Figure 1: Constraints of Open Space in Watchfield 2 1 3 9 7 4 10 7 5 6 MOD HOUSING & DEFENCE ACADEMY GOLF COURSE & NATURE RESERVE 8 10 9 8 7 4 Cowan’s Camp Field 120 House Approved Development Sewage Works and Industrial Units Allotments and Paddocks Football Pitches 5 6 3 2 1 Church and Burial ground School Shrivenham 100 Business Park Anglo-Saxon Burial Ground Co-Op Etc 70 60 Figure 2: Years of use of Cowan's Camp Field per respondent Use continuing 'As of right' for lawful sports and pastimes for 20 years or more 50 Y e a r 40 s o f Respondents who have used the land for over 20 years 30 U s e 20 Respondents showing continued use of the land 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 Respondents Figure 3: Activities of Watchfield Residents on Cowan's Camp Walking Field 1% 1% Birdwatching 1% 1% 1% Dog Walking 4% 4% 1% Photography 20% 2% Painting 3% Nature Walks 2% Cycling Kite Flying 5% 6% Horse Riding Berry Picking 4% Model Plane Flying Running 8% Picnic 16% Golf Practice 2% 6% 2% 2% 8% 1% Figure 4: How often do respondents use Cowan's Camp Field Ocassionally 7% Monthly 5% Twice or more a day 12% Weekly 20% Daily 32% Twice a week 5% 3-4 times a week 19% FIGURE 5 Cowan’s Camp Noise Surveys Daytime Surveys 1 – 7 Survey 1 Cowan's Camp Noise Survey 20th Oct 2012 9.32am - 9.40am Parallel to A420 in Area designated NECA & B by RSK Area designated NEC A&B daytime by RSK 90 80 WHO, Outdoor, Moderate annoyance 70 60 WHO, Outdoor Serious Annoyance 50 40 PPG24, Day, Strong presumption against 30 20 PPG24, DAY, Planning should be refused 10 32:24.7 32:47.4 33:10.1 33:32.8 33:55.5 34:18.2 34:40.9 35:03.6 35:26.3 35:49.0 36:11.7 36:34.4 36:57.1 37:19.8 37:42.5 38:05.2 38:27.9 38:50.6 39:13.3 39:36.0 39:58.7 0 Average: 60.25 - serious annoyance Survey 2 Cowan's Camp Noise Survey 30th Oct 2012 8.16am -8.23am in land designated NEC a & B by RSK 90 Parallel to A420 designated NEC a & B Daytime by RSK 80 70 WHO, Outdoor, Moderate annoyance 60 WHO, Outdoor Serious Annoyance 50 40 PPG24, Day, Strong presumption against 30 20 PPG24, DAY, Planning should be refused 10 16:23.9 16:44.2 17:04.5 17:24.8 17:45.1 18:05.4 18:25.7 18:46.0 19:06.3 19:26.6 19:46.9 20:07.2 20:27.5 20:47.8 21:08.1 21:28.4 21:48.7 22:09.0 22:29.3 22:49.6 23:09.9 23:30.2 0 Average: 63.31 - strong presumption against development Survey 3 Cowan's Camp Noise Survey 30th Oct 2012 3.53pm - 4.02pm on land designated NEC A & B daytime by RSK 100 90 Parallel to A420 land designated NEC A & B by RSK 80 70 WHO, Outdoor, Moderate annoyance 60 WHO, Outdoor Serious Annoyance 50 40 PPG24, Day, Strong presumption against 30 PPG24, DAY, Planning should be refused 20 10 53:52.8 54:20.9 54:49.0 55:17.1 55:45.2 56:13.3 56:41.4 57:09.5 57:37.6 58:05.7 58:33.8 59:01.9 59:30.0 59:58.1 00:26.2 00:54.3 01:22.4 01:50.5 02:18.6 02:46.7 0 Average 63.49 Strong presumption against development Survey 4 Cowan's Camp Noise Survey 16th Oct 2012 9.26am - 9.36am in area designated NEC A Daytime by RSK Centre of Field land designated NEC a Daytime by RSK 100 90 WHO, Outdoor, Moderate annoyance 80 70 WHO, Outdoor Serious Annoyance 60 50 40 PPG24, Day, Strong presumption against 30 20 PPG24, DAY, Planning should be refused 10 26:02.5 26:34.6 27:46.1 28:17.9 28:49.7 29:21.5 29:53.3 30:25.1 30:56.9 31:28.7 32:00.5 32:32.3 33:04.1 33:35.9 34:07.7 34:39.5 35:11.3 35:43.1 36:14.9 36:46.7 0 Average: 66.9 Strong presumption against Survey 5 Cowan's Camp Noise Survey 20th Oct 2012 9.21am - 9.30am on eastern edge designated NEC A by RSK Eastern edge land designated NEC A Daytime by RSK 80 70 WHO, Outdoor, Moderate annoyance 60 50 WHO, Outdoor Serious Annoyance 40 30 PPG24, Day, Strong presumption against 20 PPG24, DAY, Planning should be refused 10 21:27.7 21:57.9 22:26.3 22:54.7 23:23.1 23:51.5 24:19.9 24:48.3 25:16.7 25:45.1 26:13.5 26:41.9 27:10.3 27:38.7 28:07.1 28:35.5 29:03.9 29:32.3 30:00.7 30:29.1 30:57.5 0 Average: 56.95 Moderate Annoyance Survey 6 Cowan's Camp Noise Survey 20th Oct 2012 5.49pm - 5.57pm in area designated NEC A Daytime by RSK 80 Area designated NEC A by RSK 70 60 WHO, Outdoor, Moderate annoyance 50 WHO, Outdoor Serious Annoyance 40 PPG24, Day, Strong presumption against 30 20 PPG24, DAY, Planning should be refused 10 49:48.9 50:14.2 50:39.5 51:04.8 51:30.1 51:55.4 52:20.7 52:46.0 53:11.3 53:36.6 54:01.9 54:27.2 54:52.5 55:17.8 55:43.1 56:08.4 56:33.7 56:59.0 57:24.3 57:49.6 0 Average: 57.88 Serious Annoyance Survey 7 Cowan's Camp Noise Survey 27th Oct 2012 5.42pm - 5.51pm in centre of field in area designated NEC A Daytime by RSK centre of field in area designated NEC A Daytime by RSK 100 90 WHO, Outdoor, Moderate annoyance 80 70 WHO, Outdoor Serious Annoyance 60 50 40 PPG24, Day, Strong presumption against 30 20 PPG24, DAY, Planning should be refused 10 45:20.8 45:39.9 45:58.8 46:17.9 46:36.8 46:55.9 47:14.9 47:33.9 47:52.9 48:11.8 48:30.9 48:49.8 49:08.9 49:27.8 49:46.9 50:05.9 50:24.8 50:43.8 51:02.8 51:21.8 0 Average: 58.35 Serious Annotance Night time Surveys 8-9 Survey 8 Cowan's Camp Noise Survey 25th Oct 2012 10.33pm - 10.41pm in centre of field in area designated NEC A Nightime by RSK 100 90 80 centre of field area designated NEC A by RSK 70 WHO, Night, Open windows 60 50 PPG24, Night, Strong presumption against 40 30 PPG24, Night, Planning should be refused 20 0 33:33… 33:56… 34:20… 34:43… 35:07… 35:31… 35:54… 36:18… 36:41… 37:05… 37:29… 37:52… 38:16… 38:39… 39:03… 39:27… 39:50… 40:14… 40:37… 41:01… 10 Average: 57.08 Strong presumption against development Survey 9 Cowan's Camp Noise Survey 25th Oct 2012 10.43pm -10.48pm Parallel to A420 in area designated NEC B Nightime by RSK 100 Area designated NEC B Nightime by RSK 90 80 WHO, Night, Open windows 70 60 PPG24, Night, Strong presumption against 50 40 PPG24, Night, Planning should be refused 30 20 10 43:12.4 43:29.4 43:46.4 44:03.4 44:20.4 44:37.4 44:54.4 45:11.4 45:28.4 