Visualization Diagnostic (MIR and ECEI) on KSTAR N.C. Luhmann, Jr. Dept. of Applied Science University of California at Davis U.S.-Korean Workshop Opportunities for Expanded Fusion Science and Technology Collaborations with the KSTAR Project Three Year Program: $1,501,834 May 19-20, 2004 General Atomics, San Diego, U.S.A. UC Davis: N.C. Luhmann, Jr. and C.W. Domier PPPL.: H. Park, E. Mazzucatto, and T. Munsat UC DAVIS PLASMA DIAGNOSTICS GROUP Outline Motivation ECE Imaging (ECEI) and Microwave Imaging Reflectometry (MIR) ECEI and MIR on TEXTOR ECEI and MIR on KSTAR Motivation Stability and Confinement Physics of Fusion Plasmas Stability limit can be extended via control of MHD fluctuations Radial energy transport physics based on micro-turbulence is an outstanding problem Real time visualization of the physics (MHD and turbulence) in KSTAR will be invaluable for the physics community and the future of ITER Why Plasma Visualization? Complex theoretical models are visualized in 3-D (both turbulence and MHD) Experimental visualization of Te of (MHD & turbulence) is now feasible with recent technology advances 2-D Plasma Microwave Imaging Tools Electron Cyclotron Emission Imaging (ECEI) Microwave Imaging Reflectometry (MIR) Outline Motivation ECE Imaging (ECEI) and Microwave Imaging Reflectometry (MIR) ECEI and MIR on TEXTOR ECEI and MIR on KSTAR 2-D ECE Imaging (ECEI) ECE radiometry is an established tool for Te measurement in hot plasmas. In conventional radiometry, a single antenna receives all frequencies. In ECEI, a vertically aligned antenna/mixer array employed as the receiver. Unique advantages: High spatial and temporal resolution, 2-D correlation. Real time 2-D imaging utilizing wideband IF electronics and a single sideband detection method (present 128 channel ECEI system installed on TEXTOR). Need for Microwave Imaging Reflectometry Contour plot of the backward field for fluctuations with an average value of 1 cm–1 for both poloidal and radial wave numbers, and a total density fluctuation of 1.0x10–2 (a) and 2x10–2 (b). 2 k0 D 1 σ 2 kθ2 Microwave Imaging Reflectometry (MIR) Probing beam illuminates extended region of cutoff layer. Curvature of the lluminating beam matched to that of the cutoff surface (toroidal and poloidal) for optical robustness and maximized signal level. “Virtual cutoff layer” imaged onto detector array (3 example points shown). This also eliminates the phase and amplitude corruption caused by interference of multiple reflections. Detection system shares the same optical elements. Outline Motivation ECE Imaging (ECEI) and Microwave Imaging Reflectometry (MIR) ECEI and MIR on TEXTOR ECEI and MIR on KSTAR TEXTOR Combined ECEI/MIR System Both ECEI and MIR share two front-end optics and window Mesh beamsplitter separates the ECEI and MIR signals Dual dipole antenna arrays are used for both ECEI and MIR ECEI/MIR optics are designed to minimize image spot size Translatable lens, closest to array box, allows ECEI image plane to be moved radially to match plasma parameters TEXTOR port & window Toroidal and Poloidal Mirrors ECEI/MIR System Installed on TEXTOR MIR RF Source ECEI LO Source Mirror ECEI Array MIR Array Mirror (Covered) MIR LO Source Focusing Lens Observation of Ballooning Modes Before Crash V(r,t)/<V(r,t)>; < > is average voltage level 10 identical m=1 oscillations are averaged Inversion radius (q~1) bp ~0.4 and S ~5 x 106 • Ip = 400 kA • BT = 2.3T • Pnbi = ~3 MW • Crash time is ~150 msec • Frame is every ~5 msec • Total run time is ~1.3 msec Heat Transfer during Crash Phase of m=1 Mode Six frames of the crash process, emphasizing heat transfer out of the inversion radius into mixing zone Composition of the three 2-D images (384 pixels) obtained by varying the toroidal magnetic fields (2.3T, 2.35T and 2.4T) Note that the double white lines are the estimated inversion radius. Magnetic Reconnection and Heat Transfer Process Composition of images is feasible Local oscillator variation (desirable) Magnetic field variation (2.30T, 2.35T and 2.4T) was the first choice No presence of high m ballooning modes. Elongation along poloidal plane ?