Chapter 16: Our Star, The Sun PowerPoint presentation

16. Our Star, the Sun
Sun data
Hydrogen fusion produces the Sun’s energy
Sun’s energy moves from core to surface
Sunquakes give information about the interior
The problem of the missing solar neutrinos
Photosphere: The 1st atmospheric layer
Chromosphere: The 2nd atmospheric layer
The 3rd atmospheric layer
Sunspots are relatively cool magnetic storms
Sunspots exhibit a 22-year cycle
Other magnetic effects on the Sun
Sun Data (Table 16-1)
The Sun Is An “Average” Star
• The usual descriptions
– The Sun’s
– The Sun’s
– The Sun’s surface temperature
– The Sun’s chemical composition
is about midway
is about midway
is about midway
is about midway
• More accurate descriptions
– The Sun is in the middle of possible star
• Least massive star can be ~ 0.08 x the Sun’s mass
• Most massive star can be ~ 110 x the Sun’s mass
– The Sun is in the middle of possible star luminosities
• Least luminous star can be ~ 10-4 x the Sun’s luminosity
• Most luminous star can be ~ 10 6 x the Sun’s luminosity
About 95% of all stars are less massive than the Sun
Some Important Concepts
• Reflection vs. Emission
– Planets, asteroids & comets shine by reflecting light
– Sun
shines by emitting light
• Luminosity
– Total energy emitted per second
• For the Sun, this is 3.9 . 1026 joules . sec-1
• For the Sun, this is 3.9 . 1026
• The Sun’s spectrum
– This is very nearly perfect blackbody radiation
Hydrogen Fusion Makes the Sun’s Energy
• Early speculation about Sun’s energy source
– Chemical combustion
• Each combusting atom releases ~ 10-19 joules
• This would require ~ 3.9 . 1045 atoms . sec-1
– The Sun contains ~ 1057 atoms
• Sun could produce chemical energy for ~ 3.0 . 1011 sec
• Sun would burn itself out in only 10 thousand years
• Modern understanding of Sun’s energy source
– Einstein’s Special Theory or Relativity
• e = m . c2
– c [speed of light] is a very large number, so c2 is huge
• 4 hydrogen atoms fuse into 1 helium atom
– Mass lost per helium atom = 4.8 . 10-26 g
= 4.3 . 10-12 joules
Only ~ 0.7%
• Sun converts ~ 6.0 . 1011 kg . sec-2 of H2 into He
• Sun will exhaust core hydrogen after ~ 10 billion years
Critical Terminology
• Misleading astronomical terminology
– Hydrogen burning
• Misleading because it implies chemical combustion
• Precise
– Hydrogen fusion
• Not misleading because it clearly indicates nuclear fusion
Always use “hydrogen fusion”
Never use “hydrogen burning”
Hydrogen Fusion: Deuterium Synthesis
Hydrogen Fusion: 3He Synthesis
Hydrogen Fusion: 4He Synthesis
Energy Moves from Core to Surface
• Extremely high
~ 1.6 . 105 kg . m-3
– ~ 14 times as dense as lead yet still gaseous
• Extremely high
pressure ~ 3.4 . 1011 atmos.
– ~ 340 billion times as dense as Earth’s atmosphere
• Extremely high temperature > 1.0 . 107 K
• Hydrostatic equilibrium
– Long-term pressure stability inside the Sun
– Downward force
= Upward force
• Thermal
– Long-term temperature stability inside the Sun
– Heat generation rate = Heat escape rate
• Heat travels from hot areas to cool areas
Hydrostatic Equilibrium In Water
Hydrostatic Equilibrium In the Sun
Generic Heat Transport Mechanisms
• Conduction
– Energy transfer by contact between adjacent atoms
• Atoms vibrate around an essentially fixed location
• Relatively inefficient in the Sun because it is gaseous
• Convection
– Energy transfer by circulation of atoms
• Atoms can move great distances
• Relatively efficient where pressure is relatively low
• Radiative diffusion
– Energy transfer by photon absorption & re-emission
• The Sun’s gases are dense enough to permit this
• Relatively efficient where pressure is relatively high
Sun’s Heat Transport Mechanisms
• Computer models of the Sun’s interior
– Different models use same physics equations
– Different models use different assumptions
• All models produce nearly identical internal structures
• Accepted model for the Sun’s heat transport
– Deepest
• Radiative diffusion is dominant heat transport mechanism
• The core
~ 25% the Sun’s radius
– Intermediate regions
• Radiative diffusion is dominant heat transport mechanism
• The radiative zone
~ 71% the Sun’s radius
– Shallowest
• Convection
is dominant heat transport mechanism
• The convective zone
100% the Sun’s radius
– ~ 170,000 years for a photon to escape the Sun
Sun’s Interior Physical Properties
The Sun’s Internal Structure
Seismic Waves Probe Sun’s Interior
• The Sun vibrates at many frequencies
– Discovered by Robert Leighton of Cal Tech in 1960
• Extremely high-precision Doppler shift analyses
– Many possibilities exist
• Move ~ 10 meters every 5 minutes
~ 3.3 mm . sec-1
~ 0.003 hertz [cycles . sec-1]
~ 13 octaves lower than humans can hear
• Longer periods from 20 to 160 minutes
• The science of helioseismology
– Sunquakes comparable to earthquakes
• Substantial evidence regarding the Sun’s interior
– Set limits on the amount of He in Sun’s core & convective zone
– Estimate layer thickness between radiative & convective zones
– Convective zone is thicker than computer models predict
The Vibrating Sun
The Missing Neutrino Problem
• Hydrogen fusion releases abundant neutrinos
– Abundant energy
~ 1.0 . 1038 neutrinos . sec-1 produced by solar H fusion
~ 1.0 . 1014 neutrinos . sec-1 penetrate every m2 of Earth
– No electrical charge
– Little or no mass
< 1.0 . 10-4 times the mass of an electron
Travel very slightly slower than light in vacuum
– Extremely little interaction with matter
• Neutrino detectors
– 3 detector types search for different phenomena
• Brookhaven National Lab
• Kamiokande
~ 35% of expected value
~ 55% of expected value
~ 45% of expected value
Interpretation of Neutrino Flux
• Our models of the Sun’s interior are wrong
– The Sun’s core is cooler than predicted by models
• 10% temperature reduction would account for neutrinos
• 10% temperature reduction would reduce Sun’s diameter
• Our understanding of neutrinos is wrong
– Neutrinos may behave in unpredicted ways
• There are actually three kinds of neutrinos
– Only one kind of neutrino is produced in the Sun
– Detectors are designed to detect only this kind of neutrino
– If neutrinos change types, an answer might be at hand
• Super Kamiokande
– Neutrino oscillation may take place
– Super Kamiokande was severely damaged in 12 November 2001
– Super Kamiokande was back in full operation in June 2006
Photosphere: 1st Atmospheric Level
• The Sun has no solid surface
– Gas pressure decreases smoothly moving outward
– A 400 km thick layer of the Sun is “visible”
• This is only 0.057% the Sun’s radius
• This seems like a very well defined surface
• Limb darkening results
– Density is ~ 10-4 times Earth’s atmospheric pressure
• The photosphere approximates a blackbody
– Produces a continuous spectrum Hot high-density
• Temperature of ~ 5,800 K
– Produces an absorption spectrum Cool low-density
• Fraunhofer lines produced by coolest upper photosphere
• Temperature of ~ 4,400 K
~ 24% drop
– Not “cool” by Earth standards
– Very “cool” by Sun standards
Fraunhofer Lines in the Solar Spectrum
Solar Photosphere: “Light” Sphere
The Quiet Sun: Granulation
• Small-scale convection in the photosphere
– The convection is broken up into small cells
– Granules average ~ 1,000 km in diameter
• The size of Texas + Oklahoma
• Temp. drops ~ 300 K from center to edge of a granule
• The center is ascending, the edge is descending
– Granules last only a few minutes
– The Sun has ~ 4 million granules at any one time
Granules & Photosphere Convection
The Quiet Sun: Supergranules
• Medium-scale convection in the photosphere
– Another scale of convection is superimposed
– Supergranules are similar to granules
– Supergranules average ~ 35,000 km in diameter
– Supergranules last about one day
Solar Supergranule Convection
Chromosphere: 2nd Atmospheric Level
• Chromosphere means “sphere of color”
– Invisible under ordinary viewing conditions
– Density is ~ 10-8 x Earth’s atmospheric pressure
• Chromosphere is dominated by emission lines
– Characteristic of hot low-density gases
– The Ha line at 656.3 nm is very strong
• An electron falls from the n = 3 to the n = 2 energy level
• Color is a very vibrant red
• Color appears pink during a solar eclipse
– Gas density is very low, so there are very few atoms emitting
• Ha filter makes chromosphere visible without an eclipse
– Chromosphere temperature increases with altitude
• Lowest chromosphere level is ~ 4,400 K
• Highest chromosphere level is ~ 25,000 K
Chromosphere: Color Emission
The Chromosphere’s Spicules
• The chromosphere has many tall spikes
– Rapidly rising gas jets
• ~ 20 km . sec-1
~ 45,000 mph
– Typical spicules last ~ 15 minutes
– ~ 300,000 spicules exist at any one time
• They cover only ~ 1% of the Sun’s surface
– Typical spicules form at supergranule edges
Corona: 3rd Atmospheric Level
• Corona means “crown”
– Invisible under ordinary viewing conditions
• ~ 1.0 . 10-6 times as bright as the photosphere
• This is the brightness of the full moon
– Visible during a total solar eclipse
• The corona is dominated by emission lines
– Extremely unusual emission lines
• Green line at 530.3 nm is from highly ionized iron
– 13 of 26 electrons have been stripped away
– Temperature > 2.0 . 106 K
– Heated by magnetic energy from the photosphere
