suspicion of child abuse or neglect, the individuals shall immediately make an oral report to
the Division of Child Protective Services of the Department of Services for Children, Youth and their Families, the “State”.
This procedure is not established to interfere in any way with the observer’s obligation to immediately report
knowledge or a reasonable suspicion of child abuse or neglect, but instead is to reflect the belief of the Board of this
institution that there is wisdom in the midst of many counselors.
If the observer does not agree with the conclusion of the individuals as to whether there is a reasonable suspicion of
abuse or neglect, that individual has the duty to report his reasonable suspicion of abuse or neglect to the state
Zero Tolerance
As with certain other behaviors, ECS will not tolerate the use of illegal substances. Using, possessing,
distributing, manufacturing, or being under the influence of illegal or controlled substance and/or drug paraphernalia
will result in expulsion.
Administration - The School Administrator will maintain a liberal ‘Open Door’ policy to help facilitate good
communications. It is incumbent upon staff, parents, and students to do their part in the communication process by
taking advantage of this policy.
The School Administrator will also maintain constant communication with coordinators, department heads, and other
staff. This will be accomplished by personal contact, through supervisory staff members, meetings with staff,
memorandums, handbooks, and various other forms of communication as necessary.
Board - Procedures for communicating with the Board are found in the School Organization manual. Under girding all
communications with the Board are the principles found in Matthew 18.
Office - Parents, students, and staff are free to communicate with the central office staff to seek information and
conduct business necessary to support the mission of the school. Request for administrative support will go through the
School Administrator.
Parents - The School Administrator will maintain direct and open communications with parents through the school web
site, the Ren Web grading system, and various other venues to include the Parent Teacher Partnership.
Occasionally, during the course of the year, misunderstandings can arise between the teacher and a student,
teacher and parent, parent and the school, etc. This is often the result of a lack of communication between those
involved. Epworth Christian School’s policy for dealing with these situations and complaints is consistent with the
teachings found in Matthew 18. All questions, problems, or complaints regarding a school employee should be brought
to that person first before anyone else is involved.
If the situation is not cleared up at this level through direct contact, it should then be brought to the School
Administrator. These complaints, to be given the proper attention they deserve and to allow the persons bringing the
complaint time to thoughtfully articulate their position, must be reduced to writing and signed. Complaints shall be
specific and void of abuse and/or excessive emotionalism, directed at the staff member, administration, or Board.
All such complaints shall, upon receipt, be weighed, analyzed, and discussed with appropriate school personnel.
The School Administrator will act based on his/her decision. The party submitting the complaint will be informed of the
actions taken within the constraints of the law.
Please remember that misunderstandings can be worked out when brought to the attention of the parties who
can resolve these matters. It is never appropriate to discuss problems with other parents, teachers, or anyone who is
not directly involved with the situation. This simply compounds the problems and often slows down the process of
reconciliation. Please follow the proper lines of authority for any complaint.
No member of the school community will be denied the right to petition the Board. However, after taking down
the facts only and without rendering judgment, the Board will refer the complaint back to the proper administrative
channels for solution before investigation by the Board. (Exceptions are complaints that concern Board actions or Board
The proper channel for complaints involving instruction, discipline, or learning materials is as follows:
School Administrator
In the event of school closings or delays, notification will be made to WBOC TV. Notice will also be posted on
our school website at as well as the ECS Facebook page. We recommend signing up for the
automated text alert program offered by WBOC TV.
1 hour delay schedule
Elementary and Middle School Students
Students can be dropped off beginning at 8:45a.m.
2 hour delay schedule
Elementary and Middle School Students
Students can be dropped off beginning at 9:45a.m.
ECS will provide before care in the school cafeteria for all 1 hour and 2 hour delays. Students can be signed in
as early as 7:00 am.
ECS’s philosophy commits its staff and administration to developing a climate that reflects Christ’s example of
behavior, where student creativity, responsibility, and self-direction are recognized and nurtured in an atmosphere that
is devoted to creating Christ-like qualities in our students.
The staff and administration recognize the fact that students have rights and that God established these
inalienable rights. Godly men further acknowledged these rights and documented them in the Declaration of
Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.
Attendant with these rights come responsibilities, and a school, as any other institution, cannot function without
reasonable rules that are consistently and effectively enforced. Not all individuals choose to or are able to behave
within the boundaries of individual responsibilities and freedom. It is, therefore, necessary to set up a conduct guide and
a procedure for dealing with those individuals who exceed social, legal, and conduct boundaries. Disciplinary action,
thus, becomes necessary when an act, among others, 1) is contrary to the Word of God; 2) disrupts the educational
process; 3) violates the personal and/or educational rights of an individual; 4) violates state and/or federal laws.
Specialists and administrators whose areas of expertise are applicable to the individual case give students who are
discipline problems a great deal of time and attention. Failing in this effort, if a student still refuses to cooperate and in
doing so, interferes with the opportunities of others, it is felt that he/she should be removed from the classroom until
he/she is ready to profit from the program. The FIRST and FOREMOST task of Epworth Christian School is to provide the
environment where a student will learn to 1) walk with God; 2) walk with fellow believers; and 3) walk in, but not of, the
world. ECS will endeavor to provide the highest quality education for students who are willing to learn. The complete
policies and procedures regarding disciplinary action at Epworth Christian School are outlined within this manual.
Each teacher is given the liberty of making and enforcing classroom regulations in the manner which he or she
feels is in accordance with Christian principles and discipline as set forth in the scriptures. Epworth Christian School
expects full cooperation from both students and parents.
Nothing in this document should be construed to mean that changes might not be made as circumstance demands.
Student Conduct
Epworth Christian School has as its foundation the goals of presenting a Christian educational program
to our students and a Christ-like model to the community. In light of these goals, life-style is an important
consideration. With this in mind, along with the scriptural guidelines of liberty found in I Corinthians 8-10 and
Romans 14, sexual immorality and the use of alcohol, tobacco and drug-related substances, both on the off
school property are unacceptable. A Christian life-style cannot simply confine itself to the school day. It must
be consistent in life and practice.
Be advised that if a student engages in compromising activities on or off campus, disciplinary action may
be taken and a student may be asked to reconsider his/her affiliation with ECS. Further, if a student is found
guilty or not innocent of breaking a state law relating to weapons, alcohol, drugs or intentional injury to another
person, regardless of where the event occurred, school discipline will be enforced.
The Teacher's Role
Instruction and training in the academic and technical disciplines along with being godly role models are
the primary duties of the school staff. Observation of pupil behavior is an essential contribution teachers make
to the guidance function of the school. Given the day-to-day student/teacher contact, the teacher is often the
first to notice problems. He/she should confer with counselors regarding problems of individual students. Some
clues which may be a reason for referral are as follows:
Achievement below potential or changes in performance.
