50 Years of the ACS International Activities Committee The 1960’s IAC Chairs Dr. W. Albert Noyes, 1963 Dr. Robert C. Elderfield 1964-1966 Dr. W. Albert Noyes 1967-1968 "In science, even the best-laid-out ideas frequently don't work out." "You have to find a way to get around the difficulties. If you give up right away, you won't get anywhere.“ - Ernest Eliel The 1970’s IAC Chairs Dr. John C. Sheehan 1969-1973 Dr. Robert W. Parry 1974-1976 Dr. Glenn T. Seaborg 1977-1980 “My advice is this: Do not worry too much about your intelligence, about how you compare with your contemporaries, but concentrate on going as far as possible with the basic endowments nature has given you. Don't underestimate yourself. . . . Set yourself a high goal of achievement and exert yourself to advance toward this.” - Glenn Seaborg The 1980’s IAC Chairs Dr. Cyril Ponnamperuma 1981-1983 Dr. Bryant W. Rossiter 1984-1986 Dr. Helen M. Free 1987-1989 “You have given me the opportunity to make a personal impact on one of largest and most influential scientific organizations in the world. I welcome the challenge.” - Helen Free The 1990’s IAC Chairs Dr. Roland Hirsch 1990-1992 Dr. Edwin D. Becker 1993-1995 Dr. David L. Venezky 1996-1997 Dr. Mary Good 1998-2000 Dr. Roland Hirsch Dr. Edwin Becker Dr. Mary Good Project Bookshare The 2000’s IAC Chairs Dr. William Carroll 2001-2003 Dr. Catherine Costello 2004-2005 Dr. Nina I. McClelland 2006-2008 Dr. Peter Dorhout 2009-2009 Dr. Judith L. Benham 2010-2012 Dr. William Carroll Dr. Catherine Costello Dr. Nina McClelland ACS Saudi Arabia Chapter Dr. Judith L. Benham Dr. Peter Dorhout Frontiers of Chemical Sciences: Research & Education in the Middle East "It's unbelievable how much everyone wants to be part of what we are doing. It's just amazing. The point is that all of us need to continue the effort to use science as our common language--as our common interest--to reach stability in the Middle East.“ - Zafra M. Lerman, Professor of Chemistry, Columbia College “When scientists meet, the science becomes a vehicle to goodwill and cooperation across political borders that divide regions having a common, entangled future.“ - Leiv K. Sydnes, IUPAC President ACS Welcomes Delegation of 10 Iraqi Chemists International Activities Committee Roster Chair Dr. Judith L. Benham 2012-2012 Members Dr. Judith L. Benham 2010-2012 Dr. Madan M. Bhasin 2011-2013 Dr. Susan B. Butts 2010-2012 Dr. Guang Cao 2010-2012 Dr. Eun-Woo Chang* 2011-2013 Dr. Ellene T. Contis* 2012-2014 Dr. Richard S. Danchik 2010-2012 Dr. Richard W. Hartmann 2011-2013 Dr. Bryan R. Henry* 2012-2014 Dr. John O. Hoberg 2012-2014 Dr. Rolande R. Hodel 2010-2012 Dr. Michael Hurrey 2012-2014 Dr. Gabriel A. Infante 2010-2012 Dr. Venera Jouraeva 2011-2013 Dr. Eli M. Pearce 2012-2014 Dr. Martin Thompson 2012-2013 Committee Associates Dr. Morton Z. Hoffman 2012-2012 Dr. Csaba Janaky 2012-2012 Ms. Jody A. Kocsis 2012-2012 Ms. Rama Konduri 2012-2012 Dr. Agnes M. Rimando 2012-2012 Dr. Jonathan L. Sessler 2012-2012 Dr. Isai T. Urasa 2012-2012 Dr. Douglas B. Walters 2012-2012 Staff Liaison Dr. Bradley D. Miller 2007Committee on Committees Liaison Dr. Ingrid Montes 2010-2012 *Sub Committee Chairs Dr. Eun-Woo Chang - Asia and the Pacific Basin Dr. Ellene T. Contis - Europe and the Middle East Dr. Bryan R. Henry - Africa and the Americas