US History II Final Exam Study Guide Chapter 25: Civil Rights

US History II Final Exam Study Guide
Chapter 25: Civil Rights Movement – Define the following terms and people. Know and understand
the historical significance of each.
“Separate but Equal”:
Congress of Racial Equality:
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka:
“Southern Manifesto”:
Stokely Carmichael
Martin Luther King Jr.
Rosa Parks:
Southern Christian Leadership Conference:
De facto Segregation:
Story of Little Rock integration:
SNCC: (Goals)
Freedom Riders: (Goals)
Kennedy on Civil Rights:
Events in Selma Alabama:
Civil Rights Act of 1964:
Voting Rights Act of 1965:
Malcolm X and Black Panthers
MLK Assassination:
Chapter 26: Vietnam War – Define the following terms and people. Be sure to include the
historical significance of each.
Vietnam during WWII & French involvement in Vietnam:
Dien Bien Phu:
Ho Chi Minh:
Ngo Dinh Diem:
Eisenhower’s Domino Theory:
Geneva Accords:
Containment: (Foreign policy of…)
Why was Diem disliked and what happened to him?
What happened in the Gulf of Tonkin and what came of it?
How did the Gulf of Tonkin “spark” US involvement?
Agent Orange:
Ho Chi Minh Trail:
Westmoreland and the Credibility Gap:
Media and the War:
The draft and reactions:
Hawks and Doves:
Tet Offensive:
1968 Election:
Assassination of Robert Kennedy:
War Protests:
Kissinger and Vietnamization:
My Lai Massacre:
Invasion of Cambodia:
Pentagon papers:
Treatment of troops upon arrival to US:
Vietnam after the war:
War Powers Act:
Chapter 27: The Politics of Protest - Define the following terms and people. Be sure to include the
historical significance of each
Free Speech Movement:
Feminist Movement of the 1960’s:
Equal Pay Act:
Betty Friedan:
Gloria Steinem:
Title VII of Civil Rights Act:
Title IV;
Equal Rights Amendment:
Phyllis Schlafly and why she opposed ERA:
Roe v. Wade:
Griswold v. Connecticut:
Planned Parenthood v. Casey:
Achievements v. Failures of Feminist Movement
Latino movements to US:
League of United Latin American Citizens:
United Farm Workers:
La Raza Unida:
Bilingual Education Act:
Chapter 28: Nixon, Ford, and Carter - Define the following terms and people. Be sure to include the
historical significance of each.
The Southern Strategy:
New Federalism:
The Nixon Doctrine:
Watergate Scandal:
The Break in at the DNC:
The Role of Congress in the scandal:
The Role of the Courts in the scandal:
Nixon’s Trial:
Federal Campaign Act Amendments:
OPEC embargo:
Ford’s economic policies:
Helsinki Accords:
1976 Election:
Carter’s foreign policy:
Carter’s economic policies:
Camp David Accords:
Affirmative Action:
University of California Regents v. Bakke:
African American Political Leaders:
American Indian protests and activism:
American Disabilities Rights Movement:
The beginnings of the Environmental Movement:
Environmental Protection Agency:
Love Canal:
Three Mile Island:
Pro’s and con’s Nuclear Energy:
Environmental Acts and Amendments:
Chapter 29: Reagan and the 80’s - Define the following terms and people. Be sure to include the
historical significance of each.
Liberal Views v. Conservative Views:
Relate the Cold War to the rise of Conservatism:
William F. Buckley:
Rise of Conservatism in the Sunbelt Region:
Rise of Conservatism in the Suburbs:
Religious Conservatism:
Deregulating regulations:
Reaganomics and the poor, middle class, and wealthy:
1980 Election:
1984 Election:
Regan’s judicial appointments:
Reagan Doctrine:
Iran-Contra Scandal:
Mikhail Gorbachev:
1980’s Economy:
Society during 1980’s:
Stonewall Riots:
Fall of the Soviet Union:
Revolt at Tiananmen Square:
Saddam Hussein and the Persian Gulf War:
1992 Election:
All Presidents from FDR until current time –
US President Number
Years President
Political Affiliation