Bizarre or unusual behavior or apparent personality changes.
Poor or changed attitude.
Attendance problems.
Difficulties in relationships with peers.
NOTE: Teachers should understand that clear-cut cases of discipline should be initially referred to the
parent, guardian, or School Administrator for appropriate action. In many cases, the School Administrator may
feel the counselor can deal effectively with the student's problem and will refer the student to the counselor.
However, the counselor's role will not allow for the dispensation of punitive consequences. Discipline and
guidance problems are often related, and therefore, require the cooperative efforts of the administration,
counselors, and the entire school staff. This does not relieve the counselor of the responsibility to be part of
proactive discipline of our students (e.g. correcting inappropriate behavior).
School Wide Behavior Plan
Epworth Christian School uses the “STAY IN THE GAME” discipline system. This system is not designed
to make light of discipline but to help elementary and middle school students, parents, and teachers fully
understand the discipline policies and procedures. The “STAY IN THE GAME” discipline system pulls from the
governing policies of the great sport of basketball. In basketball, officials use fouls and violations to keep order
and to keep the game fair for all players. Epworth Christian School will use a foul / violation system to help track
discipline occurrences throughout the school year.
A violation is a personal failure to meet an expectation of E.C.S.. (any infraction caused by oneself to
oneself) Examples:
Dress Code Infractions
Lunch room disturbance
Double Dribbling
Running or yelling in the halls
Missed homework assignments
Held Ball
Any student committing a violation will receive a Silent Lunch Detention and parent notification.
A foul is an infraction that involves the disrespect or mistreatment of another student, staff member, or school
property. A foul could also include a severe violation. Examples:
Disrespect to staff member or another student
Any student committing a foul will receive a minimum of one After School Detention and parent notification.
Flagrant fouls are issued for any serious acting of endangering oneself or others (student or parents/guardians
within the school. For example, hitting, punching, kicking, biting, scratching, use of foul language,
uncontrollable rage, use of any object used to bring harm against oneself or others.
Any student committing a flagrant foul will receive a minimum of two After School Detentions and Parent
Notification and 2 fouls (see chart below). Serious offenses may include In-School, Out-of-School Suspensions,
or Expulsion.
When offenses occur, the teacher or staff member will issue an office referral. This information is recorded and
tracked in RenWeb. Below is a chart of consequences for accumulated violations and fouls.
1 violation
Silent Lunch Detention
2nd violation
Silent Lunch Detention
3rd occurrence for same violation
After School Detention and 1 Foul
Every occurrence thereafter for After School Detention and the addition of 1 Foul
same violation
1st foul
After School Detention (minimum)
2nd foul
After School Detention (minimum), No Extracurricular
Activities for5 school days,
3rd foul
After School Detention (minimum), No Extracurricular Activities
for 10 school days, removal from
4th foul
After School Detention (minimum), No Extracurricular activities
For 15 school days, no field trips.
5th foul
One day In-School Suspension, No Extracurricular activities for
the remainder of the year, no field trips for the remainder of
the year.
6th foul
Two day Out-of-School Suspension, No Extracurricular activities
for the remainder of the year, no field trips.
7th foul
Two day Out-of-School Suspension, No Extracurricular activities
for the remainder of the year, no field trips, Expulsion will be
considered by the school board.
Flagrant Fouls:
First Offense: Student will be removed from the group for a period of at least one hour, more if
necessary. Parents will be notified immediately. Two fouls will be issued at this time.
Second Offense: Student will be removed from the group and parent will be called to come in school
and meet with the administrator before the child returns to his/her class. Two fouls will be issued at
this time.
Third Offense: Student will be removed from the group, parents will be called, and a plan of action for
parents to consult a professional must be established in order for the student to return to regular
classes. Two fouls will be issued at this time.
Positive Reinforcement
The “Stay In The Game” system also has a strong emphasis on positive reinforcement. Here is a
Summary of how we will recognize those students modeling appropriate behavior in school:
When students exhibit behavior that demonstrates excellence and a Christ-like attitude, teachers will
reward them with a Good Time Tickets. The students will place tickets they earn in a container with fellow
students reward tickets. There will be ten tickets drawn each month to reward students. The reward will be
given the day of the drawing. Rewards will vary. Example rewards: ice cream, pizza, movie and popcorn, lunch
from the principal etc. There is no limit to the amount of tickets a student can receive. Each month the
container will be emptied and new tickets will be added as they are awarded to students. Students may only
receive one reward per drawing. A student who receives discipline during a reward period may not be eligible
to win the reward. The reward tickets will only be given to those students going above and beyond normal
expectations. This system is to reward students demonstrating excellence and Christ like behavior.
Kindergarten – Grade 5
Unacceptable behaviors:
Unprepared for class
Papers requiring parent’s signature not returned
Disrespect to other students or their property
Talking/disrupting class
Out of seat without permission
Throwing objects
Inappropriate language
Running/yelling in building
Chewing gum
The following areas of behavior are more serious and will result in greater consequences.
Direct disobedience/disrespect to educator
Forgery of a parent’s signature
Vulgar language or actions
Deliberate injury of another student
Any discipline issues, are typically managed within the classroom. If a discipline problem continues, the teacher
will contact the parent. When necessary, discipline problems may be referred to the School Administrator or
designated authority.
Grades 6-8
By the time a child reaches the 6th grade, they should be able to assume responsibility for their choices and
behavior. At this level we will administer a proactive, rather than reactive, approach to discipline based on the
proposition that educators have a right to teach and students have a right to learn. The system is designed to
provide prompt and effective corrective behavior for students who choose to interfere with the rights of either
the educator or the other students by exhibiting inappropriate behavior. In an assertive discipline program, the
behaviors that are expected of the students are clearly communicated to both students and parents. The system
includes not only corrective actions for improper behavior, but also includes supportive feedback in the form of
behavior awards and privileges for proper behavior.
The following are a list of behaviors that are unacceptable.
Signed papers not returned
Inappropriate comments
Books not covered
Disrespect to others
Throwing objects
Personal display of affection
Chewing gum
Out of seat without permission
Running/yelling in the building
Talking/disturbing class
Disrespect to teachers
Inappropriate language
Forgery of parent signature
Repeated misbehavior
Dress Code violation
Use of electronic devices during school
In-school Suspensions
One or two day suspensions will be monitored by the administrator. The student will have no contact with
his/her classmates. Students will not be allowed to participate in all school activities (trips, athletic events, etc.)
during this time. Students may make up their work during an in-school suspension.
Out-of-school Suspensions
Student may not come to school nor make up any work. Zeros will be given for all missed work due to an out-ofschool suspension.
