ECON 421-01 Environment, Economics and Policy (undergrad, 3 cr. hrs) Spring 2015, TR 10-11:15, Smith 251 CATOLOG DESCRIPTION: Analysis of concepts and models concerning economics and the environment, with applications to policy questions. Project work will focus on particular natural resources or ecosystem services. PROFESSOR: Dr. Nancy Bertaux (Ber-toe’) Office: 324 Smith Hall, M/L 1212 Phone/Voicemail: 745-2930 E-Mail: Fax: 513-745-3692 Office Hours: TBA DEPT ASST: Jeanne Sanker, 318A Smith Hall M-F 9 AM – 5 PM (lunch 12-1) Phone/Voicemail: 745-3064 E-mail: PREREQUISITES: ECON 320, ECON 305 Notes: this course 1) Is a 400-level elective for an Economics major (ECON BA or BSBA) or Economics minor 2) Is a required course for: o a BA in Economics, Sustainability & Society (ECOS) o a BSBA in Sustainability: Economics and Management (SUST) o a BA in Land, Farming & Community (LAND) 3) Is an elective for: o a BS in Environmental Science (ENSC) o an Environmental Studies minor o PPP major COURSE DESCRIPTION: Students will analyze and extend the basic concepts and models learned in ECON 320, and apply these to policy questions concerning economics and the environment. Applications will involve project work, with reference to a particular natural resource or ecosystem service. This course addresses formulation and evaluation of policies that address the connections between the environment and economy, utilizing concepts and models from natural resource, environmental and ecological economics. These policies may be considered at a variety of levels (e.g, individual; corporate/organizational/government, at local, regional, national, global levels). Students will read, discuss, work on projects, write papers, make presentations, and complete related assignments. Topics for papers and projects will come from local issues and problems whenever possible. The class will utilize experiential, project-based learning and writing 2 assignments. To enhance the course’s focus on real world environmental problems, there may be guest speakers and field trips, which students are expected to make every effort to attend. TEXTS (See Assignment List for schedule of readings): 1. (TL) Tom Tietenberg and Lynne Lewis (“TL”), Environmental Economics and Policy, 6thed., Prentice Hall, 2009, ISBN-10: 0321599497 or ISBN-13: 9780321599490 2. (DF) Herman Daly and Joshua Farley (“DF”), Ecological Economics, 2nd ed., Island Press, 2010, ISBN-10: 1597266817 or ISBN-13: 978-1597266819 3. Other readings as assigned. These will be found on Canvas or on my website (under ECON 421/Readings & Links), CANVAS: This course requires access to Canvas. Please address all Canvas access questions to the help desk: 745-HELP. STUDENT LEARNING OBJECTIVES: --based on projects chosen, students will do several of the following: - relate our decisions and actions as economic actors at a variety of levels (individual, community, national, global) to environmental quality - apply some of the following basic concepts to current environmental issues: marginal extraction, external and user costs, excludability, rivalness, public vs. private goods, open access regimes - analyze real world examples of market failure (eg, externalities such as climate change, water and air pollution, and solid waste; non-excludable/non-rival goods; distribution issues) - utilize one or more of the following to analyze environmental issues and policies: benefit-cost analysis, cost effectiveness analysis, economic and/or environmental impact analysis - consider real world environmental policies' impacts on welfare of future generations (eg, substitutability of natural and human-made capital, morality of discounting the future) - improve collaborative and writing skills through project work and paperwriting DISTRACTING ACTIVITIES/DEVICES: Please note that the following activities during class are distracting and disrespectful to the professor and to fellow students, and will negatively impact your grade: - receiving or making phone calls or texts - non-class computer or smartphone activity - side conversations, etc. Phone should be off during class, and, unless requested by the professor, use of a laptop, ipad, etc. during class is restricted to students for whom this is recommended in writing by the Learning Assistance Center. 