AP Chapter 28 Notes - Springfield Public Schools

Chapter 28 Notes
Filipinos felt freedom was for them also-Open Rebellion-Feb 4,
1899-long battle under Emilio Aguinaldo-Anti-Imperialists outraged
Little Brown Brothers
•Poorly equipped Filipino armies were crushed and melted into the
jungles-guerrilla warfare-brutal fighting
•Torture was used-Reconcentration camps developed-US lost
•Broke Filipinos when key camp and Aguinaldo were captured
•Philippin Commission formed by McKinley to decide govmnt-2nd
year led by WH Taft
•Assimilation proceeded slowly-millions poured into improve
roads, sanitation, & public health-trade in sugar developedAmerican teachers set up good schools
•Filipinos hated Americanization-independence July 4, 1946
Open Door
• After defeat by Japan (1894-1895)China had Germany &
Russia move in-tore away valuable leaseholds & spheres of
influence from Manchu
• Americans grew worried: churches, manufacturers, and US
government should act
• John Hay-summer of 1899 dispatched a note to the great
powers of “Open Door”-respect among powers of controlled
• Powers agreed but others had to acquiesce unconditionallyRussia declined yet Hay interpreted as Russian acceptance
• Boxer Rebellion-1900-multinational force of 18,000(2,500 US)
quelled the rebellion(nonentanglement & nonintervention?)
• Fined China $333 million-$24.5 million for US-we accepted $6.5
• Helped relationship-select students sent to US for education &
later spurred westernization of Asia
• Hay sent note to powers saying “Open Door” would embrace
territorial integrity of China-Powers could not trust one another
Imperialism or Bryanism(1900)
• Rep-McKinley vs Dem-Bryan
• McKinley-war, rich real estate, gold standard/TR elected
governor of NY-kicked to VP and took nomination-Why VP?
• Bryan-forced silver issue & Anti Imperialism
• McKinley did not campaign & Bryan did-TR out campaigned
them all & took votes from Bryan
• Voters did not care much about imperialism-”Full Dinner Pail”
• 7.2 million-6.3 million/292-155
• Free silver scared many-Imperialism attracted some
• Mandate?-Prosperity & Protectionism
• Sept, 1901 McKinley assassinated-TR (42 yrs old) took
• TR?
Columbia and Canal
• Foreign affairs dominated TR
• War w/Spain emphasized need for canal?
• Increase strength of Navy & protect new territories
• Geographic and legal obstacles-Clayton-Bulwer Treaty-By 1901
Britain ready to give in-Hay-Pauncefote Treaty gave US right to
go ahead
• Where to dig? Nicaragua/Panama-New Panama Company
dropped price from $109 million-$40 million
• 1902 Congress decided on Panama route-part of Columbia
• US & Columbian government worked a treaty-6 mile wide zone$10 million-$250,000 annually-Columbian Senate rejectedrequested $15 million more-TR furious
Puppet Panama
• Panamanians ripe for revolt-thought prosperity would follow
canal-US would turn to Nicaragua
• Small band of rebels formed
• Revolution occurred Nov 3, 1903 w/ killing of a Chinese civilian
& donkey-Columbian troops gathered to crush uprising but US
naval forces would not let them cross isthmus-Why?
• TR recognized Panama-15 days later Bunau-VarillaPanamanian minister signed Hay-BV Treaty in DC-$40 million
from US
• Many looked at TR & US questionably
Completing the Canal
• US/L. American relations hurting(PR & Cuba)
• TR claimed he had a “mandate from civilization”
• Problems w/ labor & landslides-Col. G. Goethals-engineer/ Col.
Wllm. Gorgas-exterminator of Yellow Fever helped• Completed in 1914 at cost of $400 million
TR & Monroe Doctrine
• L. America debt defaults-Venezuela & Dominican Republic
were chronically late w/ payment to European creditors-trying to
force payment German warships sank two Venezuelan
gunboats in 1903
• TR concerned-might remain in L. America-Developed
Roosevelt Corollary to Monroe Doctrine
• Debt etc. in L. America would be handled by US-Official in 1905
when US took over tariff management in Dominican
• “We shall intervene to stop you from intervening”
• Dark Side-”Bad Neighbor Policy”-repeated Marine landings
viewed negatively by L. America-entered Cuba in 1906
TR & World
• Russo/Japanese War-Russian wanted Port Arthur/Japan
thought Manchuria and Korea should not be in czarist handsRussia had been there since Boxer Rebellion
• 1904-Japan led a surprise attack at Port Arthur-pounded the
Russians-TR asked to help broker peace
• Portsmouth, NH-1905-TR forced an agreement-Japan received
no indemnity for losses & Southern half of Sakhalin-Won the
Nobel Peace Prize in 1906
• 2 new enemies for US?
Japanese Laborers
• Japan began allowing immigration in 1884-many to Hawaiimany recruited into California-hard work and no citizenshipnever more than 3% of population in California
• 1906 San Francisco segregated Asian students
• Japan regarded this as an insult
• School Board repealed and accepted the “Gentlemen’s
Agreement”-stop segregation and stop immigration
• TR thought Japan felt we might be intimidated-sends the “Great
White Fleet” around the world and received a huge reception in
• Root-Takihara agreement of 1908-respect on another’s
territorial agreements & uphold Open Door