Tecnical_comunication_Proposal - ePortfolio

A New Change: New Science Building @ TAMIU
Kevin Garza
Jonas Rocha
Kathleen Rivera
English 2311-201
Ms. Cavazos
April 8, 2015
A New Change: New Science Building @ TAMIU
September 1977 was a big change for Texas A&I University at Laredo, it experienced a
name change to Laredo State University1. With that change, came in new educational programs
and well as faculty and staff. A few years later, during the month of September 1989, this
university was accepted to become of one of the most prestigious branches of The Texas A&M
University System2. In addition, this came in much more funding, expansion of the university, as
well as class size and programs3. Finally in 1993, this university became what it has proudly
known for that past 21 years as Texas A&M International University4.
From all this history that has shaped what this university is known today, many students
and the community has seen almost a standstill from the university. Since there has been an
increase of students the biology program and as well as all other programs this has resulted
in downgrade since space is limited and that truly affecting every student and faculty members
in the biology program. That is why our group propose that TAMIU should invest in building a
new science building at the grounds of the university.
Current Situation:
A number of TAMIU students within arts and sciences would agree that classes are often
overcrowded and lacking extra space. Forcing some students to sit on the floor, portable chairs,
or whatever space available. Often leaving students without a desk or sufficient space to work
and or study comfortably. In the event of an emergency this overcrowding could lead to much
bigger problems in the event of a fire for example. A large volume of students would be forced
out of inadequate sized exits, in turn this could lead to personal injury or worse. Just like any
business or establishment a maximum occupancy should be calculated by a fire marshal in
A New Change: New Science Building @ TAMIU
lecture rooms so that when courses are scheduled registers will know what volume a specific
lecture hall can hold instead of stuffing an unreasonable amount of students into a class.
Although unknown to many in the science department many claim that lower levels have
mold/mildew problems. A few years ago this more than likely attributed to a bad stench that
many TAMIU students claimed smelling upon entering the science building. Worse than
mold/mildew a senior TAMIU professor claims that TAMIU’s Lamar Bruni Vergara science
building was built atop an unstable foundation and wetlands area. During construction Killam
gave grants to TAMIU to build a building within a set time frame. Instead of considering the
long term effects, plans were set to complete the building as soon as possible putting quality in
front of quantity. As a result, the foundation which lies beneath TAMIU’s science department is
sinking. Short term this might not be a problem but in the long run a building with a sinking
foundation can lead to serious structural instability. Since these problems have been ignored and
been put aside. These problems are not just affecting the university but the quality of education
that each biology student is paying for.
Project Plan:
TAMIU’s long term solution would be construction of a new science building, built under a
solid foundation, and with room for expansion. The current building’s structure rounded out to
about $22 million including 30 labs and one lecture hall that only seats 1225. The main focus of
our current science building is the glass pyramid that serves as our planetarium. This
planetarium is 77,920-gross square foot only seating 856. While this building may seem like
more than enough, with more students enrolling every year the space will quickly diminish. A
lot of time and money will be included into building a new science center, but in the end it’ll be
A New Change: New Science Building @ TAMIU
extremely beneficial to TAMIU. These steps give the foundation of starting to build a new
science center7.
1. We must first find an architect. TAMIU had previously used “architects for the
building are Kell Muñoz of San Antonio”8. To lower costs and to give more experience TAMIU
can employ an architect from its own staff or student body9. TAMIU has a wide range of
students and professors to choose from that can help building this project. This step can take
days to weeks.
2. We must then make plans called “schematic designs”10. Schematic designs are a
“rough layout of the floor plan and some simple views of the exterior of the home if there is an
addition”11. Another way to make this step easier would be to get the same plans made for the
current science building. The only changes to be made is maybe two or three more lecture halls,
and probably more labs12. This would help classes be available more instead of every other
semester. This step can take up to one to two weeks.
3. We now must interview contractors. I believe TAMIU had used “project contractors
from Constructors and Associates, Inc., also of San Antonio”13. While we could use these same
contractors, we may have to use their architects as well. Instead we could use companies closer
to home such as Leyendecker Construction Inc., who had previously donated a very generous
sum for TAMIU’s engineers, or we could use Modern Construction, Inc. another Laredo-based
company14. A gross estimate is about $150 per square feet for a new building15. The following
diagram will show how much a general estimate of a laboratory is.
A New Change: New Science Building @ TAMIU
Cost Estimate (Union Labor)
% of Total Cost Per SF
Contractor Fees (GC,Overhead,Profit)
Architectural Fees
Total Building Cost
The total estimated cost is about $9 million, and it is only for one floor. This estimated cost
only includes the interior and exterior of only the labs. This cost will flux according to the
estimate of the lecture costs and such. This step can take up to several weeks to months.
4. We could now discuss the interior decorations. Whatever is salvageable from the
current science building can be transferred to the new building. Then we must buy more
furniture to furnish the new extensions to the building17. We have buy all the necessary
equipment such as fume hood, chemicals, glassware, etc. This could all be done during the
period of the construction planning, so about several weeks to months.
5. We have to get permits18. Since there have been many reports of mold, mildew, and
structure instability the building must be built in a new area. The area had to be close to the
main campus, but of course on a solid foundation. The main problem of getting a permit would
the wildlife19. Because of the wildlife, we cannot destroy the surround vegetation that is home to
many animals. This process can take up to as little as days or as much as years.
A New Change: New Science Building @ TAMIU
6. We have to make a contract. Before the groundwork could happen, we must make a
contract that secures all of the investment that was put into this project. We have to make sure
there is insurance, an estimate time of completion, safety regulations are met, payment schedule,
and a list of exclusions20. The construction company has to meet the standards listed in the
blueprint. We must have a way to contact the construction company with a reliable number, and
a physical address where they are located. To end the contract, there must be a warranty21. If the
end result is not acceptable there must be a way to make sure the building is safe and will
last22. This step would only take about a week.