3 GRADING: Final grades will be assigned as follows: 1. Exam 25% 2. Final Paper, including intermediate steps in paper-writing (topic, data, bibliography, outline) 25% 3. Group Project & Presentation 25% 4. Problem sets and assignments 15% 5. Class participation and attendance 10% A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF (93+ %) (90-93%) (87-90%) (83-87%) (80-83%) (77-80%) (73-77%) (70-73%) (67-70%) (63-67%) (60-63%) (below 60%) Notes: 1. Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated; any work not your own should be properly cited (see University catalog, may results in failure for course and/or expulsion from University). 2. Failure to take an exam will result in a “0” grade. Prior permission must be obtained from the instructor for missing exams. Makeup exams are not generally given; in the event of an excused absence from an exam, the cumulative final exam may be given double weight in the student’s final grade. 2. Late assignments that are not pre-approved will be marked down significantly and will not be accepted after one week without a doctor’s note indicating a significant medical issue. FINAL PAPERS & GROUP PROJECTS (detailed guidelines provided separately): Final paper will involve research of one or more policies related to a particular natural resource or ecosystem service, will utilize data relevant to the topic, and will be approximately 10 pages in length. Group projects will involve collaborative research, and a 30 minute final oral presentation to the class and community partner(s). COURSE SCHEDULE (tentative, subject to change as announced in class): Week 1 Jan. 13, 15 DF Ch 10, TL Ch 4 Review of Models from ECON 320 TL: Ch 8 Energy 4 GUEST: Energy Engineer Ron Perkins Week 2 Jan. 20, 22 TL: Ch 16 Climate Change Overview of group project: Project partner (Flying Pig Marathon) visit from Denise Hovey Week 3 Jan. 27, 29 DF Ch 11 Market Failures and Abiotic Resources Problem Set 1 part 1 – Marginal User Cost, Marginal External Cost, Marginal Extraction Cost Week 4 Feb. 3, 5 TL Ch 5 Sustainable Development and Dynamic Efficiency Problem Set 1 part 2 --Two Period Model Week 5 Feb. 10, 12 DF Ch 12 Market Failures and Biotic Resources Week 6 Feb. 17, 19 SNOW DAY (Feb. 17) DF Ch 12 Market Failures (cont’d) FPM Update #1 due, Feb. 19 Week 7 Feb. 24, 26 TL Ch 14 Environmental Economics and Economics of Pollution Control Paper topic paragraph due, Feb. 24 Problem Set 2 --Cost-Effective Pollution Control SPRING BREAK Mar 1 – 7 Week 8 Mar. 10, 12 TL Ch 18 Water Pollution Maude Barlow, chapter from Blue Future (on 3 hour reserve in library under Bertaux, ECON 421) Draft Bibliography, Data Source(s), Outline (with page budget for each section) due March 12 FPM Update #2 due, March 12 *Mon. Mar. 16: Guest Speaker Maude Barlow, 7-8:45 PM, Cintas Banquet Center and/or 3-4:15 PM, Kennedy Auditorium Week 9 Mar. 17, 19 EXAM (March 19; tentatively on DF Ch. 11,12; TL Ch. 8,16,5,14,18) Week 10 Mar. 24, 26 DF Ch 21 General Policy Design Principles *Thurs. Mar. 26, 3:30-4:30 PM: Spring Hike in French Park with Visiting Practical Visionary in Residence Paul Strauss. Carpools will be formed to travel to French Park (10-15 minutes from campus). 5 Week 11 Mar. 31 Project and presentations—final preparation (no class, time available to meet in groups) EASTER BREAK April 2 – 6 Week 11 (cont’d) Apr. 7, 9 DF Ch 22 Policy and Sustainable Scale Project and presentations—final preparation (meet in classroom) FPM Update #3 due, April 9 Week 12 Apr. 14, 16 DF Ch 23 Policy and Just Distribution (optional: TL Ch 20 The Quest for Sustainable Development and Environmental Justice) Week 13 Apr. 21, 23 Final individual papers due, April 21 Paper Presentations - Group 1 & 2 (April 21), Group 3 & 4 (April 23) Week 14 Apr. 28, 30 Paper Presentations -Group 5 (April 28) April 30-May 2: Work your shift(s) at the Flying Pig Marathon Expo! Week 15 May 5 -- 8 FINAL EXAMS Thurs. May 7 9-10:20 AM: Group Presentation to Project partner *Required events, you must see Prof. Bertaux if you have a conflict Williams College of Business Mission Statement “We educate students of business, enabling them to improve organizations and society, consistent with the Jesuit tradition.” Our goal is for graduates of the Williams College of Business to be proficient in: Critical thinking; Ethical decision-making and assisting the less fortunate in society; Written and oral communication; The use of technology as it is used in business; Applying the business functions; and Understanding external sources of change and guiding change.