Tchoukball Lesson Plan: Defensive Tactics & Rebounds

Adelphi Physical Education Lesson Plan
Name _Kristina Cavallo________ Unit: _____Tchoukball_________ Lesson # ____5___________ Grade Level __3rd__ Class Size: ___25_
Day 5 Defensive Tactics and Rebounds
NYS Learning Standard # 1, 2
Key Idea:
Personal Health & Fitness- Students will have the necessary knowledge and skills to establish
and maintain physical fitness, participate in physical activity, and to maintain personal health.
A Safe and Healthy Environment- Students will acquire the knowledge and ability necessary
to create and maintain a safe and healthy environment.
NASPE Content Standard:#1,2,5,
Equipment needed
Sponge dodge balls (12), Poly spots (20),
Cones (10), Tennis balls (6), Wiffle Balls (8),
Safety factors specific to this lesson
-Students will not toss the objects until they
have called their partners name in order to
avoid accidents.
-Do not throw the balls or bounce them unless
told by the teacher.
- Students should always pay attention, and “be
alert” for balls that are thrown, dropped, or
rebounded out of control.
- Students should be alert for balls that will be
rebounding off the wall and tchouk frame.
-Students should be aware of their
surroundings and know where other groups are
when participating in the activities.
-No running around unless the activity calls for
controlled running.
-Follow all teacher directions.
Objectives: At the end of this lesson the student will be able to:
1. Psycho-motor - TSWBAT use defensive strategies to block/rebound a shot during a
modified game situation 3 out of 5 times.
2. Cognitive- TSWBAT describe how to use the rebound as a defensive strategy in their
journal at the end of the lesson with 85% accuracy.
3. Affective- TSWBAT communicate effectively with teammates by getting in position to
receive the rebound of a shot 100% of the time.
Learning Activities:
1.(Instant Activity) Conquerors
Cardiovascular endurance, Muscular Strength,
2. (Lesson Focus)
A. Wall Partner Rebound Catch
B. Tchouk Frame Group Work
Around the world, Line Drill
Assessment Technique: Direct Teacher Observation, Students will fill out a task card during
the lesson to show their effectiveness of the rebound skill, Students will answer questions
regarding the rebound as a defensive strategy as a journal entry for a homework assignment
after class.
C. Team Tchouk Frame Work
Scattered Game, Clean up my Backyard
Fitness Development Activities(y)
Sit ups, Jumping Jacks, Jogging
Initial floor plan/Equipment set up
Cones will be set up to divide the gym into 2 playing areas.
C- Cone
M-mat on side
o-poly spots
E- equipment box
F-tchouk frame
d- dodge balls
Ten-Tennis ball
w- wiffle ball
Name of Learning
Activity, Transitions,
Closure, etc
Instant Activity-
Task Presentation
(Directions that you will say to students)
Use phrases with bullets
Conquerors/ Fitness
endurance and
muscular strength)
“Good Morning boys and girls!
Let’s get moving right away. When
I say Go, I want the first 12
students to walk over to the far end
of the gym and sit by the center
line of cones. The next 12 sit on
the closer side and by the center
line so I can go over the game
rules... GO!
When they get to the center line, I
will choose 2 students from each
side to be IT. Give each person a
“The game is called Conquerors;
it is a tag game that requires
throwing and catching, so it will
help us review.
“Each group will play the tag
game in their own specified area.
The two persons that are IT will
start the game throwing and
catching with each other while the
rest of the class is running around
in the box. The IT will try and tag
others so that they become IT as
“Taggers-must complete 3
successful passes within the
boundaries before they can tag
someone. Cannot take more than 3
Class Organization
Use diagrams here
Feedback/Instructional Cues
Critical elements to look for in student
(see above initial floor
Start cue: When I say “GO”
Stop Cue: When I blow the whistle,
students will sit and await instruction.
Students will enter the
gym and break up into 2
groups of 12 students.
Teacher will count 12
students to go in the first
half of gym and other 12
to go in the other half.
Call out your receiver’s name!
Do not throw the ball at anyone!
Everyone should be moving.
Stay in bounds!
Two students from each
group will be chosen by
the teacher be “It”. There
will be a mat placed on
the side of each area
where the tagged persons
will go to do their sit ups
and jumping jacks before
returning to the game.
The students will then
participate in the game
and be safe.
The teacher (me) would
be walking around the
gym greeting students and
correcting incorrect
behaviors. I would be
giving feedback to make
sure the students are doing
a good job. I would also
be taking attendance.
