Middle Eastern Studies Persepolis Name: Date: Period: Unit Overview After exploring stereotypes, the origins and fundamentals of Islam, and differing viewpoints and experiences of gender in the Middle East, it is time to start examining these issues in a particular context by studying Iran through Marjane Satrapi’s graphic novel (comic) Persepolis. In this unit you will learn about Iranian history, culture, and politics, largely through the eyes of young Marji during the Iranian/Islamic Revolution. Your unit work will consist of defining background contexts, answering discussion questions, taking presentation notes, creating a timeline, and completing other miscellaneous activities. These will be completed entirely in this packet. Some of the work will be completed in class, and some will be completed as homework. The unit will culminate with a closed-note test and the submission of your completed packet. Unit Calendar 26 Nov. 27/28 Nov. 29/30 Nov. 3 Dec. 4/5 Dec. 6/7 Dec. 10 Dec. 11/12 Dec. 13/14 Dec. In class: Pick up books; introduce unit. In class: Iranian History Presentation Homework: Read [1-4]; complete background contexts for [1-4] Due: Read [1-4]; complete background contexts for [1-4] In class: Entry question; Discussion questions [1-4]; Offsides viewing & response Homework: Read [5-6]; complete background contexts for [5-6] In Class: Visual Culture of Iran Presentation Due: Read [5-9]; complete background contexts for [5-9] In class: Entry question; Discussion questions [5-9]; Iranian Government Presentation Homework: Read [10-14]; complete background contexts [10-14] Due: Read [10-14]; complete background contexts [10-14] In Class: Entry question; Discussion questions [10-14]; Ten viewing & response Homework: Read [15-19]; complete background contexts [15-19] Due: Read [15-19]; complete background contexts [15-19] In Class: Entry question; Discussion questions [15-19] In Class: No One Knows About Persian Cats viewing & response; Unit Review Homework: Questions for Guest Speaker Due: Questions for Guest Speaker In Class: Guest Speaker: 2009 Elections & Youth in Iran; Unit Assessment Contents Background Contexts Questions/Notes/Repsonses [by day] Timeline Appendix: Map, Timeline, Iranian Government 1 Background Context Look up and define these terms for each chapter, then explain why they are important to the story. This will help you understand the allusions made throughout Persepolis. Chapter 1: The Veil Zarathustra Norouz Chapter 2: The Bicycle Che Guevara Fidel Castro Leon Trotsky Arab Invasion Mongoloian Invasion Karl Marx Rene Descartes Rex Cinema Mohammed Reza Shah 2 Chapter 3: The Water Cell Reza Shah Britain's involvement in Iran (20th century) Mahatma Gandhi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk Vladimir Ilyich Lenin Persia Chapter 4: Persepolis Aryans Cyrus Persepolis Chapter 5: The Letter Ali Ashrav Darvishian Charles Dickens 3 Kurdish/Kurds/Kurdistan Black Friday (specific to Iran!) Chapter 6: The Party Jimmy Carter Anwar al-Sadat SAVAK Chapter 7: The Heroes CIA involvement in Iran Chapter 8: Moscow Azerbaijan (in and outside Iran) Chapter 9: The Sheep Los Angeles / diaspora Chapter 10: The Trip Iran Hostage Crisis 4 Closing of Universities in Iran Iran-Iraq War Saddam Hussein Chapter 11: The F-14s Banisadr Chapter 12: The Jewels Abadan Chapter 13: The Key Khorramshahr Chapter 14: The Wine Guardians of the Revolution Chapter 15: The Cigarette Karbala Chapter 16: The Passport Red Crescent 5 Chapter 17: Kim Wilde Kim Wilde “Occupied Palestine” Malcolm X Chapter 18: The Shabbat Shabbat Tumans Chapter 19: The Dowry Dowry Vienna 6 Classwork Components: Entry Questions, Notes, Discussion Questions, Video Responses, Miscellaneous 27/28 NOVEMBER: Iranian History Presentation Entry Question: Early Iran originally called __________ by the __________, after the __________ tribe moved into the region around __________ Persian society was initially unified by a new religion, ____________________, founded by the prophet Zoroaster sometime between the __________ and __________ centuries BCE Zoroastrianism focused on ____________________, ____________________, and a ____________________ Achaemenian Empire the first Persian empire was the Achaemenian Empire the Empire started when a leader of Parsa named __________ began conquering neighboring lands for wealth, land, and water the Achaemenian Empire was the largest empire at the time the most famous rulers of the Achaemenian empire were __________, the founder, and __________, his successor the Achaemenian Empire lasted from ____________________, when it was invaded by ____________________ Sassanian Dynasty the Sassanian Dynasty began with a return to centralized rule around __________ under the Sassanian Dynasty, ____________________flourished 7 ____________________and __________ were emphasized over ____________________by Sassanian rulers many viewed the system of government and society as oppressive the Sassanian Dynasty ended in __________with the ____________________ Safavid Dynasty after Arab conquests and introduction of Islam, various foreign groups controlled Persia during this time, Persian culture continued to thrive the Safavid Dynasty began in __________when a man named __________convinced people he was a descendant of __________ under the Safavids, ____________________became the established religious sect of Iran the Safavid Dynasty focused on ____________________, __________, and ____________________ the Safavid Dynasty ended in the period from ______________ with the conquest by Nadir Shah Qajar Dynasty after several decades of tribal and regional control, power over Iran