BA 3301-001 Chapter 6 Quiz What is the criteria for segmentation

BA 3301-001
Chapter 6 Quiz
1. What is the criteria for segmentation?
a. Substantiality, Identifiability and Measurability, Accessibility, Responsiveness
b. Substantiality, Geography, Responsiveness, Identifiability and Measurability
c. Motives, Lifestyles, Identifiability and Measurability, Accessibility
d. Responsiveness, Substantiality, Geodemographics, Personality
2. What is not a segmentation for age?
a. Generation X
b. Baby boomers
c. The WWII generation
d. The G.I. generation
3. What is the definition of Benefit Segmentation?
a. The process of grouping customers into market segments according to the benefits
they seek from the product.
b. Segmenting potential customers into neighborhood lifestyle categories. Combines
geographic, demographic, and lifestyle segmentation.
c. Dividing a market by the amount of product bought or consumed.
d. A principle holding that 20 percent of all customers generate 80 percent of the
4. Almost all consumer behavior results from learning, which is the process that creates
changes in behavior through _____ and ______.
a. Experience and learning
b. Trial and error
c. Check and guess
d. Studying and hard work
5. A firm has little chance of selling products in or to a culture if the firm doesn’t not
_________the culture.
a. Socialize with
b. Understand
c. Invest in
d. Strategize for
6. Social factors in the decision making process includes all of the following except:
a. Reference Groups
b. Opinion leaders
c. Personality
d. Family
7. What is the most fundamental need according Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?
a. Esteem
b. Social
c. Physiological
d. Safety
8. Selective retention is when ____________.
a. Consumers change information that conflicts with their feelings
b. Consumers remember only information that supports personal feelings or beliefs
c. Companies only continue to produce products that are selling well
d. Consumers decide which stimuli to notice and which to ignore
9. Self-concept combines _________ and ____________.
a. Personality and preferences
b. Ideal self-image and real self-image
c. Attitudes and beliefs
d. None of the above
10. Which is NOT a way that a consumer can reduce dissonance?
a. Seeking information that reinforces positive ideas about the purchase
b. Avoiding information that contradicts the purchase decision
c. Revoking the original decision by returning the product
d. Helps determine the best distribution of products
1. a
2. c
3. a
4. a
5. b
6. c
7. c
8. b
9. b
10. d
Group 4
Section 1
Juan Carlos Olvera Jr, Kirsten Stubbs, Jerardo Gonzalez, Lindsey M. Simmons, Kelsea K. Miller
Chapter 6 Quiz
1. Computers' product and service are constantly ________.
A) Decreasing
B) changing
C) Staying constant
D) None of the above
2. The first stage in customer decision-making process is _______.
A) need recognition
B) Stimulus
C) Customer satisfaction
D) Design status
3. In a _______ the person recalls information stored in the memory.
A) Computer network search
B) External search
C) internal information search
D) Data search
4. Which of the following is NOT one of the factors determining the Level of Consumer Involvement?
A) Interest
B) society
C) Situation
D) Previous Experience
5. Which of the following is NOT one of the Components of Culture?
A) society
B) Myths
C) Laws
D) Customs
6. Inner tension that a consumer experiences after recognizing an inconsistency between behavior
and values or opinions is?
A) Postpurchase behavior
B) Consumer Involvement
C) cognitive Dissonance
D) Routine Behavior
7. ________ describes how consumers make purchase decisions and how they use and dispose of the
purchased goods and services.
A) Need Recognition
B) consumer behavior
C) Consumer decision-making process
D) Information sources
8. Need recognition is triggered when a consumer is exposed to either an internal or external
A) stimulus
B) Wants
C) Needs
D) All of the above
9. ______ is biased toward a specific product because it originates with marketers promoting that
A) Consumer-controlled information source
B) Nonmarketing-controlled information source
C) marketing-controlled information source
D) None of the above
10. _______ typically occurs when a consumer has previous product experience but is unfamiliar with
the current brands available.
A) Extensive decision making
B) limited decision making
C) Comprehensive decision making
D) None of the above
1. B
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. A
6. C
7. B
8. A
9. C
10. B
Chapter 6 Quiz
1. Which of the following is not an example of an external stimulus?
a. TV advertisement
b. Highway billboard
c. Personal experience
d. Promotional website
2. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the most basic human needs include:
a. No anxiety
b. Food
c. Love
d. Self-esteem
3. Studying this helps managers understand why consumers decide to buy certain products.
a. Consumer safety
b. Consumer behavior
c. Consumer advocacy
d. A and C
4. This occurs when a consumer spends relatively little time on making a buying decision.
a. Limited decision making
b. Extensive decision making
c. Routine response behavior
d. None of the above
5. Which of the following is not part of the consumer decision making process?
a. Need Recognition
b. Purchase
c. Pre-purchase behavior
d. Post-purchase behavior
6. A _________ is biased towards a specific product because it originates with marketers
promoting that product that product.
a. Non marketing controlled information source
b. Evoked set
c. Cognitive dissonance
d. Marketing controlled information source
7. When people recognize an inconsistency between their values or opinions and their behavior,
they ten to feel an inner tension called _______?
a. Evoked set
b. Marketing controlled information source
c. Cognitive dissonance
d. Non-marketing controlled information source
8. Marketing-controlled information source include all of the following but:
a. Sales promotion
b. Product labels
c. Mass media advertising
d. Personal sources
9. What is the role of family in consumer decision making?
a. Family is a subculture
b. Family is the cause of cognitive dissonance
c. Family is an evoked set
d. Family is an important social influence
10. A ________ refers to the way in which an individual addresses the need for a new TV.
a. Desire
b. Want
c. Need recognition
d. Stimulus