After-school Detention
Afterschool detentions are administered for those students in grades 6-8 and will be assigned based on teacher
availability and will be for 1 hour after school from 3:15— 4:15. Parents will be assessed a $4.00 “aftercare” fee.
A detention notice will be sent home to the parents, to be signed, informing them of the infractions and that the
student has been assigned to detention hall. If the student fails to return the signed detention slip, the student
will be issued a 2nd detention. If the student fails to return the signed detention slip on the 2nd day the student
will serve an in-school suspension and receive 2 fouls.
Off-campus Behavior
If a student is involved in a serious violation of the civil law or any behavior that is harmful to the testimony of
Epworth Christian School, Epworth Christian School reserves the right to discipline and /or administer
consequences including the right to attend ECS.
Probation is one option that may be given to a student for one or more of the following reasons:
1. Continued disobedience
2. Non-compliance after much effort by teachers and principal
3. Negative attitude/bad influence on other students
4. Commission of a serious breach of conduct on or off the school grounds which has an adverse effect upon the
testimony of the school
5. Failure of parents to comply with the disciplinary procedures of the school
6. Academic probation
If progress with regard to grades or study habits is insufficient as determined by the administration, a student
may be placed on academic probation. At such time a conference will be scheduled with the student and the
parents to discuss the possible consequences and a plan of action to improve. During the time of academic
probation, the student will not be permitted to participate in any athletic events.
The student will be given one full marking period to bring all grades up to a passing mark. If the student has not
improved his or her grades, then a second conference will be scheduled to re-evaluate and determine why
success has not been reached. The student will be given one additional marking period to pass all classes. If the
student is successful, then he/she will be removed from academic probation. If he/she does not reach a passing
level, then the parents may be asked to remove the student from ECS.
Probation will be invoked by a conference with the administration, parents and the students involved. A
contract will be drawn and signed by the three parties involved. Progress will be monitored carefully and
reports will be regularly sent to the parents. In most cases, student activities will be limited while privileges of
trust and responsibility will be relinquished. A satisfactory improvement by contract’s end will remove the
student from probation.
Unsatisfactory improvement will call for a recommendation of removal from ECS.
Expulsion will be considered by the school board for one or more of the following reasons:
1. Failure to abide by the terms of probation
2. Possession of a weapon, student assault causing bodily harm to another person, use and/or possession of
drugs or alcohol
3. Serious violation of the civil law (on or off school grounds)
4. Failure of parents to comply with the disciplinary procedures of the school (7th FOUL)
5. Vandalism—Student and Parents are obligated to cover the cost of repairs caused by the student’s vandalism.
The disciplinary action outlined in the code is the minimum. Other measures may be taken at the
administrator’s discretion depending on the severity of the infraction.
Re-enrollment of students who have been expelled or suspended from Epworth Christian School is subject to
board approval.
The purpose of our code of conduct is to establish a set of rules to govern the conduct of our student body and
provide training that corrects molds or perfects our students mentally, morally and spiritually.
The staff of ECS is committed to administering this code in an attitude of love and with an objective of stressing
how and why God would have us do what is right for our own benefit and His glory. While the decisions of the
teacher and the administrator are final on detentions and corrective action, the staff welcomes discussion with
parents to review their action and assure unity between home and school.
Anti-Bullying Policy
 1st Offense
o Verbal warning (consultation with teacher on the severity of bullying, explanation of consequences if it
happens again)
o Apology (written / verbal)
o Time Out / removal from group
 No recess / lunch detention
 2nd Offense
o Parents called
o Peer mediation session with counselor
o Develop Behavior / Responsibility plan
o Student will receive an immediate FOUL
 3rd Offense
o Parents called immediately
o Behavioral Conference with parents, principal, teacher, counselor
o Student will receive an immediate FOUL
o In or Out of School Suspension
ECS students are expected to show the utmost respect for the property and facilities entrusted to us.
Willful abuse of property will be dealt with strictly and may be cause for dismissal from the school. The cost of
all damage will be assessed to the parents of the offending student(s).
Board Hearing
The School Administrator (or his/her designee) may forward to the Board a recommendation for
expulsion of any student who has 7 FOULS in one school year. The SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR may also refer a
student to the Board for expulsion if the student commits a criminal act.
A Board Hearing is a formal process because the outcome may result in a student being expelled from
Epworth Christian School.
1. The School Administrator will forward to the Board of Directors a recommendation for
2. Sufficient grounds include, but are not limited to:
a. 7 FOULS in one school year
3. Parents or guardians must attend the Board hearing with a minor student. Any witness
who may give testimony in the case should also be present.
Enforcement of Discipline Policy
The discipline policy is enforced:
1. On school property prior to, during, and following regular school hours.
2. While students are on the school bus for any purpose.
3. At all school-sponsored events and other activities where school teachers/administrators have
jurisdiction over students.
The discipline policy shall also apply to out-of-school conduct by a student if the school believes that the nature
of such conduct indicates that the students present a threat to health, safety, or welfare of others.
Such out-of-school conduct shall include, but is not limited to, the following:
1. Acts of violence that are punishable by law
2. Sexual offenses that are punishable by law
3. The sale, transfer or possession of drugs that would constitute an offense punishable by law
Nothing in this section dealing with out-of-school conduct will have any effect on, or alter in any way, the
application of the policy for in-school conduct.
Guidance Referrals
Teachers should communicate concerns to the guidance counselor by writing Guidance Referrals. Forms are
available in the main office. Facts and reasons for referral should be communicated accurately and objectively. In
response, counselors may work to gather additional information. Prompt response from teachers is a must. Any written
referral channeled to the Guidance Office will be answered by the counselor in writing to the referring teacher.
Parents are encouraged to contact the teacher for a conference at any time regarding problems or questions
that concern their child. It is ECS’ desire to be of service to both parent and student, and each teacher welcomes a visit
from any parent.
Please call to schedule appointments with the teacher at a mutually convenient time. If no one is in the office at the
time you call, please leave a voice mail message and your call will be returned at the earliest possible time. Please be
sensitive to the teacher’s time at home and try to handle your concerns during school hours.
The purpose of the dress code is to clarify a standard of appearance that will encourage our students to bring
glory to God (I Cor. 10:31). The dress code is not intended to measure spirituality, but to serve as a tool to accomplish
these specific goals: (1) Create an atmosphere free from distractions; (2) Build character that exhibits self-discipline,
modesty, cleanliness, and submission; (3) Inspire the making of responsible choices. The cooperation of the student and
the parent is necessary in maintaining the standards of the dress code.
The INTENT or SPIRIT of Epworth Christian School’s dress code is to ensure that the student body:
Be decent and modest
Be neat, not sloppy
Be moderate, not excessive or extreme
Grades K-4 may wear solid colored black, navy, or tan jumpers, scooters and shorts. Scooters are skirts with
shorts built in which allows for the freedom to run and play. Jumpers, Scooters and Shorts may not be shorter
than 2 inches above the floor when kneeling. Denim and corduroy are not permitted. Slits may not be higher
than 2 inches above the floor when kneeling. All scooters and shorts must be belted, if they have loops.
