Learning & Teaching Resources on Safety in Science Laboratories June 2004 Exemplars of Activities Laboratory Safety Rules Eye Protection Safety Information on Chemicals Risk Assessment What if a Laboratory Accident Happens? Laboratory Safety Rules “The biggest danger in the lab is YOU (student)! You are a danger whenever you are either ignorant or careless or both. Remember this because the person most likely to suffer from your mistakes is YOU!” ASE (1996) Safeguard in the School Laboratory, ASE Laboratory Safety Rules Introduction Group Discussion – Ask students to discuss and write the rules they should observe in the lab Review the results of discussion Summary Signing a “Safety Contract” and distribute copies of lab safety rules Select safety rules applicable to your class Posters, slogans, websites, quizzes Reference – Flinn Scientific's "Ideal" Student Safety Contract http://www.flinnsci.com/Documents/miscPDFs/Safety_ Contract.pdf – “Contracting for Safety” http://www.statweb.org/ACT2/parents.pdf “Safety Contract” Kei Heep Secondary School Illustrated Safety Rules http://www.mindspring.com/~mfallonsp/ safety_rules/ Eye Protection Importance of eye protection Illustrated by a student experiment or teacher demonstration on irreversible denaturing of eye-white by acid Discuss on when eye protection should be worn Demonstration/video on the use of eye wash unit Safety Information on Chemicals Know how to locate and understand safety information of chemicals Chemical formula, hazards, safety precautions, emergency, disposal, etc Online MSDS http://www.ilpi.com/msds/index.html http://hazard.com/msds http://www.freyscientific.com http://www.sargentwelch.com http://www.flinnsci.com http://www.fisheredu.com http://www.msdsprovider.net http://www.camd.lsu.edu/msds_search.html http://ptcl.chem.ox.ac.uk/MSDS Risk Assessment An analysis of a practical activity to identify hazards and to take precautions to minimise the risk Involve students in thinking about and discussing safety in real context, rather than just being told what to do Novel experiments in science publications, open-ended investigations and project learning, etc. Have to be checked by teachers Risk Assessment Procedures: – Identifying hazards – – (Materials / Procedures / Equipment) Assessing how likely the hazard will actually cause harm (risk) Deciding what control measures to reduce risk to acceptable level Finding how to dispose of hazardous residues Review – – Examples #1, #2, #3 References: Safety Handbook, Hazcards, Student Safety Sheets, ICSCs, MSDSs, CLIP (Chem Lab Information Profile), etc. Risk Assessment – Think thrice before you act Hazards Reducing the Risks Using safer alternatives Modifying experimental procedures Reducing the scale of experiments Reducing the concentrations of solutions Using protective measures Wearing appropriate PPE Alasdair Thorpe, Chemistry Review, Sept 2000 Risk Assessment Forms Annotate daily used documents (point-of-use texts) e.g. schemes of work, lesson plans, worksheets, textbooks, lab request forms and apparatus – A better chance that they will be read and followed – Less demanding to accomplish and more likely to be carried out – Assessment more likely to be modified when the activities have be be modified Managing Risk Assessment in Science, L196, CLEAPSS What if a Laboratory Accident Happens? Know the proper actions to be taken in case of laboratory accidents Be aware of the nature and causes of laboratory accidents, and the basic safety precautions for prevention 12 adapted cases for discussion Eye accidents (3), fire, heat burn, cut, explosion (2), animal bite, corrosive chemicals (2), toxic gas Microscale Version Pins Shampoo solution 0.4 M NaOH What if a Laboratory Accident Happens? Iron/sulphur Reaction Conc. Sulphuric Acid Methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate http://cd.emb.gov.hk/sci Safety in Exploring Science Interactive learning package On-line and CD-ROM versions http://resources.emb.gov.hk/~ses Safety Quiz Questions with feedbacks to both correct and incorrect answers Enable students to evaluate and improve their understanding on laboratory safety Written Safety Test in “Safety Handbook for California Public Schools” http://csmp.ucop.edu/csp/downloads/safety.pdf Wordsearch On-line Safety Quiz Interactive and Interesting MC Questions “Millionnaire Game” http://jasonhk.uhome.net/ Chemistry Safety Quiz http://daphne.palomar.edu/safetyquiz Safety in Hargrave's Laboratories http://www.hargrave.edu/academics/science/safety Certificate of Completion Fire Safety Quiz http://www.survivealive.org/quiz.html “Hot Potatoes” create interactive MC, short-answer, jumbled-sentence, crossword, matching/ordering and gap-fill web-based exercises http://web.uvic.ca/hrd/hotpot Other Strategies PowerPoint on Safety facilities and PPE http://www.umd.umich.edu/casl/natsci/slc/ modulist.html Self-learning e.g. 自然練習 http://www.naturalking.net/exercise.htm Role play Certificates Project work e.g Fire Escape Route Indicator Health, Safety & Risk Student worksheets e.g. – Risk assessment in science experiments – Safety symbols Can be downloaded in Word format from http://www.chemsoc.org/ networks/learnnet/hsr.htm More Learning Activities http://csmp.ucop.edu/csp/resources/ curriculum.html Inquiring Safely Terry Kwan & Juliana Texley (2003) Inquiring Safely: A Guidebook for Middle School Teachers, NSTA Entire book at http://www.nsta.org/main/ pdfs/store/PB166X2np.pdf Acknowledgement Dr Albert C Cheung Ms Chu Suk Ching Dr Joseph K Kwan Mr Lee Charn Kau Mr Leung Kar Yau Mr Lo Kam Cheong Mr Mok Ming Wai Mr Pun Kwong Cheung (City University of Hong Kong) (True Light Middle Sch of HK) (HKUST) (HKTA Ching Chung Sec Sch) (retired) (CCC Kei Heep Sec Sch) (United Christian College) (SKH Tsang Shiu Tim Sec Sch) Thank you ! Mr W C HO cdosc21@emb.gov.hk Tel 2712 8476