I want to see slow, controlled sit ups.
“I want to hear you count each
Do not rush your exercises.
Stay on Task.
Sit up Cues:
Keep knees bent and feet on floor
Arms across the chest in an “X”
Head up and pull from your stomach.
Come all the way up.
Jumping Jack Cues:
Spread legs out shoulder width apart.
Arms out, touch your hands over your
head, back at your side.
steps with the ball in their hand,
must tag or pass it.”
“When other students are tagged
they must go to the mat on the side
and do 5 correct sit ups and 5
jumping jacks. Then they put on a
pinnie and become a conqueror
“The Object of game: is to conquer
all of the people in the game and
have them join the taggers.”
“Remember we need to
communicate a lot to work as a
team, call person’s name out
before throwing the ball.
When everyone is conquered, I
will pick 2 new taggers to be it.”
**Be careful when passing to other
“ITs”, Call out the person’s name
and do not throw the ball at
Ask- “Any questions?” Go!
(**If I see students struggling
making the tags, I will let them do
a “soft tag” and toss the ball below
the free person’s waist in order to
“tag” them.)
(Students will begin playing the
game and I will be walking around
taking attendance and greeting
students. I will also be checking to
make sure that they are
participating correctly.)
WHISTLE—Freeze! (Stop Cue
students should know to be quiet,
sit down in their area and wait for
Ask- Who knows what component of
fitness we worked on? (cardio,
muscular strength)
Set Induction
“Great job! I am glad to see that we
are really improving with our
throwing and catching. I heard good
communication within each group too.
When I say GO, I would like everyone
to put their pinnies in a pile by me and
sit in the middle of the gym and we
will go over today’s lesson… GO!!”
“Yesterday we learned some
offensive strategies to use during
the game such as slants and button
hooks. We also practiced shooting
at different distances. Now that we
worked on offense it is important
for you all to learn “defense” for
Defense, Rebounds
2min and Angles
Ask- Does anyone remember if
there really is a set “defense” in
tchoukball? We talked about this
on the first day.
(no there is not. Because you are
not allowed to block/ intercept the
other teams shots or passes.)
Students will be asked to
sit quietly and listen to the
teacher’s instructions and
Throwing Cues:
-Eyes on target
- Arm back
- Step with opposite foot
- Follow Through
Catching Cues/ Rebound Cues
-Arms extend
- Watch the ball in
-Bear Claw
Start- When I say “GO”
Stop- blow the whistle, sit and wait
“However, we CAN catch
REBOUNDS to prevent the ball
from hitting the ground and giving
the other team points. “
Ask- Who can tell me what a
rebound is, I’m sure you have
heard of it in other sports.
(When the ball is shot at a target and it
comes off and back into the playing
field. Example- basketball when you
miss a shot off the backboard and the
defense catches the ‘rebound’ or
someone scores in the basket.)
Teacher demo- show them the frame as an
example. Toss the ball off.
“Throwing the ball hard will cause
the ball to come off the frame very
fast, so we should start off
throwing softer so you have more
time to react.”
“If the ball is thrown at the net
from one side bounces off the net
in the other direction, like a
mirror’s reflection. If you keep
tabs on the ball’s position, you will
know where the ball should land
and be able to catch the rebound.
“The ball will move to different
places depending on how hard/soft
it is thrown and where it hits the
Today we are going to work on
reading the angles of the ball as it
The ball comes off the frame differently
depending on where it hits.
Watch for different angles.
rebounds off the frame and try to
block shots from hitting the ground
outside the D-Zone.”
“When we receive a rebound it is
similar to catching the ball,
remember the catching cues?
Our REBOUND CUES will be:
1- watch the ball,
2- arms out,
3- Bear Claw
4- soft hands
Ask- What are the cues? (repeat
and show them visually)
**Remember, soft hands when
catching the ball is like cradling a
First we are going to work on catching
the ball after it rebounds off the
“Please partner up with the person
next to you. When I say GO…
one person will sit at one of the
cones placed along the wall and the
other person will get up slowly and
grab a dodge ball from the side and
bring it to your partner sitting at
the cone, then wait for instruction.
Whistle blow- stop cue
“Our 1st activity will be partner
rebounding off the wall.”
Wait for my instructions.
I did not say Go.
Activity #1
Wall Rebounds with
(Teacher will place 12 cones and a
poly spot along the walls of the
“When I say GO, I want one
partner to get up and grab a dodge
ball and then sit back down at their
cone. Make sure you are far
enough away from your neighbors.
