Secure Telephony Enabled Middle-box (STEM) STEM is proposed as a solution to network vulnerabilities, targeting the transmitting of real-time data over enterprise networks. Maggie Nguyen Dr. Mark Stamp SJSU - CS 265 Spring 2003 Topics IP Telephony Overview STEM Architecture IP Telephony Components IP Telephony Protocols How SIP Works Architecture Components Call Scenarios STEM Security Countermeasures DoS Attack Eavesdropping IP Telephony Components 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Gateways Gatekeepers IP Telephones PC-based Software Phones MCUs IP Telephony Protocols Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF): Signaling: Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Transport: Real Time Protocol (RTP) Media Description: Session Description Protocol (SDP) International Telecommunications Union (ITU): Signaling: H.323 Codecs: G.711 (PCM), G.729, … ISDN: Q.931 STEM architecture is currently using the network required for SIP deployment. How SIP Works – SIP Call Setup DNS Server DNS Query for the IP Address of the SIP Proxy of the Destination Domain 2 The INVITE is forwarded The Location Service is being queries to check that the destination SIP URI represents a valid registered device, and requests for its IP Address Location Service 4 3 A request is sent (SIP INVITE) to ESTABLISH a session 1 SIP Proxy 5 The request is forwarded to the End-Device SIP Proxy SIP IP Phone 6 Media Transport SIP IP Phone Destination device returns its IP Address to the originating device and a media connection is opened How SIP Works DNS Server DNS Query for the IP Address of the SIP Proxy of the Destination Domain – SIP Call Sequence The Location Service is being queries to check that the destination SIP URI represents a valid registered device, and requests for its IP Address Location Service SIP Proxy SIP Proxy SIP IP Phone SIP IP Phone STEM Architecture Components Security Manager (SM) Enhanced Firewall Media / Signaling Gateway (M/S Gateway) User Terminals STEM Enhanced Firewall Pattern Matcher Protocol Parser Flow Monitor Application Gateway External Interface Call Scenarios – Net-to-Net Call Scenarios – Net-to-Phone STEM Security Countermeasures Denial of Service TCP SYN Floods detected by Flow Monitor. SIP INVITE Floods detected by Protocol Parser. Malicious RTP Streams detected by Flow Monitor. M/S Gateway Voice Port saturation. Eavesdropping Control Flow: STEM uses secured communication protocols among SM, firewall, M/S gateways. Data Flow: STEM replies on application protocols (SIP or H.323) to implement payload encryption. References International Engineering Consortium. H.323. Reynolds, B. Challenges Challenges and Rewards in Enterprise Deployments of IP Telephony Presentation. Reynolds, B. Deploying IP Telephony in an Enterprise and the Vulnerabilities that Come With It Presentation. Reynolds, B. and D. Ghosal. STEM: Secure Telephony Enabled Middlebox. IEEE Communications Magazine Special Issue on Security in Telecommunication Networks. October 2002