Libraries and Information Technology:

Libraries and Information
Collaboration between Librarians and Information
Technologist in supporting instruction design and
technology use.
Nabila Shehabeddine
Reference and Instruction Librarian
University Libraries
Jafet Library
P. O. Box 11-0236
Beirut – Lebanon
Tel: 961 - 1 - 350000
Ext. 2629
Libraries and partnership
• Libraries and Instructional services
• Partners offering complementary services
▫ Computer Centers
• Libraries and Computer Centers
▫ Leader units in higher education institutions
▫ Challenges
Libraries and Computer Centers
Leader units in higher education institutions
Each project has its own
challenges. However,
the following challenges
are common to most
library and Computer
Center collaborations:
1. Priorities
Impact on each other’s
Respect and trust
Librarians and Information Technologists
Use of Technology – Web 2.0 tools
Many studies have shown
that many libraries are using
Web 2.0 tool in information
literacy instruction
Use of Technology – Why Web 2.0 tools
Need little time and effort to
be incorporated in Course
Management System (CMS)
Often easy to use
Engaging and useful
to students:
Allows students to interact
and display their knowledge
in different ways.
Can be used in
conjunction with library
Use of Technology – Web 2.0 tools
Librarians, Faculty and Information Technologists must
discuss the needs of any collaborative project such as
 course content and delivery
 library instruction and resources
 technology infrastructure and support
Selecting the Web 2.0 tool is an important aspect of using these tools effectively for
information literacy instruction.
Sample Projects:
 World War II Posters - Digital Image Collection
 Notable Women of Simmons College Digital Scrapbook Collection
Embedded Librarians in Online Course
A way to take library instruction online
• Actively participate in online courses, where they provide
relevant access to library resources and services.
• Take advantage of Web 2.0 tools to enhance their traditional
• Provide group of services ranging from online library
instruction to reference consultation services.
Embedded Librarians in Online Courses
Steps taken to achieve
Embedded Librarianship
Build strong relationships
with faculty members
from different disciples
Online tutorials
Interactive guides
Links to library services &
Library widgets
Online chatting
Embedded Librarians in Online Courses
Benefits of being embedded
 Enhanced collaboration with faculty and students
 More course guides created
 Easier access to course materials
 Virtual librarian
 Links to library resources in online courses
(Course Management System)
Embedded Librarians in Online Courses
Learning objects digital repository
 Repository could be created
in CMS such as Moodle, LibGuides, etc.
 Both librarians and faculty members should have access
to this repository
 Provide
 Brief description of type of resources available
 Instruction on how to add materials to the course.
Integration of Information Literacy in CMS
Librarians have to work closely with individual faculty to
integrate information literacy tutorials in their courses.
Why integrating?
 Increase faculty awareness and provide links to general
or subject specific library resources.
 Students want library resources at their fingerprints.
 Library/librarians want to reach the students wherever
they are.
Sample Integration of IL in CMS
Ursinus College – Academic Resources
Blackboard – My URSINUS (CMS)
Oakland University - University Libraries
Instruction Support – Embed the Library in Moodle
Pennsylvania State University
The Resources Tab
Activating the library reserve link
Library Guide Tool in ANGEL
Widget Scripts in ANGEL
Collaboration at AUB
American University of Beirut
 = 700 faculty
 ~ 8000 students
 > 120 programs
(Academic Core Processes & Systems)
 Promote faculty technology
 Assist faculty in integrating
technology in their courses
AUB Libraries
 Information Services Department
 Information literacy
 Research Skills
Information Literacy and Course Design
(Collaboration at AUB)
Mellon Summer Seminar (2004-2009)
 Library, ACPS and Center for Teaching and Learning
 Course design training
Series of workshops
 ACPS and Libraries
 Educational tools
 Video tutorials
Possible Future Collaboration (student workshop)
 Library, ACPS and Writing Center
 Introduce students to: Library resources, Writing
skills and Instructional technology
Information Literacy and Course Management System
(Collaboration at AUB)
Collaboration with individual faculty members
Customized course guides
Videotaped library classes
Online library assignments
Communication Skills Program
 English Writing courses (102, 203, 204, 206 and 208)
 Design and post on Moodle manuals, video tutorials and info
graphics as instruction materials (beyond one shot library session)
Information Literacy and Course Management System
(Collaboration at AUB)
Possible future collaborations
Provide links to
library webpage and subject specific guides in all courses
course guides, list of specific databases and course
reserves within each course based on syllabus
Set up an “Ask a Librarian” forum
Incorporate a search box
Libraries and ACPS
Digital Repository
(Collaboration at AUB)
Jafet Library is a
learning hub for AUB
Significant cultural differences exist between both groups
The following steps are essential for a strong and successful librarian and information technologist collaborative partnership.
 Meetings
Weekly or biweekly in person meetings are crucial
 Brainstorming
Some of the meetings should be devoted to brainstorming
 Project planning
Set up of timelines and deadlines - designation of duties
 Faculty outreach
Should work together to address faculty
 Stay update
Should update each other’s about recent development
 Flexibility
Willing to try new things with new technology
 Professional education
 Working friendship
Attend workshops and conferences together
Attend events outside of the professional context
AUB Libraries and IT ACPS are
certainly not the only ones doing
or planning work in this area
What level of integration between your library
and IT staff are already emerging on your
What has worked well or not so well at your
What will encourage library and IT professionals
to view services from a faculty point of view?
Daugherty, A. L., & Russo, M. F. (2013). Embedded Librarianship: What Every Academic Librarian Should
Foley, M. (2012). Putting the library at students' fingerprints. Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship,
24(3), 167-176. doi:10.1080/1941126X.2012.706107
Haas, L. M., & Stillwell, A. (2010). The library–information technology partnership: Challenges and solutions.
Journal of Library Administration, 50(1), 51-66. doi: 10.1080/01930820903422016
Hristova, M. (2013). Library widget for Moodle. Code4Lib Journal, (19), n.p. retrieved from
Lavagnino, M. B. (1999). Librarians and information technologists: more alike than different? Interviews with
CIOs. Library Hi Tech, 17(1), 114-120. doi: 10.1108/07378839910267280
Lippincott, J. K. (1998). Working together: Building collaboration between librarians and information
technologists: Special Section: Coalition for networked information. Information Technology and
Libraries, 17(2), 83-86. Retrieved from
Luo, L. (2010). Web 2.0 integration in information literacy instruction: an overview. The Journal of Academic
Librarianship, 36(1), 32-40. doi:org/10.1016/j.acalib.2009.11.004
Oldham, B. W., & Skorina, D. (2009). Librarians and instructional technologists collaborate: Working together for
student success. College & Research Libraries News, 70(11), 634-637. Retrieved from