Students will move on
direction, to their cone
and sit down.
When I say Go, one
partner will get up and
grab a dodge ball and then
sit back down at their
No running! Walk to the box and to your
START CUE: When I say “GO!”
STOP CUE: Whistle blow
I will be walking around
and in the center as this is
“We are now going to practice a
series of drills to work on tracking
the ball as it rebounds off the wall,
and catching the rebound before it
hits the floor. This will also help us
warm up our hand eye
coordination (Tracking).”
Remember to make controlled tosses.
Stay in your own area.
Great job bringing the ball into your body
to catch and bending your knees.
Use soft teddy bear hands to claw around
the ball when catching it.
When I say GO, I want everyone to
stand up and start throwing your
ball at the wall in front of you.
There is no D-zone yet. 1 partner
will throw the ball at the wall 5
times and the other person will try
and catch the rebound.
*Remember to be light on your
feet in case you must move to the
ball, and watch the ball closely.
After the first 5 throws, switch
roles with your partner… GO!
WHISTLE: Hold your ball...
Ask- Can you catch 10 in a row?
Wait patiently at your cone for further
Watch the ball off the wall so you know
where to move.
Be light on your feet.
Watch the rebound from after it hits the
wall until you catch it with your hands.
Remember to use your soft Teddy Bear
Hands to Bear Claw.
There are 12 cones set up
along the walls of the
Make sure you cradle the ball softly when
you bring it into your body.
(2 min)
Great job boys and girls. Next I want you
to remember to include the D-zone. I want
you to take a step back and throw hard
enough to bounce the ball off the wall so
that it lands outside the D-Zone, or poly
1. D-Zone Rebound TossPractice throwing so it lands outside the dzone for 2 throws each... (2min)
*WHISTLE- hold ball
“Great Job. Now that we
understand how to throw to
rebound past the D-zone, let’s
see how many points you can
2. D-zone Point Toss
“This time When I say Go… I want the
person throwing to make sure they have
the ball land outside the d-zone. If your
ball hits the ground past the d-zone, you
get a point. And the partner catching, only
catch the rebound after it crosses the dzone. If the catcher catches the ball before
it hits the ground, you get a point.”
*Teacher would place frames for next
activity in 4 different areas quickly while
they are practicing.
Ask- How many points can you get
in 1 minute?... GO!
WHISTLE *Switch Roles (2 min) whistle
gym, (1 station for each
partner group.)
The students will be
standing along the wall
with their partner. They
will each be given a
designated wall area with
a cone to act as their
throwing line and a poly
spot to act as the “d-zone”
-They will wait for teacher
instruction before
participating in the
- I would be standing in
the center of the gym at
first when giving
instructions (so everyone
could see me). Then
during the activity, I
would be walking around
to observe students and
give them feedback.
-Teacher would also be
preparing for the next
activity, by placing the 4
frames in the gym in
between observing.
*Be alert in your own space in case a ball
rebounds off wild.
Start- When I say GO
Stop- Whistle indicates stop, hold your
ball and listen.
The ball must rebound outside the D-zone
to count.
Ask- How did we do? Great tosses
and way to follow the ball on the
3. D-zone Left and Right
“This time throw the ball to the RIGHT or
LEFT. I want the partner catching the
rebound to face the other side of the gym
when their partner throws the ball. This is
so you will not see where the ball goes and
you must turn around, react and move to
grab it before it hits the ground.
**Student demo-I will demonstrate with
I will be the catcher and John will
throw the ball to the right or left on
the wall. I must look the other
direction until I hear the ball hit the
wall, then turn around quickly and
try to catch the ball.
*This will help us learn to react
When I say Go… One partner will throw
10 passes, mixing up left and right at the
wall, and the catcher will react and catch..
*WHISTLE... hold the ball
“I know this is tricky but you are
doing great. Now switch roles with
your partner and do another 10
passes.” (2 min)
WHISTLE—hold the
ball…Awesome job!
Ask how many can you catch in 1
minute? Switch roles (2min)
WHISTLE- Stop and sit down in
your area. “I am impressed, I know
it is hard to just react and move to
the ball but you guys were up to
the challenge!”
“Good job everybody I could see
you all trying to use our catching
cues to grab the rebound. This will
be important when we progress to
throwing at the tchouk frame
instead of the wall.”
(Same formation as
Students will be seated at
their cones with their
partners. I will have given
“When I say GO…you and your
partner will take your ball with you them a number that will
tell them which FRAME
and move to the tchouk frame.
to move to for the next
Each group will have a number.
(Give each group a number from 112)
When the teacher says
GO… They will carefully
walk over to the frame
“ Numbers 1-3 please walk to the
tchouk 1, numbers 4-6 please walk they are assigned and wait
for further instruction.
to tchouk 2, numbers 7-9 please
walk to tchouk 3, and numbers 1012 please walk to tchouk 4. Then
sit and wait for instructions…
**TEACHER will place 5 poly spots in an
“around the world” setting at each tchouk
frame…. “GO!”
No running! Walk.
Start- When I say GO!!
Stop- Whistle blows
Groups 1-3… Frame 1
Groups 4-6 … Frame 2
Groups 7-9… Frame 3
Groups 10-12… Frame 4
Lesson Segment /
Transitions, Name of
Activity, Closure, etc
Activity #2
Tchouk Frame
Group Work
Task Presentation
(Directions that you will say to students)
Use phrases with bullets
“Eyes up here everyone.
Ask- When we shoot at the tchouk,
will the ball always rebound to the
same spot? (NO)
Class Organization
Use diagrams here
Feedback/Instructional Cues
Critical elements to look for in student
Frame Work.. set up 4
frames for 6 people at
each frame..
Throwing cues:
Eyes on Target, Arm back, step with
opposite foot, follow through
Catching cues:
Arms extend, Watch the ball in
Bear Claw, Cradle(Give)
“Correct. The ball will move to
different spots because of the way
it hits the frame. The different
angles it is thrown from, whether it
is thrown high or low, soft or hard
will affect the rebound.”
Hit High and Low spots on the frame.
Aim for the Frame.
Point with non throwing arm.
“In the next drill we will use the
same dodge balls to practice
different angles when throwing and
catching rebounds off the tchouk.”
1.Around the World
“In the first drill, you will each take a turn,
1 at a time, throwing the ball at the tchouk
frame from each poly spot starting from
the left side and going right. I want you to
notice that the different angle of each shot
affects the rebounds location”.
 “The other 5 people will form a
semi circle around the frame,
behind the shooter, and be ready to
catch the rebound.
**Remember to pay attention and
focus so you don’t get hit with the
ball, use the catching cues to
receive the rebound.”
“Try and throw the ball high and low to
Eye on the ball at all times.
Be Alert! Watch your surroundings for
any balls coming off the ball.
Use good form.
1)During the first drill, 6
students are at 1 frame.
They will start one at a
time and take a shot at
each poly spot around the
frame, while the other 5
students are catching the
rebound and noticing the
angle. Teacher will be
walking around and
giving feedback.
Remember to step with your opposite
foot when throwing.
Cradle the ball after the rebound.
Great job coming forward with your
follow through!
Good job stepping with your opposite
Way to hit the target!
Nice block before the ball hit the floor.
see difference”. (3 min)
WHISTLE- Nice work boys and
Ask- Where did the ball go when
you threw it high level? (it stayed
in the air longer).
Ask-Where did the ball go when
you tossed it at a low level? (line
drive to the ground quicker.)
2. Line Drill
“Now you are going to line up in 2 straight
lines behind the cones and in front of the
frame. One line will start with the ball,
take no more than 3 steps and “shoot” on
the frame.
 The other line will be waiting to
2)Students will be in 2
catch the rebound as it comes off
straight lines behind a
the frame. Then switch lines with
cone in front of the frame.
each other… GO!” (3 min)
(There are 4 different
groups of this.) One line
shoots at the frame, and
the other line catches the
3.Line Drill with a Pass
rebound. Then they switch
“Now that we get the hang of it, I want
lines. I would then be
you to start on the left line with the ball,
walking around during the
but this time.. Pass it to your partner on
the right line, they pass it back to you and drill to observe and
provide feedback.
then take a shot. The receiver will still be
waiting for the rebound. After the play,
3) The third drill has the
Switch lines…
same formation as the one
*This drill is working on our shooting at
above, except students
angles and receiving the rebound off
will pass to the other line
angles… GO!” (3 min)
before they take a shot.
WHISTLE- “Wow, nice job everyone! I
Nice smooth follow through.
Communicate with your classmates.
Start cue: GO!!
Stop cue: Whistle
am glad to see you shooting at different
angles. I can see you tried hard to move
around and track the rebounds.”
“Now we are going to work on a
scattered formation drill to be able
to shoot the ball from all different
areas and everyone must be ready
to catch it.”