Unacceptable Uniform shorts are cargos, stretchy fabrics, denim or corduroy. Shorts may be worn August to
November 1st and April 1st to the end of the school year.
Grades K-4 Modest button-down the front blouses with collars and sleeves may be worn in white and with
jumpers only. Unacceptable blouses include: extra long/baggy or sloppy shirts, tank tops, undershirt type,
crop tops or shirts exposing the midriff, tops with little or no back, see through material, sweatshirts,
fleece or hooded shirts, shirts with manufacturing or retail store name brand logos, sleeveless shirts, stripes,
prints, denim, or corduroy. Shirts may not show visible cleavage. Shirts must be tucked in at all times.
Grades 5-8 may wear solid colored black, navy or tan skirts, scooters or shorts. Skirts, Scooters and Shorts may
not be shorter than 2 inches above the floor when kneeling. Denim and corduroy are not permitted. Slits may
not be higher than 2 inches above the floor when kneeling. All skirts, scooters and shorts must be belted, if
they have loops. Unacceptable Uniform shorts are cargos, stretchy fabrics, denim or corduroy. Shorts may be
worn August to November 1st and April 1st to the end of the school year.
Grades K-8 may wear Cotton/twill, “Docker-like” dress pants that are not tight or clingy in solid black, navy or
tan only. Unacceptable pants/shorts include: cargos, leggings (not even under skirts), capris, jeans (or look-alike), sweat, stretchy fabrics, and wind or athletic-looking pants. Pants must be worn long and not be rolled up.
Denim and corduroy are not permitted. Pants are to be properly fitted and worn to the waist. All pants must
be belted, if they have loops. EXCEPTION: Kindergarten students do not have to wear belts.
Polo Shirts:
ECS polo shirts with the school emblem may be worn in royal blue, navy blue and gray. Polo Shirts (must have
school emblem) and can be ordered from ASAP or French Toast. ASAP is located at 22536 Sussex Highway in
Seaford. Phone # 262-3394 Fax #262-3395
You can order from ASAP via the ECS Store which is located on the school website and click on ECS Store. You can order directly from the French Toast website When ordering, make sure to use the school source code QS4SCV. Click on “Find your
school’s Dress Code” at the top. (NOTE: When ordering from French Toast be careful not to order light blue.) All
shirts worn under uniform shirts should not be seen. They must be solid white and must be tucked in. All polos
must fit appropriately, not tight or clingy.
White or navy sweaters may be worn. An approved polo must be worn under the sweater. Embroidery
available through French Toast (see above)
Dress Shoes, Boots, Crocs are permitted in Navy/Brown/Tan or Black. Sneakers are permitted. All shoes must
have enclosed heel or strap. Solid colored socks, nylons, or leotards to match outfit should be worn with shoes.
Exception: Socks, etc. are not required during August, September, May, or June. Crocs should be worn with
straps and not to be adorned with jibbitz. No sandals, no clogs, no flip-flops, no rollers. Shoes with shoestrings
must be tied at all times. Boots must be worn underneath pants.
Hairstyle should be neat. No shaggy, bushy, extreme or bizarre styles or coloring are permitted.
Dress down days – no inappropriate graphics or wording, i.e., crossbones, skulls, anything contradictory to
God’s Word, etc. No sheer material that you can see through. If you are able to see the bottom layer through
the top layer, then it is inappropriate for school. The length of shirts should be long enough that when you
raise your hands the bottom of your shirt does not come above the top of your pants.*
No jewelry in any pierced areas except ears is permitted.
Coats, jackets, sweatshirts or hats are not permitted in the classroom. EXCEPTIONS: Crew sweatshirts or fleece
jackets with ECS logo professionally embroidered and/or screen printed by ASAP may be worn inside the
classroom. See order information attached. Sweatshirts with other logos MUST be taken off when you get to
school. NOTE: Sweatshirts and jackets are for the purpose of keeping one warm, they are not to take the
place of the dress code. Dress code must be maintained under sweatshirts and jackets. Sweatshirts can be
ordered through ASAP screen-printing via the school store on the school website.
Grades K-8 may wear Cotton/twill, “Docker-like” dress pants or shorts in solid black, navy or tan only.
Unacceptable pants/shorts include: cargos, jeans (or look-a-like), sweat, wind or athletic-looking pants. Pants
must be worn long and not be rolled up. Denim and corduroy are not permitted. (Grades 1-8) Plain color belts
must be worn with pants. Kindergarten boys are exempt from wearing belts. Pants are to be properly fitted and
worn to the waist. All pants must be belted, if they have loops. Shorts may be worn August to November 1 st
and April 1st to the end of the school year.
Polo Shirts:
ECS polo shirts with the school emblem may be worn in royal blue, navy blue and gray. Polo Shirts (must have
school emblem) and can be ordered from ASAP or French Toast. ASAP is located at 22536 Sussex Highway in
Seaford. Phone # 262-3394 Fax #262-3395
You can order from ASAP via the ECS Store which is located on the school website www.epworthchristianschool
.org and click on ECS Store. You can order directly from the French Toast website When
ordering, make sure to use the school source code QS4SCV. Click on “Find your school’s Dress Code” at the top.
(NOTE: When ordering from French Toast be careful not to order light blue.) All shirts worn under uniform shirts
should not be seen. They must be solid white and must be tucked in. All polos must fit appropriately, not tight
or clingy.
White and navy sweaters may be worn. An approved polo must be worn under the sweater. Embroidery
available through French toast (see above)
Dress Shoes, Boots, Crocs are permitted in Navy/Brown/Tan or Black. Sneakers are permitted. All shoes must
have enclosed heel or strap. Solid colored socks should be worn with shoes. Exception: Socks, etc. are not
required during August, September, May, or June. Crocs should be worn with straps and not to be adorned
with jibbitz. No sandals, no clogs, no flip-flops, no rollers. Shoes with shoestrings must be tied at all times.
Boots must be worn underneath pants.
Hairstyle should be neat. No shaggy, bushy, extreme or bizarre styles or coloring are permitted. Eyes and ears
should be visible.
Dress down days – no inappropriate graphics or wording, i.e., crossbones, skulls, anything contradictory to
God’s Word, etc. No sheer material that you can see through. If you are able to see the bottom layer through
the top layer, then it is inappropriate for school. The length of shirts should be long enough that when you
raise your hands the bottom of your shirt does not come above the top of your pants.*
No earrings are permitted.
Coats, jackets, sweatshirts or hats are not permitted in the classroom. EXCEPTIONS: Crew sweatshirts or fleece
jackets with ECS logo professionally embroidered and/or screen printed by ASAP may be worn inside the
classroom. Sweatshirts with other logos MUST be taken off when you get to school. NOTE: Sweatshirts and
jackets are for the purpose of keeping one warm, they are not to take the place of the dress code. Dress code
must be maintained under sweatshirts and jackets. Sweatshirts can be ordered through ASAP screen-printing
via the school store on the school website.
1st Offense: Written warning given
2nd Offense: Student sent to the office and a parent called to supply appropriate clothing.
If in doubt as to the appropriateness of the clothing, don’t buy it or send your child to school in it. Consistent
violations of any part of the dress code will result in a conference with the school administrator and possible
additional consequences.
All final interpretations of the dress code rules will be the duty of the staff and faculty of ECS. Common sense
and good discretion will be applied. Parents having questions are encouraged to call the administrator to have
any rule clarified. The right is reserved to make adjustments to this code as necessary. In such cases, both
students and parents will be notified.
Kindergarten students must wear socks and closed-toe shoes. No open sandals are permitted for your child’s
safety and comfort.
Kindergarten through 3rd grade students should wear tennis shoes to school on the day of their P.E. class; they
do not change into a P.E. uniform. Grades 3-8 are required to wear school P.E. uniforms. Gray T-Shirts and
royal blue cotton/poly shorts. Students may also wear school issued t-shirts (i.e.: run with the lions, Track &
Field etc.) Students may wear sweat/warm-up suit pants in cold weather.
P. E. shirts and shorts can be purchased directly from ASAP.
It would be our desire that our students not represent our school by having tattoos. Current students should not
acquire tattoos. In the case of new students, tattoos that are considered objectionable by the school must be
covered or removed.
All books are leased from the school. Upon entering school, each student will be assigned a textbook. The
number will be recorded in the teacher’s grade book. Books are to be handled carefully and kept free from marks.
Damaged or lost books will be charged to the student’s account and must be paid before grades or transcripts will be
issued. Books lost or damaged will be paid for according to the degree of damage done.
Students are required to use book covers on all textbooks.
Each teacher is responsible for collecting and checking textbooks at the end of the course.
Students must remove all marks, papers, and covers from the book before it can be accepted.
Lost textbooks will be handled as stated below.
Student report cards will be withheld for failure to clear the book record.
Students will be loaned textbooks by the school.
Upon issue, the teacher will record the number and condition. Teachers are responsible for maintaining this
record throughout the school year.
Students are to print their names in ink in the space provided in the textbooks. These entries should be dated.
Teachers will periodically check books for covers, proper numbers, and signs of excessive wear
Students will be required to pay the prorated replacement cost of any lost book (1 year = 80%; 2 years = 60%; 3
years = 40%, 4 years and more = 20%). Lead teachers will have a list of the prices of all books. Students are not
to be sent to the office to find out the cost of books.
Payment for lost books will be handled in the school office.
Extended Care is available for ECS students for an additional fee. The hours of extended Care are 7:00-7:45 am
(before school) and 3:10-5:30 pm (after school). Contact the school office for a registration form which includes current
fees. Form must be filled out before student can remain in Extended Care. Students are not charged for the first 15
minutes of aftercare.
Articles found in the school area and not claimed will be placed in lost and found. Unclaimed articles at the end
of each marking period will be donated to a worthy organization. This problem could be eliminated by tagging all of
your children’s articles with their names.
Students should not bring cell phones, CD players, IPods, IPads, video games, or any other electronic devices to
school. EXCEPTION: If absolutely necessary for parental contact after school hours, students in grades 6, 7 and 8, may
bring cell phones to school. Cell phones must be kept in the main office and powered off. Students will not be permitted
to check cell phones during the school day. If not absolutely necessary, parents are encouraged to have students keep
phones at home as they only serve to be a distraction and temptation. Any student caught with any devices in their
possession or in use during school, will have said object taken from them by the teacher. Confiscated devices can be
collected at the end of the day. A repeated occurrence will result in the item being collected and returned only to a
Computer –Related Resources
Students of Epworth Christian School have access to the school computers, computer-related equipment,
software, and a network for sharing files, sending and receiving electronic mail, and access to the Internet – hereafter
referred to as computer-related resources.
Students are to use the ECS computer-related resources only for work that is directly related to classroom
learning activities that support the goals of the ECS education program. Access to these resources will enable students
to create and explore information stored on local storage devices as well as thousands on Internet-based libraries,
database, and bulletin boards around the globe. Also, they will be able to collaborate on classroom-related learning
projects with many Internet users throughout the world. Families should be warned that some material accessible via
the computer-related resources may contain items that are illegal, defamatory, inaccurate, or potentially offensive to
some people. ECS operated computer services are closely monitored to filter offensive material. While our intent is to
make access available to the computer-related resources for the purpose of supporting educational goals and objectives,
students may find ways to access other material as well. We believe that the benefits that students can derive from
access to our computer-related resources (e.g. learning 21st Century workplace skills, access to knowledge from around
the world, collaborating with schoolmates and professionals on an international scale, etc.) exceed the disadvantages.
Ultimately, parents and guardians of minors are responsible for setting and conveying the standards that their children
should follow when using media and information sources.
To that end, Epworth Christian School supports and respects each family’s right to decide whether or not to
exercise the privilege of using its computer-related resources. If a parent does not want his or her student to have
access to ECS computer-related resources, they must submit a letter to that effect to the School Administrator. Parents
should be advised that this action may place the student at a disadvantage in some classes.
School Rules for Student Use of Computer-Related Resources
The computer-related resources are provided for students to perform assignments related to classroom learning
activities, such as, but not limited to writing papers, performing calculations, creating/manipulating graphic images,
organizing/analyzing data, conducting research, and communicating with others. Access to computer-related resources
is given to students who agree to act in a considerate and responsible manner. Access is a privilege not a right. Access
entails responsibility. During school, teachers will guide students toward appropriate materials. Within reason, freedom
of speech and access to information will be honored.
Individual users of the ECS computer-related resources are responsible for their behavior and communications
when using the resources. It is presumed that users will comply with ECS standards and will honor the agreements they
have signed.
ECS’s computer-related data storage areas (i.e. jump drives, hard drives, file server volumes, Internet servers, etc.) may
be treated like school lockers. Network administrators may review files and communications to maintain system
integrity and ensure that students are using the computer-related resources responsibly. Users should not expect that
files stored on ECS’s computer-related storage areas will always be private.
