October 27, 2015 • • • • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HSMq4j5idk How would you feel if you were Owen? How would you feel if you were Owen’s parent? How do you feel in your current role? How would your reaction be different if Owen did not have Down syndrome? Why? • According to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), “disability” is a legal term rather than a medical one. The ADA defines a person with a disability as a person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. • How do you know someone has a disability? “Disability” is not objectively defined, but socially constructed. The existing social norms, rules and structures, and notions of health define what is deviant or constitutes a disability. What becomes a disability is the meaning that we attach to particular physical and mental characteristics. ? AGREE OR DISAGREE ? Instead of… Say… Confined to a wheelchair or wheelchairbound Person who uses a wheelchair (wheelchairs don’t confine, they make people mobile) Retarded Cognitive disability, developmental disability Suffering from, stricken by, afflicted with, a Person who has… victim of… “The” disabled (or any disability) kids, handicapped People with disabilities Deaf and dumb Deaf, non-verbal “Your” students “Our” students • • • • • • Courageous Inspirational Patient (to caregivers) Birth defect Normal, healthy, whole Invalid What kind of school performance would you expect from these students? • Also called “hidden disabilities.” Hidden disabilities are physical or mental impairments that are not readily apparent to others… often cannot be readily known without the administration of appropriate diagnostic tests (USDOE, OCR, 2005). • Many people with invisible disabilities choose not to disclose because of stigma • Examples: chronic pain or fatigue, hearing impairments, sleep disorders, epilepsy, ADHD, autism, mental illness/psychiatric disabilities, learning disabilities, traumatic brain injuries, diabetes… • Psychiatric disabilities are the most common hidden disabilities Disclose Don’t Disclose Must disclose to get needed accommodations Perceived as whining, attention seeking, or looking for favors Is this even legitimate, or are you falsely seeking personal gain? Other people may not believe that you have a disability People may not know that they have disabilities Other reasons to disclose? Associated stigma for some disabilities; social and workplace discrimination Stigma/not accepting some disabilities is greater in some cultural groups; familial and community shame Would you disclose if you had an invisible disability?