Merritts Brook E-Act Primary Academy Medium Term Planning – Summer 1 Engage Early Years Foundation Stage Nursery / Reception Main Focus: Develop children’s curiosity, understanding and knowledge about exploration, travel and discovery. Using their senses and imagination to explore the environment. Continuing to develop group work, sharing ideas and conversation. Developing good relationships and critical thinking. Maintaining Parental involvement and supporting learning at home. Topic: Can we explore it? Displays: Learning behaviour, child initiated play – Assessment: On-going observational assessment Environment and Resources: Provide an Use of Learning Journals, including work/comments enabling environment for children. Introduce from home- as introduced to parents/children end of developing areas of learning to children, Autumn 1. Group/Individual Observations – where indoor/outdoor. needed. On line Journals. Provide, model and introduce new resources available AFL to inform pupil targets/progress. to children daily. Listening and responsive adults. Send out new Prime Target bears set at the end of Explorer rucksack, binoculars, maps, hiking boots, last half term with parents. camera, compass, flask, Clip of Alice in Wonderland, Honey I shrunk the Kids. work and photos. Develop an interest (working) wall, with children’s questions to investigate. Maps. Prime targets. We’re Going on a Bear Hunt. Range of stories based on Journeys – focus on We’re Going on a Bear Hunt. Bear Hunt outside, cave. Communication and Language: Mathematics: Explorer Rucksack arrives via ‘Mystery Postman’ – focus on talking about contents and asking ‘why?’ explorer may need these things. Why and how questions. Also exploring objects -Awe and Wonder. Talk to children about exploring– discover children’s understanding of this language to begin ‘explore, discover, adventure, journey.. Encourage them to ask questions about exploring so (Differentiated to meet individual learning needs.) we can focus on finding the answer. Focus on Speaking skills, building to complex sentences. (Linked to weekly Talking Time). Encourage constant dialogue between adults/children and children to talk to each other. (Emerging children: focus on closing gaps in 22-36 learning outcomes, emerging/developing in to 30-50.) Focus on: developing number and counting skills – counting a number of steps, jumps – realising we can count actions. More able – counting actions that can not be moved whilst o our Bear Hunt. Work with recognising numerals - 0-3 emerging, 05/10 middle, number 0-20 for more able – focus on simple addition. Personal Social and Emotional: Focus on managing feelings and Behaviour. Talking about emotions as we go on the Bear Hunt – ‘How are we feeling?’ Talking time- daily talking time, family and link it to our own experiences in Nursery – recall the Bear Hunt. What do we do with our families at home? Do we go on Bear Hunts? Continue to develop relationships with others, developing play within a group and drawing on others ideas to extend play. Literacy: Positional language – differentiated according to Focus on We’re Going on a Bear Hunt– link to ability, understanding/use of when on Bear Hunt. exploring theme, also use to support PSED - feelings. Have free access to mark making and reading areas. Mark make maps of the Bear Hunt– higher ability begin to think about using initial sounds in writing – making phonetically plausible attempts at words. Sing a range of rhymes and songs –alliteration focus. Talk about the shapes of everyday objects as they explore them on Bear Hunt. Sing number rhymes daily –topic link – emerging children in particular. Phase 1+ 2 Letters and Sounds – Revise letters Provide opportunities to count and use fingers/marks introduce so far. to represent number daily built in to provision. Look at key words from story – ascribing meaning to them. (Role play language) Mum, Dad.. Rhythmic language in story – Story Structure – beginning, end. Understanding the World: Physical Development: Creative and Expressive Arts: Begin to explore the natural World – the River, the Mud, the forest, the snowstorm – what would these things feel like? -link to texture EAD. Encourage children to make comments and ask questions about these natural elements and experiences. How could we make a snowstorm, a mud river? differentiated to meet individual needs. Rhythms to attract the Bear. Have free access to fine/gross motor activities Tap out these rhythms. in/outdoor. Texture – linked to Natural materials – mud, water.. Use paint brushes to make maps and paint pictures Role play – Bear Cave, explorer campsite. of the Bear. Use resources to create props for Role play – make Using pencils daily – grip/control. explorer props – Binoculars to look for Bear, maps. Link to our senses – what does the mud feel like? Is the River cold? How do we know the wind is there if we can’t see it? Make our own wind to blow bubbles. Talk about these experiences. Role play: The Bears Cave/ Campsite. CBeebies – Andy’s Wild Adventures. Moving in lots of different ways on our Bear Hunt. Child initiated activities – use construction to build Handle their own self-care, use toilets, wash hands - and stack making a house for the Bear to live in. differentiated. Explorer songs –make up words in a group. Continue with weekly gross motor groups, Think about Rhythms in the Story – make up our own Focus on change in body after exercise. Parental Involvement: Parent information board/newsletter. Parent Story-time weekly. Parents encouraged to contribute to Learning Journals. School Website.