Respect for Religious Belief - Northern Illinois University

The Founders on
Respect for Religious Belief
The Bill of Rights Institute
DePaul University, Chicago, IL
October 11, 2007
Artemus Ward
Department of Political Science
Northern Illinois University
Religion in
Early America
• Throughout America, as
throughout Europe, religious
life and political life were
intimately tied during the 17th
and 18th centuries.
• Debates over religious
toleration generally
concerned whether people
holding minority beliefs—be
they Catholics in a Protestant
country, Protestants in a
Catholic nation, or dissenting
Protestant groups within
either—should be allowed to
practice their religion without
criminal sanction.
A Case Study in Persecution and Toleration
In Virginia, religious persecution, directed at Baptists and, to a lesser degree, at Presbyterians, took
place both before and after the Declaration of Independence. The perpetrators were members of the
Church of England, sometimes acting as vigilantes but often operating in tandem with local
authorities. Physical violence was usually reserved for Baptists, against whom there was social as
well as theological animosity.
One Baptist elder was jailed for praying in a private home; for good measure, his host was also
Elijah Craig, later to work with James Madison on religious issues, was arrested while “at the
plough,” jailed, and fed rye bread and water. He preached to all who came to the jail and was
released after one month.
A notorious instance of abuse in 1771 of a well-known Baptist preacher, "Swearin Jack" Waller, was
described by the victim: "The Parson of the Parish [accompanied by the local sheriff] would keep
running the end of his horsewhip in [Waller's] mouth, laying his whip across the hymn book, etc.
When done singing [Waller] proceeded to prayer. In it he was violently jerked off the stage; they
caught him by the back part of his neck, beat his head against the ground, sometimes up and
sometimes down, they carried him through the gate . . . where a gentleman [the sheriff] gave him . . .
twenty lashes with his horsewhip."
Unlawful Preaching
• Many Baptist ministers refused on principle to apply to local authorities for a
license to preach, as Virginia law required, for they considered it intolerable
to ask another man's permission to preach the Gospel. As a result, they
exposed themselves to arrest for "unlawfull Preaching," as Nathaniel
Saunders (1735-1808) allegedly had done. Saunders, at this time, was the
minister of the Mountain Run Baptist Church in Orange County, Virginia.
Dunking of Baptist Ministers
• David Barrow was pastor of the
Mill Swamp Baptist Church in the
Portsmouth, Virginia, area. He and
a "ministering brother," Edward
Mintz, were conducting a service in
1778, when they were attacked.
"As soon as the hymn was given
out, a gang of well-dressed men
came up to the stage . . . and sang
one of their obscene songs. Then
they took to plunge both of the
preachers. They plunged Mr.
Barrow twice, pressing him into the
mud, holding him down, nearly
succeeding in drowning him . . .
His companion was plunged but
once . . . Before these persecuted
men could change their clothes
they were dragged from the house,
and driven off by these enraged
James Madison
• The persecution of Baptists made a strong,
negative impression on many patriot leaders,
whose loyalty to principles of civil liberty
exceeded their loyalty to the Church of
England in which they were raised.
• James Madison was not the only patriot to
despair, as he did in 1774, that the "diabolical
Hell conceived principle of persecution
rages" in his native colony.
• Madison’s first notable public action was to
secure an amendment to the Virginia
Declaration of Rights (1776), altering the
article that originally promised “the fullest
toleration in the exercise of religion” to the
broader affirmation that “all men are equally
entitled to the free exercise of religion,
according to the dictates of conscience.”
• However, Madison’s greatest contribution to
religious liberty came a decade later.
Patrick Henry
In 1779 the Virginia Assembly deprived Church of
England ministers of tax support.
Patrick Henry sponsored a bill for a general religious
assessment in 1784. The tax on property holders
would provide public funds for teachers of all Christian
denominations. Similar to those passed in the New
England states, the bill permitted individuals to
earmark their taxes for the church of their choice.
Arguments used in Virginia were similar to those that
had been employed in Massachusetts a few years
earlier. Proponents of a general religious tax,
principally Anglicans, urged that it should be
supported on "Principles of Public Utility" because
Christianity offered the "best means of promoting
Virtue, Peace, and Prosperity.“
Opponents were led by Baptists, supported by
Presbyterians (some of whom vacillated on the issue),
and theological liberals. As in Massachusetts, they
argued that government support of religion corrupted
it. Virginians also made a strong libertarian case that
government involvement in religion violated a
people's civil and natural rights.
Henry appeared to be on the verge of securing its
passage when his opponents neutralized his political
influence by electing him governor. As a result,
legislative consideration of Henry's bill was postponed
until the fall of 1785, giving its adversaries an
opportunity to mobilize public opposition to it.
This broadside contains (at
the bottom) the opening
sections of Patrick Henry's
general assessment bill. At
the top of the broadside are
the results of a vote in the
Virginia General Assembly
to postpone consideration
of the bill until the fall 1785
session of the legislature.
Voting against
postponement and,
therefore, in support of a
general tax for religion was
the future Chief Justice of
the United States, John
• In this letter George
Washington informs his friend
and neighbor, George Mason,
in the midst of the public
agitation over Patrick Henry's
general assessment bill, that
he does not, in principle,
oppose "making people pay
towards the support of that
which they profess," although
he considers it "impolitic" to
pass a measure that will
disturb public tranquility. -George Washington to George
Mason, October 3, 1785
Henry Lee
Richard Henry Lee, who moved in
the Continental Congress, June 7,
1776, that the United States
declare its independence from
Britain, supported Patrick Henry's
bill because he believed that the
influence of religion was the surest
means of creating the virtuous
citizens needed to make a
republican government work. His
remark that "refiners may weave
as fine a web of reason as they
please, but the experience of all
times shows religion to be the
guardian of morals" appears to be
aimed at Thomas Jefferson who,
at this point in his career, was
thought by other Virginians to
believe that sufficient republican
morality could be instilled in the
citizenry by instructing it solely in
history and the classics. -- Richard
Henry Lee to James Madison,
November 26, 1784
Memorial and Remonstrance
Against Religious Assessments
• While Madison’s target was religion,
he stressed a broader point involving
respect for minority rights:
• “True it is, that no other rule exists,
by which any question which may
divide a Society, can be ultimately
determined, but the will of the
majority; but it is also true that the
majority may trespass on the rights
of the minority.”
• His language was harsh, describing
lawmakers who would enact such
laws as “tyrants” while “the people
who submit to it are governed by
laws made neither by themselves
nor by an authority derived from
them, and are slaves.”
James Madison, 1783
James Madison and Public Opinion
• Madison led the fight against
Henry’s assessment bill.
• He anonymously published
his Memorial and
Remonstrance in order to
rally opposition.
• He circulated his arguments
as one of several petitions
that collectively gained more
than 10,000 signatures,
which proved decisive when
the assembly ultimately
rejected the assessment bill.
Thomas Jefferson
• After he finished drafting the
Declaration of Independence, in
1777 Jefferson wrote The Virginia
Act for Establishing Religious
Freedom. The act was debated
but ultimately postponed by the
Virginia General Assembly in
• After Madison’s Memorial and
Remonstrance succeeded in
getting the assessment bill
tabled, Madison persuaded the
legislature to instead enact
Jefferson’s Bill for Religious
Freedom—now considered a
landmark in the struggle for
religious liberty.
Virginia Bill for Religious Liberty (1786)
Well aware that Almighty God hath created the mind
free; that all attempts to influence it by temporal
punishments or burdens, or by civil incapacitations,
tend only to beget habits of hypocrisy and meanness,
and are a departure from the plan of the Holy Author of
our religion…
that the impious presumption of legislators and rulers,
civil as well as ecclesiastical, who, being themselves
but fallible and uninspired men, have assumed
dominion over the faith of others, setting up their own
opinions and modes of thinking as the only true and
infallible, and as such endeavoring to impose them on
others, hath established and maintained false religions
over the greatest part of the world, and through all time;
that to compel a man to furnish contributions of money
for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves, is
sinful and tyrannical;
that even the forcing him to support this or that teacher
of his own religious persuasion, is depriving him of the
comfortable liberty of giving his contributions to the
particular pastor whose morals he would make his
pattern, and whose powers he feels most persuasive to
that our civil rights have no dependence on our
religious opinions, more than our opinions in physics or
Virginia Bill for Religious Liberty (1786)
• Be it therefore enacted by the General Assembly, That no
man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious
worship, place, or ministry whatsoever, nor shall be enforced,
restrained, molested, or burdened in his body or goods, nor
shall otherwise suffer on account of his religious opinions or
belief; but that all men shall be free to profess, and by
argument to maintain, their opinions in matters of religion,
and that the same shall in nowise diminish, enlarge, or affect
their civil capacities.
• And though we well know this Assembly, elected by the
people for the ordinary purposes of legislation only, have no
powers equal to our own and that therefore to declare this act
irrevocable would be of no effect in law, yet we are free to
declare, and do declare, that the rights hereby asserted are
of the natural rights of mankind, and that if any act shall be
hereafter passed to repeal the present or to narrow its
operation, such act will be an infringement of natural right.
The U.S. Constitution
• The views articulated by both
Madison and Jefferson in Virginia
shaped the religion provisions of the
U.S. Constitution (1787) both via
formal amendment and informal
• Consistent with their earlier
positions, both expressed a belief
that the best way for government to
respect religion was through a
formal separation.
James Madison’s Speech Introducing
Proposed Constitutional Amendments
• “The civil rights of none shall
be abridged on account of
religious belief or worship, nor
shall any national religion be
established, nor shall the full
and equal rights of conscience
be in any manner, or on any
pretext, infringed.”
• After debate, the final language
became: “Congress shall make
no law respecting an
establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise
President Thomas Jefferson’s
Letter to the Danbury Baptist Association
“Believing with you that religion is a matter
which lies solely between man & his god, that
he owes account to none other for his faith or
his worship, that the legitimate powers of
government reach actions only, and not
opinions, I contemplate with sovereign
reverence that act of the whole American
people which declared that their legislature
should “make no law respecting an
establishment of religion, or prohibiting the
free exercise thereof,” thus building a wall of
separation between church and state.
Adhering to this expression of the supreme
will of the nation in behalf of the rights of
conscience, I shall see with sincere
satisfaction the progress of those sentiments
which tend to restore to man all his natural
rights, convinced he has no natural right in
opposition to his social duties.”
• Frohnen, Bruce, ed., The American Republic: Primary Sources
(Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2002).
• Ketcham, Ralph, James Madison: A Biography (Charlottesville:
University of Virginia Press, 1971, 1990).
• Rakove, Jack N., Original Meanings: Politics and Ideas in the
Making of the Constitution (New York: Knopf, 1996).
• “Religion and the Founding of the American Republic,” Library of