Spring 2 Communication and Language Circle times (Monday AM), speaking and listening activities- focusing upon speaking in full sentenceslink to punctuation karate for Year 1 and some reception. Show and tell/Oliver Owl- independent sharing from home. Questions- highlighting what makes a good question vs. a statement. Pie Corbett storytelling link- We’re Going on a Bear Hunt speech, role play areas/small world play. Recording storytelling using iPad. If you go down to the woods … - We’re Going On A Bear Hunt Mathematics Literacy Reception- revisiting Phase 2/3 phonics introducing Phase 4 blending/segmenting of adjacent consonants. Year 1- Phase 5. All groups weekly guided reading. 3 x handwriting sessions a week for Year 1. Encouraging children to write independently throughout continuous provision. Pie Corbett storytelling- We’re Going on a Bear Hunt. Actions, story map, story circles, story pairs, hot seating, freeze frames, children making own maps, innovation, new story maps, recording innovated stories- Year 1’s written, Reception recorded on iPad. Performing during class assembly? Bear stories in book corner. Forest role play outside. Bear Hunt small world inside. Understanding the World Forest schools- We’re Going on a Bear Hunt map making. Bear hunt sensory trays, can you find grass, river, forest, snowstorm, etc. Lanhydrock Teddy Bear’s Picnic visit. iPad- independent use. Letter/number formation practise. Maths games. Weekly use of ICT suite- education city. Discussing home lives- Oliver Owl. What do you like to do at home? How are your houses/families similar or different? Daily use of phonicsplay.co.uk, giant phonics, Geraldine the Giraffe. Physical Development Daily Leap into Life sessions. Discuss importance of exercise for our health during Leap into Life. This term’s objectives; push and pull, squat and roll, gallop/slide, direction. Continued daily access to finger gym activities, addition of padlocks, golf tees, polystyrene, marble balancing, etc. spaghetti threading, skewers, cocktail sticks, pasta. Sensory activities, aqua beads, ice, jelly bath, etc. Cooking, importance of healthy diet. Encouraging independent dressing, coats. Shape (2D/3D), use shapes to make pictures/patterns and models. Describe patterns using shapes or numbers. Length, height, standard units, mass, weight, solving puzzles or problems, recording using marks which can be interpreted and explained, recording information in lists and tables, sort objects into groups. Recognise denominations of coins and notes, solve problems in context of money, pay and give change, missing number problems. Counting on or back, doubles, introducing multiplication, division (Year 1). Additions to maths area, 2D/3D shapes. Tape measures, scales, sorting circles, money. Cuddly toys extended to 20 with cards, badges. 100 Day Party- what does 100 look like? Finding different ways to count to 100, etc. children to bring in 100 small items for maths display. Encourage everyday language related to time through discussing date, months, seasons, etc. today, tomorrow, minute, hour and discuss how it can be measured. Montessori maths resources available in continuous provision, spindle box (numeral/quanity 0-9), sandpaper numerals, number rods, subtraction grid. Number log with numicon padlocks (numeral/quanitiy 120) Personal, Social and Emotional Development WOW wall- celebrating achievements from home. Discussing selves/each other in positive terms when discussing abilities and interests. Year 1- self assessment grids, introducing to Reception. Weekly circle time- Monday AM. R time. E-safety- Digiduck’s Bad Decision Managing feelings and behaviour- selected Mr Men stories with corresponding ‘feeling’s flashcards’- observations of children discussing different feelings, characteristics, scenarios, etc. Expressive Arts and Design Creative Area challenges- can you make a robot? Can you make a book? What resources will you need? Can you write a label for your picture/model? Bear hunt related craft activities- map making, making paper for maps. Interpretive movement to We’re Going on a Bear Hunt story. Recommended reads We’re Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson Goldilocks and the Three Bears Paddington Bear Bear Snores On by Karma Wilson Percy The Park Keeper by Nick Butterworth. Some of Class 1’s ideas for outdoor continuous provision