VILLAGE OF ELIZABETH Administrative Committee Meeting

Administrative Committee Meeting
Wednesday, August 4, 2010 @ 7:00 p.m.
Attending were: Mike Dittmar (arrived late), Scott Sadler, Rob Headlee, Nathan Heidenreich, Scott Toot, Karen
Greiner, Straka-Johnson Architects
A. Karen Greiner, Straka-Johnson for Galena State Bank, Elizabeth Banking Center. Karen
presented the plan for the $400,000-$500,000 Elizabeth Banking Center renovation (main bank,
parking area, drive-up window, trailer module). The bank will put up a fully equipped bank
trailer module in the parking lot area behind the bank to serve as a temporary banking center
for approximately 6 mos. while renovations take place. There is a small portion of the back
area which incorporates the alley that the bank now owns, but would like to donate it to the
Village because they see it as a safety issue relating to the alley. It has been agreed by all board
members (including PW Committee) that designated parking area renovation should be done
first. The committee decided not to put the recommendation for trailer module designation
acceptance to be put in the Consent Agenda.
Rob motioned that the committee recommends to the full board to allow the trailer module to
be placed in the back parking area in its designated place for the time needed to complete
Elizabeth Banking Center renovations. Nathan 2nd. All said aye. Motion carried.
Mike stated that the Board accepted the Galena State Bank’s Inducement Agreement for TIF
and after work is completed, TIF payments can be made. (The particulars will still need to
worked through.)
Police Report
A. Scott gave his police report for the month of July, 2010.
B. There have been problems with beer trucks not parking in the alley to unload at Jugs, but
parking on the side street. There was an incident where the fire truck could barely get through.
Scott will talk to Justin Walters again and also start giving warning and/or violation tickets.
C. Nathan asked Scott if it is lawful to put a stop sign on a utility pole. Public Works would like to
move the stop sign at back of Grave’s parking lot, going out to Vine. The stop sign is leaning
into the alley and it cannot be dug in deeper because there is rock under the pole. Scott said
yes, the stop sign can be hung on the utility pole as long as it is at least 6 feet off the ground
and it must be reflective.
D. All the parking signs have arrived. Nathan found in the ordinance book that we do not have to
pass a parking ordinance. It is already covered. Scott will contact Village attorney, Betsy
Shaulis to let her know not to write a new ordinance.
E. Scott did all his NIMS CAST except 2010, which will be done shortly. He will set things up with
Public Works and Board members explaining what to do. Mike stated that if any Board
member does not plan on running for another term, need not take the course.
F. Effective on September 15, 2010 Illinois traffic fines will go up to $120.00/citation. Instead of
the Village receiving $29/citation, we will receive $45.00.
Old Business
A. Village streets renovation proposals – We have received all three proposals now from MSA,
Willet-Hoffman and ESI for downtown street renovation. Mike asked the committee members
to please study these as the Administrative Committee will be the ones ultimately making the
recommendation to the full Board for which design to use.
B. Highland CC – Mike met with Joe Kanosky again regarding space at the school for Public Works.
Joe will consider $500/yr off the $6,000 they now pay. We now pay $2280/yr to Gary Klepack
for building rental to store PW vehicles. The committee discussed the many options regarding
the Highland campus and will present it to the full Board for opinions.
New Business
A. Freedom of Information Act – Two people, an officer and another, need to be in charge of
anything connected to the Freedom of Information Act. We have not received any information
regarding this, but if we should, Mike suggested that Barb be the main person for information
since she is most accessible to the public when they come into the office.
B. Jo Carroll Energy and Design Mill are looking into becoming an Enterprise Zone. This has no
benefits to the Village. If they do so, all of their materials re construction costs are tax free.
C. 911 – As of now the Village gives 911 between $13,000 and $20,000. We are not going to give
any more money until they show us a very good reason to. Mike thinks this amount is enough.
D. Viet Nam Vets – A committee was formed 2-3 years ago regarding the Veteran’s Memorial. The
committee had o.k’d the purchase of two more benches, at the Village’s expense, to be placed
at the memorial site. The vets have asked if and when they can order those benches.
E. Stop sign at Jugs – Because of the opening of Tucci’s restaurant, people are coming down the
alley the wrong way. The committee agreed to order another stop sign and agrees that will
solve the problem.
F. Does the Village want a mobile home ordinance? – The committee decided to discuss this at
the Regular Board meeting. No decision.
G. Design Mill wants to have a company softball game at the West Side park and is asking for a
variance for open liquor for that day. Scott S. didn’t have a date as yet. The committee decided
to recommend this to the full board.
Consent Agenda: Nathan motioned for the committee to recommend to the full board an
approval for a one-time variance for open liquor at the West Side park for Design’s Mills
upcoming company softball game. Date and times to be determined. Rob 2 nd. All said aye.
Motion carried.
Outside Committees
A. Ambulance – Elizabeth Ambulance was filling in for Hanover for Friday days because they did
not have a crew available. However, several times within the last couple of years after
Elizabeth is en route, Hanover says they already have a crew. Elizabeth Ambulance wrote a
letter to Hanover (Mike signed) telling them that they will be billed for services if they don’t
give 24 hr notice.
B. Fair – Scott S. said they didn’t do quite as bad as last year monetarily.
1. Mike attended the opening of County Fair in Warren dressed in period clothing along with 3
other mayors. He welcomed people to the 150th Jo Daviess County Fair. Each town has two
seats on the fair board and no one from Elizabeth has ever gone until now. Mike would like
others to be involved. Scott Sadler will try to attend the next meeting which is August 19 th
at 7:00 p.m.
Correspondence – none
Executive Session – none