(W. Park,, Phys. Fluids B 3, 507 (1991) Inversion radius (q~1) Correlation Observed on MIR Signals Between Amplitude Modulation and Density Change Cut-off layer is moving from the core side to the edge as density is ramped Interference pattern dominated at higher density and well defined I/Q signal at a lower density 15/16 channels are operational Cross-Coherency Analysis of MIR Signals Examples of cross-coherency analysis; (a) #10 vs. #9 (~0.66 cm), (b) #10 vs. #5 (~5.0 cm) and (c) #10 vs. #1 (~9.4 cm) (d) Average cross-coherency value of frequency bin for #10 wrt the separation distance of imaging spots for all channels Poloidal Rotation Measurement via MIR system (a) Broad frequency spectra and estimated initial velocity is +21 km/sec during NBI (co-beam) (4.4 sec) (b) Narrow frequency spectra after NBI off. Rotation reverses and settles at -12 km/sec (4.8 sec) NBI (CO) is turned off at 4.5 sec and density change is relatively small (density evolution and NBI waveform) Time history of Poloidal Rotation Induced by NBI Starts at electron diamagnetic direction at speed of +21 km/sec Becomes chaotic during beam slowing down time scale Settles at -12 km/sec during OH phase. Outline Motivation ECE Imaging (ECEI) and Microwave Imaging Reflectometry (MIR) ECEI and MIR on TEXTOR ECEI and MIR on KSTAR KSTAR Characteristic Frequencies 280 2f 240 Frequency (GHz) 200 f 3f C C BT = 3.5 T R = 1.8 m a = 0.5 m ne0 = 1.51020 m–3 ECEI R 160 f C 120 MIR Target ECEI range 155-240 GHz -0.5 < r/a < +1.0 80 f P 40 0 -1 Characteristic frequency plot for KSTAR plasmas under typical operating conditions. Target MIR range -0.5 0 Radius r/a 0.5 1 75-155 GHz +0.5 < r/a < +1.0 MIR on KSTAR – Conceptual Design Mirrors Mirrors Two large plasma facing stainless steel mirrors are placed within the vacuum vessel Poloidally (vertically) curved cylindrical mirror Toroidally (horizontally) curved cylindrical mirror Output signals pass through a relatively small output window MIR on KSTAR –Side View MIR plasma coverage: 32 cm (vertical) ECEI on KSTAR – Conceptual Design Mirrors Array Lenses Focal plane Window ECEI plasma coverage: 50 cm (vertical) ECEI system to share same plasma facing stainless steel mirrors and window within the Bay G cassette as the MIR system Two additional mirrors are placed within the cassette to extend the plasma coverage ECEI and MIR focal planes are toroidally separated by ~few cm. ECEI on KSTAR – Side & Top Views Side View Top View Gaussian beam simulations shown above computed using CODE V ECEI/MIR Initial System Design 1-D MIR system (16 channels) Initial system design targeted to 137-140 GHz (r/a ~ 0.75) Extendable to 2-D (16x2 to 16x4) with additional millimeter-wave illumination sources and wideband IF electronics, with no change to MIR optics required 2-D ECEI system (20x12=240 channels) Initial system design targeted to 163-190 GHz (0.0 < r/a < +0.75), split over three RF bands Extendable to wider instantaneous RF bandwidth with increased IF bandwidth electronics Extendable to higher resolution (32x16 = 512 channels) by decreasing the inter-element spacing and increasing the number of ECEI electronics modules Broadband radiation collected by the ECEI/MIR arrays to be preamplified and sent along low loss microwave cables to IF electronics boxes, located in close proximity to the arrays High speed digitizers (16-bit, 1.0 MSample/sec) to be incorporated into IF electronics boxes, with fiber-optic Gigabit ethernet lines to route acquired data outside of the KSTAR radiation shield ECEI Imaging Arrays The relatively low frequency MIR arrays will employ the proven dual dipole imaging antennas Two approaches to realizing the higher frequency ECEI arrays will be pursued Fundamental mixers (fIF = fRF – fLO) – proven technology Subharmonic mixers (fIF = fRF – 2fLO) – utilize lower frequency sources Extensive simulation and laboratory testing to determine the optimum choice for KSTAR Fundamental Mixer Subharmonic Mixer 160-178 GHz 80-89 GHz 0.5 dBm / channel 0.5 dBm / channel LO power available 20-30 mW 60-80 mW Predicted conv. loss 8-14 dB ~10 dB LO illumination backside frontside LO frequency Min. LO power required ECEI Subharmonic Mixer Imaging Array Employ low cost, solid state LO sources at half of RF frequency Ease of combining RF and LO beams for low loss (front side illumination more efficient) Reasonable mixer conversion loss LO source consists of three Gunn oscillators and an RF switch providing LO power at 80 GHz, 84.5 GHz and 89 GHz, respectively IF frequency range: 3-12 GHz RF frequency range: 163-190 GHz Quasi-optical High Pass Filter LO Subharmonic mixer array RF Beam ECEI Fundamental Mixer Imaging Array Employ variations of the proven dual dipole antennas Backside illumination to avoid unnecessary RF losses on input (frontside) Broadband RF/LO filters to recycle RF and LO power back to the fundamental mixer for improved conversion loss LO source consists of one remotely tunable backward wave oscillator (BWO), with a minimum operating range of 160-178 GHz IF frequency range: 3-12 GHz (same as for subharmonic mixer) RF frequency range: 163-190 GHz (same as for subharmonic