The Corona & the Solar Wind
• The Sun’s
– Retained by the Sun’s extremely strong gravity
• The Sun’s escaping matter
– Temperatures are extremely high
• Very high speeds of atoms & molecules
– ~ 1 million km . hr-1
• Statistically, some will exceed escape velocity
– This is the solar wind
The Solar Corona: The “Crown”
Solar Upper Atmosphere Temperatures
An X-Ray View of the Sun
Sunspots Basics
• The active Sun
– Several features that vary considerably over time
• Sunspots
– These are one type of active Sun feature
– Irregular dark regions imbedded in the photosphere
– Typically several thousand kilometers in diameter
– Typically last a few hours to a few months
– Typical sunspots have two parts
• Umbra
– ~ 4,300 K
• Penumbra
– ~ 5,000 K
Cool central part
Appears red
~ 30% as much energy as the photosphere
Warm outer part
Appears orange
~ 55% as much energy as the photosphere
Sunspots Imaged Close-Up
A mature sunspot
Overlapping sunspots
Sunspot Movement
The Sunspot Cycle: A First Look
• Heinrich Schwabe
– Had observed many years of sunspot activity
– Sunspots vary cyclically in number
• Times of minimal sunspots
– Recently
• Times of abundant sunspots
– Recently
– Sunspots vary cyclically in latitude
• Times of minimal sunspots
– Sunspots first appear at ~ 30° latitude on the Sun
• Times of abundant sunspots
– Sunspots
migrate to
< 5° latitude on the Sun
Sunspots: Cool Magnetic Storms
• George Ellery Hale
– Discovered that sunspots are magnetic storms
– Basic scientific principles
• Zeeman effect
• Plasma
Magnetic fields can split spectral lines
Magnitude depends on field strength
At least some atoms are ionized
Moving plasma generate magnetic fields
Plasma can be deflected by the Sun
– Basic observations
• Large sunspots have strong magnetic fields
• Opposite sunspot polarities in opposite hemispheres
– Basic tool
• Magnetograms show sunspot polarities
– Leading sunspots in the N hemisphere have
– Leading sunspots in the S hemisphere have opposite polarity
Sunspots: Strong Magnetic Fields
Mapping the Sun’s Magnetic Field
Sunspots Exhibit a 22-Year Cycle
• The
sunspot cycle
– Repeats on an approximately 11 year cycle
• The magnetic sunspot cycle
– Repeats on an approximately 22 year cycle
• Sun’s North Pole is magnetic north for ~11 years
• Sun’s North Pole is magnetic south for ~11 years
• A proposed cause
– The magnetic-dynamo model
• Sun’s differential axial rotation stretches its magnetic field
• Field lines eventually stretch so far that they “snap”
• Some anomalies
– Extremely few sunspots from 1645 to 1715
• Europe’s “Little Ice Age” & western U.S. severe drought
– Excessive sunspots during 11th & 12th centuries
• Earth was warmer than it is today
The Sunspot Cycle
Babcock’s Magnetic Dynamo
Rotation Rates in the Solar Interior
Other Magnetic Effects on the Sun
• Magnetic heating of the corona
– Twisting & short-circuiting magnetic loops
• Other magnetic phenomena
– Plages
• Chromosphere precursors of many sunspots
– Filaments
• Relatively cool dark streaks in the chromosphere
– Prominences
• Filaments seen against a dark background seem bright
– Flares
• Eruptive events associated with major sunspots
– Coronal mass ejections (CME’s)
• ~ 1.0 . 1012 kg of gas ejected into space at high speeds
• Super-sized versions of solar flares
• Cause aurorae in Earth’s atmosphere
Magnetic Heating of the Sun’s Corona
A Solar Prominence
A Coronal Mass Ejection (CME)
Before the CME
Early stages
16 minutes after (b)
Coronal Mass Ejection Mechanism
Important Concepts
– In the middle of mass & luminosity
– More massive than 95% of all stars
– The problem of the missing neutrinos
The Sun as an “average” star
The Sun’s energy source
• Solar interior models may be wrong
• Neutrino models may be wrong
– Three levels
– Chemical reactions: 10 thousand years
– Nuclear reactions: 10 billion years
• Photosphere
• Chromosphere
• Corona
• 4 H fuse to form 1 He atom + energy
• Einstein’s E = m c2 equation
• ~ 6.0 . 1011 kg . sec-2 of hydrogen
• Magnetic storms in the photosphere
• Follow a 22 year magnetic cycle
• Always use “hydrogen fusion”
– Magnetograms as observational tools
Models of the Sun’s interior
• Polarity in opposite hemispheres
• The magnetic-dynamo model
– Hydrostatic & thermal equilibrium
• No major changes in the Sun
– Three interior regions
• Core
• Radiative zone
• Convective zone
Radiative transfer
Radiative transfer
Continuous spectrum
Emission spectrum
Emission spectrum
– Sunspots
– Critical terminology
Observations of the Sun’s atmosphere
Other magnetic phenomena
– Filaments & prominences
– Coronal mass ejections (CME’s)
• Cause aurorae in Earth’s atmosphere