“When I say Go, I want you all to
stand up and scatter yourselves
around the frame. Stay with your
group. The person with the ball
will throw at the frame and
everyone else will have chance to
catch the rebound.”
START CUE: When I say “GO!”
STOP CUE: Whistle blow
Please be careful to avoid any obstacles
when moving around in the gym.
Pay attention.
Stay with your group.
Students will remain in
their groups of 6 at their
*Each person is given chance to throw at
specific frame and follow
the frame from any position and scattered
the teacher’s instructions
players get the chance to catch rebounds.
for the next activities.
Teacher will be in the
 “I want you all to take turns, make
center and walking around
sure you call for the ball if you are to provide instruction and
going to catch the rebound to avoid feedback.
collisions… GO!”
“Since you have all done a great job
hitting the frame and catching the
rebounds, we are progressing to some
games. It is important to pay attention and
Team Tchouk Frame watch for any rebounds that might get
away from others.”
Activity #3
Throwing cues:
Eyes on Target, Arm back, step with
opposite foot, follow through
Catching cues:
Arms extend, Watch the ball in
Bear Claw, Cradle(Give)
Hit High and Low spots on the frame.
1. Scattered Rebound Game
“This is a point scoring game. Everyone
will remain scattered in their area around
the frame. This time when you play, if you
throw the ball at the frame and no one
catches rebound (ball hits the ground) you
get a point. Each person must keep track
of their own points.
When I say GO.. let’s see who can get the
most points in 2 minutes?
*Remember to pay attention because
balls are going to be flying off the frame.
Hit different levels and angles to try and
earn points. I want to see good
sportsmanship, encourage your
classmates…GO!” (2 min)
WHISTLE- “How did we do?? Wow!!
Great job everyone. I’m glad I saw you
trying to hit angles. If you didn’t score as
many points as you hoped it’s because
your group was too good at catching
ASK- **Please take a minute to fill out
the task cards. Teacher will hand out
cards. (1min)
Aim for the Frame.
Point with non throwing arm.
Eye on the ball at all times.
Be Alert! Watch your surroundings for
any balls coming off the ball.
Use good form.
There are still 4 groups of
students at each frame.
The students will be
scattered around their
frame for this activity.
Teacher will be in the
middle of all the groups
and walking around to
observe. The teacher will
also be handing out task
cards to each group after
the Scatter rebound game.
Remember to step with your opposite
foot when throwing.
Cradle the ball after the rebound.
Great job coming forward with your
follow through!
Good job stepping with your opposite
Way to hit the target!
Nice block before the ball hit the floor.
Nice smooth follow through.
Communicate with your classmates.
2. Clean up my Backyard
 “Next I am going to count off
groups into 1s and 2s. (Give each
person a number either 1 or 2.)
 When I say Go… all the 1s will
walk over and sit on the far side of
gym, and all the 2s will sit here.
Start cue: GO!!
Stop Cue: Whistle
Work cooperatively with your partner.
Good sportsmanship.
Support your partner.
Then please sit patiently while I set
up the next drill… GO!”
Do not throw the ball at anyone!
Way to move your feet to catch that
rebound ___.
**I will put cones in the center of the
gym.. to make boundary line.. then scatter
10 balls on each side of gym.. put 3 dodge
balls, 4 tennis balls, 3 wiffle balls on each
side. Place a tchouk frame in middle of
each half court. Place 4 cones around
each half of court to designate playing
“This game is called Clean up the
backyard.” The balls are “pieces
of trash”
“The Object of game is to clear as many
balls as possible out of your “backyard
area” into the other team’s area by
rebounding them off the tchoukball net.
*Half of your team will be catchers and
the others will be throwers.”
“RULES- You can’t cross the center line.
-Must throw ball into frame to send it to
other team’s area.
-Catchers throw the ball to thrower who
puts the ball into frame to send it to other
- You can only hold 1 ball at a time.
-Throwers can’t take more than 3 steps
with the ball, must throw it.
**Safety is very important in this game
because—this requires a lot of attention.”
“Be alert of balls coming over off the
2) Backyard Game- Cones
will be in the middle of
the gym, separating it into
halves and marking
boundary lines for the 4
corners. Balls will be
scattered on each side of
the gym and 12 students
will be on each side.
There will also be 1 frame
in the middle of each half
of the gym.
d- dodge balls
ten- tennis ball
w- wiffle ball
frame. No throwing the balls at anyone in
the game. If you do, you will sit out until
the end of class. Some balls will rebound
faster than others so please throw the
tennis balls lightly.”