45:45.4 46:02.4 46:19.4 46:36.4 46:53.4 47:10.4 47:27.4 47:44.4 48:01.4 48:18.4 48:35.4 0 Average: 71.55 Planning permission should be refused Figure 6: Watchfield Village Biodiversity Survey Data for Cowan’s Camp Field Villagers were asked to record their observations during 2012 on Cowan’s Camp field Mammals Muntjac Deer Fallow Deer Hedgehog Badger Fox Pipistrelle Bat Brown Long-Eared Bat Natterer’s Bat Mole Grey Squirrel Rabbit Hare Weasel Brown Rat Common Shrew Pygmy Shrew Field Vole Wood Mouse Yellow-Necked Mouse Birds Red Kite Kestrel Hobby Buzzard Sparrowhawk Barn Owl Tawny Owl Swift Birds (Cont.) Swallow House Martin Green Woodpecker Greater Spotted Woodpecker Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Skylark Tree Pipit Meadow Pipit Wood Pigeon Collared Dove Pheasant Grey Partridge Fieldfare Pied Wagtail Grey wagtail Waxwing Starling Dunnock Wren Willow Warbler Ciffchaff Goldcrest Whitethroat Blackcap Spotted Flycatcher Robin Blackbird Redwing Song Thrush Mistle Thrush Blue Tit Great Tit Birds (Cont.) Coal Tit Long-Tailed Tit Nuthatch Treecreeper Yellowhammer Chaffinch Brambling Bullfinch Goldfinch Greenfinch Linnet House Sparrow Jay Magpie Jackdaw Carrion Crow Rook Lapwing Tree Sparrow Retiles & Amphibians Common Lizard Slow-Worm Grass Snake Adder Great Crested Newt Palmate Newt Smooth Newt Common Frog Common Toad Invertebrates Large White Butterfly Small White Butterfly Green-Veined White Butterfly Orange Tip Butterfly Wood White Butterfly Brimstone Butterfly Hunting Spider 2-Spot Ladybird 7-Spot Ladybird 10-Spot Ladybird Cockchafer Buff-Tailed Bumblebee Common Carder Bee Meadow Bumblebee White-Tailed Bumblebee Red-Tailed Bumblebee Honeybee Wood Ant Hoverfly Hornet Red Ant Beefly Mosquito Hawthorn Shield Bug Cranefly Magpie Moth Harvestman Dark Bush Cricket Comma Butterfly Common Blue Butterfly Ringlet Butterfly Leopard Slug Invertebrates (Cont.) Lacewing Earwig Common Blue Damselfly Red Admiral Butterfly Meadow Brown Butterfly Chalkhill Blue Butterfly Five Spot Burnet Moth Heart and Dart Moth Centipede Skipper Butterfly Millipede Woodlouse Small Heath Butterfly Garden Spider Brown-Lipped Snail Grasshopper Green Shield Bug Peacock Butterfly Green Hairstreak Butterfly Small Blue Butterfly Cinnabar Moth Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly Pearl-Bordered Fritillary Butterfly Marsh Fritillary Butterfly Grayling Butterfly Gatekeeper Butterfly Meadow Brown Butterfly Small Heath Butterfly Small Skipper Butterfly Large Skipper Butterfly Dingy Skipper Lappet Moth Invertebrates (Cont.) Eyed Hawkmoth Poplar Hawkmoth Puss Moth Garden Tiger Moth White Ermine Moth Sallow Kitten Moth Hebrew Character Moth Burnished Brass Moth Brimstone Moth Swallowtailed Moth Angle Shades Moth Mother Shipton Moth Speckled Yellow Moth White Plume Moth Herald Moth Violet Groundbeetle Great Grey Slug Garden Slug Large Black Slug Garden Snail White-Lipped Banded Snail Earthworm Banded