With a new science building, not only would the current staff and faculty keep their jobs
there would be new openings for more employees. More professors would be hired along with
technicians and custodial staff. Also more job openings and internships would be available to
many students to gain more knowledge for their chosen field. The actual construction of the
building would require as to hire a construction company, but that would only be for a limited
amount of time. In the end, this project would help more than hurt the faculty and staff of
The costs should out way the needs and wants of TAMIU students. TAMIU’s population
grows steadily every year that goes by, and with that, the need for a bigger campus brews itself.
A new science building would greatly benefit the campus as a whole and provide room for
expansion that TAMIU needs. A new building would provide new parking, new programs, and
A New Change: New Science Building @ TAMIU
new opportunities to TAMIU students as a whole. It clearly shows that this proposal can and
will improve the biology department all TAMIU itself to improve the higher quality education
that every student dreams of having. It shows that TAMIU is ready to hear any improvements
that can help everyone to improve, and we are truly happy to be a part of that. If any more
information is needed to further explain this proposal please do not hesitate to contact one of the
members at kevingarza@dusty.tamiu.edu we will be willing to provide even more information
and statistics that needs to be provided to have a secure decision. Again we thank you for the
opportunity to have our voice heard to improve our dear old historical campus TAMIU.
General information: History. Laredo (TX): Tamiu.edu; c2015 [accessed 2015 April 13].
General information: History. Laredo (TX): Tamiu.edu; c2015 [accessed 2015 April 13].
General information: History. Laredo (TX): Tamiu.edu; c2015 [accessed 2015 April 13].
General information: History. Laredo (TX): Tamiu.edu; c2015 [accessed 2015 April 13].
New TAMIU Science Center Honoring Lamar Bruni Vergara Receives $1 Million Gift.
Laredo(TX): Tamiu.edu/news info.; c2015 [ accessed 2015 April 13].
New TAMIU Science Center Honoring Lamar Bruni Vergara Receives $1 Million Gift.
Laredo(TX): Tamiu.edu/news info.; c2015 [ accessed 2015 April 13].
A New Change: New Science Building @ TAMIU
New TAMIU Science Center Honoring Lamar Bruni Vergara Receives $1 Million Gift.
Laredo(TX): Tamiu.edu/news info.; c2015 [ accessed 2015 April 13].
New TAMIU Science Center Honoring Lamar Bruni Vergara Receives $1 Million Gift.
Laredo(TX): Tamiu.edu/news info.; c2015 [ accessed 2015 April 13].
New TAMIU Science Center Honoring Lamar Bruni Vergara Receives $1 Million Gift.
Laredo(TX): Tamiu.edu/news info.; c2015 [ accessed 2015 April 13].
New TAMIU Science Center Honoring Lamar Bruni Vergara Receives $1 Million Gift.
Laredo(TX): Tamiu.edu/news info.; c2015 [ accessed 2015 April 13].
New TAMIU Science Center Honoring Lamar Bruni Vergara Receives $1 Million Gift.
Laredo(TX): Tamiu.edu/news info.; c2015 [ accessed 2015 April 13].
New TAMIU Science Center Honoring Lamar Bruni Vergara Receives $1 Million Gift.
Laredo(TX): Tamiu.edu/news info.; c2015 [ accessed 2015 April 13].
New TAMIU Science Center Honoring Lamar Bruni Vergara Receives $1 Million Gift.
Laredo(TX): Tamiu.edu/news info.; c2015 [ accessed 2015 April 13].
New TAMIU Science Center Honoring Lamar Bruni Vergara Receives $1 Million Gift.
Laredo(TX): Tamiu.edu/news info.; c2015 [ accessed 2015 April 13].
New TAMIU Science Center Honoring Lamar Bruni Vergara Receives $1 Million Gift.
Laredo(TX): Tamiu.edu/news info.; c2015 [ accessed 2015 April 13].
A New Change: New Science Building @ TAMIU
Construction Cost Estimates for College Laboratory in National, US. Greenville, (SC):
rsmeans.com; c2015 [accessed 2015 April 13].
6 Steps to Planning a Successful Building Project. (n/a): forbes.com/sites; c2015 [accessed
2015 April 13]. (http://www.forbes.com/sites/houzz/2013/11/27/6-steps-to-planning-asuccessful-building-project/)
6 Steps to Planning a Successful Building Project. (n/a): forbes.com/sites; c2015 [accessed
2015 April 13]. (http://www.forbes.com/sites/houzz/2013/11/27/6-steps-to-planning-asuccessful-building-project/)
6 Steps to Planning a Successful Building Project. (n/a): forbes.com/sites; c2015 [accessed
2015 April 13]. (http://www.forbes.com/sites/houzz/2013/11/27/6-steps-to-planning-asuccessful-building-project/)
6 Steps to Planning a Successful Building Project. (n/a): forbes.com/sites; c2015 [accessed
2015 April 13]. (http://www.forbes.com/sites/houzz/2013/11/27/6-steps-to-planning-asuccessful-building-project/)
6 Steps to Planning a Successful Building Project. (n/a): forbes.com/sites; c2015 [accessed
2015 April 13]. (http://www.forbes.com/sites/houzz/2013/11/27/6-steps-to-planning-asuccessful-building-project/)
6 Steps to Planning a Successful Building Project. (n/a): forbes.com/sites; c2015 [accessed
2015 April 13]. (http://www.forbes.com/sites/houzz/2013/11/27/6-steps-to-planning-asuccessful-building-project/)