“We will play 2 minute rounds and
then count how many balls/trash
are left on your side. The team
with the least number of trash is
declared top sanitary workers!
(before next round throwers and
catchers will switch roles)
Any questions before we begin?
GO!! (2 min round)
WHISTLE… I am impressed,
your teams did great! Let’s see
more communication during the
next round. Throwers and catchers
switch roles. (3 min) GO!
Whistle.. freeze.. Great job
clearing the ball off the frame and
catching those rebounds. These
backyards are really clean! You
should be proud.
“When I say Go, I would like each person
on the far side to grab a piece of
equipment and walk over to the side and
put it in the box. Then sit in the middle of
the gym to wrap up. When they are
finished I will say Go again, and the other
team will do the same. Go!... Go!”
**Teacher should mark down how the
teams worked together, communicating?
Students will move on command and put
one piece of equipment in a neat pile on
the side of the gym.
On command, students
will take one piece of
equipment place it on the
side, and then sit in the
Then sit back in the middle of the gym and middle of the gym.
wait for closure.
Eventually, they will be in
this formation.
START CUE: When I say “GO!”
STOP CUE: Whistle blow
Make sure you know where you are
supposed to be moving.
Please place the equipment back neatly.
Check for
(Gather students at the end in a circle and
understanding Closure ask them questions about the lesson.)
Summarize the
Hand out Journal
“Who can tell me what we worked
on today? (defense, catching,
 “When will we use this in a game?
(when defending our team from giving
up points. making sure the other team
doesn’t get a point)”
“What are the cues for catching a
rebound with good form? (watch
the ball, arms out, bear claw,
Why are rebounds important?
(because you must be able to move
and catch them to prevent other
team from scoring)
Does anyone want to nominate a
student who did exceptionally well
Meet in the middle of the gym.
Amazing job today everyone!
Students will remain
seated in front of the
teacher in the middle of
the gym. They will listen
to the teacher and answer
I’m really proud of your efforts.
Throwing cues:
Eyes on Target, Arm back, step with
opposite foot, follow through
The teacher will then hand Rebound-Catching cues:
out journal entry
Arms extend, Watch the ball in
homework for the students Bear Claw, Cradle(Give)
to do after class.
Great class participation.
This class has improved 100%
Good communication and teamwork
during our drills.
“For homework I want you to take
a worksheet, and answer the
journal questions regarding
rebounds... Please bring it to class
next time we meet.”
“You all should be really proud of
the progress you have made since
we started. I liked the hard work
you put in and the teamwork I saw
you’re your groups.”
“Now that we have worked on all
of the basics of tchoukball, next
class we will start playing
modified games! Yay! Have a
great day!”
(Assessment sheets are below)
-Task Card for rebounds and catching.
-Journal Entry for homework.
Student Name:___________________
Journal Entry
Rebounds Day 5
1-Write how to use the REBOUND as a defensive strategy during tchoukball.
2- Explain why it is important to use the Rebound.
Journal Entry: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Ex-(b/c catching the ball saves your team from giving up a point to other team).
Do you feel you were successful when using the rebound during our drills today?
Lesson Day 5
Tchoukball Unit- Scatter Rebound Drill
1. Were you able to
block/rebound a shot?
2. How many times were you
able to catch a rebound? _____
3. How many points did you get?_____
4. Did you catch 3 out
of 5 rebounds?____
5. Did you communicate with
your teammates? _____
6. How comfortable are you with
catching rebounds?
_____ Very ____Somewhat
_____ Need more Practice
Kristina Cavallo
Lesson Plan Day 5
Basketball Rebounding Drills. (2007). Retrieved December 2, 2010, from My Youth Basketball Player:
Girardin, P. (2006). Tchoukball. Retrieved December 2, 2010, from James Madison University:
Gooding, T. (2010, November 2). Tchoukball Lead up Games.
Gooding, T. (2010, November 2). Tchoukball Skill Drills.
Phillips, N. (n.d.). Rules of Tchoukball. Retrieved September 9, 2010, from Pe Central :
Tchoukball. (2008). Retrieved December 3, 2010, from Georgine School:
Tchoukball Rules: Getting Started/ Shooting. (n.d.). Retrieved December 1, 2010, from Bethesda, Maryland:
Wright, B. (2005, November 26). Rebound Ball. Retrieved November 29, 2010, from Pe Central: