MODEL QUIZ TO VERIFY EFFECTIVENESS OF SAFETY TRAINING PROBLEM: Simply delivering safety training isn’t enough to comply with OHS laws. You also need to be able to prove that you took steps to verify that safety training you deliver is effective and that employees understand it. HOW TOOL HELPS SOLVE THE PROBLEM: One of the best ways to verify training’s effectiveness— and document your attempts—is to administer a quiz to employees after training is complete. Here’s a Model Quiz you can use to verify chemical safety training under WHMIS, the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System. This quiz was adapted from a WHMIS training quiz prepared by the University of Victoria for food services staff. There’s also an answer key at the bottom of the page that you can use to check your workers’ answers (be sure to remove the key before you give them the quiz). As with any model form, you’ll need to make revisions depending on your industry and the kind of operations you perform. T H I S T O O L A N D H U N D R E D S M O R E A V A I L A B L E I N T H E O H S T O O L B O X A T w w w. oh sin si d e r. co m MODEL WHMIS QUIZ Name: Supervisor’s Name: Please select the most appropriate answer: 1. I F YOU SEE THIS SYMBOL IT MEANS THAT THE PRODUCT : a) is an oxidizer b) is flammable or combustible c) should be stored away from heat sources d) both b) and c) 2. T HIS SYMBOL MEANS THAT THE PRODUCT IS : a) reactive b) gas under pressure c) should be stored at an angle d) both b) and c) 3. T HE TOXIC “T” SYMBOL MEANS THE PRO DUCT : a) may cause death or permanent damage T H I S T O O L A N D H U N D R E D S M O R E A V A I L A B L E I N T H E O H S T O O L B O X A T w w w. oh sin si d e r. co m b) is hazardous if there are repeated exposures c) is immediately dangerous to health d) both a) and b) 4. S OME CLEANERS HAVE THIS SYMBOL WHICH MEAN S THAT : a) it is toxic b) it can cause serious burns c) it requires gloves when handling d) both b) and c) 5. W HERE CAN YOU FIND HAZARD INFORMATION ? a) on the product label b) from your supervisor c) on the MSDS d) all of the above 6. S AFE HANDLING PRECAUTIONS ARE AVAILABLE : a) from your supervisor b) on the MSDS c) on the supplier and workplace labels d) all of the above 7. W HEN IS A WORKPLACE L ABEL USED ? a) when you receive the product b) when you transfer the material to another bottle T H I S T O O L A N D H U N D R E D S M O R E A V A I L A B L E I N T H E O H S T O O L B O X A T w w w. oh sin si d e r. co m c) when you dispose of the product d) both a) and c) 8. H OW OFTEN DO MSDS S NEED TO BE REPLACED ? a) every year b) every 2 years c) every 3 years d) when needed 9. MSDS STANDS FOR a) Material Safety Data Sheet b) Multiple Substance Danger Signs c) Mixed Substance Data Sheet d) Mineral Safety Disclosure Sheet 10. C OPIES OF MSDS S MUST BE : a) posted on a conspicuous bulletin board b) kept in a binder that’s readily accessible at all times c) attached to the product d) all of the above 11. T HE MSDS MUST LIST : a) the product’s name b) what makes the product dangerous c) first aid and emergency response instructions for accidents involving the product d) all of the above 12. T HE MSDS USUALLY COMES FROM : T H I S T O O L A N D H U N D R E D S M O R E A V A I L A B L E I N T H E O H S T O O L B O X A T w w w. oh sin si d e r. co m a) France b) the company that manufactures the product c) the company that imports or distributes the product d) b or c SCORE: _____ % correct answers ANSWER KEY: 1. A 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. D 6. D 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. B 11. D 12. D (although employers can also create the MSDS of chemicals used at their workplace) T H I S T O O L A N D H U N D R E D S M O R E A V A I L A B L E I N T H E O H S T O O L B O X A T w w w. oh sin si d e r. co m