Volunteers Around the World The Ohio State University Spring semester 2015 syllabus Meeting Hours: Sundays, 3-4pm, weekly Classroom Locations: Hitchcock 131 and 31. (See under specific days for specific locations) Email: volunteersaroundtheworld.osu@gmail.com Description Suneeta Krishnan describes healthcare as an “interplay of many factors, including the legal, social, political, and physical environments; economic forces; access to food, safe water, sanitation, and affordable preventive/medical care; nutrition; cultural beliefs and human behaviors; and religion; among others.” How do you compare this definition in America versus other international locations? Does the factor of a “developing” nation influence your perception of what international medical care is like, and if so what is the media’s role in that? This semester VAW will encounter some of those questions as well as the other complex facets of international medicine via open dialogue and critical discussion. In addition to this, we will explore the technical components of establishing mobile clinics, such as taking vitals and acquiring the appropriate pharmaceuticals. Learning Objectives By the end of the semester, participants should: 1 Gain a better understanding of healthcare, the important role of culture, and the technical practices of running a mobile clinic. Challenge and erase stereotypes and stigmas surrounding the medical “hopelessness” in developing nations. Understand through our shared human experience that we all have the ability to connect with one another despite differences Understand the theoretical ideas behind global medicine and healthcare, the technical background (ie. procedures, vitals, medications, etc.) with running a mobile health clinic, and the fundamentals of grant writing and fundraising. Become knowledgeable enough in the fore mentioned categories to give presentations to local high schools. Become confident in speaking at least a key set of Spanish phrases Learn about the fundamentals of grant writing and follow it up with successful large and small scale fundraisers. Volunteers Around the World The Ohio State University Requirements ● Attend and participate in all classes. Attendance on the trip is mandatory. ● Class begins at 3pm sharp. ● One excused absence will be allowed to pass. Email or text both president and vice president 24 hours in advance for approval (the earlier the better). If you are absent, you must complete two tasks: 1) Submit a 200 word reflection on a reading assigned to you by email, 2) Post one short reading response with one question (a discussion question or general inquiry) to the Facebook group by 6PM on Tuesday. Syllabus 2015 Week # 1 Date January 25th Hitchcock 131 Topic Global healthcare: Part 1 What is healthcare? Spanish quiz 2 February 1st Hitchcock 131 Global health care: Part 2 How does culture affect healthcare? 3 February 8th Hitchcock 031 Being a volunteer: what is your role? Description/Readings Introduction. What is healthcare and global healthcare? What influences the healthcare system/ medicine? Poverty. Global poverty. The backbone of global medicine. Thinking critically about programs and “fixes?” How does culture affect these things? Thinking critically about global medicine and intervention. Cultural humility vs. cultural competence Cultural practices versus Westernized medical practices. Reading: In The Eyes of Others by Caroline AbuSada (google it, you will find a free pdf online) What are your motivations for volunteering? Place of privilege. Volunteerism. Ethics of International medical practice. Idea of policy not poverty. What is an NGO? The ethics behind an NGO. Humanitarian aid. Doctors Without Borders Volunteers Around the World The Ohio State University 4 February 15th Hitchcock 131 Peru Plan Fun Days (?) 5 February 22nd Hitchcock 031 March 1st Hitchcock 131 Medication 7 March 8th Hitchcock 131 8 March 22nd Hitchcock 031 9 March 29th Hitchcock 131 10 April 5th Cont. education day prep Spanish: vocabulary, conjugation rules, basic sentence structure Fundraising: choosing groups Spanish: review, practice, medical Spanish Fundraising: Grants & Other; meet with group Logistics Spanish: practice medical phrases Public Health-project presented Fundraising Mobile clinic: Vitals, 6 Prepare for Education day Reading: To Hell with Good Intentions http://www.swaraj.org/illich_hell.htm History, Culture & National structure How there governmental and healthcare system has developed. Medical System: doctors, insurance, distribution of healthcare, access Ethics Assign everyone with assigned medication list to come up with a presentation for next week One page synopsis on reading assigned (In The Eyes of Others by Caroline AbuSada) Group presentations Make a booklet Come up with skits, posters Think of interactive ways that will get through to children One page synopsis on reading due (In The Eyes of Others by Caroline AbuSada) Education – roles assigned Follow up on fundraising process Blood pressure, blood sugar, height, weight Vaccinations; travel safety; reminders; Spanish quiz Ppte Presentation Volunteers Around the World The Ohio State University Hitchcock 131 11 April 12TH Hitchcock 131 12 April 19th Hitchcock 131 Pharmacy, Clinic layout PH – practice Education – practice skits etc… Practice Clinic using Spanish Education practice PH practice Review final logistics Most common illnesses and corresponding medications. Practice scenarios. Medication quiz Vaccinations; travel safety; contact information; packing medications, departure/arrival info; passports Important dates to remember: 1. Deposit due dates: • January 25, 2015--$600 • February 15, 2015--$600 • March 27, 2015-Remainder (variable, depends on price of plane ticket + remainder of $1600 program fee) 2. Medication fees due April 10th 3. Campus Parc dates this semester: • • • • • • Sunday, Jan. 25 vs. Indiana @ 10 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 29 vs. Maryland @ 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 11 vs. Penn State @ 3:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 26 vs. Nebraska @ 3:30 p.m. Sunday, March 1 vs. Purdue @ TBD Sunday, March 8 vs. Wisconsin @ TBD