was consolidated by ______________________________, chief of the Qajar tribe the Qajar Dynasty began in __________ the Qajar Dynasty was a ____________________ and ____________________ system that ____________________ and ____________________ the poor Iran under the Qajar Dynasty was highly susceptible to ____________________and __________ __________ and __________ competed politically and economically over Iran in order to avoid increasing armed conflict, Britain and Russia declared Iran to be a ____________________ between their empires Russia and Britain began extracting ____________________ from Iran, which gave Russian and British companies the right to develop key industries, resources, and infrastructure in Iran 8 1890: ____________________ organized by intellectuals and religious leaders over exclusive right of British company over the tobacco industry 1901: British businessman ____________________ given majority control of __________ in Iran Constitutional Revolution of 1906-1911 1905: open protests demanded a ____________________ and ____________________ (Majlis) 1906: first elections for Majlis held, Constitution written shortly after Constitution created Iranian __________ instead of __________ a new Shah, British & Russian involvement, and conflicting factions led to the dissolving of the Majlis and the end of the Constitutional Revolution in 1911 Iran wound up with a Constitution, but remained a ____________________ partially controlled by ____________________ Pahlavi Dynasty: Reza Shah military officer ____________________ led a force that took control of the government, established Reza Khan as Reza Shah, and founded the Pahlavi Dynasty Reza Shah attempted to ____________________ Iranian society, reduce the power of the ______________________________, and reduce ______________________________ Reza Shah’s attempts were only moderately successful, and his support of ____________________led to the end of his reign in __________ His son Mohammad Reza took power in __________, but Iran was still partially controlled by foreign powers, now including the ____________________, and was greatly damaged by __________ Mohammad Mossadegh Iranians were united by opposition to foreign influence the concessions granted to foreign businesses 9 although the Shah tried to ____________________ the terms of their agreement, the ________________________________________ still controlled most of Iran’s oil profits a politician named Mohammad Mossadegh formed a coalition of groups called the ____________________, and called for the ____________________ of the oil industry in 1951 the Shah was pressured to appoint Mossadegh as prime minister and sign the nationalization bill this angered the British government and oil companies, who conspired against Mossadegh __________________________________________________ staged a __________ in which Mossadegh was removed from power and the Shah reinstated Video Clip Comments: Pahlavi Dynasty: Mohammad Reza Shah after Mossadegh was removed from power, Mohammad Reza Shah focused on ______________________________ and ______________________________ the Shah banned __________ political groups, formed a secret police organization called __________, and ruled with near-absolute power The White Revolution the “White Revolution” was a series of __________ enacted by the Shah in order to appease discontented citizens reforms included ______________________________, a ____________________ campaign, and improved ____________________ during this time, __________ made key gains in rights and opportunities, which did not please the religious establishment 10 Iranian/Islamic Revolution in __________, various dissatisfied groups began protesting against the Shah these groups included members of the religious establishment, student groups, intellectuals, and leftist groups government ____________________ led to larger protests ____________________ began refusing to __________ at unarmed protestors the Shah’s control over Iran fell apart, and he was allowed to leave Iran the exiled cleric ______________________________ returned to Iran and took control of the revolution through political machinations, Khomeini co-opted the revolution and transformed it from a ____________________ revolution to a ____________________ revolution in __________ the Iranian people voted to form an ______________________________ Khomeini consolidated power, and his supporters staged a ______________________________ the government Khomeini established was one that was guided by the ____________________ and emphasized conservative aspects of Islam Video Clip Comments: Iran-Iraq War wanting to capitalize on what he believed to be a weakened Iran, ____________________ attacked Iran in __________, starting the Iran-Iraq War the war was a brutal and costly war, focused primarily on the ____________________ between Iran and Iraq 11 both sides were supported by world powers, with the ____________________ even giving Iraq ______________________________ they would later use on ____________________ soldiers in the Persian Gulf War there was no clear victor to the war when it ended in __________, except for the governments who were able to gain popular support within their own countries Post-Khomeini Iran to this day, Iran is a ______________________________, where power is shared between the ____________________ and an elected ____________________Iran experienced a brief period of reform under President ____________________ (1997-2005), but in 2005 elected the conservative ____________________ since Khomeini’s death in __________, the religious leader of Iran has been Ayatollah ____________________ it is the Ayatollah more than the President who controls key policies in Iran, including ____________________and the ____________________ Exit Question: 12 29/30 NOVEMBER: Persepolis Chapters 1-4; Offsides Entry Question: Discussion Questions Chapter 1: The Veil Why does Marji's mother disguise herself? Why do women have to wear the veil? Why does Marji want to become a prophet? What key historical event or events occur or are referenced in this chapter? Chapter 2: The Bicycle Explain the meaning of this simile: “The revolution is like a bicycle. When the wheels don't turn it falls.” Why does God leave Marji? Why do different people blame different groups for the burning of the Rex cinema? Does it matter? What is another event where blame has been placed in order to serve a political or ideological purpose? What is an event that has been perpetuated in order to further a cause? What key historical event or events occur or are referenced in this chapter? Chapter 3: The Water Cell Is Marji's grandfather for or against the government? 13 Why does he become a communist? What is the consequence of his being a communist? Why does Marji's textbook say the Shah was chosen by God? Do we see anything similar in our schools or textbooks? Why does Marji simulate a water cell? What key historical event or events occur or are referenced in this chapter? Chapter 4: Persepolis Are Marji’s parents for or against the government? Why does the Shah pay tribute to Cyrus and celebrate ancient Persian history? What key historical event or events occur or are referenced in this chapter? Chapters 1-4: What are the causes of the Iranian Revolution as portrayed in Persepolis thus far? How has Marji experienced the causes and initial stages of the Revolution? Offsides Response: Would you have risked arrest in order to do something you felt you were unjustly prevented from doing? What would you have done? Why? 14 3 DECEMBER: Iranian Visual Culture Presentation Calligraphy and Miniature Painting Maryrdom: Shi`ism and Persepolis Free-write Posters & Propaganda 15 Photography of `Abbas What do you see in this image? What do you think is happening in this image? What questions do you have about this image? What do you see in this image? What do you think is happening in this image? What questions do you have about this image? What do you see in this image? What do you think is happening in this image? What questions do you have about this image? 16 4/5 DECEMBER: Persepolis Chapters 5-9; Iranian Government Presentation Entry Question: Discussion Questions Chapter 5: The Letter Why do you think the book signing was clandestine? Why does Marji feel shame? What does Marji understand to be the reason for the Revolution? Do you think Marji's dad is for or against social classes? What key historical event or events occur or are referenced in this chapter? Chapter 6: The Party Why does the Shah attempt to create a democracy? How do the people respond to these attempts? Why wouldn't any countries accept the Shah? How does the exile of the Shah affect the immediate lives of some Iranians? What key historical event or events occur or are referenced in this chapter? Chapter 7: The Heroes Why do you think the CIA trained the torturers? Why does Marji's mother say it is dangerous to forgive bad people? 17 Why does Marji abandon dialectic materialism? What key historical event or events occur or are referenced in this chapter? Chapter 8: Moscow Why did Marji's grandfather remain loyal to the Shah? Why does Fereydoon stay to meet the Shah's soldiers? Why is it important for Marji to have a hero in her family? What key historical event or events occur or are referenced in this chapter? Chapter 9: The Sheep What are the idealisitic differences within the Revolution? Do you think the elections were faked? Why/why not? Why do Marji's friends leave Iran? What war starts? What do you think “Islamic Republic” means? Why were the heroes executed? Why where they enemies of the Republic? Why does Marji reject God? What key historical event or events occur or are referenced in this chapter? Chapters 5-9 Describe how the meaning of the Revolution changed over time. 18 Iranian Government Presentation Ayatollah Khomeini even before the Revolution, Ayatollah Khomeini was a fierce opponent of the Shah, calling for the ____________________ of Iranian __________ and __________ Khomeini appealed to a ____________________of ____________________ ____________________forced him into __________, from which he did not return until ____________________ left Iran for good while in __________, he developed the concept of the ____________________or __________________________________________________ Velayat-e Faqeh the idea of the velayat-e faqeh is that ______________________________specializing in __________ were best suited to lead those who need guidance Ayatollah Khomeini wanted to apply this concept to ____________________ Khomeini worked with religious and political leaders during the Revolution to establish the __________________________________________________ through this process, Khomeini ____________________ in fighting for a system based on the velayat-e faqeh the system set up by Khomeini enabled him to maintain ____________________ over the ______________________________and the ____________________ until his death in __________ 19 Unlected Positions & Groups Supreme Islamic Jurist: ___________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Head of Judiciary: _______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Armed Forces: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Council of Guardians: ____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Expediency Council: ______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Elected Positions & Groups President: ______________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Cabinet: _______________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Majlis: ________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Assembly of Experts: _____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Balance of Power _____________________________________ & _____________________________________ control ______________________________, ______________________________, and ____________________ they also approve ____________________ and __________ 20 ____________________ passes laws ____________________ manages the inner workings of the ____________________ Iran’s Nuclear Ambitions ongoing dispute between Iran and the West over Iran’s attempts to enrich __________________ Iran: focused on nuclear __________, should have the right to develop nuclear __________ as a ____________________ West: Iran just wants to develop nuclear ____________________, which could ____________________ the region and lead to armed conflict with ____________________ long process of ____________________, ____________________, ______________________________ Video Clip Comments: 21 6/7 DECEMBER: Persepolis Chapters 10-14; Ten Entry Question: Discussion Questions Chapter 10: The Trip Why does the government make women veil? Why does the government close the universities? Why does Iraq attack Iran? Why did Iranians occupy the American embassy and take hostages? What key historical event or events occur or are referenced in this chapter? Chapter 11: The F-14s Why doesn't Marji's father believe the news? Why does Marji think that her father is not a patriot? What does patriotism mean to you? Compare and contrast Marji and Pardisse's reports and experiences of the war. What key historical event or events occur or are referenced in this chapter? Chapter 12: The Jewels Why are the Iranians turning on each other? Why does Mali's family move to Tehran? What key historical event or events occur or are referenced in this chapter? 22 Chapter 13: The Key Why do people beat their chests for the martyrs? Why was Marji's class so irreverent and rebellious? What key historical event or events occur or are referenced in this chapter? Chapter 14: The Wine Why are parties and other activities banned? Why do the police ask to search Marji's parents' apartment? What, if any, are the differences between public and private in Iran during Persepolis? In Iran now? In the United States now? What key historical event or events occur or are referenced in this chapter? Chapters 10-14 How many wars is Iran fighting at this point? What are they? What are their purpose[s]? [10-14] Ten Response: What in this clip is familiar to you? What in this clip is unfamiliar to you? Could this be an American mother and son? Why/why not? 23 10 DECEMBER: Persepolis Chapters 15-19 Entry Question: Chapter 15: The Cigarette Why doesn't Iran accept the proposed peace? What does “to die a martyr is to inject blood into the veins of society” mean? What is Marji's reaction to being punished? Why? What key historical event or events occur or are referenced in this chapter? Chapter 16: The Passport Why did Iran close its borders? Why is it so difficult to get a passport? What key historical event or events occur or are referenced in this chapter? Chapter 17: Kim Wilde Why are posters and other Western items illegal? Why do you think Marji's mother is permissive about letting her go out? What would you do in Marji's place when she faces the Guardians of the Revolution? What key historical event or events occur or are referenced in this chapter? Chapter 18: The Shabbat Why is this chapter entitled “The Shabbat?” What does Marji see in the rubble? 24 What key historical event or events occur or are referenced in this chapter? Chapter 19: The Dowry Why do the police give a dowry to Niloufar's parents? Give three reasons Marji's parents decide to send her out of Iran. What key historical event or events occur or are referenced in this chapter? Chapters 15-19 How is historical revisionism used by controlling powers? Compare and contrast conditions in Iran under the Shah, during the Revolution and during the Iran-Iraq War as depicted in Persepolis. 25 11/12 DECEMBER: No One Knows About Persian Cats No One Knows About Persian Cats Response: Why is it so difficult for Ashkan and Negar to play their music abroad? What do they have to do in order to achieve their goal? What in the music is familiar to you? What in the music is unfamiliar to you? How far would you go to do something you loved? HW: Questions for Guest Speaker 26 Persepolis Timeline For this assignment, you will create a timeline of events in Iranian history depicted or mentioned in Persepolis. You are required to include fifteen items in your timeline in chronological order. For each event you will complete the following: the date of the event (as specific as possible), a description of event in Iranian history, the chapter of Persepolis in which the event was depicted, and a description of how Marji experienced or responded to the event. This is to be completed outside of class and submitted as part of your completed packet. This assignment is worth 50 points. DATE OF EVENT EVENT NAME & DESCRIPTION CHAPTER IN Persepolis MARJI’S EXPERIENCE / RESPONSE 27 DATE OF EVENT EVENT NAME & DESCRIPTION CHAPTER IN Persepolis MARJI’S EXPERIENCE / RESPONSE 28 DATE OF EVENT EVENT NAME & DESCRIPTION CHAPTER IN Persepolis MARJI’S EXPERIENCE / RESPONSE 29