Lincoln High School Middle College 1 Middle College Philosophy • Every student can succeed • Personalized environment • Rigorous college preparatory curriculum • Support to achieve goals • Earn both high school diploma and earn college credits • Improve high school graduation rates • High-skill careers • Compressing years to a college degree 2 Lincoln’s Middle College Partnerships San Diego Unified School District • Lincoln High School • San Diego Community College District • Educational Cultural Complex (ECC) • 3 Partnership Advantages Reduced college cost • Smooth transition into college environment • Opportunity to develop skills in career pathway through technical education • Long-term planning for college and career Accelerates completion of their higher education program Unique college setting with faculty and academic support laboratories Targeted resources, Academic Support Centers at ECC • • Align personalization and curricular supports for high school and college courses • Academic Labs at Lincoln High School 4 Lincoln High Middle College Vision To prepare students for successful high school completion, college success and positive career options • To prepare students for rigorous and challenging college course work Provide opportunities for students to earn transferable college credits while completing a high school diploma Provide opportunities for students to complete a certificate or an associate degree program To encounter “real world” experiences in internships 5 Benefits for Middle College Students Free College tuition • Increases opportunities for students based on interests, talents and abilities • College textbooks provided at no cost to the student • Begin to take college courses in 10th, 11th and 12th grades • Experience college academics prior to high school graduation • Earn college transferable credit (dual enrollment) • Tutorial labs to support the rigorous demands of college course work • • • • • • Provides students a blend of high school and college courses Provides students with first college experiences in a supportive setting Meet and interact with professors and other college students Graduate college early or reduce semester credit loads College courses offered at Lincoln High School and ECC. Technical Education Classes (Account Clerk, Auto Technician, HVAC-Heating and Air Conditioning, etc.) • CISCO Academy • 6 Middle College Criteria Students must have a GPA of 3.0. to meet the criteria to enroll in transferable college courses, to participate in technical education classes and the CISCO academy earning a certification. • Students with a GPA less than 3.0 will be reviewed on a case by case basis. • 7 College Going Culture Provide positive college transition and dual enrollment for opportunities • Increasing high school graduation rates and reducing dropout rates by providing a school-wide support system and an individualized academic plan that challenges each student to succeed • Improving academic performance by providing a nontraditional high school structure and environment which allows students access to greater educational opportunities • 8 Internships Students will benefit by… Clarifying career goals and future academics • Gain valuable work experience • Apply their skills and learn outside of the classroom • Gain confidence in the workplace • Gain practical hands on experience • Establish networking opportunities • 9 Middle College Benefits Students Higher grades and test scores • Better attendance • More positive attitudes and behavior • Parents/Community Parent will have confidence that students will be prepared for success • Stronger school and parent relationships • Students less likely to dropout • Higher graduation rates • • • Greater enrollment in postsecondary education • More parent involvement Higher level of community support 10 Stakeholder Dialogues Lincoln Staff • Students • Parent Meetings • Community Meetings • San Diego Community College District • Educational Cultural Complex • Big Picture Learning • School Site Council • Site Governance Team • ELAC • 11 Communication Opportunities Staff Meetings Input/Update December 16, 2013 Introduction to Middle College January 6, 2014 Input/Update February 12, 2014 Input/Update February 19, 2014 Input/Update Students On-going Middle College discussions… Parents/Community December 10, 2013-Board of Education Meeting School based meetings Site Governance TeamDecember 2013, January 2014, February 2014 12 Communication Opportunities continued Discussions in Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) District staff/Teaching and Learning-January 28, 2014-Lincoln High School December 4, 2013-Invite teachers to board meeting Community WalkthroughNovember 21, 2013, December 10, 2013, January 30, 2014 December 17, 2013Discussion of Middle College proposal January-March, 2014Discussion of Middle College proposal Community College (ECC)March 19, 2014 13 Assessment Staff will utilize an array of assessment tools to determine students’ progress and achievement (Common Core Standards, diagnostic tools, projects, exhibitions, portfolios, oral presentation, etc.) • Staff will articulate outcomes and identify measures, findings, and resulting actions concerning student progress and achievement • Staff will identify the skills and academic content that students should be able to demonstrate yearly • • Community College ACCUPLACER 14 Middle College Budget 2013-14 64,500 2014-15 660,000 Total 724,500 Expenditures Middle College Coordinator/Parent Coordinator • S.T.E.A.M. Coordinator (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math) • Internship Coordinators (Entrepreneur Center) • Academic Labs Teachers (math & English) • Summer Bridge 2014 • 15 Our Students, Their Future 16