Halstead Kaye HR FINAL degree worksheet

Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota
Human Resources Management Degree Worksheet
Name: Halstead, Kaye
Date: AO 08/28/12
*Important: Do not take courses that have been waived.
Required Courses (30 Credits)
Credits earned
CM309 Professional Writing (3 cr.)
CM310 Oral Communications (3 cr.)
HR340 Human Resource Management (3 cr.)
HR350 Compensation (3 cr.)
HR360 Employee Benefits (3 cr.)
HR440 Employee and Labor Relations (3 cr.)
HR455 Performance Improvement Through Training (3 cr.)
MG305 Managerial Ethics (3 cr.)
BU403 Applied Business Statistics (3 cr.)
BU490 Strategic Business Capstone (3 cr.) Pre-requisite: taken in final semester- all
Fall 2012
general education credits and ten competency areas must be fulfilled prior to Capstone
Elective Courses (6 credits required; select any two courses)
*Note: Do not take courses that are not on this list of electives.
BU400 Business Law (3 cr.)
MG307 Principles of Leadership (3 cr.)
MG335 Critical Thinking for Managers (3 cr.)
MG401 Principles of Management (3 cr.)
MG405 Organizational Culture and Change (3 cr.)
MG407 Financial Management (3 cr.)
MG408 Project Management (3 cr.)
MG415 Total Quality and Team Development (3 cr.)
MG418 Strategic Management (3 cr.)
MG420 The Future of Organizations (3 cr.)
MG445 Entrepreneurship (3 cr.)
MK301 Marketing in 21st Century (3 cr.)
Can be used for
Historical/Global competency
BU300 Accounting (3cr)
General Electives (86 Credits)
36 HR Credits plus the 86 General Electives = 122 credits for B.S. degree
Additionally the general education credit requirements must be met.
Faith Baptist Bible Colege (38) and Riverland (30)
*Estimate needing an additional 18 Gen Ed credits plus
competencies listed below
CM325 Prior Learning
Fall 2012
General Education Areas & Credit Requirements: 30 credits
How Competency is Demonstrated
Fine Arts (3 cr.)
Faith Baptist Bible College; Various chorus,
voice, and piano classes
Faith Baptist Bible College; Various Bible
courses in Old and New Testament.
SMU CM 310 Oral Communications
MK301 Marketing in 21st Century
MG305 – Managerial Ethics
**Need by taking college level course or
ACCT101 Accounting Fund (2cr)
BUS1016 Business Math Calculators (2cr)
**Need by taking college level course or
BU403–Applied Statistics (computer lab)
Humanities (3 cr.)
Communications (3 cr.)
Historical and Global Perspectives (3 cr.)
Ethics (3 cr.)
Social Responsibility (3 cr.)
Mathematics & Formal Modeling (3 cr.)
Science (3 cr.)
Technology (3 cr.)
Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota
Human Resources Management Degree Worksheet
Info Literacy/Creative Prblm Solving/Life-long Learning/Multidisciplinary (3 cr.)
Name: Halstead, Kaye
Date: AO 08/28/12
BU490 – Strategic Business Capstone