Students are responsible for good behavior when they are using Epworth Christian School’s computer-related
resources. General school rules for behavior and communications apply. Student use of ECS’s computer-related
resources must be in support of the educational objectives of ECS. For this reason, the following actions are NOT
permitted when using ECS computer-related resources:
Modifications of system or system files
Non-teacher directed chat rooms
Distribution or display of offensive messages or pictures
Use of obscene language
Harassment, insult of, or attack of others
Damage of any computer-related resources
Violation of copyright laws
Giving a password to another individual or using another individual’s password
Trespass of folders, work, or files
Intentional waste of limited resources
Employment of any of the ECS computer-related resources for commercial purposes
Violations may result in a loss of access as well as other disciplinary or legal action.
E-mail may be checked before school, after school and the last 10 minutes of the period at the teacher’s discretion.
Athletics (see Athletic Handbook)
ECS provides interscholastic and intramural athletics for all our students. These activities are designed to build
godly character and a sound body. A participation fee is required for each interscholastic sport to offset the cost
involved. Students participating in interscholastic sports must have had a physical after May 1st of the previous
academic year and a copy must be on file with the nurse. All athletes and at least one parent must attend the sports
information night. All athletes, parents, coaches, and fans are expected to exemplify Christ-like values in conduct,
sportsmanship, effort, and attitude.
Detailed policies and procedures that govern athletics are found in the ECS Athletic Handbook. Please refer to
this document for further details about Lion athletics.
Extracurricular Activities
At ECS, academics are second only to spiritual growth. Additionally, athletics and other extra-curricular activities
support the development of a well-developed student. Therefore, students will be expected to maintain the high
academic performance in order to be able to participate in extra-curricular activities. If students are failing any course at
any time, they will not be able to practice/participate with that activity until their grades become passing. A student will
already have been scheduled for Academic Coaching if his/her grade falls below a predetermined mark in the class.
Status of passing or failing will be determined by the grade posted in RenWeb.
Field trips—an extension of classroom instruction—may occur throughout the year. As a part of the curriculum,
attendance and participation is required. When traveling off school property, students must turn in a signed permission
slip. School dress code is required on field trips unless otherwise approved. Younger siblings are requested not to
accompany parent chaperones on field trips, as this distracts from their primary responsibility of supervising the children
assigned to them. Transportation may be by parent vehicles or charted bus.
Class Parties
Parties, as a general rule, are not encouraged as they take from valuable instructional time. However, there may
be times when a teacher deems it appropriate to combine an educational experience with a time for celebration and
fellowship. The responsibility to define and meet instructional objectives remains the same as all other class periods.
These events will be submitted to the School Administrator for approval. Teachers and homeroom moms will be issued
a class party schedule each year.
Epworth Christian School is financed totally through tuition and gifts. We are a Christian institution and thus
feel a deep obligation to meet our financial obligations on time. Therefore, we must insist that our parents make their
tuition payments on time. Accordingly, there are penalties for late payment of tuitions. Families of ECS are expected to
be enrolled in the FACTS Tuition Management Program where payments will be withdrawn on the 5th and the 20th of
the month. If you have difficulty in making a payment, please contact the school immediately.
Accounts with overdue balances of forty (40) days will have twenty (20) days to make arrangements to bring the
accounts current. Accounts which are not current within sixty (60) days of date due will result in the student being
dismissed from school. Families whose accounts are more than thirty (30) days in arrears will not be allowed to re-enroll
for the next school year until their accounts are current. Students whose accounts are not current at the end of the
school fiscal year (June 30) will not be added to the class roster for the next year, even if they had been previously re-
enrolled. Re-enrollment does not guarantee a place on the class roster if the account is delinquent. Since new families
may enroll their children after re-enrollment in the spring, the potential becomes greater for financially delinquent
families that no places will be available for their students. Report cards and awards will not be released for students
whose accounts are delinquent.
Since the tuition level does not cover the total cost of education, the school is dependent on the gifts it receives from
parents, churches, businesses and friends. All gifts made to ECS are tax deductible and will be acknowledged with a
ECS also has established procedures for memorial gifts for those who would like to contribute gifts in memory of a loved
The Delaware Fire Prevention Rules and Regulations require all schools to hold monthly fire drills. Please follow
these regulations.
1. Good order is more important than speed—take your time.
2. No room line should cross another line.
3. Teachers should head up the room line and appoint two “aides” to close windows and the exit doors.
4. Each class should move at least fifty feet beyond the school building.
5. There is to be no talking during a fire drill.
6. Follow the posted directions for vacating the building.
When the fire alarm sounds, the following procedures will be used: Students leave the building in a quiet,
orderly manner. Students may take personal belongings at their location when the alarm sounds. No one is to return to
the lockers, etc. and books and supplies should be left in the room. The teacher will vacate all students from the room
and must be sure to take the roll book, turn off lights, and close the door. Classes move to their assigned locations
outside the building and wait in line with their teachers. NO talking will be allowed as teachers need quiet to take roll.
When the “All Clear” sounds, students must return in a quiet, orderly fashion.
Administrators will check the hallways, bathrooms, and other instructional areas to ensure total evacuation of
the building. In the event of an alarm initiated by the fire alarm system and not a planned drill, the administrators and
the custodians will sweep the building for the cause of the alarm whether it is a false alarm, an intentional/unintentional
activation, or an actual fire. The office secretary will notify the fire department if required.
Personnel are not to return to the building until the “all clear” signal has been sounded. Additionally, the
School Administrator/designee will make a call over the school portable radio system.
Epworth Christian School is endeavoring to meet debt service requirements as well as to keep low tuition rates
for the benefit of each parent. For this reason, we operate a fund-raising program and anticipate each child’s and/or
parent’s participating in helping us raise the additional funds needed.
Students may check out two books. If a book is not returned by the due date a student may not check out
additional books. Lost books or videos must be paid for by the student or his family.
The parent-teacher fellowship is made up of all the parents and teachers in the school. It is intended to
facilitate cooperation and communication between parents and teachers and to support and strengthen the
effectiveness of the school in any way it can. Meetings will be scheduled throughout the school year and all parents
should plan to attend each one.
Parents may, with administrative approval, visit the classroom to observe on occasion. It should be understood
that a visit is NOT a conference with the teacher.
The teacher will be teaching the class and visitors merely observe the classroom activities. Such visits must be arranged
at least one day in advance. The teacher may desire a rescheduling of the visit if that seems appropriate.
TRANSPORTATION REFUNDS—The State of Delaware by action of the state legislature, provides transportation
funds to private school students who reside more than 1 mile from Epworth Christian School. Students’ transportation
in grades K-8 is subsidized. Preschool is not included in this program.
ECS encourages each family to fill out a “State-funded Bus Transportation” form annually. Families have the
option of donating their refund to ECS or having it reimbursed to them directly in the month of August.