mixer) Challenges facing the use of a fundamental mixer imaging array on KSTAR are: 140-178 GHz BWO (Insight Product Co.) generates only 20-30 mW output power; insufficient LO power delivered to the mixer diode results in increased conversion losses (8 14 dB) Unlike solid state sources, BWOs suffer from lifetime issues limiting long term use Diagnostic Development Tasks Tasks Prototype Development and System Design ECEI/MIR Antenna Development ECEI/MIR Optics Design Bay G Cassette Design ECEI Electronics Prototype Development MIR Electronics Prototype Development Final Instrument Development Assemble Millimeter-Wave Sources ECEI/MIR Array Fabrication & Testing ECEI/MIR Optics Fabrication & Testing Bay G Cassette Fabrication & Testing ECEI Electronics Fabrication & Testing MIR Electronics Fabrication & Testing Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Responsibl 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 e Parties UCD/PPPL UCD/PPPL PPPL UCD UCD UCD UCD PPPL KSTAR UCD UCD KSTAR MICROWAVE DIAGNOSTICS DESIGN TOTAL COST* – THREE YEARS: $1,501,834 YEAR ONE: $508,327 YEAR TWO: $532,873 YEAR THREE: $460,634 * Includes $ 300k for PPPL efforts (design, modelling, etc.) KSTAR Diagnostic Layout Torus Ion Gauge RGA X-ray Crystal Spec. PN Basic Diagnostics Baseline Diagnostics Mission-oriented Diagnostics Magnetic Feedthrough Inspection Illuminator Glow Discharge Probe IR TV Edge Reflectometer (CES background)* B A P C Magnetic Feedthrough Inspection Illuminator IR TV Movable Langmuir Probe Torus Ion Gauge RGA X-ray Crystal Spec. Soft X-ray Spec. VUV Survey Spec. ECH Magnetic Feedthrough MSE CES BES *Reciprocating (Movable) Langmuir Probe Bolometer Array X-ray Pinhole Camera IR TV Visible/H-alpha TV X-ray PHA (Kurchatov) Multichord Vis. Spec. Soft X-ray Array (KAIST) Impurity Pellet Injector ICRH/ FWCD LHH/ LHCD Inspection Illuminator Visible/H-alpha TV Thomson Optics (Div. Thomson Optics)* O N NBI (I) M D L E K J F I G H NBI (II) MSE(II) Tan. FIR Int. Laser mm-Wave Interferometer(SNU) Input (SNU) Reflectometer (UCD/PPPL) MIR (UCD/PPPL) * Dual function system ECEI ()* not fixed Thomson Laser Input Bolometer Array (CX-NPA)* ECE Radiometer (KAERI) ECE Interferometer ECE GPC LIF Optics (KAIST/KBSI) (DNB)* Visible/H-alpha TV H-alpha Monitor Visible Survey Spec. Visible Brems. Array Visible Filterscope (KBSI/ORNL) Magnetic Feedthrough Inspection Illuminator Glow Discharge Probe IR TV Revised Version: 22 March 2002 Wideband ECEI Mixer Array Dual dipole antenna elements Extremely tight antenna spacing to minimize channel spacing Wide tunable RF bandwidth for flexibility Single lobe antenna patterns to couple well to Gaussian beams Detector array 12 10 E-Plane 120GHz 115GHz 110GHz 8 H-Plane 120GHz 115GHz 110GHz 10 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 0 0 -40 -20 0 20 40 -40 -20 Angle Wide 0 20 Angle bandwidth baluns (2-10 GHz) CPS-Microstrip balun uses broadside coupled strip Measured insertion loss < 2.0 dB from 2-10 GHz 40 2-D ECEI Electronics Overview Collect ECE radiation over a broad frequency range. LO1 LO4 LO3 LO5 LO6 LO2 LO7 LO8 Downconvert with a fixed frequency local oscillator (LO) to provide a wide IF bandwidth input signal. T1 T2 T3 Divide the 3-7 GHz input Microwave signal into 8 parts, and Amp Input downconvert with a Signal distinct LO frequency for each part: 3.2, 3.8, 4.3, 4.8, 5.3, 5.8, 6.3, 6.8 GHz. Mixer outputs are bandpass filtered (5-150 MHz), rectified and amplified for acquisition and analysis. T4 T5 T6 Power Divider T7 T8 Mixers IF Amps Bandpass Filters Detectors Video Amps Local Oscillator & Mixer Modules A total of 8 local oscillator (LO) boards are needed to downconvert the 2-D ECEI signals, with 16 LO outputs at a fixed frequency. Each amplified signals from detection array (16 channels) are divided into 8 equal parts (designed on microstrip) Array Box and Electronics for 128 Channel ECEI System Completed ECEI electronics box, with 16 SMA array inputs (3-7 GHz) and 128 LEMO outputs (8 outputs per input) Completed detection array with the substrate lens and low-noise microwave preamplifiers. Measured ECEI and MIR Focal Plane Patterns ECEI system antenna response MIR system antenna response 2-D ECEI Data: Shot #94568 One of the first plasmas to be studied with the 2-D ECEI diagnostic were neutral beam heated plasmas which exhibited sawteeth (TEXTOR discharge #94568: BT=2.3 T, Pnbi=3 MW). Shown below are time histories from two of the 128 ECEI channels. In the following 2 slides are sample 2-D Te images about the q=1 layer, generated by averaging 10 identical m=1 oscillations to reduce noise. Mixer 3 IF Band 8 Mixer 13 IF Band 8