
Chapter 9
Attitudes, Emotions, & Work
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Module 9.1: Job Satisfaction
• Job satisfaction
– Positive attitude or emotional state
resulting from appraisal of one’s job
Job Satisfaction – Brief History
• Early period of job satisfaction research
• Found both job-related & individual
difference variables might influence job
• Hawthorne effect
– Change in behavior or attitudes that was the
simple result of increased attention
History: An evolution
• Porter & Lawler proposed overall job
satisfaction was result of various calculations
individuals made regarding what they believed
they deserved from their job
• Included elements of VIE & equity theory
Model of Determinants of Satisfaction
Figure 9.1
Model of the Determinants
of Satisfaction
Source: Lawler (1973).
An Evolution (cont'd)
• Value theory (Locke, 1976)
– Relative importance of particular job aspect to a
given worker influenced range of that worker’s
response to it
• Opponent process theory (Landy, 1978)
– Every emotional reaction is accompanied by an
opposing emotional reaction
Relation b/w High Performance
Work Practices and Job Sat.
Figure 9.2
Presumed Antecedents, Correlates, &
Consequences of Job Satisfaction
Figure 9.3
Measurement of Job Satisfaction
Overall vs. Facet Satisfaction
• Overall satisfaction
• Results either from mathematically
combining scores based on satisfaction or a
single overall evaluative rating of the job
• Facet satisfaction
• Information related to specific elements of
job satisfaction
Faces Scale
Figure 9.4
Satisfaction Questionnaires
• Job Descriptive Index (JDI)
• Assesses satisfaction with work itself, supervision,
people, pay, & promotion
• Heavily researched but tends to be lengthy
• Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ)
• Calculates “extrinsic” & “intrinsic” satisfaction scores
• Job Satisfaction Scale (JSS) Spector
• Nine facets
Module 9.2: Moods, Emotions,
Attitudes, & Behavior
• Alternative forms of work satisfaction
Progressive work satisfaction
Stabilized work satisfaction
Resigned work satisfaction
Pseudo-work satisfaction
Constructive work dissatisfaction
Fixated work dissatisfaction
Alternative Forms of Satisfaction
• Resigned work satisfaction &
constructive work dissatisfaction are
most salient for organizations
• Those 2 dimensions are most
appropriate to concentrate on in any
attempts at organizational change
Different Forms of Work
Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction
Figure 9.5
Satisfaction vs. Mood vs. Emotion
• Mood
– Generalized feeling not identified with a
particular stimulus & not sufficiently intense to
interrupt ongoing thought processes
• Emotion
– Normally associated with specific events or
occurrences that are intense enough to disrupt
thought processes
– ? Which is more enduring?
Distinctions Among
Emotional Constructs
Figure 9.5
Distinctions Among
Emotional Constructs
Source: Adapted from
Weiss (2002).
Affect Circumplex
Figure 9.6
Affect Circumplex
Source: Adapted from
Weiss (2002).
Emotion (cont'd)
• Process emotions
– Result from consideration of tasks one is
currently doing
• Prospective emotions
– Result from consideration of tasks one
anticipates doing
• Retrospective emotions
– Result from consideration of tasks one has
already completed
Dispositions & Affectivity
• Negative affectivity (NA)
– Often referred to as neuroticism
– Individuals prone to experience diverse array of
negative mood states
• Positive affectivity (PA)
– Often referred to as extraversion
– Individuals prone to describe themselves as cheerful,
enthusiastic, confident, active, & energetic
• Personality characteristics likely to influence
moods, but not necessarily discrete emotions
Genetics & Job Satisfaction
• In a 1986 study, disposition in
adolescence predicted job satisfaction as
long as 50 years later
• Considerably more research is necessary
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Core Evaluations
• Assessments individuals make of their
• Include self-esteem, self-efficacy, & LOC
How do they differ?
• Have effects on both job & life satisfaction
Elements of Core Evaluations
Figure 9.8
Concept of Commitment
Psychological & emotional attachment
an individual feels to a relationship,
organization, goal, or occupation
Forms of Commitment
• Affective commitment
– Emotional attachment to an organization
• Continuance commitment
– Perceived cost of leaving the organization
• Normative commitment
– Obligation to remain in the organization
• Which is most important for work motivation? Why?
Two Models of Commitment
Figure 9.9
Individual Difference
Variables & Commitment
• Absenteeism & turnover can only be
understood when considering multiple
forms of commitment & multiple
foundations for those commitments
– Why do you think that job satisfaction is not a very good
predictor of absenteeism and turnover?
• Job imbeddedness
• Hobo syndrome
Expanded Model of Identification
Figure 9.10
Graphic Scale of Identification
Figure 9.11
Withdrawal Behaviors
• Work withdrawal
– Attempt to withdraw from work but maintain
ties to organization & work role (includes
lateness & absenteeism)
• Job withdrawal
– Willingness to sever ties to organization &
work role (includes intentions to quit or retire)
• Progression hypothesis
Module 9.3: Related Topics
• Job loss
– Reduces income & daily variety
– Suspension of typical goal setting guiding dayto-day activity
– Fewer decisions to make
– New skills not developed & old skills atrophy
– Social relationships can change radically
• Accomplishing work tasks from distant
location using electronic communications
• # telecommuters will continue to rise
• For many telecommuters, strategic planning
skills & self-reported productivity increase
• Higher satisfaction also reported
Telecommuting (cont’d)
• Possible negative effects
– Worker alienation
– Loss of important sense of identity
– Promotion less likely
– Rapid disillusionment with lack of
promotional opportunities
Work-Family Balance
• Research investigating whether satisfaction
one experiences at work is in part affected
by satisfaction one experiences in non-work
& vice versa
• Negative influences on work-family balance
– Electronically enhanced communications
– Prevalence of multiple roles
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Work-Related Attitudes & Emotions
From Cross-Cultural Perspective
• Individualism & job satisfaction “+” correlated
in some cultures, while collectivism & job
satisfaction “+” correlated in other cultures
• Degree of “fit” related to emotional reactions to
work & subsequent work behaviors
– Important for multinational organizations to
Possible Connection Between
Motivation & Emotion
• People motivated to engage in activities that
have some level of unpredictability in order
to have some sort of emotional experience
• People seek positive emotional experiences
& set reasonably difficult goals that are
likely achievable