The school offices open at 7:45 am and close at 4 pm. Lunches, homework, books and other items inadvertently
left at home may be brought to the school office in your child’s building to be delivered to your child by school
personnel. PLEASE DO NOT DELIVER ITEMS YOURSELF TO THE CLASSROOM. Summer hours: The school office is open
during the summer Monday through Thursday from 9 am to 3 pm. If we are not in the office, please feel free to leave a
voice mail message and we will return your call.
All visitors must check in at the school office when they arrive. This includes school parents.
Telephone and Cell Phone Use
Student and staff phone calls (incoming and outgoing) are prohibited during instructional time, and exceptions
require administrative approval. Personal and school related business calls shall be made during non-instructional time.
Under no circumstances will students use secretary’s phones or be excused from class to make calls unless they
have an emergency. Students are not permitted to use the internal phone system at any time. Should a student
emergency exist, it will be verified by the office secretary and the call will be placed from his/her phone. Athletic related
phone calls will be handled through the Athletic Director.
Epworth Christian School feels a very great obligation to parents and students alike regarding protecting our
students from immoral influences.
Students are not to bring to school, or have in their possession, a book, magazine, or printed or
recorded matter that contains immoral or controversial material, i.e., including, but not limited to, guns, games with
rating other than “E”.
Music can play a significant role in proper praise and worship and in the educational process. The benefits of
music must be seriously weighed against the potential distraction of its improper use. The music’s purpose must be to
bring the student and staff to a place of focusing on the Lord, not on the things of this world. Staff should contact the
School Administrator if there is any question about the music selection.
Students may not have radios, CD players, or IPods on school grounds. Possession will result in confiscation and
return of the device to the parents.
Lockers (Middle School)
Locks are not required but may be used. ECS cannot be responsible for items taken from lockers or the locker
room, although ECS will deal firmly with anyone who steals. The Administration will occasionally inspect lockers and
their contents. Lockers are the property of the school and may be entered at any time.
Vending Machines
Vending machines are available for student and staff use during times designated. If anyone has problems with
the operating of the vending machines, contact the main office immediately. Students are not permitted to use the
Soda machine in the Faculty Lounge.
Security and Care of Property and Valuables
All members of the ECS family have the responsibility to safeguard the property that has been entrusted into our
care. Any vandalism or damaged property should be reported to the School Administrator.
Students are responsible for the upkeep and good maintenance of all assigned books and supplies. Lost or
damaged items will be paid for by the student through his/her school account.
Students should take precautions with money and personal valuables. Any money beyond the personal needs of the
student should be deposited in the main office. Students are not to leave such valuables in an unattended area such as a
locker room. ECS will not be responsible for loss or theft.
ECS maintains a website at The site is an excellent communications tool for people
desiring to learn about our school and for the school to make salient information available to a broad audience. Any
suggestions for improving the site should be directed to the School Administrator.
Parents are responsible for forming any car pool arrangements for the purpose of transporting their students to
and from the school or its activities. The main office will maintain a list of families who are desirous of entering into car
pool arrangements. ECS is not responsible for the safety of a student in a car pool.
Change of Address/Contact Information
It is essential that ECS be apprised of any changes of address, contact phone numbers, email address, and place
of employment. This information is vital for timely and effective communication of school related information, to
include contact in the case of emergency. Parents should notify the main office by the most efficient means of any of
the aforementioned changes.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that protects the privacy of student
education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U. S. Department
of Education. ECS does not receive such funding and is not required to comply with the provisions of the Act. The
following describes portions of the Act that ECS may use as guidelines:
Under the Act:
 Parents have certain rights with respect to their children’s education records. These rights transfer to the
student when he/she reaches age 18 (becomes an eligible student) or attends a school beyond the high school
 Parents and eligible students have the right to inspect and review the student’s educational records. Schools are
not required to provide copies of the records.
 Parents or eligible students have the right to request that a school correct records they believe are in error.
They have a right to a hearing. If the school still does not amend the records, the parent or eligible student may
place a statement with the record setting forth his/her view about the contested information.
ECS may release student information using the Act as a guideline. Parents and students 18 years and older are
advised of this policy and must notify the School Administrator in writing if they do not wish to have the directory
information released as prescribed.
Generally, schools must have written permission from the parent or eligible student in order to release information from
a student’s record. However, ‘directory information’ such as a student’s name, address, telephone number, date and
place of birth, honors and awards, and dates of attendance may be given out without consent to the following parties:
School officials with legitimate educational interest
Other schools to which a student is transferring
Specified officials for audit or evaluation purposes
Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student
Organizations conducting studies for or on behalf of the school
Accrediting organizations
Judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena
Appropriate officials in cases of health and safety emergencies
State and local authorities, within a juvenile justice system, pursuant to specific state law
Student Files/Records
Student records are property of the school, and information from those records will be released only to those
persons having a legitimate right to them. Parents are able to inspect any and all records relating to their student, given
adequate notification and coordination with the administration. Minor students with written parental permission may
inspect their records. Certain directory information may be released without consent.
Family Vacations
Family vacations are recognized as valuable opportunities to build relationships and discover more about God’s
creation. However, the school has the obligation to maintain the high standards it has set to ensure we deliver the best
education possible. Therefore, students will still be held to the seven (7) day absence policy outlined in this manual.
Parental Responsibility
At ECS we expect all students to be under direct parental authority. There must be a two-way commitment
between the parent and the school. Parents are encouraged to develop a close working relationship with the school.
Medical Procedures
Communicable Diseases Policy
Children enrolled at Epworth Christian School or who seek to enroll at Epworth Christian School, who are
diagnosed to be carrying any communicable or potentially lethal disease, shall be accorded the opportunity to enroll in
an approved Home School Program.
They will not be permitted to enroll in regular Epworth Christian School classes until they have been medically
diagnosed as no longer carrying the communicable disease.
Those involved in education must always be aware of the confidentiality of students’ records. A minimum number of
personnel should be made aware of applicants whose condition is identified as being covered by this policy. No
information about such a
student may be released without prior approval of the school administrator and parents.
Students who have experienced a fever of over 100 degrees should not return to school until they have been
fever-free for 24 hours.
Medicine at School
Prescription Medications
 Send the medication to school with a responsible individual if you are unable to take it to school.
 Send the medication in the original container properly labeled with correct name, time, dose and date.
 Send in a note for each medication sent to school. Forms may be obtained from the school nurse. Note
the time/date the last dose was given.
Prescription Medication on Field Trips
Assistance with medication shall not be provided without the prior written request or consent of a parent or guardian.
Said written request or consent must contain clear instructions including: the student’s name, the name of the
medication, the dose, the time of administration and the method of administration.
The medication must be in a container which is clearly labeled with the student’s name, the name of the medication, the
dose, and the time of administration and the method of administration. Prescribed medicine must be in a container
which meets United State Pharmacopoeia/National Formulary standards and, in addition to the information otherwise
required by this section, shall bear the name and telephone number of the prescribing physician, and the name and
telephone number of the dispensing pharmacy.
