Overview Daily Schedule

Atomic Structure and Periodic Trends
Wednesday, August 31st, Day 1
In class: Structure of Atoms
 First-Day Overview of Class Structure
 Atomic Structure and Isotopes
o Workbook: 2-7
Friday, September 2, Day 3
In class: Structure of Atoms
 Mass Spectrometry
 Atomic Orbitals
 Electronic Configurations
o Workbook: 8-15
Tuesday, September 6, Day 5
In class: Properties of Atoms
 Periodic Trends (Core Charge, Atomic Radii, EN)
o Workbook: 16-23
 Quiz #1
Metallic Structure and Properties
Thursday, September 8, Day 1
In class: Structure of Metals
 Metal Packing (play-doh or metal packing kit)
 Unit Cells
o Workbook: 24-31
Monday, September 12, Day 3
In class: Structure of Metals
 Finish Unit Cells
 Packing Efficiency
o Workbook: 32-35
Wednesday, September 14, Day 5
In class: Structure of Metals
 Sea of Electrons, Alloys, Metal Activity
o Workbook: 36-43
 Application Problems
 Quiz #2
Ionic Structure and Properties
Friday, September 16, Day 1
In class: Structures of Ionic Compounds
 Ionic Lattice, Interstitial Holes, Coordination Number and Geometry
o Workbook: 44-47
Tuesday, September 20, Day 3
In class: Properties Ionic Compounds
 Predicting Packing for Ionic Solids
o Workbook: 54-55
 Lattice Energies, Melting Points, Solubilities, Applications
o Workbook: 57-74
Molecular Compounds: Bonding and Geometry
Thursday, September 22, Day 5
In class: Structures of Molecular Compounds
 Lewis Structures
 Perspective Drawings, Geometries, Charges
o Workbook: 75-84
o Model Kits
 Quiz #3
Monday, September 26, Day 1
In class: Structures of Molecular Compounds
 Finish Lewis Structures
o Workbook: 75-84
Wednesday, September 28, Day 3
In class: Structures of Molecular Compounds
 Resonance
 Line Drawing
o Workbook: 85-90
o Model Kits
 Nomenclature and Functional Groups (on your own)
o Workbook: 91-97
Friday, September 30, Day 5
In class: Properties of Molecular Compounds
 Bond Strengths
 Infrared (IR) spectroscopy
o Workbook: 98-104
 Quiz #4
Molecular Compounds: Isomers, Stereochemistry, Conformers
Tuesday, October 4, Day 1
In class: Structures of Molecular Compounds
 Stereochemistry (R/S and enantiomers)
o Workbook: 105-108
o Model Kits
Thursday, October 6, Day 3
In class: Structures of Molecular Compounds
 Stereochemistry (Diastereomers and Meso)
o Workbook: 109-111
o Model Kits
Monday, October 10, Day 5
In class: Structures of Molecular Compounds
 Conformational Analysis of Acyclic Molecules
o Workbook 112-115
o Model Kits
 Quiz #5
Wednesday, October 12, Day 1
In class: Structures of Molecular Compounds
 Cyclic Conformations, Ring Flips
o Workbook 116-118
o Model Kits
Fall Break
Tuesday, October 18, Day 3
In class: Structures of Molecular Compounds
 Drawing Cyclic Compounds
 Calculate Strain
o Workbook: 119 - 129
o Model Kits
Thursday, October 20, Day 5
In class:
 Application Problems of Stereochemistry and Conformation
o Workbook: 126-138
 Quiz #6
Properties of Molecular Compounds: Intermolecular Forces
Monday, October 24, Day 1
In class: Properties of Molecular Compounds
 Introduction to Intermolecular Forces
o Packing, Phase Changes, Melting Points
o Workbook 139-143
Wednesday, October 26, Day 3
In class: Properties of Molecular Compounds
 Intermolecular Forces
 Solubilities, Boiling Points, Vapor Pressure, Viscosity, Surface Tension
o Workbook 144-153
Friday, October 28, Day 5
In class: Properties of Molecular Compouds
 Applications of Intermolecular Forces
o Workbook 154-165
 Quiz #7
Structure and Properties of Biomolecules: Intermolecular Forces
Tuesday, November 1, Day 1
In class: Structure and Properties of Biomolecules
 Applications of Intermolecular Forces
 Carbohydrates, Lipids, Amino Acids
o Workbook 166-171
Thursday, November 3, Day 3
In class: Structure and Properties of Biomolecules
 Applications of Intermolecular Forces
 Proteins, and DNA
o Workbook 172-195
Structure and Properties of Network Solids: Intermolecular Forces
Monday, November 7, Day 5
In class: Structure and Properties of Network Solids
 Applications of Intermolecular Forces
 Network Solids
o Workbook 196-209
 Quiz #8
Structure and Properties of Coordination Compounds
Wednesday, November 9, Day 1
In class:
 Coordination Compounds
 Geometries, Lewis Structures, electron counting
o Workbook: 210-216
Friday, November 11, Day 3
In class:
 Coordination Compounds
 Isomers of Square Planar and Octahedral Compounds
o Workbook: 216-220
o Model Kits
Bonding in Molecular Compounds: Molecular Orbital Theory
Tuesday, November 15, Day 5
In class:
 Orbitals as Waves
 Constructive/Destructive Interference
 Sigma/Pi bonds
o Workbook: 233-240
 Quiz #9
Thursday, November 17, Day 1
In class:
 Molecular Orbitals in Diatomics
o Workbook: 241-246
 Simple Hybridized AO
o Workbook: 247-249
Monday, November 21, Day 3
In class:
 Conjugation and Resonance
o Workbook: 250-257
 Application Problems
o Workbook: 258-264
Thanksgiving Break
Monday, November 28, Day 5
In class:
 Aromaticity
o Workbook: 265-270
 Application Problems
o Workbook: 271-277
 Quiz #10
Acids and Bases
Wednesday, November 30, Day 1
In class:
 Lewis Acids & Bases, Bronsted Acids and Bases
o Workbook 296-299
Friday, December 2, Day 3
In class:
 Which Proton? How Easily?
o Workbook 300-302
 Application Problems
o Workbook 303-306
 Base Strength
o Workbook 307
Tuesday, December 6, Day 5
In class:
 Curved Arrow Notation
 Proton Transfers
 Lewis Acid-Lewis Base Reactions
o Workbook 308-309
 Quiz #11
Thursday, December 8, Day 1
In class:
 Qualitative Understanding of pKa
 Introduction to Equilibria
 Leveling Effect
o Workbook 310-315
Monday, December 12, Day 3
In class:
 Applications of Acid-Base Chemistry
o Workbook 317-322
Cumulative Summary Problems
Wednesday, December 14, Day 5
In class:
 Cumulative Practice
o Band Theory Workbook 276-288
o UV-Vis Workbook 289-294
o Electrophoresis Workbook 323-326
o Barbiturate Workbook 327-333
o Amide Cumulative Problem Workbook 334-341
 Quiz #12
Final Exam: TBA