Demoiselle Common Green Grasshopper Common Field Grasshopper Meadow Grasshopper Speckled Bush Cricket Red and Black Leafhopper Blackfly St Mark’s Fly Horse Fly Wasp Beetle Invertebrates (Cont.) Birch Sawfly Black Ant Sexton Beetle Devil’s Coach Horse Wasp Beetle Longhorn Beetle Common Cross Spider Spider Dysdera crocata Swamp spider Crab spider Misumena vatia Daddy Long-legs Zebra spider Crab spider Xysticus cristatus Plants Pyramid Orchid Common Spotted Orchid Bee Orchid Knotted Hedge Parsley Ragwort Groundsel Creeping Thistle Dandelion Yarrow Harebell Sycamore Field Bindweed Squirreltail Fescue Madder Hedge Bindweed Comfrey Plants (Cont.) Prickly Lettuce Bugle Pignut White Dead-Nettle Red Dead-Nettle Common Speedwell Toadflax Thyme-leafed Speedwell Red Valerian Buddlea Yellow Rattle Red Fescue Cleavers Foxglove Spear Thistle Barren Brome Soft Brome Plantain Field Scabious Cock’s Foot Daisy Cuckoo Flower Bramble False Oat Grass Bush Vetch Cut-Leaf Cranes Bill Red Clover White Clover Dog’s Mercury Loosestrife Field Forget-me-not Rosebay Willowherb Plants (Cont.) Hogweed Ground Elder Yoprkshire Fog Cow Parsley Cowlsip Biting Stonecrop Primrose Nipplewort Hawthorn Wheat Welted Thistle Common Bent Field Rose White Campion Sheep’s Fescue Shepherd’s Purse Lesser Burdock Meadowsweet Rough Meadow Grass Common Nettle Blue Fleabane Teasel Ragged Robin Bittersweet Garlic Mustard Perforate St-John’s Wort Broad-Leaf Dock Meadow Buttercup Silverweed Fat Hen Wood Avens Hairy Bittercress Plants (Cont.) Curled Dock Opium Poppy Tufted Vetch Horse Chestnut Wild Privet Hazel Dogwood Lime Apple Barberry Hornbeam Ash Wild Cherry Purple Toadflax Crab Apple Dog Rose Maple Spindle Hybrid Campion Smooth Sow-thistle Cherry Laurel Sticky Mouse-ear Blackthorn Elder Ground Ivy Good King Henry Knotgrass Monks Rhubarb Field Madder Common Mouse Ear Common Chickweed Barley Plants (Cont.) Heath Wood-rush Lesser Celandine Selfheal Common Cornsalad Creeping Buttercup Hedge Mustard Downy Birch Black Medick Common Poppy Common fumitory Common Whitlowgrass Wild Radish Dog-Rose Wild Strawberry Creeping Cinquefoil Bird’s Foot Trefoil Broomrape Giant Fescue Herb Robert Rye Grass Autumn Hawkbit Common Dog Violet Sweet Violet Dove’s-foot Crane’s-bill Common Cleavers Marjoram Great Mullein Thyme Wild Carrot Tansy Black Knapweed Cut-leaf Crane’s-bill Plants (Cont.) Common Catsear Common Sedge Broad-leaf Willowherb Quaking Grass Herb Robert Timothy Grass Spearmint Lesser Trefoil Hart’s Tongue Fern Spotted Medick Moss Liverwort Silver Birch English Elm Lichen Orange Peel Fungus Coral Spot Fungus Many-Zoned Polypore Hairy Stereum Honey Fungus Clouded Agaric Parasol Mushroom Shaggy Ink-Cap Blackening Wax Cap Creeping Thistle Milking Mycena Little Japanese Umbrella Trooping Crumble Cap Suphur Tuft Ganoderma Applanatum Silver Leaf Fungus Figure 7 Near miss traffic data: Extract from Watchfield Primary School Headteacher’s Report, November 2012