The nurse will NOT send bottles already at school. Another medication must be sent with one dose provided only for
the teacher to give.
A “permission slip to give medications to student on field trip” MUST be filled out and attached to the field trip
permission slip. If a medication slip does not come home with your child’s field trip permission slip, it is the parent’s
responsibility to obtain this and completely fill it out in advance of the trip.
The school nurse will instruct the teacher on the field trip as to how to administer medication.
Non-Prescription Medications
No medication will be kept on hand except what you send in for your child.
Non-prescription medication must be sent to the school in the original container with written permission for the school
nurse to administer after your child has been assessed.
Asthma Inhalers
Qualified students may carry their own quick-relief inhalers. This is so that the medication is immediately
available for the self-medication of asthma symptoms.
1. Pharmacy label must be on inhaler (not just the outside box)
2. Signed permission slip must be on file in the nurse’s office (signed by doctor and parent).
3. After the student uses the inhaler he/she must report to the nurse’s office for assessment.
Cough Drops and Lollipop Cough Medicine
Lollipop cough suppressants are not allowed at school.
Cough drops, if sent to school with K-5th grade students must be sent to the nurse with a note from home.
All students enrolling in Epworth Christian School must provide a current immunization record prior to the first
day of school. Immunizations must be maintained throughout the year.
Immunization Policy
Students will be required to maintain current immunization status as defined by the state of Delaware. Specific
information is available from the school nurse.
Infectious Diseases
Communicable disease control is vested by law in public health officials. Epworth Christian School will comply with
regulations set up by the State Board of Health to exclude students from school. The principle on which general
protection against communicable diseases is based is simple - namely, exclusion of any child with suspicious signs
pending a diagnosis. The child should be isolated until released in the custody of the family or other accountable person.
The re-admission to school of students having had a communicable disease varies with the nature of the disease, its
communicability, and its seriousness. Any student who is absent from school because of a communicable disease must
report to the School Nurse before being re-admitted by the classroom teacher.
Physical Exams
Physical examinations will be conducted in accordance with the laws and regulations of the state of Delaware
and the Delaware Interscholastic Athletic Association. Specific information is available from the School Nurse and the
Athletic Director.
Safety/Security of Materials
Safety is paramount at ECS. Administrators, teachers, other staff, parents, and students all share responsibility
for helping ensure we have a safe environment to conduct the educational process. Anyone who notices or observes an
unsafe condition or practice must report the situation immediately to the School Administrator who will take action to
investigate and remedy the situation as soon as practicable. This does not preclude the persons who observe such
unsafe situations or are involved at the immediate level (i.e. teachers/staff) from taking prudent action to avoid injury,
or harm to another person.
All accidents which occur during the school day or on any school sponsored trip will be reported to the main
office immediately. All injuries will be evaluated by the nurse (or administrator in his/her absence) to determine level of
treatment. Students with serious injuries will be taken to the hospital immediately and the parents notified by most
expeditious means available. A Medical Release/Parental Permission form for each student must be signed by a
parent/guardian and kept on file in the nurse’s office.
Student Accident Insurance
Accident insurance for students will be provided by the school through an agency chosen by the school. Since this
insurance may not provide complete coverage in all instances, parents are responsible for providing insurance coverage,
both medical and accident, for their students.
Admissions Process
The following steps outline the admissions process:
 Applications may be received at any time during the year and should be addressed to the Registrar.
Applications should be accompanied by the documentation outlined in the admissions packet. Incomplete
admissions packets will not be scheduled for interviews.
 Upon receipt of the application, a person designated by the Registrar, will accomplish a ‘paper’ screening of the
 A parent/student interview will be scheduled by the Registrar based on the date the application is received.
 The interview will be conducted in two parts by two separate teams of interviewers. The constitution and
meeting place/time of the teams will be determined by the Registrar. One part of the interview will focus on a
student performance task and student specific questions. The other part will involve both parent and student
and consist of questions and interaction that will determine the suitability of ECS to serve the needs of the
parents and student.
 All interview personnel will convene to confirm/deny the recommendation status.
 The Registrar will consolidate the lists of acceptances and non-acceptances and forward them to the School
Administrator’s office for the generation of an appropriate letter.
Profession of Faith as Requirement for Admission
ECS is a school dedicated to preparing students who have a knowledge and relationship with Jesus Christ to go
out into the world and positively impact the community in His name. Parents and students are asked to share the depth
of that relationship during the application and interview process. The decision as to whether the student and parents
will be successfully served is dependent upon their relationship with Jesus. Both parent and student will be required to
affirm that they can and will abide by the Epworth Christian School Statement of Faith.
New Students
New applicants will be subject to the review procedures outlined above and will be admitted on a space
available basis after all returning students.
Denial of Admission
Admission to Epworth Christian School will ultimately be based upon the judgment of the admissions committee
as to the ability of the school to serve the parents and student as we fulfill the mission of the school. Denial of
admission will result from the committee’s prayerful consideration of the application and the interview process and its
determination that the parents and/or students will not submit themselves to the authority, values, and rules of the
school. Epworth Christian School reserves the right to admit students at its sole discretion.
Church Attendance
The gathering together for the purpose of fellowship is a right and good thing and should be a habit among
God’s people. Because Epworth Christian School is a discipleship school, all families who desire to come to ECS are
expected to attend a local, Christ-centered body. At least one parent or guardian must have accepted Jesus Christ as
their Lord and Savior. Students must have either accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior or demonstrated openness as
determined through the admissions process to pursuing a relationship with the Lord.
Request for Scholarships
The ECS Scholarship Program is designed to bring the school community together to address the affordability
and accessibility of education at ECS for the Body of Christ. The Scholarship Program provides families the opportunity
to apply for assistance based on family adjusted gross income. A committee will evaluate the application and, in light of
grant fund availability and family need, provide a portion of the tuition funding. Additionally, the program encourages
the family’s church to be part of the support mechanism.
All withdrawals from school should be coordinated through the School Registrar. Financial obligations must be
met in accordance with the contract agreement signed by all students’ parents. Parents must sign a release of records
and an official withdrawal form in the main office. No report cards will be forwarded until all financial obligations at the
school are met. We strongly encourage an exit interview with the school administrator.
Cumulative Records
Cumulative records containing hard copies of student test results, report cards, and other pertinent data will be
maintained in the Main Office. Scholastic records may be forwarded on request to a school in which the student intends
to enroll or to which the student has applied for admission.
Exit Interview
The Administrator will conduct an in-depth exit interview to determine the reason for a student leaving ECS. This
information will be used to improve services and the educational process.