
Wordlist 10
Solving a Crime with Science
1. Coincidentally (adv.)
Definition: Happening by chance, not planned
Synonym: accidentally, fortuitously
Example: The highest scorers, coincidentally, were all women.
Word Family:
non·co·in·ci·den·tal, adjective
non·co·in·ci·den·tal·ly, adverb
un·co·in·ci·den·tal, adjective
un·co·in·ci·den·tal·ly, adverb
2. Collapse (v.)
Definition: If someone collapses, they fall down because
they are ill or weak
Synonym: faint, pass out, fall unconscious
Example: He collapsed and died of a heart attack.
Word Family:
pre·col·lapse, verb, pre·col·lapsed, pre·col·laps·ing.
un·col·lapsed, adjective
3. Conclude (v.)
Definition: to determine by reasoning; deduce; infer
Synonym: deduce, infer, judge
They studied the document and concluded that the author musthave been a
n eyewitness.
Word Family:
con·clud·a·ble, con·clud·i·ble, adjective
con·clud·er, noun
non·con·clud·ing, adjective
pre·con·clude, verb (used with object), pre·con·clud·ed, pre·con·clud·i
un·con·clud·a·ble, adjective
4. Confront (v.)
Definition: to face, meet, or deal with a difficult situation
or person.
Synonym: face, defy, tackle,
Example: As she left the court, she was confronted by angry
crowds who tried to block her way.
Word Family:
con·front·al, con·front·ment, noun
con·front·er, noun
re·con·front, verb (used with object)
un·con·front·ed, adjective
5. Consult (v.)
Definition: to get information or advice from a person,
book, etc. with special knowledge on a particular subject
Synonym: seek advice, take counsel from,
Example: If the symptoms get worse, consult your doctor.
Word Family:
pre·con·sult, verb
re·con·sult, verb
un·con·sult·ed, adjective
6. Contrary (adj.)
Definition: the opposite
Synonym: opposite, contradictory, conflicting
Example: I was worried that it might be too difficult for me but I
found the contrary.
Word Family:
con·trar·i·ly, adverb
con·trar·i·ness, noun
qua·si-con·trar·i·ly, adverb
qua·si-con·trar·y, adjective
7. Detect (v.)
Definition: to discover something, usually using special
Synonym: discover, find out,
Example: High levels of lead were detected in the atmosphere.
Word Family:
de·tect·a·ble, de·tect·i·ble, adjective
de·tect·a·bil·i·ty, de·tect·i·bil·i·ty, noun
pre·de·tect, verb (used with object)
un·de·tect·a·ble, adjective
un·de·tect·a·b·ly, adverb
8. Establish (v.)
Definition: to start a company or organization that will
continue for a long
Synonym: start, initiate, institute, found
Example: The brewery was established in 1822.
Word Family:
es·tab·lish·a·ble, adjective
es·tab·lish·er, noun
qua·si-es·tab·lished, adjective
re·es·tab·lish, verb (used with object)
su·per·es·tab·lish, verb (used with object)
9. Instance (n.)
Definition: a particular situation, event, or fact, especially
an example of something that happens generally
Synonym: example, occasion
Example: There have been several instances of violence at the
Word Family:
coun·ter·in·stance, noun
un·in·stanced, adjective
10. Insurance (n.)
Definition: an agreement in which you pay a company
money and they pay your costs if you have an accident,
injury, etc.
Synonym: assurance, indemnity
Example: I'll need to take out extra car insurance for another
Word Family:
non·in·sur·ance, noun
pre·in·sur·ance, noun
pro·in·sur·ance, adjective
11. Investigation (n.)
Definition: the act or process of examining a crime,
problem, statement, etc. carefully, especially to discover the
Synonym: examination, inquiry, study
Example: Currently, the individuals who might have caused the
accident are subject to/under investigation.
Word Family:
in·ves·ti·ga·tion·al, adjective
pre·in·ves·ti·ga·tion, noun
re·in·ves·ti·ga·tion, noun
12. Logical (adj.)
Definition: using reason
Synonym: reasonable, sensible, rational
Example: Students need the ability to construct a logical argument.
Word Family:
log·i·cal·i·ty noun
Log·i·cal·ly, adverb
hy·per·log·i·cal, adjective
hy·per·log·i·cal·ly, adverb
hy·per·log·i·cal·ness, noun
13. Motive (n.)
Definition: a reason for doing something
Synonym: reason, motivation, cause
Example: Why would she have killed him? She has no motive.
Word Family:
mo·tive·less, adjective
mo·tive·less·ly, adverb
mo·tive·less·ness, noun
well-mo·tived, adjective
14. Odd (adj.)
Definition: strange or unexpected
Synonym: strange, peculiar, weird, queer
Example: Her father was an odd man.
Word Family:
odd·ly, adverb
odd·ness, noun
15. Panel (n.)
Definition: a small group of people chosen to give advice, make a
decision, or publicly discuss their opinions as entertainment
Synonym: group, team, committee
Example: The competition will be judged by a panel of experts.
Word Family:
re·pan·el, verb (used with object), re·pan·eled, re·pan·el·ing or ( espe
cially British ) re·pan·elled,re·pan·el·ling.
sub·pan·el, noun
un·pan·eled, adjective
un·pan·elled, adjective
16. Persistent (adj.)
Definition: lasting for a long time or difficult to get rid of
Synonym: constant, continuous
Example: Symptoms of the illness include a high temperature
and a persistent dry cough.
Word Family:
per·sist·ent·ly, adverb
non·per·sist·ent, adjective
non·per·sist·ent·ly, adverb
17. Recall (v.)
Definition: to bring the memory of a past event into your
mind, and often to give a description of what you
Synonym: remember, recollect
Example: The old man recalled the city as it had been before the
Word Family:
re·call·a·ble, adjective
un·re·call·a·ble, adjective
un·re·called, adjective
18. Scheme (n.)
Definition: a plan for getting an advantage for yourself,
especially by deceiving others
Synonym: plan, plot
Example: There's a new scheme in our town for recycling plastic
Word Family:
scheme·less, adjective
schem·er, noun
out·scheme, verb (used with object), out·schemed, out·schem·ing.
sub·scheme, noun
un·der·scheme, noun
19. Suddenly (adv.)
Definition: quickly and unexpectedly
Synonym: immediately, instantaneously, abruptly
Example: "Do you remember much about the accident?" "No, it
all happened so suddenly."
Word Family: