Super-Size Me Essay- 40 points Assignment After watching the video Super-Size Me you will summarize the video and also analyze the differences in fast food places today compared to when the video was made. You will also be discussing your thoughts on obesity in America, and fast food in general. This will be done in essay form and on a separate document double spaced, size 12 font in either times or times new roman. It should be 1 to 1 ½ pages double-spaced. Proper punctuation and spelling is important. Please proofread your assignment. Drop it into your health assignment folder on Google Drive. The subject line should be 7_SuperSizeMeEssay_last name_ first initial. Questions that must be included throughout your essay. 1. Introduction- Briefly summarize and discuss what the video was about and the main points. 2. Discuss the health problems that the individual had due to excessive fast food intake? 3. Analyze the differences in fast food places during the time of the movie and the present. (For example; fruit and veggies available at certain places, calories posted on fast food menus; Can discuss restaurants besides McDonalds) 4. What are your thoughts on fast food in general? 5. What is something that surprised you the most about the video? 6. Conclude with your thoughts in general on Americans, fast food, and obesity. Do you feel we have a problem with obesity in America today? If so, what can be done to help the numbers go down. If you do not believe there is a problem, why not? Explain. * 5 points possible for each question for a total of 30 points * 10 points possible for punctuation, spelling, basic grammar, and length *40 points possible for essay